And to think that left continues to demand MORE government

Let me ask you this, when the next big recession hits and we are losing 100s of thousands of jobs per month like the one back in 2008, what is the economic solution to that?
First of all, the “next big recession” would never hit if we got government the hell out of private industry. Second, the answer to your question is: I would immediately get government the hell out of the private sector.

The free market flawlessly balances itself when left alone. It is only when progressives - through government - attempts to remove risk that the entire thing collapses.
The free market flawlessly balances itself when left alone.

That is the very nature of the free market---- self correcting, self-righting; it isn't an aim or a goal, it does so out of its very nature to survive.

Likewise, the very nature of government is to impede, get in the way---- government produces no product other than more government, and can only do so by taking away from individuals and markets as an encumbrance to their survival.

No one understands that better than an entrepreneur like Donald Trump; that is why the Founders realized that while a Republic MUST have SOME small, limited amount of government in order to maintain the rule of law, too much government--- what we have now ---is the very thing we broke away from England to escape, and doing so is what made America great. And the Left want to bring it right back on top of us again.
This is what happens in the federal government (where there is no oversight).
“This is a man who is revenge-driven,” he explained, “who is prepared to leak through a law professor at Columbia, who is prepared to disclose confidential conversations he had with the president-elect and the president of the United States.”
And this is why the progressives call for more and more federal government.

Alan Dershowitz rips into ‘revenge-driven’ James Comey over what he did to Trump
The free market flawlessly balances itself when left alone.

That is the very nature of the free market---- self correcting, self-righting; it isn't an aim or a goal, it does so out of its very nature to survive.

Likewise, the very nature of government is to impede, get in the way---- government produces no product other than more government, and can only do so by taking away from individuals and markets as an encumbrance to their survival.

No one understands that better than an entrepreneur like Donald Trump; that is why the Founders realized that while a Republic MUST have SOME small, limited amount of government in order to maintain the rule of law, too much government--- what we have now ---is the very thing we broke away from England to escape, and doing so is what made America great. And the Left want to bring it right back on top of us again.
When America broke from England we created our first government, and decided quickly that it was too small and couldn't do he job. so we enlarged the government and gave it more powers. The founders also gave us the purpose of governments, a happy people.
Look at all of the progressives disingenuously avoiding the issue by pretending that this only happens in the Department of Defense (because that perfectly suits their “weaken the U.S.” agenda). You can’t have it both ways, lefties.
The left whine about corporations though. At least the ones not spewing leftism on society.

Except corporations can't make you buy anything nor arrest you nor shoot you.

But big government can.

Actually corporations more or less force people to buy from them since there are fewer and fewer main street USA's with thousands of stores operated by individual proprietorships like we had forty or fifty years ago. They've been replaced by the walmarts and other large corporations that run the little guy out of business. Why does the unintelligentsia on the right always shill for the wealthiest of the wealthy and for major corporations? Maybe they're still waiting for the trickle down to reach them? It never will. Money that goes to the top stays at the top.

Hmmm, you could have fooled me with the reaction some businesses took with their tax cuts.

Big business never runs anybody out of town. Companies present offers, products, and services and it's the consumer that runs them out of town.

It's so easy to point the finger at others when we should be pointing our fingers at ourselves. And i"m sure the first thing you will respond with is that you don't shop at Walmart, don't go to any fast food joints, and never order anything online. You don't have to be honest with me, but be honest with yourself.
Let me ask you this, when the next big recession hits and we are losing 100s of thousands of jobs per month like the one back in 2008, what is the economic solution to that?

Maybe if the left stayed out of the social engineering racket and allowed businesses to run themselves, we wouldn't find ourselves in that situation in the first place.
When America broke from England we created our first government, and decided quickly that it was too small and couldn't do he job. so we enlarged the government and gave it more powers. The founders also gave us the purpose of governments, a happy people.
You conveniently left out the part where we explicitly restricted the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Anything beyond those 18 enumerated powers is a violation of the U.S. constitution.
No, the left is trying to move us closer to Socialism.

If food, shelter and medical care were part of our federal governments responsibilities, it would be written in the Constitution. Of course a state can do anything they want provided it's not unconstitutional.

What our founders knew was that dependency creates power, so they wrote the Constitution to limit that power.

For instance when you were younger living at home with your parents, they had the power. They told you when you had to be home, where you had to park, what time you were allowed to play your music until and so forth. If you want to be in charge over those decisions, you move out of your parents house into your own.

If you work for somebody, they tell you what time you have to come in, how much time away from work you are allowed to have, what time you can leave to go home because you depend on that job to live on. If you want to make those decisions for yourself, you have to open up your own business or otherwise find a way to be self-supportive.

So our founders did not want the federal government to be able to control the people. It was counterproductive to why we started a country in the first place.
You have no concept of what Socialism is......not the purpose of government

I agree, Socialism should not be part of our government.

We the People decide how much we want our government to do for us

A government implementing programs to help the people is not socialism

No, we the people do not. The Constitution tells us what federal government is to do for us. If we the people want to change that, then we need to change the Constitution.

Our federal government was not created to help the people. Our federal government was created to govern.
Evidently not

Two centuries of court cases have given them the latitude to do the will of We the People

Which is why we are where we are at today. Courts do all kinds of things our founders never dreamed of, but that doesn't mean those things are the foundation of our country or the intent of our founders.

