And They Just Keep On Dropping Like Flies On A Window Sill...



There are other bad things that these promote, that increase to.

Because they destroy the background immunity, they cause an exponential rise in the risk of many types of both cancers, other types of viral diseases and auto-immune diseases.

In the news this season, you probably heard about the epidemic of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV) this year? That happened only in the jabbed.

Unfortunately, I have heard nothing bad recurrent cases of cancer coming back among those who have taken the jab as well, and recurrent viral infections.
Okee dokee!

Whether it's being caused as a weakness and side effect from covid itself, or from the covid vaccine or something that happens naturally.... it's a very sad situation and we should be curious to medically and scientifically find what is causing the condition.
Young Canadian reporter either strokes out or has a seizure ON AIR. She shared that she has had three Covid shots but she is okay now....who knows. Watch:

Okee dokee!

Whether it's being caused as a weakness and side effect from covid itself, or from the covid vaccine or something that happens naturally.... it's a very sad situation and we should be curious to medically and scientifically find what is causing the condition.

The spike protein is not great no matter how you get it--vaccine or virus. But the latest peer-reviewed paper in Science Mag gives some hint as to why we have increased cancers: the immune switch in vaccinated to IgG4, which turns the immune system "off" to fighting so many things. Including perhaps, sadly, tumors.

ETA: Everyone who has had 4 vaccines--get ALL your cancer screenings. :(
There are other bad things that these promote, that increase to.

Because they destroy the background immunity, they cause an exponential rise in the risk of many types of both cancers, other types of viral diseases and auto-immune diseases.

In the news this season, you probably heard about the epidemic of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV) this year? That happened only in the jabbed.

Unfortunately, I have heard nothing bad recurrent cases of cancer coming back among those who have taken the jab as well, and recurrent viral infections.

Because they destroy the background immunity,

How do they do that?
What the news is reporting is that the heart condition associated with the vaccine and younger men does occur but is extremely rare side effect.

but the news also reported that those who have had Covid, are also at a higher risk of getting this same heart condition than those who have gotten the vaccine, though both have a very low risk factor!

....but with all of the hundreds of millions getting the vaccine and/ or catching covid, even with the below 1% chance of getting the heart condition, there still could be lots of people getting the heart condition.
No pharmaceuticals are released to the public that has adverse effects on 1% of the people. It would be more like .001% or even less.

We need to just let the denialists live with their theories and then see the statistics after the fact. Much in the same way that America demonstrated statistical proof against their conspiracy theories.
No pharmaceuticals are released to the public that has adverse effects on 1% of the people. It would be more like .001% or even less.

We need to just let the denialists live with their theories and then see the statistics after the fact. Much in the same way that America demonstrated statistical proof against their conspiracy theories.

Recent experiences prove this to be a ridiculous claim.
Young Canadian reporter either strokes out or has a seizure ON AIR. She shared that she has had three Covid shots but she is okay now....who knows. Watch:




Anyone who cant see the connection is blind.
I work in a large company of 5000 people with multiple locations in several states. There have been absolutely ZERO reports of mysterious deaths anywhere in our ranks, OR outside the company via the grapevine.

Remember when the pandemic was shiny and new, and CNN was always reporting deaths in the thousands in various places but it was never anywhere near where anyone I ever talked to had been. Now THAT'S mysterious.
The spike protein is not great no matter how you get it--vaccine or virus. But the latest peer-reviewed paper in Science Mag gives some hint as to why we have increased cancers: the immune switch in vaccinated to IgG4, which turns the immune system "off" to fighting so many things. Including perhaps, sadly, tumors.

ETA: Everyone who has had 4 vaccines--get ALL your cancer screenings. :(
Jikky posted for T-cell exhaustion. The viral infection doesn't produce 436 billion copies continuously as does the mRNA. Nor increased risks of cancer after three shots?

@ 8 Jan 2023
Because they destroy the background immunity,

How do they do that?
I'm not really clear on the process, b/c, I am not a micro-biologist, nor am I a pathologist, however, from my understanding of reading and watching lectures, it would seem, that the jabs mRna reprogram how your T cells operate?

The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses

I'm not really clear on the process, b/c, I am not a micro-biologist, nor am I a pathologist, however, from my understanding of reading and watching lectures, it would seem, that the jabs mRna reprogram how your T cells operate?

The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses


That's what my friends in the biz say as well.
I work in a large company of 5000 people with multiple locations in several states. There have been absolutely ZERO reports of mysterious deaths anywhere in our ranks, OR outside the company via the grapevine.

Remember when the pandemic was shiny and new, and CNN was always reporting deaths in the thousands in various places but it was never anywhere near where anyone I ever talked to had been. Now THAT'S mysterious.

The sudden unexplained deaths are real.
I've heard it's the biggest cause of death now.
Also read somewhere that the deaths from covid are highly inflated.
The sudden unexplained deaths are real.
I've heard it's the biggest cause of death now.
Also read somewhere that the deaths from covid are highly inflated.

Your first claim is not supported by evidence. Your claim about over reporting COVID deaths, is.
Where's the confusion?

We don't have nearly enough evidence to claim that the sudden deaths are the leading cause. There are absolutely more of them. But to claim that they are the leading cause of death is a huge stretch.

Report what we KNOW, not what might be. Leave the conjecturing to the demofascists.
We don't have nearly enough evidence to claim that the sudden deaths are the leading cause. There are absolutely more of them. But to claim that they are the leading cause of death is a huge stretch.

Report what we KNOW, not what might be. Leave the conjecturing to the demofascists.

I read it somewhere and I never said it was set in stone.
And it really wouldnt surprise me if it were true,the left constantly lied about the numbers of covid deaths so it wouldnt surprise me in the least if they were down playing the number of sudden deaths.
It's been reported that there have been over 700 athletes that have collapsed on the field or courts across the world.
Thats some damning shit if true.

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