And the Left Say They Hate Crime

And the award for the post with zero relevance goes to...

They did a crime, but they were illegals so no time. Democrats prefer illegals over Americans.

Preference would inidcate they are getting something Americans aren't getting.

At the time, they probably got the same punishment that white people got for these petty crimes.. minimal community service or fines....

And if we didn't have a Crazy Nazi Game Show host in the White House, this wouldn't be an issue, but now he's digging up minor infractions to deport people.

What a load of nonsense, they should not even be in the country. This is America, not Mexico. If you want Mexico and prefer Mexican people, move to Mexico you moron.
So there’s a statute of limitations on illegal entry now? How long is it? If you can avoid capture for a certain amount of time you can’t be deported. How long is that?

Works for me...

Here's the reality.. we have 11 million undocumented immigrants, half of whom didn't need to sneak under a fence to get in.

We can only deport about 400K a year.

Simple math tells you that it would take you 30 Years to deport them all, assuming that you could keep any new ones from coming in, which you really can't.

So yeah, you really have to prioritize who you want to deport. The guy who is an active member of MS-13 or the Russian Mob. Absolutely.

the guy who did something dumb as a teen but is a solid citizen now... not so much.
What a load of nonsense, they should not even be in the country. This is America, not Mexico. If you want Mexico and prefer Mexican people, move to Mexico you moron.

They have as much right to be here as you do... Heck, they've been on this continent longer than your ancestors probably were.
Fuck all illegals
We must cut off ALL incentive

The incentive is that we have work here we don't want to do.

So unless you are going to buy a bunch of robots to pick lettuce, clean toilets and finish that half-ass DIY Project for you, we are going to have undocumented immigrants.
Bullshit! I have done all three and I graduated college. Growing up, it was called work-not what kind, but work! The incentive we have to remove is unemployment SSI disability for frauds, and welfare. Americans WON"T work if they can get paid for free OR sell drugs. After that, give the illegals a swift kick in the ass outta here!
As egregious as the Military Industrial Complex is, it creates jobs. What jobs does throwing money at illegals create?

A well trained workforce that can function. You see, funny thing, we have a labor shortage. 360,000 baby boomers are retiring every month, and we aren't getting enough young people to replace them even with the children of the undocumented.

Bullshit! I have done all three and I graduated college. Growing up, it was called work-not what kind, but work! The incentive we have to remove is unemployment SSI disability for frauds, and welfare. Americans WON"T work if they can get paid for free OR sell drugs. After that, give the illegals a swift kick in the ass outta here!

Obviously, you've never tried to have someone get on disability. My late sister started losing her eyesight about 8 years ago when her retina detached. She could no longer work as a registered nurse for obvious reasons. She couldn't teach anymore, either, because she couldn't get malpractice insurance. But by the time she finally got her disability she had nearly completely lost her eyesight.

As for unemployment, unemployment insurance is exactly that. It's why Engineers aren't forced to take jobs at WalMart in shitty economies. It's a protection - insurance- for the money companies have already spent developing employees.
As egregious as the Military Industrial Complex is, it creates jobs. What jobs does throwing money at illegals create?

A well trained workforce that can function. You see, funny thing, we have a labor shortage. 360,000 baby boomers are retiring every month, and we aren't getting enough young people to replace them even with the children of the undocumented.

Bullshit! I have done all three and I graduated college. Growing up, it was called work-not what kind, but work! The incentive we have to remove is unemployment SSI disability for frauds, and welfare. Americans WON"T work if they can get paid for free OR sell drugs. After that, give the illegals a swift kick in the ass outta here!

Obviously, you've never tried to have someone get on disability. My late sister started losing her eyesight about 8 years ago when her retina detached. She could no longer work as a registered nurse for obvious reasons. She couldn't teach anymore, either, because she couldn't get malpractice insurance. But by the time she finally got her disability she had nearly completely lost her eyesight.

As for unemployment, unemployment insurance is exactly that. It's why Engineers aren't forced to take jobs at WalMart in shitty economies. It's a protection - insurance- for the money companies have already spent developing employees.

