And the world laughs at you!

Conservatives are forever afflicted with the dumb. Everybody on Earth knows this except them. To them all the rest of humanity is wrong and they are right. Which is how Isis views the world.

Well, you super intelligent Liberals have lost just about every election even for dog catcher as of late. I can see where being so intelligent has really paid off for you fools.

You make your argument for stupid people to hold the reigns of government quite well.

Tell us genius... what is it that makes you oh so smarter than us simpletons?

Because I don't see it.

He read a book once.
And here I thought he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.
More hypocritical sour-grapes, racist anarchist bitching from liberals who demanded the GOP accept the outcome of the long as Hillary won...but can't do the same now.

These are the same IGNORANT, Anti-Patriotic sons o' bitches who can't even burn an American flag without setting themselves on fire:

Allow me to structure this reply in an easily comprehensible parlance...

Fuck the world. I don't give a damn what they think. Americans SO don't give a damn, we don't follow their political election closely enough to know whether we should be laughing or not.

That's the snowflake liberals problem. Always concerned about what OTHERS think. Fuck others. If they were so great, THEY'D be the superpowers and then we'd HAVE to give a flying fuck what they think. Their military would be protecting our borders and their navies would be defending our freedom of the seas. But they aren't. They don't get a fucking say in our political system. In closing, if I've been in any way unclear...Fuck 'em, their opinion of our officials, elections and policies should be lower than whale shit on the bottom of the fucking ocean in the priority of your attention compared to the opinions of your own citizenry.


You want to be a citizen of the world THEN GET THE FUCK OUT and BE a citizen of the world..we neither need you nor want your everyone-else-first mentality.

Don't let the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split ya.


Any questions?
What are you trying to say?



Thank you.

Conservatives are forever afflicted with the dumb. Everybody on Earth knows this except them. To them all the rest of humanity is wrong and they are right. Which is how Isis views the world.

Well, you super intelligent Liberals have lost just about every election even for dog catcher as of late. I can see where being so intelligent has really paid off for you fools.

You make your argument for stupid people to hold the reigns of government quite well.

Tell us genius... what is it that makes you oh so smarter than us simpletons?

Because I don't see it.

He read a book once.

Does this count?


Conservatives are forever afflicted with the dumb. Everybody on Earth knows this except them. To them all the rest of humanity is wrong and they are right. Which is how Isis views the world.

Well, you super intelligent Liberals have lost just about every election even for dog catcher as of late. I can see where being so intelligent has really paid off for you fools.

You make your argument for stupid people to hold the reigns of government quite well.

Tell us genius... what is it that makes you oh so smarter than us simpletons?

Because I don't see it.

I think it probably futile but I will attempt an answer for you.

You misinterpret these things. I don't look down on you or anyone else as 'inferior', but as simply ignorant. Ignorance just means lack of knowledge, even though that word has a negative connotation in this culture and is usually equated with 'less than'.

I do not go to a doctor and tell them they are full of shit. They are pretty damn smart and I am ignorant of a lot of what they know. So I defer to their knowledge. That in no way makes me less than them. When a scientist comes out and says the Earth is 24, 860* miles around, or the sun is approx. 92 million miles away, or that there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy alone I defer to their knowledge as they, and they means tens of thousands of PH.D's over the decades, have studied such things their entire lives. The same with Global Warming, they aren't guessing and they are uber-smart people.

That also doesn't mean you view any of these people as infallible. This is why the studied conclusion of tens of thousands or even, as in the case in medicine, millions of people over a hundred years is important. A knowledge of the history of something is as important as current knowledge. You see where things started, what mistakes were made, and the corrections that resulted revealing fact and truth. Knowledge of human history is in fact the most important thing to study and understand as it is riddled with the most horrible and heinous conflagrations perpetrated on entire nations or the entire human population by one or a very few individuals. Democracies generally die in their infancy. And they have all died, all of them. And many times it is not by a violent invasion that ends it at once, but by the wrong person manipulating their way into power, or fooling enough people to put him/her into power. I post up quotes from tyrants and dictators of the past for a reason, they are telling us what to look for and what to avoid like the plague out of their own mouths.

“I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.”

