And Obama Thinks This Is Affordable

so the deductible is less than what the co pay cost you yearly.

no, the deductible is more than what copays would be yearly..... But the coverage is way more protective for anything catastrophic and the monthly premium is roughly $60 less per month.

But in a usual year, we wouldn't even meet the deductible with services b/c we're healthy to begin with, either.

the change from co-pay to deductible is obamas pay off to the insurance companies. More people will pay premiums and get no coverage pay so with lower cost of premiums the insurers still reap the glory

aaaaaaah what ????
Probably sometime this year.

Then we'll have to wait for who knows how long for these mental deficients to figure out what to do for all of the people they screwed out of their health coverage. Meanwhile, forget about having that surgery done that you've been putting off.

Oh, and some people are already talking about having to give up their gun ownership rights in some states just to get treated. Obamacare will be a way for Democrats to tell us what to do in every part of our lives.

I don't believe them.

Obama wants to have the same kind of control over civilians that he has over the military, so you can bet it's going to come down to this.

It's not just obammy. We all know this is designed to fail so they can try and implement a single payer system.
But the republicans will use it to their advantage when they take control as well. Just like obammy used the patriot act to his.
They're just taking turns implementing restrictive policies that fit their political agenda that way they can keep us arguing among ourselves while they cement their control.
It was well more expensive monthly and the catastrophic coverage maxes weren't adequate to protect from bankruptcy type situations, had a $45 copay and covered most low ball stuff.

And the new one is well less expensive, covers everything without maxes, has no copays, but has a large deductible.

I'm not on any subsidy.
so the deductible is less than what the co pay cost you yearly.

you need to compare plans between the catastrophic coverage and what you get now .... and you need to compare the cost to do so you need to get your information from the ACA site and not some right wing site... WHY because they are the ones who count... most catastrophic plans have a deductible of 5000 dollars or more they also have a cap on their coverage ... basically you could be bankrupt in one month of using a catastrophic plan ... where the silver plan with a 1200 deductible is handle this way ....when you pay that 1200 dollars you are cover 100% for the year on anything you go to the doctor for... in a catastrophic coverage you keep paying the deductible every time you go.... get it??? you are losing every time you go to the doctor for a major illness ...

Last year I went to doctor with torn shoulder 20.00 office visit. He sent me to hospital to get MRI done, 68.00 for MRI. And now the same thing would cost me 124.00 for office visit and 575.00 for MRI and I'm so much better off. Thank you Obama.
yea? When....

Probably sometime this year.

Then we'll have to wait for who knows how long for these mental deficients to figure out what to do for all of the people they screwed out of their health coverage. Meanwhile, forget about having that surgery done that you've been putting off.

Oh, and some people are already talking about having to give up their gun ownership rights in some states just to get treated. Obamacare will be a way for Democrats to tell us what to do in every part of our lives.

Well first off..I have a non-union job in the financial sector. This hasn't affected me at all.

And you still haven't mention what the criteria looks like.

Something like:
-HMOs will fail completely.
-Hospitals will close.
-There will be no way for the average citizen to get health care.

And you keep the time frame open ended. "Some time" this year?

So..lets get down to brass tacks.

When will it "fail" and what will the failure look like?

I gotta ask....why exactly do you need a firm date?
Sounds to me like you're just deflecting.
But in answer to your question ...? It's impossible to say when the data you get out of this admin is so full of lies and deceit that it's like reading tea leaves and expecting answers.
But we do know that so far it's been a complete failure,and I havent seen anything that would make me think it will improve.
So because you think it doesn't effect you, you don't care.

Duly noted.

Problem is, what effects millions of Americans will have a ripple effect on everyone. When you walk into your doctor's office you'll discover that they want to know everything about you, and they will want to know if you can pay for your treatment yourself.

I thought the purpose of the ACA was to provide health care to those who don't have it, not take away health care from those who already have it.

And requiring a specific date of when it will fail is a total cop-out on your part. You consider any argument invalid unless they can tell the future in every detail. Nobody knows what exactly will happen in the coming years. We just know that it will be a train-wreck when it happens and it won't hit all at once.