If you want to step up / expedite legal immigration, I will support that. Rewarding illegals for breaking the law does not help US economically. Expedited legal immigration to fill all these jobs you site makes your case but it also enables US to keep out rapists, drug mules, and human traffickers from shit hole and non-shit hole countries.
As egregious as the Military Industrial Complex is, it creates jobs. What jobs does throwing money at illegals create?

A well trained workforce that can function. You see, funny thing, we have a labor shortage. 360,000 baby boomers are retiring every month, and we aren't getting enough young people to replace them even with the children of the undocumented.

Bullshit! I have done all three and I graduated college. Growing up, it was called work-not what kind, but work! The incentive we have to remove is unemployment SSI disability for frauds, and welfare. Americans WON"T work if they can get paid for free OR sell drugs. After that, give the illegals a swift kick in the ass outta here!

Obviously, you've never tried to have someone get on disability. My late sister started losing her eyesight about 8 years ago when her retina detached. She could no longer work as a registered nurse for obvious reasons. She couldn't teach anymore, either, because she couldn't get malpractice insurance. But by the time she finally got her disability she had nearly completely lost her eyesight.

As for unemployment, unemployment insurance is exactly that. It's why Engineers aren't forced to take jobs at WalMart in shitty economies. It's a protection - insurance- for the money companies have already spent developing employees.
Are you a baby? One of my sisters could not walk and the other was legally blind-my parents never got a dime-families pull together and do what has to be done. I was laid off three times and took whatever job-security, factory floor, and janitorial until I got a better one-that's the way it works. And trained? Illegals can't speak or read English-I had semi-legal workers in my department and they are a pain in the ass-I tried to get rid of them every chance I got-they screw up things because they are CULTURE dumb-the sooner we are rid of them the better, My question is why do you protect them? Did you marry one like Jeb Bush or do you hire cheap labor?
As egregious as the Military Industrial Complex is, it creates jobs. What jobs does throwing money at illegals create?

A well trained workforce that can function. You see, funny thing, we have a labor shortage. 360,000 baby boomers are retiring every month, and we aren't getting enough young people to replace them even with the children of the undocumented.

Bullshit! I have done all three and I graduated college. Growing up, it was called work-not what kind, but work! The incentive we have to remove is unemployment SSI disability for frauds, and welfare. Americans WON"T work if they can get paid for free OR sell drugs. After that, give the illegals a swift kick in the ass outta here!

Obviously, you've never tried to have someone get on disability. My late sister started losing her eyesight about 8 years ago when her retina detached. She could no longer work as a registered nurse for obvious reasons. She couldn't teach anymore, either, because she couldn't get malpractice insurance. But by the time she finally got her disability she had nearly completely lost her eyesight.

As for unemployment, unemployment insurance is exactly that. It's why Engineers aren't forced to take jobs at WalMart in shitty economies. It's a protection - insurance- for the money companies have already spent developing employees.

If you want to step up / expedite legal immigration, I will support that. Rewarding illegals for breaking the law does not help US economically. Expedited legal immigration to fill all these jobs you site makes your case but it also enables US to keep out rapists, drug mules, and human traffickers from shit hole and non-shit hole countries.
Temporary work visas-there are many Chinese and Indians who should be taken ahead of any more Latinos-they are over represented from years of illegally sneaking in.
Are you a baby? One of my sisters could not walk and the other was legally blind-my parents never got a dime-families pull together and do what has to be done. I was laid off three times and took whatever job-security, factory floor, and janitorial until I got a better one-that's the way it works.

That's nice and all, but what does that have to do with my point? Clearly, my sister's experience was that she was clearly entitled to Disability, but she had a hell of a time getting it. This debunks your claim that SSI Disability is a fraud.

And trained? Illegals can't speak or read English-I had semi-legal workers in my department and they are a pain in the ass-I tried to get rid of them every chance I got-they screw up things because they are CULTURE dumb-the sooner we are rid of them the better, My question is why do you protect them? Did you marry one like Jeb Bush or do you hire cheap labor?

Again, I think you have reading comprehension problems. We need to train these people because we don't have enough people born here coming up through the ranks...

