And this protestor shows us how it's done.

Newsflash: corporations stand more to gain from mass immigration and globalism than they do to lose. Google and facebook are two of the most powerful entities in the world right now and have made no bones about their so-called "progressive" ideals.

Again, you aren't a sad loser because of "globalism".

Again, your reply has literally nothing to do with what I said and is just another personal attack, as if you know anything about me.
Why do liberal minorities think we hate them?

We are indifferent to them. No hate, no like, nothing.

We want no part of them. Stay out of our life and we'll stay out of yours.

Nothing you could do in your life has any effect on us and our lives have no effect on yours.

When are you leaving?


I'm an adult, white, male living in Florida. I'm standing my ground.
yes I've seen this story
the MSM always has the blacks as angels, hugging, loving and whites as the haters/violent/etc
what a load of pure CRAP--whites bad ones--blacks good ones
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
blacks commit murder at over seven times the rate of whites
blacks commit violent crime at a greater rate
BLM wants to kill white people
white extremists have murdered 77 people--since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every YEAR
the article wants you to believe the black man hugging is superior than the white man...wants you to believe whites are bad, blacks are good

a ''nazi'' ...the NPI is no worse or better than any other racial group--but they call the whites nazis/bad guys
the MSM says whites are bad guys
Again, your reply has literally nothing to do with what I said and is just another personal attack, as if you know anything about me.

Actually, I think I've got you about pegged.

White Trash loser who blames all his failings on "those people".

blacks murder over 3000 blacks every YEAR
the article wants you to believe the black man hugging is superior than the white man...wants you to believe whites are bad, blacks are good

Okay, and White people murder 2500 white people every year.

The reality is, most murder victims are killed by people they know.

Which makes since because only people you know piss you off that much.
A cuck is someone who likes watching his partner get fucked by a black man.

A husband who likes seeing his wife get fucked by another man, the race does not matter.
Ya learn something new every day here!

I am simply fascinated with cultural train wrecks, even when it is our own.
This thread has certainly been an example.

You'd think this story would be a positive, but look at all the deflection.

That's how fucked up we are in the head.

This story is a positive but your thread title is a suggestion to a point you refuse to make.

And when other give opinions of things in general, surprise! They don't always agree but you take that disagreement to again suggest it's a larger point...again, a point you refuse to make.
Good stuff for fans of irony.

I want to see healing, not payback. Obviously Mr. Courtney agrees with ME.

I'll say it again - the thread is about Mr. Courtney, not me, as much as you people want to make it about me. Take it up with him.
Why do liberal minorities think we hate them?

We are indifferent to them. No hate, no like, nothing.

We want no part of them. Stay out of our life and we'll stay out of yours.

Nothing you could do in your life has any effect on us and our lives have no effect on yours.

When are you leaving?


I'm an adult, white, male living in Florida. I'm standing my ground.

If you want “nothing to do with” my fellow Americans - ALL my fellow Americans - you best get your mind right or you best get leaving, got it?
Good stuff for fans of irony.

I want to see healing, not payback. Obviously Mr. Courtney agrees with ME.

I'll say it again - the thread is about Mr. Courtney, not me, as much as you people want to make it about me. Take it up with him.

Why do you always feel the need to hide behind other people when making your points?

I'm a student of the Chicago Way...

A second protestor shows us how it’s done:

How many here agree with BlackFlag?
I do not. I was watching that unfold live. While being a nazi can certainly in itself inflame a negative response, that nazi did nothing and said nothing to provoke being struck. Regrettably, counter-protesters around him were spitting on him and as the image above shows, at least one took a jab at him.
Too bad there weren't a couple bodyguards...goons, armed with locked and loaded submachine guns.
Why do liberal minorities think we hate them?

We are indifferent to them. No hate, no like, nothing.

We want no part of them. Stay out of our life and we'll stay out of yours.

Nothing you could do in your life has any effect on us and our lives have no effect on yours.

When are you leaving?


I'm an adult, white, male living in Florida. I'm standing my ground.

If you want “nothing to do with” my fellow Americans - ALL my fellow Americans - you best get your mind right or you best get leaving, got it?

No way. I have the right to associate with whomever I please.
Good stuff for fans of irony.

I want to see healing, not payback. Obviously Mr. Courtney agrees with ME.

I'll say it again - the thread is about Mr. Courtney, not me, as much as you people want to make it about me. Take it up with him.

Mr Courtney was the adult of that group and an example for us all.
No way. I have the right to associate with whomever I please.

Unkotare is full of horse shit.

But, and a Big But at that, is that you are cheating yourself pf the love of Jesus Christ that He has given as opportunity for you.

The Love that comes from God is described by Saint Paul in the 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians.

13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails.
But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Do not arbitrarily reject the love of God for the sake of generalities and thus cheat yourself and your loved ones.
Why do liberal minorities think we hate them?

We are indifferent to them. No hate, no like, nothing.

We want no part of them. Stay out of our life and we'll stay out of yours.

Nothing you could do in your life has any effect on us and our lives have no effect on yours.

When are you leaving?


I'm an adult, white, male living in Florida. I'm standing my ground.

If you want “nothing to do with” my fellow Americans - ALL my fellow Americans - you best get your mind right or you best get leaving, got it?

No way. I have the right to associate with whomever I please.

Go do it somewhere else. Your ilk will find nothing but fear and frustration among adult citizens of my country.
Good stuff for fans of irony.

I want to see healing, not payback. Obviously Mr. Courtney agrees with ME.

I'll say it again - the thread is about Mr. Courtney, not me, as much as you people want to make it about me. Take it up with him.

Why do you always feel the need to hide behind other people when making your points?

I'm a student of the Chicago Way...

I post the words of liberals who disagree with Regressives (1) so they can't be easily dismissed as crazy conservatives - I know how you folks just LOVE to attack the messenger - and (2) as a way of separating liberals from you nasty people.

You don't even have the intellectual elasticity to grasp THAT. Something that obvious doesn't even occur to you. That's how far gone you are.
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Good stuff for fans of irony.

I want to see healing, not payback. Obviously Mr. Courtney agrees with ME.

I'll say it again - the thread is about Mr. Courtney, not me, as much as you people want to make it about me. Take it up with him.

Mr Courtney was the adult of that group and an example for us all.
Have you seen the posts on this threads from the Regressives?

Holy crap. They prove the point I've been making all along - they don't want healing, they want payback.
Why do liberal minorities think we hate them?

We are indifferent to them. No hate, no like, nothing.

We want no part of them. Stay out of our life and we'll stay out of yours.

Nothing you could do in your life has any effect on us and our lives have no effect on yours.

When are you leaving?


I'm an adult, white, male living in Florida. I'm standing my ground.

If you want “nothing to do with” my fellow Americans - ALL my fellow Americans - you best get your mind right or you best get leaving, got it?

No way. I have the right to associate with whomever I please.
Yeah... The multi-cultis really aren't into that whole "freedom of association" thing. If they had their way... 50 years from now; they'd have a law saying you can only breed with someone outside your own race. True story.
I post the words of liberals who disagree with Regressives (1) so they can't be easily dismissed as crazy conservatives - I know how you folks just LOVE to attack the messenger - and (2) as a way of separating liberals from you nasty people.

You don't even have the intellectual elasticity to grasp THAT. Something that obvious doesn't even occur to you. That's how far gone you are.

No, guy, I just think that anyone who thinks they can "hug it out" with someone who wants to exterminate them is the King of Fools.

You can't hug it out with people who want to murder you.

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