And to think that left continues to demand MORE government

If the minimum wage was raised to $12 per hour, the cost of inflation would be pennies on the dollar. in 90 pennies. :lmao:

Please....stop talking economics. You’re embarrassing yourself. We get it, you’re a minimum wage worker who wants more money. But that’s just it - you’ve never run a business. You don’t understand this stuff.
$15 per hour (gradually raised over four years) is a bit much and probably would do more harm than good. $12 an hour is manageable. The price of something at McDonald’s might go up 10 cents. So what? People would still buy it.

You are correct. But the reason for that is because McDonald's sells 1,000 burgers a day, 900 soft drinks, and 800 french fries. Higher wages can be divided out on the products without much notice.

However Frank's hardware store does not sell 800 hammers a day. Ron's Catering does not do 200 weddings a day. Ready Wash does not wash 600 cars a day.

Now please explain the dynamics of how raising minimum wage responsibly can grow the economy, but raising it much more would have the opposite effect.
Raising the min wage done modestly and over a period of time (a few years, gradually), the cost to most businesses wouldn’t be significant. From there, over time, businesses will do better with the increase to consumer spending. The cost of the raise wouldn’t come close to cancel out the extra few hundred bucks a person would make per month.
Also, every dollar spent by a consumer on a business is worth more than a dollar spent on labor. Why? Because the former makes a PROFIT.
Just when I thought you couldn’t say anything dumber. :eusa_doh:

A dollar is a dollar, dumb ass. It’s purchasing power is not more in the hands of one American than it is in the hands of another American.

And the “former” only makes a PROFIT by covering the costs of running the business. Costs that you ignorantly want to increase. Which means, they raise prices. Which means the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they were before the increase.

God I wish progressives weren’t so ignorant. Their stupidity drags America down. They can’t even grasp the most basic economics.
Libya – 1984 (then 2015)

Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky admitted that the Mossad planted a radio transmitter in Libyan Prime Minister Muammar Gaddafi’s compound in Tripoli, which broadcast fake terrorist transmissions that were recorded by Mossad and used to frame Gaddafi as a terrorist supporter. President Reagan bombed Libya immediately after the false reports, but this was not the first or last time the U.S. would involve itself in Libya.
Again...100% false. President Reagan bombed Gaddafi in response to the Lockerbie terrorist attack. Gaddafi proudly admitted responsibility and would later pay out $2 billion to the families.
$15 per hour (gradually raised over four years) is a bit much and probably would do more harm than good. $12 an hour is manageable. The price of something at McDonald’s might go up 10 cents. So what? People would still buy it.

You are correct. But the reason for that is because McDonald's sells 1,000 burgers a day, 900 soft drinks, and 800 french fries. Higher wages can be divided out on the products without much notice.

However Frank's hardware store does not sell 800 hammers a day. Ron's Catering does not do 200 weddings a day. Ready Wash does not wash 600 cars a day.

Now please explain the dynamics of how raising minimum wage responsibly can grow the economy, but raising it much more would have the opposite effect.
Raising the min wage done modestly and over a period of time (a few years, gradually), the cost to most businesses wouldn’t be significant. From there, over time, businesses will do better with the increase to consumer spending. The cost of the raise wouldn’t come close to cancel out the extra few hundred bucks a person would make per month.
Minimum wage needs to be taken away from Congress. It is just too political and struggling workers pay a price

We should set a fair wage and index it to inflation.
Raising the min wage done modestly and over a period of time (a few years, gradually), the cost to most businesses wouldn’t be significant. From there, over time, businesses will do better with the increase to consumer spending.
These statements are so idiotic it’s shocking. The minimum wage workers are mostly 16 year olds and they do not drive spending in the U.S. (especially with their own money).

