And to think that left continues to demand MORE government

Nobody has ever been forced into a gay marriage. It is a consensual agreement between adults.

That’s why the courts said the states had no grounds to deny it

By the courts taking away the choice of a state to respect gay marriage or not, that is the federal government forcing gay marriage on them.

When gay marriage was brought to a vote by the state citizens, most of them voted it down. Then either legislatures went against the will of the people or commie activist judges did. When it finally ended up at the Supreme Court, those states who survived the authoritarian figures were then force by the SC to accept gay marriage.

Marriage is not part of the federal government. That's why the founders never addressed the subject. It was to be between individuals and their religion and still should be.

Just like the states had the rights to invoke segregation and Jim Crow.
The 14th amendment requires equal treatment under the law. A State deciding one type of marriage is preferable to another is not equal

Okay, so what if father and daughter wish to marry? What right would a government have to make them unequal to a gay couple?
Now you are going all goofy on me

Homosexual relationships are legal, incest is not

Then incest laws would have to be rescinded if it's a violation of our Constitutional rights. After all, if being treated equal by the government is the reason for gay marriage, then it has to apply to any marriage: father/ daughter, mother/ son, mother/ daughter, man/ dog.

We simply cannot have this inequality in our country.
Going all goofy again

Homosexuality is not a criminal act
Incest, pedophilia and bestiality are
By the courts taking away the choice of a state to respect gay marriage or not, that is the federal government forcing gay marriage on them.

When gay marriage was brought to a vote by the state citizens, most of them voted it down. Then either legislatures went against the will of the people or commie activist judges did. When it finally ended up at the Supreme Court, those states who survived the authoritarian figures were then force by the SC to accept gay marriage.

Marriage is not part of the federal government. That's why the founders never addressed the subject. It was to be between individuals and their religion and still should be.

Just like the states had the rights to invoke segregation and Jim Crow.
The 14th amendment requires equal treatment under the law. A State deciding one type of marriage is preferable to another is not equal

Okay, so what if father and daughter wish to marry? What right would a government have to make them unequal to a gay couple?
Now you are going all goofy on me

Homosexual relationships are legal, incest is not

Then incest laws would have to be rescinded if it's a violation of our Constitutional rights. After all, if being treated equal by the government is the reason for gay marriage, then it has to apply to any marriage: father/ daughter, mother/ son, mother/ daughter, man/ dog.

We simply cannot have this inequality in our country.
Going all goofy again

Homosexuality is not a criminal act
Incest, pedophilia and bestiality are

Gay marriages were not acceptable in most states, yet because of the SC ruling, they were forced to be.

So when these issues come up (and they will eventually) we will have to do the same thing with those laws that didn't respect gay marriages, and that is make those laws unconstitutional.

You see, Congress can make all the laws they desire, but if they are not constitutional, they can't be made or be continued to be enforced.
American liberals don’t want communism you doofus. Quit deluding yourself.
Really? So then can you explain to me how a self-professed “socialist” (Bernie Sanders) finished 2nd for your party’s nomination for president? And keep in mind - he probably won. The DNC rigged everything for Hitlery.

One more thing...before you idiotically state “socialism is not communism”, communism is merely a term for a society which is politically a dictatorship and economically socialist.

Since it would require Bernie to shred the U.S. Constitution and act like a dictator in order to force communism on our free market and the people, it would be communism.

Thanks for playing. We have some nice parting gifts for you.
And who decides if there is violation of the enumerated powers?
Uh...literally anyone who has read the U.S. Constitution.
So what's the problem? Those who have read the Constitution seem to accept it, at least they're not changing it. All seems to be going well.
What are you talking about?!? The only people that “accept it” are the left-wing ignoramuses who haven’t read the U.S. Constitution.