You still haven't answered any of what I asked you in the post.

Give me a time frame and criteria.

Can't give you something when there are too many variables that are built into the system.

The law is designed to cause any number of reactions. Anyone who is inside the health care system already can tell you this. Nobody knows what's going to happen next. There is now a real fear that nothing this administration says can be trusted. Because of this doctor's will refuse to cover patients and insurers will refuse to pay claims.

Of course you can't.

But you can make ridiculous general statements about how it's going to "destroy America".

This isn't the plan Liberals wanted. This is the one conservatives least they did before Obama adopted it.

It's been tried in Europe and worked.

It's been tried in Massachusetts and worked.

But that doesn't stop you guys from constantly braying that's it's going to fail.

Or like minded folks in Congress trying their best to make it fail.

The health care we had before was killing 45 thousand Americans a year. And bankrupting many more.

You guys like Americans dying like that?

Oh do.

Governor Jan Brewer attests to that.

Arizona Transplant Patients Die After State Cuts Medical Insurance - ABC News
Probably sometime this year.

Then we'll have to wait for who knows how long for these mental deficients to figure out what to do for all of the people they screwed out of their health coverage. Meanwhile, forget about having that surgery done that you've been putting off.

Oh, and some people are already talking about having to give up their gun ownership rights in some states just to get treated. Obamacare will be a way for Democrats to tell us what to do in every part of our lives.

Well first off..I have a non-union job in the financial sector. This hasn't affected me at all.

And you still haven't mention what the criteria looks like.

Something like:
-HMOs will fail completely.
-Hospitals will close.
-There will be no way for the average citizen to get health care.

And you keep the time frame open ended. "Some time" this year?

So..lets get down to brass tacks.

When will it "fail" and what will the failure look like?

I gotta ask....why exactly do you need a firm date?
Sounds to me like you're just deflecting.
But in answer to your question ...? It's impossible to say when the data you get out of this admin is so full of lies and deceit that it's like reading tea leaves and expecting answers.
But we do know that so far it's been a complete failure,and I havent seen anything that would make me think it will improve.

Lying about what?

The data coming from this administration is basically generated by the same folks that brought you the data put out by the Bush administration.

Now it's fake?

Why wasn't it fake back then?
so the deductible is less than what the co pay cost you yearly.

you need to compare plans between the catastrophic coverage and what you get now .... and you need to compare the cost to do so you need to get your information from the ACA site and not some right wing site... WHY because they are the ones who count... most catastrophic plans have a deductible of 5000 dollars or more they also have a cap on their coverage ... basically you could be bankrupt in one month of using a catastrophic plan ... where the silver plan with a 1200 deductible is handle this way ....when you pay that 1200 dollars you are cover 100% for the year on anything you go to the doctor for... in a catastrophic coverage you keep paying the deductible every time you go.... get it??? you are losing every time you go to the doctor for a major illness ...

Last year I went to doctor with torn shoulder 20.00 office visit. He sent me to hospital to get MRI done, 68.00 for MRI. And now the same thing would cost me 124.00 for office visit and 575.00 for MRI and I'm so much better off. Thank you Obama.

as I said what you pay is based on what you picked out as a health care plan... my office visits are 25 dollars and for a MRI which I just had on both Knees cost me nothing ... the difference here is the plan I picked ... now my health care doesn't go through a company plan .... my plan is bought by me .... I also had a health care broker help me pick out the best plan I could get... why ??? because I for one don't know what I'm looking at when I look at a health care plans ... where the broker explained it to me what I was getting ... I pay 250 dollars a month I have a 250 deductible for emergency room with a 1200 dollars max pay out ... what does that mean ??? well if i have a heart attack the bill for it will cost me 250 dollars for the emergency room and the most I will pay if I live is 1200 dollars ... get it??? that my friend won't bankrupt me...
Well first off..I have a non-union job in the financial sector. This hasn't affected me at all.

And you still haven't mention what the criteria looks like.

