And now Yahoo reports AOC gives dire warning that the US headed to full fascism.

We are, as a matter of pure and simple fact, presently in stage 4 of Robert Paxton's Five Stages of Fascism. We are not "headed" anywhere. We are in the middle of an evolving process that results in iterative change between different stages. Fascism, like any political ideology, does not work like a light switch. Fascism doesn't just show up one day. You don't cross a line and suddenly become fascist. Fascism as an ideology has existed within the American political spectrum for a long time, and American fascists--who believe in the philosophical underpinnings of fascism, regardless of what they call themselves--have existed for just as long.

Interesting, thanks.

You should also mention that your diagnosis deviates in important respects from what Paxton outlined. Most notably, fascism is supposed to create a movement, and then to form its own party in order to acquire power via electoral success. You seem to have either dismissed that aspect, or changed Paxton's stages insofar as that movement - presumably the Tea Party movement - didn't form a party, but infested the GOP. That also requires that thereafter, the usual alliances with conservative big wigs of other parties didn't happen in the way Paxton outlined. Rather, the conservative GOP elites accommodated the crazies after a short and meek struggle, and, also presumably, the struggle over who controls the GOP is still ongoing, even while Trump nominally stands at the helm and exercises power.

I also agree that the basic ideological ingredients are present, and have been for a long time, within the "American political spectrum", most notably nationalism, militarism, disregard and contempt for intellectualism, the glorification of will and self-assertion over reasonable persuasion, contempt for liberal democracy and compromise, contempt for a broad variety of minorities throughout history, and depicting the white majority as victims of these minorities, which in turn is supposed to justify whichever measures are deemed necessary to fight back.
EL PASO, Texas — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called the conditions at U.S. migrant detention facilities “horrifying” in an interview Monday evening and doubled down on her comparisons of the situation at the border to World War II.

“Are we headed to fascism? Yes. I don’t think there’s a question,” the congresswoman told Yahoo News hours after she toured the detention facilities run by Customs and Border Protection. “If you actually take the time to study, and to look at the steps, and to see how government transforms under authoritarian regimes, and look at the political decisions and patterns of this president, the answer is yes.”

The U.S. is 'headed to fascism,' says Ocasio-Cortez after tour of detention facilities at southern border The U.S. is 'headed to fascism,' says Ocasio-Cortez after tour of detention facilities at southern border

Yahoo sure loves following this idiot

“Are we headed to fascism? Yes. I don’t think there’s a question,”

We're exactly like Nazi Germany.
I remember the millions of foreigners streaming into Germany in 1933.
EL PASO, Texas — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called the conditions at U.S. migrant detention facilities “horrifying” in an interview Monday evening and doubled down on her comparisons of the situation at the border to World War II.

“Are we headed to fascism? Yes. I don’t think there’s a question,” the congresswoman told Yahoo News hours after she toured the detention facilities run by Customs and Border Protection. “If you actually take the time to study, and to look at the steps, and to see how government transforms under authoritarian regimes, and look at the political decisions and patterns of this president, the answer is yes.”

The U.S. is 'headed to fascism,' says Ocasio-Cortez after tour of detention facilities at southern border The U.S. is 'headed to fascism,' says Ocasio-Cortez after tour of detention facilities at southern border

Yahoo sure loves following this idiot

Why should she care?
She said we only have 10 years left due to climate change.
I wish this ditz would make up her mind (or whatever substitutes for a mind).

The quickest reduction in CO2 we could make is booting 20 million illegal aliens.
They emit much less CO2 back in their shithole country than they do here.
She is becoming less relevant with each passing day the more she makes these over the top moronic claims the less attention people pay to her she has become the Congresswoman who cries wolf.
we have to understand the impact on real human beings. comments on here should be grounded in the experiences of real human beings. that's the right thing to do on this issue, that's the right thing to do on every issue.
We are, as a matter of pure and simple fact, presently in stage 4 of Robert Paxton's Five Stages of Fascism. We are not "headed" anywhere. We are in the middle of an evolving process that results in iterative change between different stages. Fascism, like any political ideology, does not work like a light switch. Fascism doesn't just show up one day. You don't cross a line and suddenly become fascist. Fascism as an ideology has existed within the American political spectrum for a long time, and American fascists--who believe in the philosophical underpinnings of fascism, regardless of what they call themselves--have existed for just as long.

Interesting, thanks.

