And this protestor shows us how it's done.

Again, your reply has literally nothing to do with what I said and is just another personal attack, as if you know anything about me.

Actually, I think I've got you about pegged.

White Trash loser who blames all his failings on "those people".

blacks murder over 3000 blacks every YEAR
the article wants you to believe the black man hugging is superior than the white man...wants you to believe whites are bad, blacks are good

Okay, and White people murder 2500 white people every year.

The reality is, most murder victims are killed by people they know.

Which makes since because only people you know piss you off that much.
you--along with many
Again, your reply has literally nothing to do with what I said and is just another personal attack, as if you know anything about me.

Actually, I think I've got you about pegged.

White Trash loser who blames all his failings on "those people".

blacks murder over 3000 blacks every YEAR
the article wants you to believe the black man hugging is superior than the white man...wants you to believe whites are bad, blacks are good

Okay, and White people murder 2500 white people every year.

The reality is, most murder victims are killed by people they know.

Which makes since because only people you know piss you off that much.
the problem--point--is the MSM tries to portray whites as the only race that hates/is racist/etc and blacks hardly ever commit hate crimes/violence
and now, with this story, they are a '''hugging/loving''' race
I've documented many times how the blacks are violent against and murder whites
but the facts show they commit more hate crimes and murder per capita--at a MUCH higher rate--so the black race is the bigger ''problem''......
AND--AND--according your own words---the protests are for lies/ridiculous/wrong/etc as we see there is NO systematic/chronic/HUGE problem of cops shooting blacks-
in fact--the blacks commit violent crime and hate crimes at a higher rate
the problem--point--is the MSM tries to portray whites as the only race that hates/is racist/etc and blacks hardly ever commit hate crimes/violence
but the facts show they commit more hate crimes and murder per capita--at a MUCH higher rate--so the black race is the bigger ''problem''......

That has more to do with economics than race, but never mind. MOst of the white people who get shot are at the bottom of the economic spectrum, too.

AND--AND--according your own words---the protests are for lies/ridiculous/wrong/etc as we see there is NO systematic/chronic/HUGE problem of cops shooting blacks---or any white people shooting blacks

Well, yeah, there is a problem with cops shooting blacks in that 1200 Americans, mostly people of color, are shot by police every year.

By comparison, Police in the UK only shoot 3-4 people a year. (This year, it was those guys involved in that truck attack).
the problem--point--is the MSM tries to portray whites as the only race that hates/is racist/etc and blacks hardly ever commit hate crimes/violence
but the facts show they commit more hate crimes and murder per capita--at a MUCH higher rate--so the black race is the bigger ''problem''......

That has more to do with economics than race, but never mind. MOst of the white people who get shot are at the bottom of the economic spectrum, too.

AND--AND--according your own words---the protests are for lies/ridiculous/wrong/etc as we see there is NO systematic/chronic/HUGE problem of cops shooting blacks---or any white people shooting blacks

Well, yeah, there is a problem with cops shooting blacks in that 1200 Americans, mostly people of color, are shot by police every year.

By comparison, Police in the UK only shoot 3-4 people a year. (This year, it was those guys involved in that truck attack).
I've gone over this a million times in other threads.....I'm not going to repeat my self
the police are doing a great job at NOT shooting blacks
most of the shooting of blacks by police are justified self defense/etc--this can't be denied-----I've documented this many times in the forum
there will always be mistakes/bad judgement/etc---that's how humans are
but there is no systematic/chronic problem of cops shooting blacks that are not a threat--this is undeniable ---go through my posts---
AND--after all of that--you CANNOT prove they were shot because of there skin color----!!!!! you can't
here are 2 links with race proportions can CLEARLY see the difference---only if you have a 4th grade education or above
Juvenile Arrest Rate Trends
blacks with a much-MUCH lower population -arrested much MUCH more---for VIOLENT crime

and you people think there is a huge problem of cops shooting blacks??
as stated--all facts and evidence show cops are doing a great job at NOT shooting VIOLENT, dangerous blacks

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
blacks committing crime is the major problem--NOT cops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as CLEARLY seen in these FACTS
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I've gone over this a million times in other threads.....I'm not going to repeat my self
the police are doing a great job at NOT shooting blacks
most of the shooting of blacks by police are justified self defense/etc--this can't be denied-----I've documented this many times in the forum
there will always be mistakes/bad judgement/etc---that's how humans are
but there is no systematic/chronic problem of cops shooting blacks that are not a threat--this is undeniable ---go through my posts---
AND--after all of that--you CANNOT prove they were shot because of there skin color----!!!!! you can't

yes, you can claim that, but studies have show differently.