There would be no “increase to consumer spending” you ignoramus because 90% of the labor force would not be recieiving the government-mandated increase. In fact, there would be a decrease in consumer spending as prices increased by wages for the 90% did not.
World War 1 – 1915

The U.S. did finally enter the war in 1915, when a U.S. ship called the Lusitania was sent through hostile waters as bait, filled with more than a thousand civilians and an unusually large amount of ammunition. The ship was hit by a German torpedo and exploded instantly due to all of the ammunition onboard, killing more than half of the passengers and crew.
Help me understand the logic here. Because a ship went by, we “baited” Germany into blowing it into oblivion with a torpedo? :eusa_doh: are killing yourself and your cause. There are so many legitimate examples you could be using right now that were horrific (Operation Northwoods, the Gulf of Tonkin, MK-Ultra, the Tuskegee Experiment, etc.). Why would you resort to the nonsense you are resorting to right now which not only discredits you, it discredits anyone who later raises legitimate issues such as Operation Northwoods?
If the minimum wage was raised to $12 per hour, the cost of inflation would be pennies on the dollar. in 90 pennies. :lmao:

Please....stop talking economics. You’re embarrassing yourself. We get it, you’re a minimum wage worker who wants more money. But that’s just it - you’ve never run a business. You don’t understand this stuff.
90 pennies? You’re just making shit up as you go along. Here’s a fun fact: a poll found most small businesses would support a responsible increase in the minimum wage because more money would be spent on businesses.
Raising the min wage done modestly and over a period of time (a few years, gradually), the cost to most businesses wouldn’t be significant. From there, over time, businesses will do better with the increase to consumer spending.
These statements are so idiotic it’s shocking. The minimum wage workers are mostly 16 year olds and they do not drive spending in the U.S. (especially with their own money).

There would be no “increase to consumer spending” you ignoramus because 90% of the labor force would not be recieiving the government-mandated increase. In fact, there would be a decrease in consumer spending as prices increased by wages for the 90% did not.
You are such a moron. If the minimum wage was increased to $12 per hour, all of the STATE minimum wages would go up too. Obviously most people making state minimum wages arent kids.

And no, I make well above minimum wage. How typical you make this about me, you child.
Raising the min wage done modestly and over a period of time (a few years, gradually), the cost to most businesses wouldn’t be significant. From there, over time, businesses will do better with the increase to consumer spending.
These statements are so idiotic it’s shocking. The minimum wage workers are mostly 16 year olds and they do not drive spending in the U.S. (especially with their own money).

There would be no “increase to consumer spending” you ignoramus because 90% of the labor force would not be recieiving the government-mandated increase. In fact, there would be a decrease in consumer spending as prices increased by wages for the 90% did not.
Again, idiot, 12 per hour would raise most STATE minimum wages. Just stop. You’re done.
Because of the greed in the healthcare industry, it is no longer viable to the working class and many in the middle class. Special interests will always buy republicans in office, therefore the solution is a Medicare for all system.
Here is the thing - my fragile little snowflake. You don’t need this idiotic communist utopia to achieve your failed single-payer healthcare system.

You could easily start a foundation/co-op tonight that accepts everyone and which charges only what a person could afford to pay. Accordingly to your idiotic false narrative, you would have the largest pool of consumers over night. That would give you tremendous leverage over hospitals in negotiating costs.

And yet none of you dimwit, asshat utopian dreamers have stepped up and created your voluntary “single-payer” utopian foundation. Why is that? :dunno:
So why didn't the Republican Party offer a plan when SS was being debated?
The USA has become the world's most hated nation and the world's most aggressive nation. Nothing to be proud of. Our ruling class is about to start WWIII, in case you haven't noticed.

I see Rightwinger is involved in some of these exchanges, I normally block him and don't normally see his posts unless caught up in a reply like this because there is nothing right wing about him and he is a useless flotsam who admits to being paid to post here getting awards for putting out volumes of trash . . . . that said, HAS the USA become the most hated nation, and if so, why? You mean we are hated more than Iran, North Korea and others? Did that occur during Obama or suddenly in ONE YEAR just by Trump wanting to rethink a few trade agreements and not wishing to play footsie with the globalist agenda on climate change? And if so, are these other countries really worth our friendship then or were they ever really our friends anyway?