I'm sorry you are such a loser at life that you are losing out to someone with no connections, money and a limited grasp at the English Language.... the problem with White Trash, when you rig the game for them, THEY ARE STILL LOSERS. Time to give someone else a shot.
If you want to step up / expedite legal immigration, I will support that. Rewarding illegals for breaking the law does not help US economically. Expedited legal immigration to fill all these jobs you site makes your case but it also enables US to keep out rapists, drug mules, and human traffickers from shit hole and non-shit hole countries.

Yawn, guy. Immigrants are better behaved than the people we have here now.

Hey, here's how you keep out the drug mules and human traffickers.. stop demanding drugs and sex! That'll work.
If you want to step up / expedite legal immigration, I will support that. Rewarding illegals for breaking the law does not help US economically. Expedited legal immigration to fill all these jobs you site makes your case but it also enables US to keep out rapists, drug mules, and human traffickers from shit hole and non-shit hole countries.

Yawn, guy. Immigrants are better behaved than the people we have here now.

Hey, here's how you keep out the drug mules and human traffickers.. stop demanding drugs and sex! That'll work.

Your argument is deeply flawed.... you fail to differentiate between lawful and unlawful immigrants. It is the unlawful immigrants that start by breaking the law. How is that well-behaved? Your plan to stop what is a universal demand for drugs and sex via traffickers is rooted in the land of unicorns. It’s easier to stop the supply vs demand. You know that.
Are you a baby? One of my sisters could not walk and the other was legally blind-my parents never got a dime-families pull together and do what has to be done. I was laid off three times and took whatever job-security, factory floor, and janitorial until I got a better one-that's the way it works.

That's nice and all, but what does that have to do with my point? Clearly, my sister's experience was that she was clearly entitled to Disability, but she had a hell of a time getting it. This debunks your claim that SSI Disability is a fraud.

And trained? Illegals can't speak or read English-I had semi-legal workers in my department and they are a pain in the ass-I tried to get rid of them every chance I got-they screw up things because they are CULTURE dumb-the sooner we are rid of them the better, My question is why do you protect them? Did you marry one like Jeb Bush or do you hire cheap labor?

Again, I think you have reading comprehension problems. We need to train these people because we don't have enough people born here coming up through the ranks...

I'm sorry you are such a loser at life that you are losing out to someone with no connections, money and a limited grasp at the English Language.... the problem with White Trash, when you rig the game for them, THEY ARE STILL LOSERS. Time to give someone else a shot.
Are you an illegal? It sounds it the way you are protecting these criminals. You can be jailed for aiding and abetting them you know. I said that the semi-illegals had a bad or no grasp of English-how stupid are you? And you don't bring in untrained workers you moron-you can have an educated worker do menial work, but you can't have a menial worker doing sophisticated work-unless you sink in expensive training-your idea is just plain stupid. And white trash-are you racist too? Jesus, where did you crawl out from under? I feel most sorry for your sister-she obviously needs help and you just moan about her difficulties instead of helping-you disgust me-you are BANNED!
Your argument is deeply flawed.... you fail to differentiate between lawful and unlawful immigrants. It is the unlawful immigrants that start by breaking the law. How is that well-behaved? Your plan to stop what is a universal demand for drugs and sex via traffickers is rooted in the land of unicorns. It’s easier to stop the supply vs demand. You know that.

The Circular Logic of a Nativist Bigot.

"Illegals are responsible for all this crime!"

"Um, no, statistically, they are less likely to get in trouble with the law because they don't want to call attention to themselves!"

"But they broke the law by BEING here!!!!"

"Um, yeah, because some white person broke the law by hiring them to start with."
Are you an illegal? It sounds it the way you are protecting these criminals. You can be jailed for aiding and abetting them you know.

I could have been jailed for hiding a Jew in my attic during World War II in Europe, what's your point?

I said that the semi-illegals had a bad or no grasp of English-how stupid are you? And you don't bring in untrained workers you moron-you can have an educated worker do menial work, but you can't have a menial worker doing sophisticated work-unless you sink in expensive training-your idea is just plain stupid.

Actually, what I've found is that immigrants have a lot of ambition and want to better their life, unlike the inbred white Trash in the red states who expect the world to hand them stuff.