Imagine where we would be at today if the federal government just stuck to governing; only did the things outlined in our Constitution.
Unimaginable and inexcusable ineptitude by our federal government.
An audit conducted by Ernst & Young found that the agency’s accounting procedures are so flawed that there is no reliable way to track how it uses its $40 billion annual budget.
If a private organization was this inept, the left would take to the streets with violence. They would demand all kinds of “regulatory” reforms and legislation. And yet when it happens with tax payer dollars, all they do is shrug and insist that we need more government.

Major Pentagon agency can’t account for $800 million — but still may get a budget increase
What liberals want is less government in defense spending and more government in social justice.

What do you mean by social justice? Care to give some examples of what social justice means to you?
Look at all of the progressives disingenuously avoiding the issue by pretending that this only happens in the Department of Defense (because that perfectly suits their “weaken the U.S.” agenda). You can’t have it both ways, lefties.
The left whine about corporations though. At least the ones not spewing leftism on society.

Except corporations can't make you buy anything nor arrest you nor shoot you.

But big government can.

You missed out on the union struggles where corporations got government to shoot the strikers
And if government were small and limited the effort would have been futile, Dufus
Government was in the hands of big money
Just like today
You keep swallowing the bait.

You think there is corporate/government collusion while screaming we need a bigger more powerful government.
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What liberals want is less government in defense spending and more government in social justice.
But here is the problem with that “want”: defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. “Social Justice” is an idiotic progressive construct (and false narrative) which is not.

What you really want is communism. Which you can literally have at the state and local level. But not at the federal level.
Look at all of the progressives disingenuously avoiding the issue by pretending that this only happens in the Department of Defense (because that perfectly suits their “weaken the U.S.” agenda). You can’t have it both ways, lefties.
The left whine about corporations though. At least the ones not spewing leftism on society.

Except corporations can't make you buy anything nor arrest you nor shoot you.

But big government can.

You missed out on the union struggles where corporations got government to shoot the strikers
And if government were small and limited the effort would have been futile, Dufus
The government was at its smallest when it shot
When America broke from England we created our first government, and decided quickly that it was too small and couldn't do he job. so we enlarged the government and gave it more powers. The founders also gave us the purpose of governments, a happy people.
You conveniently left out the part where we explicitly restricted the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Anything beyond those 18 enumerated powers is a violation of the U.S. constitution.
It has? Is that why we have forced gay marriage and Commie Care still?
Nobody has ever been forced into a gay marriage. It is a consensual agreement between adults.

That’s why the courts said the states had no grounds to deny it

By the courts taking away the choice of a state to respect gay marriage or not, that is the federal government forcing gay marriage on them.

When gay marriage was brought to a vote by the state citizens, most of them voted it down. Then either legislatures went against the will of the people or commie activist judges did. When it finally ended up at the Supreme Court, those states who survived the authoritarian figures were then force by the SC to accept gay marriage.

Marriage is not part of the federal government. That's why the founders never addressed the subject. It was to be between individuals and their religion and still should be.

Just like the states had the rights to invoke segregation and Jim Crow.
The 14th amendment requires equal treatment under the law. A State deciding one type of marriage is preferable to another is not equal

Okay, so what if father and daughter wish to marry? What right would a government have to make them unequal to a gay couple?
Now you are going all goofy on me

Homosexual relationships are legal, incest is not

Then incest laws would have to be rescinded if it's a violation of our Constitutional rights. After all, if being treated equal by the government is the reason for gay marriage, then it has to apply to any marriage: father/ daughter, mother/ son, mother/ daughter, man/ dog.

We simply cannot have this inequality in our country.
What liberals want is less government in defense spending and more government in social justice.
But here is the problem with that “want”: defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. “Social Justice” is an idiotic progressive construct (and false narrative) which is not.

What you really want is communism. Which you can literally have at the state and local level. But not at the federal level.
Look at all of the progressives disingenuously avoiding the issue by pretending that this only happens in the Department of Defense (because that perfectly suits their “weaken the U.S.” agenda). You can’t have it both ways, lefties.
The left whine about corporations though. At least the ones not spewing leftism on society.

Except corporations can't make you buy anything nor arrest you nor shoot you.

But big government can.

You missed out on the union struggles where corporations got government to shoot the strikers
And if government were small and limited the effort would have been futile, Dufus
The government was at its smallest when it shot
When America broke from England we created our first government, and decided quickly that it was too small and couldn't do he job. so we enlarged the government and gave it more powers. The founders also gave us the purpose of governments, a happy people.
You conveniently left out the part where we explicitly restricted the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Anything beyond those 18 enumerated powers is a violation of the U.S. constitution.
And who decides if there is violation of the enumerated powers? Where in the Constitution is Social Security to be found? Then the question becomes is Social Security socialism?
Where in the Constitution is Social Security to be found?
It’s not. Which is why it is an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution (just like welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, food stamps, federal housing, etc.).
Unimaginable and inexcusable ineptitude by our federal government.
An audit conducted by Ernst & Young found that the agency’s accounting procedures are so flawed that there is no reliable way to track how it uses its $40 billion annual budget.
If a private organization was this inept, the left would take to the streets with violence. They would demand all kinds of “regulatory” reforms and legislation. And yet when it happens with tax payer dollars, all they do is shrug and insist that we need more government.

Major Pentagon agency can’t account for $800 million — but still may get a budget increase

If a private organization was that inept, they'd simply be out of business. Indeed, they'd probably be guilty of some crime and be under federal investigation. Government survives only on its lack of accountability, bottomless tax dollars and threat of force at gunpoint to keep collecting more.
We have the finest government on the planet

That wins the dumbest post of the year.
OK my friend

Name one that is better

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