As to being aggressive, perhaps so, or perhaps a better word might be preemptive. Maybe too often we meddle in things and screw things up and when Trump was running, I thought his intention was to do less of that. But like most presidents, once in office, they find that they are not really, wholly in charge of decisions. But as to WWIII, if you mean over Syria, I would ask, WHO is going to go to WAR with the USA over Syria? Is Russia going to go to WAR with us over Syria?
So why didn't the Republican Party offer a plan when SS was being debated?
They did. You should really try actually studying history before commenting. The Republicans warned it would be unsustainable (they have been proven right as SS is now “insolvent”). And they offered a plan: don’t do it. Obey the U.S. Constitution and allow states, counties, cities, and citizens to solve their own problems.
$15 per hour (gradually raised over four years) is a bit much and probably would do more harm than good. $12 an hour is manageable. The price of something at McDonald’s might go up 10 cents. So what? People would still buy it.

You are correct. But the reason for that is because McDonald's sells 1,000 burgers a day, 900 soft drinks, and 800 french fries. Higher wages can be divided out on the products without much notice.

However Frank's hardware store does not sell 800 hammers a day. Ron's Catering does not do 200 weddings a day. Ready Wash does not wash 600 cars a day.

Now please explain the dynamics of how raising minimum wage responsibly can grow the economy, but raising it much more would have the opposite effect.
Raising the min wage done modestly and over a period of time (a few years, gradually), the cost to most businesses wouldn’t be significant. From there, over time, businesses will do better with the increase to consumer spending. The cost of the raise wouldn’t come close to cancel out the extra few hundred bucks a person would make per month.

What you fail to realize is that when a business pays an employee one dollar more an hour, it costs the employer much more than a dollar an hour.

A business has to match SS and Medicare contributions of an employee. An increase in hourly pay means the employee AND the employer both have to pony up more money to SS and Medicare. When you get paid for vacations or holidays, the employer is paying you while you are not producing anything. If you only get three weeks of vacation a year, that's an extra $120.00 a year your employer has to pay you to not work on top of holidays.

The more an employee makes, the more it costs an employer for Unemployment Insurance and Workman's Compensation insurance. Why? Because if you make a claim on either, the payout is based on what you make per year. In our company, our employer contributes 10% of our net pay towards our retirement plan whether we contribute anything or not; another thing my boss has to consider if he gives me a dollar an your raise.

I'm sure there are other costs as well. But the point is that if government forces Larry's diner to pay all ten of his employees three dollars an hour more, it could very well drive Larry into closure. Three dollars an hour at 40 hours a week times 10 employees is an extra $1,200 a week alone plus all the other associated expenses I pointed out.
So why didn't the Republican Party offer a plan when SS was being debated?
They did. You should really try actually studying history before commenting. The Republicans warned it would be unsustainable (they have been proven right as SS is now “insolvent”). And they offered a plan: don’t do it. Obey the U.S. Constitution and allow states, counties, cities, and citizens to solve their own problems.
What was the name of the Republican plan? I know they tried to privatize SS and they called it communism a lot, but I would love to see their plan.
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So why didn't the Republican Party offer a plan when SS was being debated?
They did. You should really try actually studying history before commenting. The Republicans warned it would be unsustainable (they have been proven right as SS is now “insolvent”). And they offered a plan: don’t do it. Obey the U.S. Constitution and allow states, counties, cities, and citizens to solve their own problems.
What was the name of the Republican plan? I know they tried to privatize SS and they called it communism a lot, but I would love to see their plan.
This is now the second time in as many days that you asked me a question that I answered in my previous post that you are responding to. :eusa_doh:
Just about half the world's governments are better, particularly the one's with small government and small to non-existent military.

The USA has become the world's most hated nation and the world's most aggressive nation. Nothing to be proud of. Our ruling class is about to start WWIII, in case you haven't noticed.

Name one country that has a better than the US and we can discuss their merits

Yet many Americans have been told by the MSM (the same MSM controlled by the CIA), that the Deep State does not exist.

Ma! Where is my tin foil hat? I left it on the kitchen table

Some guy on the interweb is talking about the Deep State
Yeah...the Deep State is all bull it is that the left media PURPOSELY tells lefties and they believe.

A government that lies all the time, starts wars illegally all the time, spies on all Americans, and ignores Constitutional rights....would NEVER operate a Deep State. They just would never do such a harmful thing. Never EVER!!!


Deep State?

Give up on the New World Order so quickly?
Stop being such a predictable leftist.

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