CDZ And The Number ONE Christmas Gift Is....


Americans enjoy a well paved roads, the hope of a cure for cancer and watching their country lead in thousands of fields. Americans are far more angry with the waste of tax dollars for nation building in Iraq or watching our jobs being shipped over seas.

Americans enjoy a well paved roads, the hope of a cure for cancer and watching their country lead in thousands of fields. Americans are far more angry with the waste of tax dollars for nation building in Iraq or watching our jobs being shipped over seas.
Yeah, well right now America is buying guns NOT pot holes.
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.

Lame duck POTI have nothing to lose so are more than happy to piss off anyone they want to get their agenda through. Didn't think this through to well did you....
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.

Lame duck POTI have nothing to lose so are more than happy to piss off anyone they want to get their agenda through. Didn't think this through to well did you....

How much a "lame duck" president has to lose has little to nothing to do with it. That an unsympathetic Congress will not pass and will more likely legislate to overrule a "lame duck" president's executive orders is. Though Mr. Obama can potentially get some legislation passed, he won't be able to get any on the matter of gun control passed. He could not accomplish that at the apex of is political capital, that anyone thinks he can now is ludicrous.
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.

Lame duck POTI have nothing to lose so are more than happy to piss off anyone they want to get their agenda through. Didn't think this through to well did you....

How much a "lame duck" president has to lose has little to nothing to do with it. That an unsympathetic Congress will not pass and will more likely legislate to overrule a "lame duck" president's executive orders is. Though Mr. Obama can potentially get some legislation passed, he won't be able to get any on the matter of gun control passed. He could not accomplish that at the apex of is political capital, that anyone thinks he can now is ludicrous.

He is more than happy to use EO's to get his desires. He has a GOP led Congress that gives him anything he wants so i think you are simply wrong.
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.

Lame duck POTI have nothing to lose so are more than happy to piss off anyone they want to get their agenda through. Didn't think this through to well did you....

How much a "lame duck" president has to lose has little to nothing to do with it. That an unsympathetic Congress will not pass and will more likely legislate to overrule a "lame duck" president's executive orders is. Though Mr. Obama can potentially get some legislation passed, he won't be able to get any on the matter of gun control passed. He could not accomplish that at the apex of is political capital, that anyone thinks he can now is ludicrous.
The attacks in France and S.B. pretty much put an end to ANY new gun laws. THAT fight is OVER.
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.

Lame duck POTI have nothing to lose so are more than happy to piss off anyone they want to get their agenda through. Didn't think this through to well did you....

How much a "lame duck" president has to lose has little to nothing to do with it. That an unsympathetic Congress will not pass and will more likely legislate to overrule a "lame duck" president's executive orders is. Though Mr. Obama can potentially get some legislation passed, he won't be able to get any on the matter of gun control passed. He could not accomplish that at the apex of is political capital, that anyone thinks he can now is ludicrous.

He is more than happy to use EO's to get his desires. He has a GOP led Congress that gives him anything he wants so i think you are simply wrong.

...and the extent of things he can accomplish re: gun purchase restrictions using an executive order is very limited as discussed in the content found at the link I provided above. As noted, those things have to do with sellers not buyers. While Mr. Obama may be able to ensure one cannot buy a gun from some sellers who currently sell them, that is hardly a prohibition on buying one or several, nor would it constitute a limit on one's ability to buy a gun.
how many guns have been removed during the last 8 years? how many new laws passed? did the ussc rule against personal safety with guns? no they is just crazy the level of paranoia
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.
Operation Choke Point!
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.
Operation Choke Point!

??? Apologies. I'm not sure what you are trying to communicate to me/us.
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.
Operation Choke Point!

??? Apologies. I'm not sure what you are trying to communicate to me/us.
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.
Operation Choke Point!

??? Apologies. I'm not sure what you are trying to communicate to me/us.

Okay. Are you certain you posted your remark in the correct thread?

Now I've read the article to which you referred me, I still don't see what it has to do with guns being or not being the "number one" Christmas gift. The article describes the situation of a retailer, Powderhorn Outfitters (PHO), whose bank has deemed it a high risk business and thus no longer wants PHO's business. (Operation Choke Point: a credit card fraud probe ensnaring banks that do business with 24 industries deemed “high-risk” by the FDIC.)
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.
Operation Choke Point!

