And there it is.

Which, of course, never happened.

Why does Leftwhiner have to lie? Does the truth cause him physical pain?

Trump attacked our Capitol

Something a Foreign Government hadn’t managed in over 200 years

No he didn’t .. but we do have a democrat caused invasion of our country
See these signs?


They don’t say RUSSIA
They don’t say CHINA
They don’t say MEXICO

They say TRUMP
Hanging a sign is an attack on the capital? 🤣🤣

Participating in a mob that is attacking our Capitol is
That was a TRUMPmob

Don’t see any Russian flags, Chinese Flags
Those are TRUMP Flags
Participating in a mob that is attacking our Capitol is
That was a TRUMPmob

Don’t see any Russian flags, Chinese Flags
Those are TRUMP Flags
A smallish portion of protestors engaged in criminal behavior at the Capitol. Hardly an attack. In any event, your propaganda is truly pathetic.
There was a pandemic, and the only shortages was toilet paper and bleach wipes. I don't remember any price hikes. Trump handled it good while having to deal with you loons 24/7. What did the democrat party do besides. Russian collusion, attacking him on taxes, and impeaching him. Didn't do anything for the American people. Just like now, nothing but making normal Americans miserable. That’s what needs to be remembered in November.
Democrats attacked him, surely not any more than Trump and the GOP has attacked Democrats over the years...
A smallish portion of protestors engaged in criminal behavior at the Capitol. Hardly an attack. In any event, your propaganda is truly pathetic.
140 Capitol Police were injured

Was it by the same guy?
Wage growth just continued a slow and stagnant trend that saw the income gap continue exploding; he lowered black unemployment by 2% after Obama lowered it by 7%; there were more trade wars than deals and those deals changed nothing; and we were in plenty of wars. My country must seem like paradise to you folks over there if that's what's being reported.
It lowered 7% under Obama only after it increased 7% at the beginning of his administration.
It lowered 7% under Obama only after it increased 7% at the beginning of his administration.
It went up because of W's destruction of our economy. Trump continued Obama's downward trend with no change to that trend whatsoever. The trend ended, of course, when Trump turned the Covid response into more culture war bullshit.
No. It was done by some angry rioters. As I said: some of the protestors committed crimes. If you’re imagining you’re making a point, you may have a fever.
How many?

How many TRUMP Mobsters does it take to injure 140 police?
According to you, only a ”smallish portion”

Biden is using the Russian invasion to hide his incompetency regarding energy and inflation and he wants to use the deaths of the Ukrainians which he refuses to help in a meaningful way to get votes. that's all that feckless fool cares about. he is nothing but an empty suit and mush mouthed politician.

meanwhile everything the squad ever wanted is being handed to them on a silver platter. super high energy prices, super high meat prices, super high living costs, and [socialist mega bills in congress, which are coming back in another month or two, (write down that prognostication and call me out if it doesn't happen)] and opening relations with places like Venezuela.

socialism brings double digit inflation, shortages and total government control of your thinking and of your freedom to move about. Thats exactly what biden is creating in this country. We are in the middle of a socialist take over of our government and the destruction of freedom forever. The Dems must be removed in 22 and don't let them use this war to fool you, their stripes have not changed since 21.
Brilliant political gamesmanship

How many?

How many TRUMP Mobsters does it take to injure 140 police?
According to you, only a ”smallish portion”
It was a smallish portion of the larger crowd of protestors. And the more precise answer is: it doesn’t matter.

Your claim was that President Trump attacked the Capitol. You make shit up. You can’t support your own nonsense. So now, you engage in more deflection.
It was a smallish portion of the larger crowd of protestors. And the more precise answer is: it doesn’t matter.

Your claim was that President Trump attacked the Capitol. You make shit up. You can’t support your own nonsense. So now, you engage in more deflection.
How small a mob injured 140?

Trump didn’t attack our Capitol?
I didn’t see anyone else’s name on those signs

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