That is a quote from Adolph Hitler. Why would HE think this so valuable an observation? He is saying out loud that the masses, 'the many', can be swayed and manipulated - that was his strength, manipulating normally sane people into insanity - by the use of emotion. There are many quotes, images, films, essays, books written on his use of the plea to emotion to get people to do what he wanted them to do even against their own best interest. Men like him have studied and know how to, sometimes with the most gentle of nudges, move entire populations into an emotional state that leaves them easy to guide in any direction he sees fit. We know the results.

Out of the 17 Republican candidates that were put forth I can say without question that though I would have a real issue with their politics, I don't think any one of them would have been a real threat to this democracy. Trump is. American democracy has lasted way beyond what is a normal life for a democracy. And it is as fragile as all the rest were. You can't afford to allow even one man that shows any of the tendencies of the worst dictators in history anywhere near the reigns of power. Ever. It is too risky.

You think I and others care about personalities and all the other superfluous nonsense that plays out on television and online. I don't. Much of what I do here is just to entertain myself and I admit I sometimes engage in hyperbole and overtly sarcastic humor. But I know, as do millions in this country and hundreds of millions around the world that America is now at the moment of it's greatest peril. And the rest of the world understands that once American democracy ends, and it will end as all democracies do it is just a matter of when, then the world descends into the new Dark Ages. Just as when Rome fell and there was no world power to keep the warlords of the world contained. The Dark Ages lasted 700 years. 700 years with an Earth dominated by Kim Jung Uns and Adolph Hitlers.

You can't take the chance. One man is of no consequence compared to what can be lost. If Trump were to die of a heart attack tomorrow the entire world would take a breath and say 'thank god Pence can now take over'.
Last edited:

The American people have spoken. They have repudiated the policies of the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party. Live with the truth, whiney baby.
True, human, the American people HAVE spoken, but the electoral college spiked it.

That's the way the Founding Fathers set it up and the way it has worked for all these years. Get over it.
Human I have always accepted the EC set up, but felt the need to point out that more American people spoke for the losing candidate than the winner. I also have to tell you that I believe if the situation were reversed, you'd be screaming like a banshee, which most Democrats are not doing!

Well, actually I'm going to wait until that guy who always writes a book about who voted for who comes out with a book on this election. I have an idea that once the illregals who cast votes in this election are finally discounted, it will be shown that Hillary did not actually win the popular vote.
Excuses! Excuses! Youse guys always have an excuse for losing..and you lost the popular vote!!!!! Sure glad you didn't have to drag out the pre-emptively sniveled rigged excuse though, or the mean old media whine.
We'll see who's laughing in 2017 when the GOP passes dozens of bills and Trump signs them into law without needing a single Dem vote...your pain and suffering has only just begun! :lmao:

Dems have 48 votes, enough to invoke the same cloture rule the GOP used for the last 8 years to obstruct Obama.
See! You're still cranky!

"Reputable" economists meant economists that weren't bought and paid for by liberal or conservative think tanks, and it was pretty unanimous.
And you are still, obviously, a fool. It is even more so when you assume to enlighten those altogether better informed.

Trump like the poorly educated. That would be you.

Oh, the irony....

Given your command of grammar, he loooves you...
I don't get it.

Isn't "poorly" spelled p-o-o-r-l-y ?
Dems have 48 votes, enough to invoke the same cloture rule the GOP used for the last 8 years to obstruct Obama.

I was going to ask, "Are you really that stupid?" until I realized you're a dimocrap.

Which automatically means you're dumb as a box of fucking rocks.


Republicans have had the majority in the Senate since 2010!!

As to the Judges we 'filibustered'?

Know who and why we did that?


They were almost all leftover vacancies from when dimocrap scum filibustered George Bush's appointments

You really are stupid

And you can't filibuster a Budget Bill. It's called "Reconciliation"

DAMN but dimocraps are some stupid shits

Conservatives are forever afflicted with the dumb. Everybody on Earth knows this except them. To them all the rest of humanity is wrong and they are right. Which is how Isis views the world.

Well, you super intelligent Liberals have lost just about every election even for dog catcher as of late. I can see where being so intelligent has really paid off for you fools.

You make your argument for stupid people to hold the reigns of government quite well.