Police are more likely to kill black men, study finds

Black men nearly 3 times as likely to die from police use of force, study says - CNN
I've gone over this a million times in other threads.....I'm not going to repeat my self
the police are doing a great job at NOT shooting blacks
most of the shooting of blacks by police are justified self defense/etc--this can't be denied-----I've documented this many times in the forum
there will always be mistakes/bad judgement/etc---that's how humans are
but there is no systematic/chronic problem of cops shooting blacks that are not a threat--this is undeniable ---go through my posts---
AND--after all of that--you CANNOT prove they were shot because of there skin color----!!!!! you can't

yes, you can claim that, but studies have show differently.

Police are more likely to kill black men, study finds

Black men nearly 3 times as likely to die from police use of force, study says - CNN
as you can see in my stats--they commit more violent crime--

and again--you cannot prove they are shot because of their skin color!! --can you?? answer please
again --the cops do not have the right to self defense--yes or no? answer please
most of these blacks are a threat--so the shootings are justified--as decided by the courts, that have much, much more information and evidence than you
so a dangerous black man who is a threat to the cop is shot
you think this is wrong?
Why do liberal minorities think we hate them?

We are indifferent to them. No hate, no like, nothing.

We want no part of them. Stay out of our life and we'll stay out of yours.

Nothing you could do in your life has any effect on us and our lives have no effect on yours.

When are you leaving?


I'm an adult, white, male living in Florida. I'm standing my ground.

If you want “nothing to do with” my fellow Americans - ALL my fellow Americans - you best get your mind right or you best get leaving, got it?

No way. I have the right to associate with whomever I please.
Yeah... The multi-cultis really aren't into that whole "freedom of association" thing. If they had their way... 50 years from now; they'd have a law saying you can only breed with someone outside your own race. True story.

If that’s a “true story,” provide a link to anyone saying that.
the problem--point--is the MSM tries to portray whites as the only race that hates/is racist/etc and blacks hardly ever commit hate crimes/violence
but the facts show they commit more hate crimes and murder per capita--at a MUCH higher rate--so the black race is the bigger ''problem''......

That has more to do with economics than race, but never mind. MOst of the white people who get shot are at the bottom of the economic spectrum, too.

AND--AND--according your own words---the protests are for lies/ridiculous/wrong/etc as we see there is NO systematic/chronic/HUGE problem of cops shooting blacks---or any white people shooting blacks

Well, yeah, there is a problem with cops shooting blacks in that 1200 Americans, mostly people of color, are shot by police every year.

By comparison, Police in the UK only shoot 3-4 people a year. (This year, it was those guys involved in that truck attack).
o--your comparison to the UK is invalid--not a good analogy at because of US guns per person/ownership cannot be compared to the UK's....they are totally different--which is NOT a comparison
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?
It would be amazing, but realistically the only way it could be done is to first kill the internet and the 24/7 news cycle.
Maybe that same internet could cause something like this to spread.

Wishful thinking, I know. But holy crap, we need to wake up.
The Internet is the petri dish that all this hate grows in.
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?
It would be amazing, but realistically the only way it could be done is to first kill the internet and the 24/7 news cycle.
Maybe that same internet could cause something like this to spread.

Wishful thinking, I know. But holy crap, we need to wake up.
The Internet is the petri dish that all this hate grows in.
People have hated looong before Al Gore invented the internet...
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?
It would be amazing, but realistically the only way it could be done is to first kill the internet and the 24/7 news cycle.
Maybe that same internet could cause something like this to spread.

Wishful thinking, I know. But holy crap, we need to wake up.
The Internet is the petri dish that all this hate grows in.
People have hated looong before Al Gore invented the internet...
Not like today. Hate spreads like a California wildfire on the net.

And fuck Al Gore
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?
It would be amazing, but realistically the only way it could be done is to first kill the internet and the 24/7 news cycle.
Maybe that same internet could cause something like this to spread.

Wishful thinking, I know. But holy crap, we need to wake up.
The Internet is the petri dish that all this hate grows in.
People have hated looong before Al Gore invented the internet...
Not like today. Hate spreads like a California wildfire on the net.

And fuck Al Gore
So does charity though...
It would be amazing, but realistically the only way it could be done is to first kill the internet and the 24/7 news cycle.
Maybe that same internet could cause something like this to spread.

Wishful thinking, I know. But holy crap, we need to wake up.
The Internet is the petri dish that all this hate grows in.
People have hated looong before Al Gore invented the internet...
Not like today. Hate spreads like a California wildfire on the net.