Something like:
-HMOs will fail completely.
-Hospitals will close.
-There will be no way for the average citizen to get health care.

And you keep the time frame open ended. "Some time" this year?

So..lets get down to brass tacks.

When will it "fail" and what will the failure look like?

I gotta ask....why exactly do you need a firm date?
Sounds to me like you're just deflecting.
But in answer to your question ...? It's impossible to say when the data you get out of this admin is so full of lies and deceit that it's like reading tea leaves and expecting answers.
But we do know that so far it's been a complete failure,and I havent seen anything that would make me think it will improve.

Lying about what?

The data coming from this administration is basically generated by the same folks that brought you the data put out by the Bush administration.

Now it's fake?

Why wasn't it fake back then?

the problem here is they haven't accepted the fact that this plan was a republican plan .. they can't stand the fact that we dems Implemented it
you need to compare plans between the catastrophic coverage and what you get now .... and you need to compare the cost to do so you need to get your information from the ACA site and not some right wing site... WHY because they are the ones who count... most catastrophic plans have a deductible of 5000 dollars or more they also have a cap on their coverage ... basically you could be bankrupt in one month of using a catastrophic plan ... where the silver plan with a 1200 deductible is handle this way ....when you pay that 1200 dollars you are cover 100% for the year on anything you go to the doctor for... in a catastrophic coverage you keep paying the deductible every time you go.... get it??? you are losing every time you go to the doctor for a major illness ...

Last year I went to doctor with torn shoulder 20.00 office visit. He sent me to hospital to get MRI done, 68.00 for MRI. And now the same thing would cost me 124.00 for office visit and 575.00 for MRI and I'm so much better off. Thank you Obama.

as I said what you pay is based on what you picked out as a health care plan... my office visits are 25 dollars and for a MRI which I just had on both Knees cost me nothing ... the difference here is the plan I picked ... now my health care doesn't go through a company plan .... my plan is bought by me .... I also had a health care broker help me pick out the best plan I could get... why ??? because I for one don't know what I'm looking at when I look at a health care plans ... where the broker explained it to me what I was getting ... I pay 250 dollars a month I have a 250 deductible for emergency room with a 1200 dollars max pay out ... what does that mean ??? well if i have a heart attack the bill for it will cost me 250 dollars for the emergency room and the most I will pay if I live is 1200 dollars ... get it??? that my friend won't bankrupt me...

so you're on medicare
Well first off..I have a non-union job in the financial sector. This hasn't affected me at all.

And you still haven't mention what the criteria looks like.

Something like:
-HMOs will fail completely.
-Hospitals will close.
-There will be no way for the average citizen to get health care.

And you keep the time frame open ended. "Some time" this year?

So..lets get down to brass tacks.

When will it "fail" and what will the failure look like?

I gotta ask....why exactly do you need a firm date?
Sounds to me like you're just deflecting.
But in answer to your question ...? It's impossible to say when the data you get out of this admin is so full of lies and deceit that it's like reading tea leaves and expecting answers.
But we do know that so far it's been a complete failure,and I havent seen anything that would make me think it will improve.

Lying about what?

The data coming from this administration is basically generated by the same folks that brought you the data put out by the Bush administration.

Now it's fake?

Why wasn't it fake back then?

You still haven't answered any of what I asked you in the post.

Give me a time frame and criteria.

Can't give you something when there are too many variables that are built into the system.

The law is designed to cause any number of reactions. Anyone who is inside the health care system already can tell you this. Nobody knows what's going to happen next. There is now a real fear that nothing this administration says can be trusted. Because of this doctor's will refuse to cover patients and insurers will refuse to pay claims.

Of course you can't.

But you can make ridiculous general statements about how it's going to "destroy America".

This isn't the plan Liberals wanted. This is the one conservatives least they did before Obama adopted it.

It's been tried in Europe and worked.

It's been tried in Massachusetts and worked.

But that doesn't stop you guys from constantly braying that's it's going to fail.

Or like minded folks in Congress trying their best to make it fail.