Tell us genius... what is it that makes you oh so smarter than us simpletons?

Because I don't see it.

I think it probably futile but I will attempt an answer for you.

You misinterpret these things. I don't look down on you or anyone else as 'inferior', but as simply ignorant. Ignorance just means lack of knowledge, even though that word has a negative connotation in this culture and is usually equated with 'less than'.

I do not go to a doctor and tell them they are full of shit. They are pretty damn smart and I am ignorant of a lot of what they know. So I defer to their knowledge. That in no way makes me less than them. When a scientist comes out and says the Earth is 24, 860* miles around, or the sun is approx. 92 million miles away, or that there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy alone I defer to the knowledge as they, and they means tens of thousands of PH.D's over the decades, have studied such things their entire lives. The same with Global Warming, they aren't guessing and they are uber-smart people.

That also doesn't mean you view any of these people as infallible. This is why the studied conclusion of tens of thousands or even, as in the case in medicine, millions of people over a hundred years is important. A knowledge of the history of something is as important as current knowledge. You see where things started, what mistakes were made, and the corrections that resulted revealing fact and truth. Knowledge of human history is in fact the most important thing to study and understand as it is riddled with the most horrible and heinous conflagrations perpetrated on entire nations or the entire human population by one or a very few individuals. Democracies generally die in their infancy. And they have all died, all of them. And many times it is not by a violent invasion that ends it at once, but by the wrong person manipulating their way into power, or fooling enough people to put him/her into power. I post up quotes from tyrants and dictators of the past for a reason, they are telling us what to look for and what to avoid like the plague out of their own mouths.

“I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.”

That is a quote from Adolph Hitler. Why would HE think this so valuable an observation? He is saying out loud that the masses, 'the many', can be swayed and manipulated - that was his strength, manipulating normally sane people into insanity - by the use of emotion. There are many quotes, images, films, essays, books written on his use of the plea to emotion to get people to do what he wanted them to do even against their own best interest. Men like him have studied and know how to, sometimes with the most gentle of nudges, move entire populations into an emotional state that leaves them easy to guide in any direction he sees fit. We know the results.

Out of the 17 Republican candidates that were put forth I can say without question that though I would have a real issue with their politics, I don't think any one of them would have been a real threat to this democracy. Trump is. American democracy has lasted way beyond what is a normal life for a democracy. And it is as fragile as all the rest were. You can't afford to allow even one man that shows any of the tendencies of the worst dictators in history anywhere near the reigns of power. Ever. It is too risky.

You think I and others care about personalities and all the other superfluous nonsense that plays out on television and online. I don't. Much of what I do here is just to entertain myself and I admit I sometimes engage in hyperbole and overtly sarcastic humor. But I know, as do millions in this country and hundreds of millions around the world that America is now at the moment of it's greatest peril. And the rest of the world understands that once American democracy ends, and it will end as all democracies do it is just a matter of when, then the world descends into the new Dark Ages. Just as when Rome fell and there was no world power to keep the warlords of the world contained. The Dark Ages lasted 700 years. 700 years with an Earth dominated by Kim Jung Uns and Adolph Hitlers.

You can't take the chance. One man is of no consequence compared to what can be lost. If Trump were to die of a heart attack tomorrow the entire world would take a breath and say 'thank god Pence can now take over'.

You know, you could have just said stopped at "I don't look down on you or anyone else as 'inferior', but as simply ignorant."

A smart man doesn't take 9 paragraphs to explain one sentence. We get it, we're all ignorant and you know better.

Go fuck yourself you condescending and ignorant prick.
In the wake defeat Hillary's puppet-master funds a massive un-American anarchist movement in which his/their mindless 'army' of domestic political terrorists burn the American flag, engage in violence, racistly call for the murder of whites, and call for the assassination of the newly-elected President.

Liberals have tried to falsely claim Trump is like the KKK, is like Putin / Russia; yet, it is the liberalswho are waging the Anti-American, racist, anarchist, domestic-terrorist campaign across the country...

...and they're too stupid / too dishonest to see it is they who are the problem.
At the end of the day, the most satisfying thing us to remember:

Hillary lost...again...

