And to think that left continues to demand MORE government

My guess is we will be in WWIII very soon.
Absolutely 0 chance of that happening. Our nuclear arsenal, along with that of our allies, means that our enemies wouldn’t dare. Not Putin. Not Assad. Not even a maniac like Kim Jong Un.

In fact, Kim Jong Un has requested a meeting with the U.S. for the first time ever - citing his “fear” of President Trump to his allies.
You need to consider that it won't be 'our enemies' starting WWIII. It be our assholes.
Government can demonstrate damage to society from incestrial relationships
Couldn’t do it for homosexuality
That’s not true at all. For starters, homosexuality irreparably harms society. Aside from just the sheer deviance of it, it prevents procreation.

Second...there is no “demonstration” by government that incestuous relationships caused damage. While the sheer deviance of it is disturbing, at least they can procreate.
What liberals want is less government in defense spending and more government in social justice.
But here is the problem with that “want”: defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. “Social Justice” is an idiotic progressive construct (and false narrative) which is not.

What you really want is communism. Which you can literally have at the state and local level. But not at the federal level.
Okay what you’re too stupid to understand is, I am not suggesting we just end defense spending. I want to cut all the fat. We spend more on defense than all of our allies combined. I don’t understand how you cons can’t understand basic nuance in a political issue.

Let me ask you this, when the next big recession hits and we are losing 100s of thousands of jobs per month like the one back in 2008, what is the economic solution to that?
My guess is we will be in WWIII very soon.
Absolutely 0 chance of that happening. Our nuclear arsenal, along with that of our allies, means that our enemies wouldn’t dare. Not Putin. Not Assad. Not even a maniac like Kim Jong Un.

In fact, Kim Jong Un has requested a meeting with the U.S. for the first time ever - citing his “fear” of President Trump to his allies.
You need to consider that it won't be 'our enemies' starting WWIII. It be our assholes.
Yeah...not happening. 0% chance. 0.
Government was in the hands of big money Just like today
And yet you continue to demand larger and more powerful government - in hopes that the crumbs of some of that “big money” will end up in your greedy hands.
Has nothing to do with corruption
That is the definition of corruption. You’re trying to get your hands on tax payer dollars without performing any service for the tax payer.
Government can demonstrate damage to society from incestrial relationships
Couldn’t do it for homosexuality
That’s not true at all. For starters, homosexuality irreparably harms society. Aside from just the sheer deviance of it, it prevents procreation.

Second...there is no “demonstration” by government that incestuous relationships caused damage. While the sheer deviance of it is disturbing, at least they can procreate.
Couldn’t prove that to the court
Just because some shitheads think it is yucky does not prove damages

Inbreeding is damaging to society......just look at conservatives
What liberals want is less government in defense spending and more government in social justice.
But here is the problem with that “want”: defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. “Social Justice” is an idiotic progressive construct (and false narrative) which is not.

What you really want is communism. Which you can literally have at the state and local level. But not at the federal level.
Can we have Socialism at the federal level?
What liberals want is less government in defense spending and more government in social justice.
But here is the problem with that “want”: defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. “Social Justice” is an idiotic progressive construct (and false narrative) which is not.

What you really want is communism. Which you can literally have at the state and local level. But not at the federal level.
Okay what you’re too stupid to understand is, I am not suggesting we just end defense spending. I want to cut all the fat. We spend more on defense than all of our allies combined. I don’t understand how you cons can’t understand basic nuance in a political issue.

Let me ask you this, when the next big recession hits and we are losing 100s of thousands of jobs per month like the one back in 2008, what is the economic solution to that?
We have a much larger military than the threat warrants
I am not suggesting we just end defense spending. I want to cut all the fat.
Define “fat”. What most progressives consider “fat”, rational people consider necessary defense spending.
We spend more on defense than all of our allies combined. I don’t understand how you cons can’t understand basic nuance in a political issue.
The only reason we are free today is because the U.S. developed the nuclear weapon before anyone else. What you immature idealists fail to realize is that we are always one day away from our enemies developing the next ultimate weapon. Right now, one of the big concerns is quantum computing. The first to develop that technology will have complete and total control of the world’s infrastructure (weapons systems, utilities, communications, intellectual property, etc.).

We better be sinking billions into that around the clock if we want to survive. It’s mind-boggling that you progressives can’t grasp the nuance of that concept.
Now you are going all goofy on me Homosexual relationships are legal, incest is not
What in the hell kind of idiotic “logic” is that?!? At one time - homosexual activity was illegal. Then you bat-shit crazy progressives legalized it. And you’ll do the same thing with incest and pedophilia before the end of the next decade.