And fuck Al Gore
So does charity though...
Maybe that same internet could cause something like this to spread.

Wishful thinking, I know. But holy crap, we need to wake up.
The Internet is the petri dish that all this hate grows in.
People have hated looong before Al Gore invented the internet...
Not like today. Hate spreads like a California wildfire on the net.

And fuck Al Gore
So does charity though...
You gotta take the good with the bad, or you get nothing at all...
The Internet is the petri dish that all this hate grows in.

Without the internet, the left's domination of public discourse would have been allowed to continue. It gave a platform for speaking out against leftist groupthink, and the fascist left...well, they just can't handle dissent. That's why google and facebook are now employing censorship tactics to halt the spread of ideas they deem dangerous. They want us to return to the days of the mainstream media being the ones who choose what topics are important and what we should think.
as you can see in my stats-

Well, congrats, you reaffirmed Disrealis observations about lies and statistics.

again --the cops do not have the right to self defense--yes or no? answer please

Yes, but only after they've exhausted all other methods. Their primary mission is to protect the public, not themselves.

most of these blacks are a threat--so the shootings are justified--as decided by the courts, that have much, much more information and evidence than you

Except, as we have seen, the courts ignore obvious evidence to give cops the benefit of the doubt.

o--your comparison to the UK is invalid--not a good analogy at because of US guns per person/ownership cannot be compared to the UK's....they are totally different--which is NOT a comparison

You the British have figured out that widespread private gun ownership is a terrible idea? Imagine that.
as you can see in my stats-

Well, congrats, you reaffirmed Disrealis observations about lies and statistics.

again --the cops do not have the right to self defense--yes or no? answer please

Yes, but only after they've exhausted all other methods. Their primary mission is to protect the public, not themselves.

most of these blacks are a threat--so the shootings are justified--as decided by the courts, that have much, much more information and evidence than you

Except, as we have seen, the courts ignore obvious evidence to give cops the benefit of the doubt.

o--your comparison to the UK is invalid--not a good analogy at because of US guns per person/ownership cannot be compared to the UK's....they are totally different--which is NOT a comparison

You the British have figured out that widespread private gun ownership is a terrible idea? Imagine that.
yes--MBrown, Kscott, Asterling--shot in SELF DEFENSE
I've documented these cases before
also--the courts have ruled these shootings were justified
if someone has a gun--what options are there?? the cops told them MULTIPLE time to DROP the gun!!!!!!!!
MBrown was ATTACKING the cop---you'd let someone beat the shit out of you?
what else do you want them to do???
in the ASterling case the cops DID try other options !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have you read the transcripts from the case???
again--you would be James Bond, Brice Lee, the Six Million Dollar Man and take these DANGEROUS, irrational criminals down with no one getting hurt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you would talk nicely and they would COMPLY immediately to you--because you are perfect--you must be GOD!!!
SOB---!! I guess you would let someone shoot you!!
other options--like James Bond does!!
what a load of SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as you can see in my stats-

Well, congrats, you reaffirmed Disrealis observations about lies and statistics.

again --the cops do not have the right to self defense--yes or no? answer please

Yes, but only after they've exhausted all other methods. Their primary mission is to protect the public, not themselves.

most of these blacks are a threat--so the shootings are justified--as decided by the courts, that have much, much more information and evidence than you

Except, as we have seen, the courts ignore obvious evidence to give cops the benefit of the doubt.

o--your comparison to the UK is invalid--not a good analogy at because of US guns per person/ownership cannot be compared to the UK's....they are totally different--which is NOT a comparison

You the British have figured out that widespread private gun ownership is a terrible idea? Imagine that.
''''Amundson said the officers’ encounter with the 6-foot-3, more than 300-pound Sterling happened in the span of about 90 seconds''

90 seconds!!!!!!!

these are not tv shows/movies--these are real life sitiuations ---where things are dynamic--go bad fast!!

where humans --with GUNS--do NOT want to cooperate with the police!!!!
US attorney details why no charges in Alton Sterling case
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?

It would be amazing, but realistically the only way it could be done is to first kill the internet and the 24/7 news cycle.
Change starts with us.
says the guy with a vid showing trump hitting Hillary with a golf ball

Do you think that is real?

of course not.

just pointing out the hypocrassy
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?

It would be amazing, but realistically the only way it could be done is to first kill the internet and the 24/7 news cycle.
Change starts with us.
says the guy with a vid showing trump hitting Hillary with a golf ball

Do you think that is real?

of course not.

just pointing out the hypocrassy

No, you are not. There is no such word!

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