And there it is.

I laugh when I remember them saying "this is Biden's America" over photo's of stuff that was literally happening under Trump's America

You made that up, which is why you have zero examples. The Democrat Party is the never can think of an example party because you lie, lie, lie ...
It is great having a President and Vice President who love this country and cherish our Democracy

Tiger laughing.jpg

How small a mob injured 140?

Trump didn’t attack our Capitol?
I didn’t see anyone else’s name on those signs
Small is small. Like your mind.

the protestors were there in support of Trump. Your conclusion is that “therefore” Trump attacked the Capitol. You’re a total hack. 😂🥲
Our President is showing how important it is to have a real leader on the Global Stage

and why the gop will sweep the midterms snd walk in the white house in 2024

sadly, there is so much death, destruction and poverty created by xiden and company, to learn this important lesson
I'm a millennial so I haven't seen our country do anything good economically in my lifetime. Are you suggesting this massive redistribution of wealth to our oligarchs that I've witnessed over my life isn't normal? You thought shitty GDP growth under Trump when inflation was wall street money flooding into our ruling class was fantastic. Have you changed your mind?


I'm a millennial so I haven't seen our country do anything good economically in my lifetime. Are you suggesting this massive redistribution of wealth to our oligarchs that I've witnessed over my life isn't normal? You thought shitty GDP growth under Trump when inflation was wall street money flooding into our ruling class was fantastic. Have you changed your mind?
Really? Do you do anything to earn your own money? Oh, then you have money flowing to you. People like Gates, Musk and even Zuckerberg created something that everyone uses and likes to use. They have money flowing to them. If you want more money flowing to you, then you need to invent something or make something or do more than you are doing now.

Here is a hint, Musk and Zuckerberg are not baby boomers. Musk is a genxer and Zuckerberg is a millennial just like you. I know many millennials who are quite successful and they work hard, but boy oh boy so many of them think all they have to do is show up, and don't dare criticize them for their lack of work ethics or they will run to HR and cry.

Or do you think other peoples money should flow to you because you get out of bed in the morning and breathe?
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Wage growth just continued a slow and stagnant trend that saw the income gap continue exploding; he lowered black unemployment by 2% after Obama lowered it by 7%; there were more trade wars than deals and those deals changed nothing; and we were in plenty of wars. My country must seem like paradise to you folks over there if that's what's being reported.
Actually, the income gap decreased under Trump. Black unemployment was the lowest it has ever been under Trump. Obama only lowered it from the rate at the peak of the great recession. That's nothing to brag about. The trade wars are a side issue. You just admitted they changed nothing. Trump is the only president in the last 40 years not to start a war.

You drug upa bunch of non-complaints.
The tax cuts did a great job of redistributing more wealth to the richest people and companies in America. It's why wages had 0.5% growth under Trump, while the net worths of the like of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, ets. when up well over 50%. We have our own problem with oligarchs here in the U.S.
Just about everything you post is a lie.
He doesn't have the power to shut down a pipeline between foreign countries.

He can twist the arm of American allies from allowing the pipeline to terminate on their borders. He has all manner of ways to twist their arms.
I'm a millennial so I haven't seen our country do anything good economically in my lifetime. Are you suggesting this massive redistribution of wealth to our oligarchs that I've witnessed over my life isn't normal? You thought shitty GDP growth under Trump when inflation was wall street money flooding into our ruling class was fantastic. Have you changed your mind?
The reason wages have been stagnant for the middle class is the fact that Dims have been allowing low wage labor from Mexico to flood into this country.
By being at war against half of his own country for his entire Presidency. Did Russian state TV not report about that to you?
That half of the country has always been at war with us, dumbass. That half of the country is the parasite class.
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