And The Spill Goes On...

.[/QUOTE said:
............According to the latest reports in the media, it's disappearing. So maybe not such a disaster as had been thought.

That will annoy the drooling herd.

Quite so. It is "disappearing" into huge clouds of "dispersed" oil droplets. These clouds are miles wide by miles long by hundreds of feet deep.

No one knows how toxic they are but it is known that they are sucking the oxygen from the water

What? Me worry?
.[/quote said:
............According to the latest reports in the media, it's disappearing. So maybe not such a disaster as had been thought.

That will annoy the drooling herd.

Quite so. It is "disappearing" into huge clouds of "dispersed" oil droplets. These clouds are miles wide by miles long by hundreds of feet deep.

No one knows how toxic they are but it is known that they are sucking the oxygen from the water

What? Me worry?

That is not true. The coast gaurd claims they and NOAA and several universities have been testing these chemicals for many years.

Rather than just spread misinformation why don't you do a little research?
I found Janet Naplitano's photo-op comments this am to be rather amusing. She touted that the efforts to contain the oil spill are the biggest ever! - involving over 22,000 people. The unsaid impression was that the 22,000 are government responders - when in fact they are mostly fisherman hired by BP to help contain and clean up the mess.
I haven't seen this Administration do shit yet. At first i admit i thought no big deal they'll seal it up and no harm. But it has been over a month and it's still going and the Federal Government is doing nothing. Yeah, it's past time to get pissed.
Yea it's all just very sad. I wonder if a Republican was President right now,would they receive the kind of free pass this current President is receiving from the MSM? I just don't think so. This looks like just another big Media scam to me. This spill is actually much much worse than this administration and MSM are telling the people.
Ecological genocide? Seriously.

It's an accident. And it's appalling that it hasnt been fixed after a month. But genocide?

There was a period of time when we could build things quickly, now it takes years. We could fix problems quickly. Not any more.

Thing is i dont think our capacity has changed at all. I think there are just too many people who don't have the will to achieve their full power.
BTW has anyone contemplated that there might be an effort to stop this problem from being fixed?
I haven't seen this Administration do shit yet. At first i admit i thought no big deal they'll seal it up and no harm. But it has been over a month and it's still going and the Federal Government is doing nothing. Yeah, it's past time to get pissed.

At who?

Did it occur to you that the government isn't all-powerful?

Do you understand that we (and by that I mean The Human Understanding of Science) DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS?

This is a failure of government. This is a failure of human nature - we did something (dug these wells) without knowing what to do if this happened. And it did.

And now we're fucked.
.[/quote said:
............According to the latest reports in the media, it's disappearing. So maybe not such a disaster as had been thought.

That will annoy the drooling herd.

Quite so. It is "disappearing" into huge clouds of "dispersed" oil droplets. These clouds are miles wide by miles long by hundreds of feet deep.

No one knows how toxic they are but it is known that they are sucking the oxygen from the water

What? Me worry?

That is not true. The coast gaurd claims they and NOAA and several universities have been testing these chemicals for many years.

Rather than just spread misinformation why don't you do a little research?

I'm not sure what to think about the dispersants any more. The same people that said they have been tested turns out don't know what this stuff does in macro scales.
This thread adds real value to the debate. Thanks.

Thank GOD we had YOU to POST your oh! so valuable opinion.

You're wrong. Some of us are STILL pissed off about this, and absolutely heartbroken that it's allowed to continue,

and YOU think you need to ridicule us?

I haven't seen this Administration do shit yet. At first i admit i thought no big deal they'll seal it up and no harm. But it has been over a month and it's still going and the Federal Government is doing nothing. Yeah, it's past time to get pissed.

At who?

Did it occur to you that the government isn't all-powerful?

Do you understand that we (and by that I mean The Human Understanding of Science) DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS?

This is a failure of government. This is a failure of human nature - we did something (dug these wells) without knowing what to do if this happened. And it did.