I have, and I don’t accept it at all. Neither does any other constitutional conservative.
Unimaginable and inexcusable ineptitude by our federal government.
An audit conducted by Ernst & Young found that the agency’s accounting procedures are so flawed that there is no reliable way to track how it uses its $40 billion annual budget.
If a private organization was this inept, the left would take to the streets with violence. They would demand all kinds of “regulatory” reforms and legislation. And yet when it happens with tax payer dollars, all they do is shrug and insist that we need more government.

Major Pentagon agency can’t account for $800 million — but still may get a budget increase
What liberals want is less government in defense spending and more government in social justice.

What do you mean by social justice? Care to give some examples of what social justice means to you?
1) If the private market can not provide wages to keep up with the cost of living, then there must be a safety net for the poor. Of course, the actual solution to this problem is to raise the minimum wage.

2) Because of the greed in the healthcare industry, it is no longer viable to the working class and many in the middle class. Special interests will always buy republicans in office, therefore the solution is a Medicare for all system.

3) Citizen’s United has completely corrupted our political system. It must be overturned, but that must be only the beginning of getting big money out of politics.

4) Because voter fraud in reality is rare, the GOP must stop pretending it isn’t. All they care about is making sure republicans win by voter suppression of big demographics found in the Democratic Party. Voting should be made easy for everyone.
American liberals don’t want communism you doofus. Quit deluding yourself.
Really? So then can you explain to me how a self-professed “socialist” (Bernie Sanders) finished 2nd for your party’s nomination for president? And keep in mind - he probably won. The DNC rigged everything for Hitlery.

One more thing...before you idiotically state “socialism is not communism”, communism is merely a term for a society which is politically a dictatorship and economically socialist.

Since it would require Bernie to shred the U.S. Constitution and act like a dictator in order to force communism on our free market and the people, it would be communism.

Thanks for playing. We have some nice parting gifts for you.
You are so fucking dense dude. You will never understand the definition of socialism if your life depended on it. Socialism is a very broad term. You will find it in ANY government arounnd the world including the US. Yes, communism is a form of socialism, but that doesn’t mean communism describes the actual broad definition. Bernie’s brand of socialism is Social Democracy. Go ahead and google that term. Read the Wikipedia page on it if that’s easier. You will see that communism has nothing to do with it.
1) If the private market can not provide wages to keep up with the cost of living, then there must be a safety net for the poor.
Really? Where is that written? The cost of living only increases because you dimwits keep increasing minimum wage.
Of course, the actual solution to this problem is to raise the minimum wage
If raising the minimum wage actually did anything, you would not have had to raise it 15x’s in my lifetime. When you raise minimum wage dumb ass, the business owner raises the prices of their good and services to cover the new increased labor costs - resulting in the minimum wage worker being no further ahead.

Basic economics. If only the left could grasp it.
2) Because of the greed in the healthcare industry, it is no longer viable to the working class and many in the middle class. Special interests will always buy republicans in office, therefore the solution is a Medicare for all system.
If “special interests” will “always buy Republicans”, then you will never get “Medicare for all” implemented, dumb ass.

Your own argument defeats your position. :lmao:
Because of the greed in the healthcare industry, it is no longer viable to the working class and many in the middle class. Special interests will always buy republicans in office, therefore the solution is a Medicare for all system.
Here is the thing - my fragile little snowflake. You don’t need this idiotic communist utopia to achieve your failed single-payer healthcare system.

You could easily start a foundation/co-op tonight that accepts everyone and which charges only what a person could afford to pay. Accordingly to your idiotic false narrative, you would have the largest pool of consumers over night. That would give you tremendous leverage over hospitals in negotiating costs.

And yet none of you dimwit, asshat utopian dreamers have stepped up and created your voluntary “single-payer” utopian foundation. Why is that? :dunno:
American liberals don’t want communism you doofus. Quit deluding yourself.
Really? So then can you explain to me how a self-professed “socialist” (Bernie Sanders) finished 2nd for your party’s nomination for president? And keep in mind - he probably won. The DNC rigged everything for Hitlery.