The health care we had before was killing 45 thousand Americans a year. And bankrupting many more.

You guys like Americans dying like that?

Oh do.

Governor Jan Brewer attests to that.

Arizona Transplant Patients Die After State Cuts Medical Insurance - ABC News

You knew the answer before you asked it.

Nobody knows exactly what will happen and when because Obama keeps pushing back start dates. However, the administration has a pretty good idea what their law will do. It will cause massive cancellations. It will fail. It will destroy the health care industry as we know it. It will usher in government controlled health care. Worse health care, but controlled health care. Why else would they not bother to build a back end to the health care site. That's like ordering something on Amazon and never getting it. That's the way Health is designed.
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Obamacare failed the moment it went into effect. Obamacare and universal healthcare in general is a failure. It is designed to help people who won't be accepted by normal healthcare providers, or so they say. If they wanted to do that why not create a specific healthcare provider run by the government to which you had to prove; one that you are a working member of society, two, that you have indeed been denied by other healthcare providers and three that you are a tax paying citizen of the United States of America. But instead they created a universal healthcare which failed in Canada and the UK. Don't believe me? I have Canadian friends who they themselves would always travel to the United States to recieve their medical coverage. Why? Because if they wanted to get it in Canada they were put on a wait list of at least 3 MONTHS! It will be the same here if Obamacare continues to be in effect. The UK has the same problems, but the news only shows people happy to get their care, mostly because the news is liberal dominated. If you ask at the source, the people will tell you what a joke Universal Healthcare is. Obama says that he's trying to help everybody, but it only really helps people who are living off the system, illegal immigrants and other people who think that they are too good to pay taxes or work. Like someone mentioned above it will result in the end of the Healthcare industry. Healthcare premiums have skyrocketed, taxes are being raised at least an extra $1000 dollars per year per tax paying person and Thousands upon thousands are already being let go in the healthcare industry because the Government won't pay as much to Care providers as privately owned Healthcare providers would. My Father has already had to let people go as a result of Obamacare because they don't have the money to pay them now. Of course, the Liberals don't want to be seen as the bad guys, so it's written in law that people cannot be let go as a result of Obamacare, but employers have to because they have lost so much money. Employers are forced to make up reasons to let these people go. In the end Obamacare will end all Healthcare providers and put out many Care providers, in the end unemploying millions of hardworking citizens, but it's ok, because it helps people too lazy to work and people who aren't supposed to be here anyway.
Obamacare is a disgrace that is more of a publicity stunt then an attempt to help the people of the United states. It hurts far more then it helps. It needs to be done away with.
Going to a doctor will change under Obamacare.

When you get there you will be given a 23 page questionnaire and they will ask you for information that has nothing to do with health care. They will also want to know all of your bank account information including credit cards just in case the government doesn't pay for treatment the doctor or insurance company can charge directly to you. Imagine discovering after an accident that your bank account has been cleaned out by God knows who.

Another thing, you can't sue the government, so if your personal information is somehow stolen you can't go after Obama, you have to sue the insurance company that had nothing to do with the theft.

This system is practically designed to fail and will result in a destruction of the health care industry.

yea? When....

We do need a time frame.

This isn't an openended thing.

Give us a date when the US healthcare system will fail.

You might also include the failure criteria.

It's called the "death spiral". If young people between the ages of 18 and 39 do not sign up for Obamacare it will collapse upon itself. Over and over again--even on your liberal news media outlets--young people ARE NOT signing up.

They need the young and healthy to sign up to pay for all the new medicade enrollees and the sick elderly. First of all premiums will skyrocket--then no one can afford it. And that's when Obamacare is toast.

Fewer than one-third of young, uninsured Americans say they are leaning toward enrolling in a health-care plan under the new Obamacare exchanges, according to a new poll -- a number that, if it holds, would present huge problems for the new law.

In order to keep costs down, the Affordable Care Act relies on younger, healthier people signing up for coverage to offset the costs for older, sicker Americans.
Few uninsured young people say they?ll sign up for Obamacare

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