And now we're fucked.

Bull Shit, we are still hearing about how Bush failed to react fast enough after Katrina.

36 days and counting.........
It will be a huge mistake trying to politicise this disaster Ollie.

Nothing personal about your family but "This isn't your daddys house ******"

Obama ..if he has shown anything it is that he is not afraid to take on a big project.

If the wackadoodle white tries to corner Obama he will step up and you will not like the results.

How does the sound of a nationalized ocean oil energy industry sound?

If there ever was a slam dunk...this is it. Another month of this with the dumbasses blaming him and I see no other course of action.
My God,who could have possibly imagined that after all this time we would still be talking about BP not stopping this horrifying oil leak? As we speak,tons of deadly toxic chemicals are still being spewed into the ocean. Where is all the anger at BP and this Administration? Have Americans become complacent & numb zombies at this point? This is a terrible & incomprehensible calamity for our nation. I just don't think most Americans understand how terrible this calamity really is. Or maybe they just don't want to understand. Will anyone ever be held accountable? What a truly sad nightmare.

LOL. Rand Paul says we are too hard on BP. After all, they just made a few decisions to save a few pennies, and all it is costing us is the ecosystem of the Gulf. And only Environuts care about that.

Drill, baby, drill.

Anyone that understands the risks associated with drilling for petroleum would have told you that this was possible. But the money behind the exploitation of this resource is great enough that elements in the media were paid to shout down any such reservations as uninformed, and unpatriotic, anticapitalistic.

The administration? They have nothing at all to work on this with. The government has no equipment to plug a huge spewing oil well 5000 ft. down. Had President Obama proposed to spend the kind of money building that equiptment would have cost, right after coming into office, he would have been hooted down by both the Dems and Repubs. So, we either work with the oil companies, or we seize their assests, and then try to find people to run those assets on this problem. How do you think that would work?

We are going to lose a huge amount of the ecosystem of the Gulf and, more than likely, the Florida Keys, before this is over. How much is our addiction to petroleum worth? We are bleeding our treasury dry paying for oil from nations that are supporting those intent on destroying our way of life. And yet, we allow these very same companies to deprive us of the solutions to the problem. See Chevron versus Toyota on the matter of the Electric RAV4.
blah, blah, blah...

yada, yada, yada...

You still don't understand that Obozo's just the Puppet/FigureHead for TPTB. It doesn't matter which party won. If it had been McCain, you'd STILL be having this convo, but you'd be the accuser.

Don't defend an actor for reading the cue cards he's shown. He's nothing. He represents Nothing. It isn't HIM that is doing, or not doing, ANYTHING.

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blah, blah, blah...

yada, yada, yada...

You still don't understand that Obozo's just the Puppet/FigureHead for TPTB. It doesn't matter which party won. If it had been McCain, you'd STILL be having this convo, but you'd be the accuser.

Don't defend an actor for reading the cue cards he's shown. He's nothing. He represents Nothing. It isn't HIM that is doing, or not doing, ANYTHING.


Apparantly you didn't read the rules of USMB. What you did with my quote is a bannable offense.

I'll give you a couple of hours to correct it ..then if not fixed ..reported. Capiche?

I promise you have zero chance of winnig this.
A million bales of hay could have been lining the beaches and wetlands by now but the President is going on another vacation, second since this all started. This asswipe is going to Chicago, I guess to head into some sinister smoke filled meeting room with the mobsters that control him. Axelrod previewed yet another black play on the civil rights movement......"the Good Negro", why doesn't this surprise me? I guess someone needs to let him know that black people are being threatened by this oil spill also, maybe he would actually give it some attention....... his approval rating is down again....... 42% of America........ all of the dimwits and racist Afrocentric clowns.

This jerk isn't going to Arlington for Memorial Day!!!!!! He's sending that bumbling stooge Biden!!!!!

Obamas' visit back home leaves Chicagoans guessing - Chicago Breaking News

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