And Now We Have Polls Saying Everyone Wants To Impeach Trump?,Yah Right !!


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Lately, Ive been seeing these guests/commentators on Fox bringing up these new polls{or one poll} where maybe? over 50% polled want Trump impeached? Really?, and they bring it up during these arguments/POW-WOW's on Fox.
Yah, and who took these polls? were they oversampling Democrats again?
We all know what the rats are up to. When word got out that only about 30 percent of Americans want to see Trump impeached, they decided to create their own polls,,like they do with ABC/The Compost/CNN/PMS NBC, and the rest.
Just like they did when Hillary was always about 14 points ahead of Trump in 2016
:hyper: :laughing0301: :laugh2: :laugh: :poke:
I don't know , I pay no attention to 'polls' and I see no reason to impeach the TRUMP . Everything is good in my neck of the woods . Its really up to TRUMP to keep fighting back and for the upcoming election I think that the TRUMP will kick azz and win .
After 2016, polls and surveys fool nobody. If you ask 1,000 people something about Trump and 600 of them are Lefties or Left-leaning, guess what the results are going to be? There's no value in the polls any more, it's like everything else in politics and the Media: it's all slanted one way or the other, and mostly to the Left cuz they own most of the Media. I trust the Media and their polls about as much as I trust the politicians, and that's very little. And frankly nothing at all from the Dems.
After 2016, polls and surveys fool nobody. If you ask 1,000 people something about Trump and 600 of them are Lefties or Left-leaning, guess what the results are going to be? There's no value in the polls any more, it's like everything else in politics and the Media: it's all slanted one way or the other, and mostly to the Left cuz they own most of the Media. I trust the Media and their polls about as much as I trust the politicians, and that's very little. And frankly nothing at all from the Dems.
by August, CNN and the rest will have polls with {Whoever} 15 points ahead of Trump in all 58 states
It's part of their propaganda drive to give the appearance of waning support for the President so they can continue their unconstitutional and one sided impeachment inquiry. They're hoping to sway some Republican Senators to defect as well.
Hillary by a landslide.
August 17, 2020,,,,,,OK,,,this just in here at CNN,,,,our latest polls now have {Name} ahead of Trump in at least 45 states, and will likely beat Trump with well over 877 electoral votes

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