So answer his question, wrongwinger. What right does the government have to make a brother and sister unequal to a homosexual couple?
Why are you such a fascist sack of garbage abou what gay people do behind doors? Hey guess what, doofus: Gay sex isn’t mentioned in the constitution.
What liberals want is less government in defense spending and more government in social justice.
But here is the problem with that “want”: defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. “Social Justice” is an idiotic progressive construct (and false narrative) which is not.

What you really want is communism. Which you can literally have at the state and local level. But not at the federal level.
Can we have Socialism at the federal level?
I thought that was abundantly clear in my previous post... :lmao:
Unimaginable and inexcusable ineptitude by our federal government.
An audit conducted by Ernst & Young found that the agency’s accounting procedures are so flawed that there is no reliable way to track how it uses its $40 billion annual budget.
If a private organization was this inept, the left would take to the streets with violence. They would demand all kinds of “regulatory” reforms and legislation. And yet when it happens with tax payer dollars, all they do is shrug and insist that we need more government.

Major Pentagon agency can’t account for $800 million — but still may get a budget increase

If a private organization was that inept, they'd simply be out of business. Indeed, they'd probably be guilty of some crime and be under federal investigation. Government survives only on its lack of accountability, bottomless tax dollars and threat of force at gunpoint to keep collecting more.
Why are you such a fascist sack of garbage abou what gay people do behind doors?
That’s just it my fragile little snowflake - I’m not. I couldn’t possibly care any less what homosexuals do behind closed doors. And I support that liberty 100%.

The problem is - so many of them refuse to keep it behind closed doors.
Unimaginable and inexcusable ineptitude by our federal government.
An audit conducted by Ernst & Young found that the agency’s accounting procedures are so flawed that there is no reliable way to track how it uses its $40 billion annual budget.
If a private organization was this inept, the left would take to the streets with violence. They would demand all kinds of “regulatory” reforms and legislation. And yet when it happens with tax payer dollars, all they do is shrug and insist that we need more government.

Major Pentagon agency can’t account for $800 million — but still may get a budget increase

If a private organization was that inept, they'd simply be out of business. Indeed, they'd probably be guilty of some crime and be under federal investigation. Government survives only on its lack of accountability, bottomless tax dollars and threat of force at gunpoint to keep collecting more.
We have the finest government on the planet
Why are you such a fascist sack of garbage abou what gay people do behind doors?
That’s just it my fragile little snowflake - I’m not. I couldn’t possibly care any less what homosexuals do behind closed doors. And I support that liberty 100%.

The problem is - so many of them refuse to keep it behind closed doors.
You idiot you just complained about it becoming legal.
My guess is we will be in WWIII very soon.
Absolutely 0 chance of that happening. Our nuclear arsenal, along with that of our allies, means that our enemies wouldn’t dare. Not Putin. Not Assad. Not even a maniac like Kim Jong Un.

In fact, Kim Jong Un has requested a meeting with the U.S. for the first time ever - citing his “fear” of President Trump to his allies.
You need to consider that it won't be 'our enemies' starting WWIII. It be our assholes.
Yeah...not happening. 0% chance. 0. seem to have forgotten your history.

Let's see...Mexican American War, War of Northern Aggression, Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Iraq War.....seems like you are on the wrong side of history.
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Unimaginable and inexcusable ineptitude by our federal government.
An audit conducted by Ernst & Young found that the agency’s accounting procedures are so flawed that there is no reliable way to track how it uses its $40 billion annual budget.
If a private organization was this inept, the left would take to the streets with violence. They would demand all kinds of “regulatory” reforms and legislation. And yet when it happens with tax payer dollars, all they do is shrug and insist that we need more government.

Major Pentagon agency can’t account for $800 million — but still may get a budget increase

If a private organization was that inept, they'd simply be out of business. Indeed, they'd probably be guilty of some crime and be under federal investigation. Government survives only on its lack of accountability, bottomless tax dollars and threat of force at gunpoint to keep collecting more.
We have the finest government on the planet

That wins the dumbest post of the year.
Look at all of the progressives disingenuously avoiding the issue by pretending that this only happens in the Department of Defense (because that perfectly suits their “weaken the U.S.” agenda). You can’t have it both ways, lefties.
The left whine about corporations though. At least the ones not spewing leftism on society.

Except corporations can't make you buy anything nor arrest you nor shoot you.

But big government can.

Actually corporations more or less force people to buy from them since there are fewer and fewer main street USA's with thousands of stores operated by individual proprietorships like we had forty or fifty years ago. They've been replaced by the walmarts and other large corporations that run the little guy out of business. Why does the unintelligentsia on the right always shill for the wealthiest of the wealthy and for major corporations? Maybe they're still waiting for the trickle down to reach them? It never will. Money that goes to the top stays at the top.
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