You should also mention that your diagnosis deviates in important respects from what Paxton outlined. Most notably, fascism is supposed to create a movement, and then to form its own party in order to acquire power via electoral success. You seem to have either dismissed that aspect, or changed Paxton's stages insofar as that movement - presumably the Tea Party movement - didn't form a party, but infested the GOP. That also requires that thereafter, the usual alliances with conservative big wigs of other parties didn't happen in the way Paxton outlined. Rather, the conservative GOP elites accommodated the crazies after a short and meek struggle, and, also presumably, the struggle over who controls the GOP is still ongoing, even while Trump nominally stands at the helm and exercises power.

I also agree that the basic ideological ingredients are present, and have been for a long time, within the "American political spectrum", most notably nationalism, militarism, disregard and contempt for intellectualism, the glorification of will and self-assertion over reasonable persuasion, contempt for liberal democracy and compromise, contempt for a broad variety of minorities throughout history, and depicting the white majority as victims of these minorities, which in turn is supposed to justify whichever measures are deemed necessary to fight back.
in summary...
dudmuck has no shame with that ridiculous avatar and idiotic posts. Come on dudmuck, stop being a dumb fuck! :p

The reality is LEFTISM (or whatever you want to call TDS fucktards) is the new FACISM.
EL PASO, Texas — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called the conditions at U.S. migrant detention facilities “horrifying” in an interview Monday evening and doubled down on her comparisons of the situation at the border to World War II.

“Are we headed to fascism? Yes. I don’t think there’s a question,” the congresswoman told Yahoo News hours after she toured the detention facilities run by Customs and Border Protection. “If you actually take the time to study, and to look at the steps, and to see how government transforms under authoritarian regimes, and look at the political decisions and patterns of this president, the answer is yes.”

The U.S. is 'headed to fascism,' says Ocasio-Cortez after tour of detention facilities at southern border The U.S. is 'headed to fascism,' says Ocasio-Cortez after tour of detention facilities at southern border

Yahoo sure loves following this idiot

So do awestruck conservatives.

Well of course. It is rare that you have a single individual the encapsulates the total stupidity of a whole ideology of the left. I love AOC. I'm glad she's out there exposing just how mindlessly stupid the entire left-wing is. It truly is awe inspiring to watch.

LMAO You bet it is. All anyone has to do is take a tour of the detention center in Texas to find out what a liar she is.

She doesn't care about the thousands of fake asylum seekers we are stuck with. All she cares about is grand standing trying to make herself look good. Only a lefty loon would thinks she's anything other than a whacko.

For a woman with a degree in economics she's one dumb fuck.
So what has been the left's response to her fake crying over a parking lot? You would think if the mistreatment was so bad, that this pathetic demonic lying ignorant bitch would not need to lie about it.


How the fuck does any rational mind allow her to get away with this, and then cling to any of her claims, considering everything she says is that fucking stupid or that big of a fucking lie?

Every fucking liberal (not liberals at all) are fucking liars and that fucking pathetic.
So what has been the left's response to her fake crying over a parking lot? You would think if the mistreatment was so bad, that this pathetic demonic lying ignorant bitch would not need to lie about it.


How the fuck does any rational mind allow her to get away with this, and then cling to any of her claims, considering everything she says is that fucking stupid or that big of a fucking lie?

Every fucking liberal (not liberals at all) are fucking liars and that fucking pathetic.

Did you ever ask why they task you with catapulting the moldiest, most imbecilic InfoWars memes?
So what has been the left's response to her fake crying over a parking lot? You would think if the mistreatment was so bad, that this pathetic demonic lying ignorant bitch would not need to lie about it.


How the fuck does any rational mind allow her to get away with this, and then cling to any of her claims, considering everything she says is that fucking stupid or that big of a fucking lie?

Every fucking liberal (not liberals at all) are fucking liars and that fucking pathetic.

Did you ever ask why they task you with catapulting the moldiest, most imbecilic InfoWars memes?
Actually, you fucking loser snopes the left wing "fact check" was debunked for their false claim. You fucking loser.

EL PASO, Texas — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called the conditions at U.S. migrant detention facilities “horrifying” in an interview Monday evening and doubled down on her comparisons of the situation at the border to World War II.

“Are we headed to fascism? Yes. I don’t think there’s a question,” the congresswoman told Yahoo News hours after she toured the detention facilities run by Customs and Border Protection. “If you actually take the time to study, and to look at the steps, and to see how government transforms under authoritarian regimes, and look at the political decisions and patterns of this president, the answer is yes.”

