And obama spoke…..and the gates of Hell opened….obama to release 6,000 felons today...

Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
The prisons are full. There's no place for newcomers. He had no choice.

Republicans always find money for new prisons

Its schools and healthcare they can't seem to find the funding
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
The prisons are full. There's no place for newcomers. He had no choice.
Oh brother. We have a True Believer here. An Obama acolyte
You're just a racist, we all know that.
The standard lefty one size fits all comment meant to stop discussion on its tracks.

It's what you fucktards rely on as a defense every time a black commits a crime and gets caught. Apparently you think criminal behavior by your pets constitutes "racism" on the part of anybody who objects. Of course we know who the racists are...they are the people who think a certain skin color is a get out of jail free card.

It is my sincerest wish that the people hit hardest by the violent crime wave we are going to experience are idiots like you.
So who's in prison for jaywalking or just smoking a joint?

God you people just make up ship from the top of your head.

Actually, I got locked up for a month for having a personal use amount (less than 3 oz. is the limit) in my house. The neighbors called because they smelled something coming from my apartment.

Yes. You can be locked up for smoking a joint.

I also remember that I was walking home one day and had a pipe in my pocket that had cannabis residue on it. I got stopped and searched, they found the pipe, and I spent a week in jail for a paraphenelia charge.
Five weeks isn't hard time, and you weren't in prison, loser.
Being that you've never been in jail, you're talking out your ass.
Your extensive experience with long stays in mental health facilities does not compare.
I worked in a jail, lol. I also worked two years in a lock down juvenile facility. Not that that experience is required to be able to distinguish hard time from loser languishing in county because you're an idiot with no money for bail.
May seem easy from the outside looking in.

Ever fuck a prisoner?
I'll leave that to you. That was your job when you were in, right?
So who's in prison for jaywalking or just smoking a joint?

God you people just make up ship from the top of your head.

Actually, I got locked up for a month for having a personal use amount (less than 3 oz. is the limit) in my house. The neighbors called because they smelled something coming from my apartment.

Yes. You can be locked up for smoking a joint.

I also remember that I was walking home one day and had a pipe in my pocket that had cannabis residue on it. I got stopped and searched, they found the pipe, and I spent a week in jail for a paraphenelia charge.
Five weeks isn't hard time, and you weren't in prison, loser.
Being that you've never been in jail, you're talking out your ass.
Your extensive experience with long stays in mental health facilities does not compare.
I worked in a jail, lol. I also worked two years in a lock down juvenile facility. Not that that experience is required to be able to distinguish hard time from loser languishing in county because you're an idiot with no money for bail.
May seem easy from the outside looking in.

Ever fuck a prisoner?
Boob on the outside....
C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_images.jpg
A drop in a bucket. We need to release many many more Citizens who don't belong in cages. Let's start with all non-violent drug offenders being released immediately.

Good idea. And when they need money to buy more drugs, let's hope they visit your home first while you're working.

Being charged with burglary or other theft charges, is not a drug offense. People steal for all sorts of reasons. Drugs is only one of them.

That doesn't discount the fact that drugs cost money and drug users are often disabled from working. They have to get that money somewhere even if all drugs were totally legal.

There is this fallacy somewhere that drug users are otherwise law biding working citizens just looking to get high in the privacy of their home bothering nobody. That's not the real drug world.

I don't want these people out on the streets lurking around my home. I don't want them near my children. I don't want them begging me for money in front of my convenient store. I just don't want them anywhere near me.
Well get ready, they're coming. And with them their baggage....pitiful, abused, neglected children who will also be in evidence at every turn.
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
The prisons are full. There's no place for newcomers. He had no choice.
Oh brother. We have a True Believer here. An Obama acolyte
You're just a racist, we all know that.
The standard lefty one size fits all comment meant to stop discussion on its tracks.

It's what you fucktards rely on as a defense every time a black commits a crime and gets caught. Apparently you think criminal behavior by your pets constitutes "racism" on the part of anybody who objects. Of course we know who the racists are...they are the people who think a certain skin color is a get out of jail free card.

It is my sincerest wish that the people hit hardest by the violent crime wave we are going to experience are idiots like you.
I don't live anywhere near any nignags.
A drop in a bucket. We need to release many many more Citizens who don't belong in cages. Let's start with all non-violent drug offenders being released immediately.

Good idea. And when they need money to buy more drugs, let's hope they visit your home first while you're working.

Being charged with burglary or other theft charges, is not a drug offense. People steal for all sorts of reasons. Drugs is only one of them.

That doesn't discount the fact that drugs cost money and drug users are often disabled from working. They have to get that money somewhere even if all drugs were totally legal.