America won't see the Clintons again in govt

Obama is all but GONE

And watching the infantile, anti-Anerican, racist anarchist 'hissy fit' liberals are throwing is making them look horrible while providing the justification to strip the Democratic Party of their official status as a major political party, acknowledging them instead as a political terrorist organization.
Conservatives are forever afflicted with the dumb. Everybody on Earth knows this except them. To them all the rest of humanity is wrong and they are right. Which is how Isis views the world.

Well, you super intelligent Liberals have lost just about every election even for dog catcher as of late. I can see where being so intelligent has really paid off for you fools.

You make your argument for stupid people to hold the reigns of government quite well.

Tell us genius... what is it that makes you oh so smarter than us simpletons?

Because I don't see it.

I think it probably futile but I will attempt an answer for you.

You misinterpret these things. I don't look down on you or anyone else as 'inferior', but as simply ignorant. Ignorance just means lack of knowledge, even though that word has a negative connotation in this culture and is usually equated with 'less than'.

I do not go to a doctor and tell them they are full of shit. They are pretty damn smart and I am ignorant of a lot of what they know. So I defer to their knowledge. That in no way makes me less than them. When a scientist comes out and says the Earth is 24, 860* miles around, or the sun is approx. 92 million miles away, or that there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy alone I defer to the knowledge as they, and they means tens of thousands of PH.D's over the decades, have studied such things their entire lives. The same with Global Warming, they aren't guessing and they are uber-smart people.

That also doesn't mean you view any of these people as infallible. This is why the studied conclusion of tens of thousands or even, as in the case in medicine, millions of people over a hundred years is important. A knowledge of the history of something is as important as current knowledge. You see where things started, what mistakes were made, and the corrections that resulted revealing fact and truth. Knowledge of human history is in fact the most important thing to study and understand as it is riddled with the most horrible and heinous conflagrations perpetrated on entire nations or the entire human population by one or a very few individuals. Democracies generally die in their infancy. And they have all died, all of them. And many times it is not by a violent invasion that ends it at once, but by the wrong person manipulating their way into power, or fooling enough people to put him/her into power. I post up quotes from tyrants and dictators of the past for a reason, they are telling us what to look for and what to avoid like the plague out of their own mouths.

“I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.”

That is a quote from Adolph Hitler. Why would HE think this so valuable an observation? He is saying out loud that the masses, 'the many', can be swayed and manipulated - that was his strength, manipulating normally sane people into insanity - by the use of emotion. There are many quotes, images, films, essays, books written on his use of the plea to emotion to get people to do what he wanted them to do even against their own best interest. Men like him have studied and know how to, sometimes with the most gentle of nudges, move entire populations into an emotional state that leaves them easy to guide in any direction he sees fit. We know the results.

Out of the 17 Republican candidates that were put forth I can say without question that though I would have a real issue with their politics, I don't think any one of them would have been a real threat to this democracy. Trump is. American democracy has lasted way beyond what is a normal life for a democracy. And it is as fragile as all the rest were. You can't afford to allow even one man that shows any of the tendencies of the worst dictators in history anywhere near the reigns of power. Ever. It is too risky.

You think I and others care about personalities and all the other superfluous nonsense that plays out on television and online. I don't. Much of what I do here is just to entertain myself and I admit I sometimes engage in hyperbole and overtly sarcastic humor. But I know, as do millions in this country and hundreds of millions around the world that America is now at the moment of it's greatest peril. And the rest of the world understands that once American democracy ends, and it will end as all democracies do it is just a matter of when, then the world descends into the new Dark Ages. Just as when Rome fell and there was no world power to keep the warlords of the world contained. The Dark Ages lasted 700 years. 700 years with an Earth dominated by Kim Jung Uns and Adolph Hitlers.

You can't take the chance. One man is of no consequence compared to what can be lost. If Trump were to die of a heart attack tomorrow the entire world would take a breath and say 'thank god Pence can now take over'.

You know, you could have just said stopped at "I don't look down on you or anyone else as 'inferior', but as simply ignorant."

A smart man doesn't take 9 paragraphs to explain one sentence. We get it, we're all ignorant and you know better.

Go fuck yourself you condescending and ignorant prick.

And, voila`.

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