One more thing...before you idiotically state “socialism is not communism”, communism is merely a term for a society which is politically a dictatorship and economically socialist.

Since it would require Bernie to shred the U.S. Constitution and act like a dictator in order to force communism on our free market and the people, it would be communism.

Thanks for playing. We have some nice parting gifts for you.
You are so fucking dense dude.
I just explained the whole thing to you junior. And you’re incapable of disputing it.

Thanks for playing. We have some nice parting gifts for you.
And who decides if there is violation of the enumerated powers?
Uh...literally anyone who has read the U.S. Constitution.
So what's the problem? Those who have read the Constitution seem to accept it, at least they're not changing it. All seems to be going well.
What are you talking about?!? The only people that “accept it” are the left-wing ignoramuses who haven’t read the U.S. Constitution.

I have, and I don’t accept it at all. Neither does any other constitutional conservative.
Do you think you understood the Constitution when you read it? But you may be right it may be only liberals that accept it. The Constitution was born in a very liberal period called the Age of Enlightenment, and the people were tired of monarchies and nobles getting all the government handouts and they decided the people should get some of the handouts too.
So the framers made such a government and it is for us, we the people. The sad thing is that the would-be nobles had to share the government's largess with we the people,
The Constitution was born in a very liberal period called the Age of Enlightenment, and the people were tired of monarchies and nobles getting all the government handouts and they decided the people should get some of the handouts too.
There was absolutely no such sentiment among the framers or the citizens. Which is why there was absolutely nothing about government handouts in either the Articles of Confederation or the U.S. Constitution.

Why do you feel the need to resort to lying?
1) If the private market can not provide wages to keep up with the cost of living, then there must be a safety net for the poor.
Really? Where is that written? The cost of living only increases because you dimwits keep increasing minimum wage.
Of course, the actual solution to this problem is to raise the minimum wage
If raising the minimum wage actually did anything, you would not have had to raise it 15x’s in my lifetime. When you raise minimum wage dumb ass, the business owner raises the prices of their good and services to cover the new increased labor costs - resulting in the minimum wage worker being no further ahead.

Basic economics. If only the left could grasp it.
Why again am I not surprised you don’t understand the nuance of economic policy? The effect of unemployment or inflation largely depends on how much the wage is raised and over what span of time. $15 per hour (gradually raised over four years) is a bit much and probably would do more harm than good. $12 an hour is manageable. The price of something at McDonald’s might go up 10 cents. So what? People would still buy it.

Here’s what really makes you ignorant. If people are making more money per month, they are SPENDING more. That consumer spending is part of the backbone of the private market. If the minimum wage is raised responsibly, it will help the economy grow. Capitalism 101.
2) Because of the greed in the healthcare industry, it is no longer viable to the working class and many in the middle class. Special interests will always buy republicans in office, therefore the solution is a Medicare for all system.
If “special interests” will “always buy Republicans”, then you will never get “Medicare for all” implemented, dumb ass.

Your own argument defeats your position. :lmao:
You are so dumb lol. My point has nothing to do with its implementation - it’s about the system itself.
$15 per hour (gradually raised over four years) is a bit much and probably would do more harm than good. $12 an hour is manageable. The price of something at McDonald’s might go up 10 cents. So what? People would still buy it.

You are correct. But the reason for that is because McDonald's sells 1,000 burgers a day, 900 soft drinks, and 800 french fries. Higher wages can be divided out on the products without much notice.

However Frank's hardware store does not sell 800 hammers a day. Ron's Catering does not do 200 weddings a day. Ready Wash does not wash 600 cars a day.

Now please explain the dynamics of how raising minimum wage responsibly can grow the economy, but raising it much more would have the opposite effect.
1) If the private market can not provide wages to keep up with the cost of living, then there must be a safety net for the poor. Of course, the actual solution to this problem is to raise the minimum wage.

Okay, so we raise the minimum wage.