There is this fallacy somewhere that drug users are otherwise law biding working citizens just looking to get high in the privacy of their home bothering nobody. That's not the real drug world.

I don't want these people out on the streets lurking around my home. I don't want them near my children. I don't want them begging me for money in front of my convenient store. I just don't want them anywhere near me.
Well get ready, they're coming. And with them their baggage....pitiful, abused, neglected children who will also be in evidence at every turn.
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
The prisons are full. There's no place for newcomers. He had no choice.
Oh brother. We have a True Believer here. An Obama acolyte
You're just a racist, we all know that.
The standard lefty one size fits all comment meant to stop discussion on its tracks.

It's what you fucktards rely on as a defense every time a black commits a crime and gets caught. Apparently you think criminal behavior by your pets constitutes "racism" on the part of anybody who objects. Of course we know who the racists are...they are the people who think a certain skin color is a get out of jail free card.

It is my sincerest wish that the people hit hardest by the violent crime wave we are going to experience are idiots like you.
I don't live anywhere near any nignags.
Don't worry, nobody will be safe.
Know when the problems with the prison system started? When they decided to privatize the prisons. When that happened, any program to help them become useful citizens (learning a trade, getting an education, etc.), was axed because it wasn't "profitable".

And............if there are no prisoners, the corporation that owns the prison doesn't make money, so they team up with law enforcement to jail as many as possible, for whatever they can, even if it's someone who is non violent who committed a victimless crime.

People who commit non violent victimless crimes (smoking cannabis, jay walking, etc.) should be let off with no more than a fine.

So who's in prison for jaywalking or just smoking a joint?

God you people just make up ship from the top of your head.

Actually, I got locked up for a month for having a personal use amount (less than 3 oz. is the limit) in my house. The neighbors called because they smelled something coming from my apartment.

Yes. You can be locked up for smoking a joint.

I also remember that I was walking home one day and had a pipe in my pocket that had cannabis residue on it. I got stopped and searched, they found the pipe, and I spent a week in jail for a paraphenelia charge.
Five weeks isn't hard time, and you weren't in prison, loser.
Being that you've never been in jail, you're talking out your ass.
Your extensive experience with long stays in mental health facilities does not compare.
I worked in a jail, lol. I also worked two years in a lock down juvenile facility. Not that that experience is required to be able to distinguish hard time from loser languishing in county because you're an idiot with no money for bail.
Juvenile facility? The Disney land's of the penal system! LOL.
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
Wow are you a partisan hack. The Koch brothers are behind this initiative and for once I agree with them. Non violent criminals are costing us way too much keeping them in jail for 5 to 10 years. Better to let him serve one year and then find them $20,000 and then put them on probation and monitor them. Better to do that then spend 30000 dollars a year housing and feeding these people and turning them into even more violent criminals than they were before they went in. If you don't know our justice system is f***** up and needs to be fixed even the most evil people on your party understand this well I understand it's costing them money that they don't want to spend which is the only reason they're seen clearly on this issue. There's also a push to take away the question on an application have you ever been convicted of a felony. Why make it harder for somebody who served their time to find a job than it already is you ass hole is cheaper to keep criminals locked up....non violent drug offenders are non violent for the offense they are captured telling what else they have done to maintain their drug habits or sell their drugs.....

They were discussing this issue on Bill O' this evening. Charles Krauthammer was the guest. He worked with many drug addicts.

According to him, many get charges dropped from selling to just using in plea bargains. Therefore a drug pusher could have a record of just using drugs and yes, considered non-violent.

So what happens to these pushers once Obama lets them out? Not many can make a living pushing drugs without the risk of violence.
Bill O riled me! Could you be anyless bias?
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
I know it's popular to blame Obama with whatever you don't like about the government or most anything else, however the reason for these prisoners being released has very little to do with Obama. The US sentencing commission has established new guideline for sentencing. These changes reduce the terms of many non-violent felons convicted of drug crimes. Releasing the prisoners whose time served meets the new guidelines is not only fair but avoids the inevitable court cases that will arise.

One of the biggest problems in our legal system is we put to many people in jail that shouldn't be there. The results are court orders to release prisoners due to overcrowding regardless of their crimes, a judicial system that so underwater with cases that many of the more serious offenders walk free.
And once again the loser start covering for the worst president ever

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Says the Lord of idiocy.
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
The prisons are full. There's no place for newcomers. He had no choice.
Oh brother. We have a True Believer here. An Obama acolyte
I'd be careful about tossing the true beliver thing around ,as you are the truest of them for the worst possible reasons.
So who's in prison for jaywalking or just smoking a joint?

God you people just make up ship from the top of your head.