The U.S. is 'headed to fascism,' says Ocasio-Cortez after tour of detention facilities at southern border The U.S. is 'headed to fascism,' says Ocasio-Cortez after tour of detention facilities at southern border

Yahoo sure loves following this idiot

She is absolutely right. The democrat party is the party of fascism, and they are going 100% full fascist as soon as they get total power...
Fascism is the opposite of democracy.
Those who prohibit voting are fascists.
Those who want more people to vote are anti-fascists.

Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete and regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties.[8] Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.[8] Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence, war and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation.[9][10] Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky (national economic self-sufficiency) through protectionist and interventionist economic policies.[11]

Dear dudmuck
Thank you for explaining why you see things this way.

Do you agree there is a difference between
* legal immigration which HELPS manage more applicants SAFELY by staying orderly
illegal immigration, trafficking and lax enforcement that ENCOURAGES and INCITES criminals to take advantage of poor people

and between
* LEGAL voting which reflects accurate representation of citizens and taxpayers
* voter fraud and abuses that disrupt the system and destroy public faith and integrity in govt and the democratic process

If you feel the current laws need reform, then there are LEGAL ways of changing them.

As for economic and political equality, that must first be addressed by
education and empowerment, so people can solve their own problems
as directly as possible, for equal ownership and power, instead of relying on party or govt
as you are saying "fascists" try to use for control.
Actually, you fucking loser snopes the left wing "fact check" was debunked for their false claim. You fucking loser.

So, you found some goof on YouDupe who said "debunked"?

Do yourself a favor, do NOT under any circumstances ask them why they task you with catapulting the moldiest, most imbecilic InfoWars memes, okay?
Actually, you fucking loser snopes the left wing "fact check" was debunked for their false claim. You fucking loser.

So, you found some goof on YouDupe who said "debunked"?

Do yourself a favor, do NOT under any circumstances ask them why they task you with catapulting the moldiest, most imbecilic InfoWars memes, okay?
Go fuck yourself you pathetic piece of shit. Fuck you and your socialist bullshit you fucking loser and fuck your pathetic continent.

Fucking loser
Is it 12 years to full fascism.

Does the bartender have a new deal to save us all I hope.

EL PASO, Texas — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called the conditions at U.S. migrant detention facilities “horrifying” in an interview Monday evening and doubled down on her comparisons of the situation at the border to World War II.

“Are we headed to fascism? Yes. I don’t think there’s a question,” the congresswoman told Yahoo News hours after she toured the detention facilities run by Customs and Border Protection. “If you actually take the time to study, and to look at the steps, and to see how government transforms under authoritarian regimes, and look at the political decisions and patterns of this president, the answer is yes.”

The U.S. is 'headed to fascism,' says Ocasio-Cortez after tour of detention facilities at southern border The U.S. is 'headed to fascism,' says Ocasio-Cortez after tour of detention facilities at southern border

Yahoo sure loves following this idiot

She is absolutely right. The democrat party is the party of fascism, and they are going 100% full fascist as soon as they get total power...
Fascism is the opposite of democracy.
Those who prohibit voting are fascists.
Those who want more people to vote are anti-fascists.

Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete and regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties.[8] Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.[8] Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence, war and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation.[9][10] Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky (national economic self-sufficiency) through protectionist and interventionist economic policies.[11]

Dear dudmuck
Thank you for explaining why you see things this way.

Do you agree there is a difference between
* legal immigration which HELPS manage more applicants SAFELY by staying orderly
illegal immigration, trafficking and lax enforcement that ENCOURAGES and INCITES criminals to take advantage of poor people

and between
* LEGAL voting which reflects accurate representation of citizens and taxpayers
* voter fraud and abuses that disrupt the system and destroy public faith and integrity in govt and the democratic process

If you feel the current laws need reform, then there are LEGAL ways of changing them.

As for economic and political equality, that must first be addressed by
education and empowerment, so people can solve their own problems
as directly as possible, for equal ownership and power, instead of relying on party or govt
as you are saying "fascists" try to use for control.
We should prevent illegal immigration with attention to those who encourage them to come here, but also to help address the problems in the countries they come from in order to prevent them from needing to come here in the first place. This issues doesnt need the attention in used to need, because the bigger issue today is asylum seekers.

We should implement whatever protections are necessary to prevent voter fraud. But voter fraud is less common than lightening strikes. The real issue is voter suppression, voter disenfranchisement and election fraud.

This is all just Gish gallop, instead of addressing the issue of fascism, youre just changing the subject.

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