??? Apologies. I'm not sure what you are trying to communicate to me/us.

Okay. Are you certain you posted your remark in the correct thread?

Now I've read the article to which you referred me, I still don't see what it has to do with guns being or not being the "number one" Christmas gift. The article describes the situation of a retailer, Powderhorn Outfitters (PHO), whose bank has deemed it a high risk business and thus no longer wants PHO's business. (Operation Choke Point: a credit card fraud probe ensnaring banks that do business with 24 industries deemed “high-risk” by the FDIC.)
Operation Choke Point was focused mainly on gun sellers, payday loan companies and pawn shops. The banking industry was spot lighted because banks could refuse loans to businesses the Obama Administration wanted to ruin.It was a devious Progressive Liberal that stank to high heaven. I pasted the real reason the operation was started. The link covers the banks.

The two primary targets of Operation Choke Point have been the short-term lending industry and firearm sellers. The distaste for both are rooted in leftist ideology. Progressives hate private lending, because they believe people cannot make financial decisions for themselves. In addition, there is ample evidence that the federal government wants to replace private lending with financial services provided by the Post Office. As for firearms, well, we know all about progressives and the Second Amendment.

Democrats need to take a breath and think about this issue very carefully. They should be outraged that Operation Choke Point even exists. If they aren’t outraged, then they need to get pragmatic and help bring it down.

If they sit on the sidelines, do they really believe that their political shenanigans will not be turned upon them? That Operation Choke Point won’t be used to kill operations that Republicans don’t like? What happens when a GOP President gets a look at Operation Choke Point and decides to keep it active? What businesses might be targeted by the righteously indignant victims of government oppression?

Read more: What If Operation Choke Point Was Used Against Progressive-Friendly Businesses?
The narrator noted, among other things, that the boost in gun sales is partly attributable to folks' concern that Mr. "Obama will change gun laws." Really? Though it could in fact be so, I find it hard to believe that is in fact among the foremost motivations driving such sales. Are my gun seeking fellow citizens really that stupid? Mr. Obama is in the "lame duck" phase of his presidency with a Congress headed by the opposing party. Why would anyone in their right mind think it's at all probable that Mr. Obama can push through gun legislation that will constrain one's ability to buy a gun? Mr. Obama would need to use a war power to do much of anything that could "have teeth." Are we are war? Congress hasn't declared one, so I'm inclined to say "no."

Moreover, I have an even harder time accepting that guns are the "top Christmas gift for 2015" -- top selling, most often requested, most often given, whatever...unless, of course, the narrator is referring to the top selling item at gun and ammunitions stores -- but I'll wait until after the 25th to find out for sure. Something tells me that even though there were ~2.2 million background checks performed this season, there will yet be several things for which more than 2.2 million units will be bought/given, during the holiday season, as Christmas gifts.

The full story corresponding to that video maybe is here. It's hard to say for sure as the actual video was produced by something called "YT Wochit News," which, though it sort of has a website, provides no information there indicating precisely who the producers, narrators, directors, reporters, etc. are.

I learned something from the NBC video. In certain states, one can buy, gift a gun to another person in the state, and the recipient does not have to undergo the same background checks as does the buyer.

Talk about loopholes....​
End of Sidebar.
Operation Choke Point!

??? Apologies. I'm not sure what you are trying to communicate to me/us.

Okay. Are you certain you posted your remark in the correct thread?

Now I've read the article to which you referred me, I still don't see what it has to do with guns being or not being the "number one" Christmas gift. The article describes the situation of a retailer, Powderhorn Outfitters (PHO), whose bank has deemed it a high risk business and thus no longer wants PHO's business. (Operation Choke Point: a credit card fraud probe ensnaring banks that do business with 24 industries deemed “high-risk” by the FDIC.)
The business was at "high risk" simply because it sold guns and ammo which is targeted by operation choke point. Operation choke point had been used as a back door regulatory way of attacking the gun industry without passing a law.
perhaps the fact that americans buy guns while ignoring the issues that need work is part of the problem

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