Actually, I got locked up for a month for having a personal use amount (less than 3 oz. is the limit) in my house. The neighbors called because they smelled something coming from my apartment.

Yes. You can be locked up for smoking a joint.

I also remember that I was walking home one day and had a pipe in my pocket that had cannabis residue on it. I got stopped and searched, they found the pipe, and I spent a week in jail for a paraphenelia charge.
Five weeks isn't hard time, and you weren't in prison, loser.
Being that you've never been in jail, you're talking out your ass.
Your extensive experience with long stays in mental health facilities does not compare.
I worked in a jail, lol. I also worked two years in a lock down juvenile facility. Not that that experience is required to be able to distinguish hard time from loser languishing in county because you're an idiot with no money for bail.
Juvenile facility? The Disney land's of the penal system! LOL.

Especially for adult perverts and sadists. They love preying on the kids. Some real sickos working as guards in those places. Kids come out more messed up than when they went in.
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
The prisons are full. There's no place for newcomers. He had no choice.
Oh brother. We have a True Believer here. An Obama acolyte
You're just a racist, we all know that.
The standard lefty one size fits all comment meant to stop discussion on its tracks.

It's what you fucktards rely on as a defense every time a black commits a crime and gets caught. Apparently you think criminal behavior by your pets constitutes "racism" on the part of anybody who objects. Of course we know who the racists are...they are the people who think a certain skin color is a get out of jail free card.

It is my sincerest wish that the people hit hardest by the violent crime wave we are going to experience are idiots like you.
what impending violent crime wave? please enlighten us, o Nostradumbass!
Actually, I got locked up for a month for having a personal use amount (less than 3 oz. is the limit) in my house. The neighbors called because they smelled something coming from my apartment.

Yes. You can be locked up for smoking a joint.

I also remember that I was walking home one day and had a pipe in my pocket that had cannabis residue on it. I got stopped and searched, they found the pipe, and I spent a week in jail for a paraphenelia charge.
Five weeks isn't hard time, and you weren't in prison, loser.
Being that you've never been in jail, you're talking out your ass.
Your extensive experience with long stays in mental health facilities does not compare.
I worked in a jail, lol. I also worked two years in a lock down juvenile facility. Not that that experience is required to be able to distinguish hard time from loser languishing in county because you're an idiot with no money for bail.
Juvenile facility? The Disney land's of the penal system! LOL.

Especially for adult perverts and sadists. They love preying on the kids. Some real sickos working as guards in those places. Kids come out more messed up than when they went in.
must be how you lost your last job.
Five weeks isn't hard time, and you weren't in prison, loser.
Being that you've never been in jail, you're talking out your ass.
Your extensive experience with long stays in mental health facilities does not compare.
I worked in a jail, lol. I also worked two years in a lock down juvenile facility. Not that that experience is required to be able to distinguish hard time from loser languishing in county because you're an idiot with no money for bail.
Juvenile facility? The Disney land's of the penal system! LOL.

Especially for adult perverts and sadists. They love preying on the kids. Some real sickos working as guards in those places. Kids come out more messed up than when they went in.
must be how you lost your last job.

Was referring to the poster claiming to have worked as a guard in a juvenile facility.
Being that you've never been in jail, you're talking out your ass.
Your extensive experience with long stays in mental health facilities does not compare.
I worked in a jail, lol. I also worked two years in a lock down juvenile facility. Not that that experience is required to be able to distinguish hard time from loser languishing in county because you're an idiot with no money for bail.
Juvenile facility? The Disney land's of the penal system! LOL.

Especially for adult perverts and sadists. They love preying on the kids. Some real sickos working as guards in those places. Kids come out more messed up than when they went in.
must be how you lost your last job.

Was referring to the poster claiming to have worked as a guard in a juvenile facility.
I know you were.
I worked in a jail, lol. I also worked two years in a lock down juvenile facility. Not that that experience is required to be able to distinguish hard time from loser languishing in county because you're an idiot with no money for bail.
Juvenile facility? The Disney land's of the penal system! LOL.

Especially for adult perverts and sadists. They love preying on the kids. Some real sickos working as guards in those places. Kids come out more messed up than when they went in.
must be how you lost your last job.

Was referring to the poster claiming to have worked as a guard in a juvenile facility.
I know you were.

Oh ok, you just went for the cheap shot insult. I feels ya.
Juvenile facility? The Disney land's of the penal system! LOL.

Especially for adult perverts and sadists. They love preying on the kids. Some real sickos working as guards in those places. Kids come out more messed up than when they went in.
must be how you lost your last job.

Was referring to the poster claiming to have worked as a guard in a juvenile facility.
I know you were.

Oh ok, you just went for the cheap shot insult. I feels ya.
just asking a question.

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