Todd gets out of high school and gets a job at a factory for minimum wage. After he works there for a while, he learns new things and becomes more of a value to his company, so they give him a dollar more than minimum wage after 90 days.

Todd stays with the company for several years and ends up making $14.00 an hour. But now Democrats take over his state, and they make the new minimum wage $15.00 an hour.

Great for Todd because now he makes a dollar more an hour. But he is now back to minimum wage where he started.

So Todd believes that isn't right. He spent five years at this company, and it's not fair that he's only making the new minimum wage. So he petitions his supervisor or HR to make at least six dollars more than minimum which would put him at $21.00 an hour.

The company has little choice. It's give Todd $21.00 an hour, or hire somebody with no experience or knowledge of the business at $15.00 an hour and start all over again.

So because of the new minimum wage, Todd went from $14.00 an hour to $21.00 an hour. But what about Bob? Bob was at the company ten years longer than Todd, and he was making $21.00 an hour. Do you think when Bob finds out that Todd is making the same as him, he's not going to demand more too?

Drastic (or minor) increases in minimum wage has a domino effect.

2) Because of the greed in the healthcare industry, it is no longer viable to the working class and many in the middle class. Special interests will always buy republicans in office, therefore the solution is a Medicare for all system.

It is? You mean the same Medicare that's going broke? The same Medicare that cheats providers?

Medicare and Medicaid typically pays about 2/3 of the bill for their patients. It's one of the reasons more and more doctors and facilities are refusing new government patients. But they make up that money by what they get from private pay and private insurance. They increase their prices to make up government patient losses.

So what happens when we all go on Medicare, and facilities have to close up because there is no longer anyplace to make up the loss?

This is what's been happening in inner-cities across the country. Most of the patients in inner cities are government patients, and the facilities have nowhere to make up those losses, so they are forced to close down.

4) Because voter fraud in reality is rare, the GOP must stop pretending it isn’t. All they care about is making sure republicans win by voter suppression of big demographics found in the Democratic Party. Voting should be made easy for everyone.

How much easier can it get? How many people can survive in this country with no ID?

You need an ID for everything in this country: bank loans, cashing a check, alcohol and tobacco purchases, boarding a plane, renting an apartment, buying a home, VISA's, even a library card.

The reason Democrats are against ID is because it would take some effort for their constituents to get one. Many Democrat voters are lowlifes who don't work and don't care to. Sure they will vote if it's convenient enough. But to put some effort into voting? Forget about it.

If it were up to me, nobody would be allowed to vote until they take a test; nothing too hard, and multiple choice. Questions like who is the President of our country? Who is the VP? What party do they represent? Who is the Speaker of the House? What party is in leadership of the House? The Senate? Things like that.

Republicans would welcome such a test, but Democrats would fight that harder than they are fighting Voter-ID. Why? Because many of their voters have no Fn idea what they are even voting on.
Unimaginable and inexcusable ineptitude by our federal government.
An audit conducted by Ernst & Young found that the agency’s accounting procedures are so flawed that there is no reliable way to track how it uses its $40 billion annual budget.
If a private organization was this inept, the left would take to the streets with violence. They would demand all kinds of “regulatory” reforms and legislation. And yet when it happens with tax payer dollars, all they do is shrug and insist that we need more government.

Major Pentagon agency can’t account for $800 million — but still may get a budget increase

If a private organization was that inept, they'd simply be out of business. Indeed, they'd probably be guilty of some crime and be under federal investigation. Government survives only on its lack of accountability, bottomless tax dollars and threat of force at gunpoint to keep collecting more.
We have the finest government on the planet

That wins the dumbest post of the year.
OK my friend

Name one that is better
Just about half the world's governments are better, particularly the one's with small government and small to non-existent military.

The USA has become the world's most hated nation and the world's most aggressive nation. Nothing to be proud of. Our ruling class is about to start WWIII, in case you haven't noticed.

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