I feel most sorry for your sister-she obviously needs help and you just moan about her difficulties instead of helping-you disgust me-you are BANNED!

Sorry, Cleetus... attacking family is what get you banned. Reported.
Are you an illegal? It sounds it the way you are protecting these criminals. You can be jailed for aiding and abetting them you know.

I could have been jailed for hiding a Jew in my attic during World War II in Europe, what's your point?

I said that the semi-illegals had a bad or no grasp of English-how stupid are you? And you don't bring in untrained workers you moron-you can have an educated worker do menial work, but you can't have a menial worker doing sophisticated work-unless you sink in expensive training-your idea is just plain stupid.

Actually, what I've found is that immigrants have a lot of ambition and want to better their life, unlike the inbred white Trash in the red states who expect the world to hand them stuff.

I feel most sorry for your sister-she obviously needs help and you just moan about her difficulties instead of helping-you disgust me-you are BANNED!

Sorry, Cleetus... attacking family is what get you banned. Reported.

Yo Joe!

You brought your sister into this discussion.

Lame is your faux 'report' and threaten to ban

It only means to the majority of us that you lost your argument.

Are you a baby? One of my sisters could not walk and the other was legally blind-my parents never got a dime-families pull together and do what has to be done. I was laid off three times and took whatever job-security, factory floor, and janitorial until I got a better one-that's the way it works.

That's nice and all, but what does that have to do with my point? Clearly, my sister's experience was that she was clearly entitled to Disability, but she had a hell of a time getting it. This debunks your claim that SSI Disability is a fraud.

And trained? Illegals can't speak or read English-I had semi-legal workers in my department and they are a pain in the ass-I tried to get rid of them every chance I got-they screw up things because they are CULTURE dumb-the sooner we are rid of them the better, My question is why do you protect them? Did you marry one like Jeb Bush or do you hire cheap labor?

Again, I think you have reading comprehension problems. We need to train these people because we don't have enough people born here coming up through the ranks...

I'm sorry you are such a loser at life that you are losing out to someone with no connections, money and a limited grasp at the English Language.... the problem with White Trash, when you rig the game for them, THEY ARE STILL LOSERS. Time to give someone else a shot.
Your argument is deeply flawed.... you fail to differentiate between lawful and unlawful immigrants. It is the unlawful immigrants that start by breaking the law. How is that well-behaved? Your plan to stop what is a universal demand for drugs and sex via traffickers is rooted in the land of unicorns. It’s easier to stop the supply vs demand. You know that.

The Circular Logic of a Nativist Bigot.

"Illegals are responsible for all this crime!"

"Um, no, statistically, they are less likely to get in trouble with the law because they don't want to call attention to themselves!"

"But they broke the law by BEING here!!!!"

"Um, yeah, because some white person broke the law by hiring them to start with."

What statistic are you referring? What part of immigration law do you not understand? How do you know that all the people who hired the illegal immigrant are white? Look up prejudice.... you are fitting the description.
Yo Joe!

You brought your sister into this discussion.

Lame is your faux 'report' and threaten to ban

It only means to the majority of us that you lost your argument.

Attacking family is against the rules... I didn't actually report him, but nowt hat you've whined about it, I will.
What statistic are you referring? What part of immigration law do you not understand? How do you know that all the people who hired the illegal immigrant are white? Look up prejudice.... you are fitting the description.

you're sputtering, baby.

Sorry, poor people of color don't have the money to hire illegals. White factory owners do... Or white farm owners... or white yuppies who don't want to raise their own kids, but Lupe is just like a member of the family we don't pay that much.
Your argument is deeply flawed.... you fail to differentiate between lawful and unlawful immigrants. It is the unlawful immigrants that start by breaking the law. How is that well-behaved? Your plan to stop what is a universal demand for drugs and sex via traffickers is rooted in the land of unicorns. It’s easier to stop the supply vs demand. You know that.

The Circular Logic of a Nativist Bigot.

"Illegals are responsible for all this crime!"

"Um, no, statistically, they are less likely to get in trouble with the law because they don't want to call attention to themselves!"

"But they broke the law by BEING here!!!!"

"Um, yeah, because some white person broke the law by hiring them to start with."
we have enough crime..why import more?

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