And What Has the Tea Party Accomplished?

They fulfilled their campaign promises to attempt to defund and/or delay Obamacare.

This was a pledge to their voters. Now you may not like it, other Republicans may not like it but it truly doesn't matter what you or any one else thinks.

These good men and women actually lived up to their constituents expectations of them.

It's called being a "public servant" instead of an inside the beltway politician. A rare breed. Almost extinct in America.

It's called failure and putting a smiley face on it.

Only an ignorant fool would call the actions of elected representatives fighting for their constituents and trying to live up to their election promises "a failure".

Here is what separates us and why I detest no loathe the likes of individuals who think like you do.

I still believe that when an individual is elected and is sent to Washington they are sent there as a representative of their constituents.

They are not sent to Capitol Hill to become rich or famous but to sit in those hallowed chambers as a servant of those who sent him or her there.

Every day that servant has to embrace a battle with their opponents from the other party. Some battles one wins, some battles one loses.

But the fight is always for their constituents. So every fight is a good fight and a great battle.

There are no failures in this quest to be the best public servant possible in my world, in my way of thinking.

I expect no less of a Republican or Democrat.

For example many Democrats have led the gun control battle for months on end. I admire them. Begrudgingly at times albeit.

I am a staunch opponent of gun control BUT I still have the ability to understand that these men and women are living up to their campaign promises to enact harsher gun laws.

I don't hate them for this. I don't feel the need to deride them for this. I sure as hell don't expect them to cave on the issue of more gun control just because the press or the opposition tells them to.

I expect them to live up to their promise, their pledge to their constituents and most importantly live up to their core values.

I expect honor in elected officials. And with fighting a good fight, one can lose.

But one never is a failure.
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Tea Party accomplishments pretty much amounted to a protest. I really think their constituents expected a bit more. However, they have managed to bring the country to the brink of economic disaster twice, did their bit to convince Standard and Poor to downgrade our bond rating, increased government costs by billions, and created a climate of economic uncertainty that has cost jobs and slowed growth. I'd say that's one hell of a protest.
Standard & Poor’s is estimating that the shutdown will cut about 0.6 percent off inflation-adjusted gross domestic product, equivalent to $24 billion. Most analysts are predicting that growth will remain subpar, at an annual pace of 2 percent or less.

A new report from Macroeconomic Advisers, prepared for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, estimates the costs of the fiscal uncertainty of the last few years. Its model suggests that uncertainty since late 2009 has increased certain corporate borrowing costs by 0.38 percentage point; lowered economic growth over that period by 0.3 percent a year, costing at least $150 billion in lost output; and left this year’s unemployment rate higher by 0.6 percentage point. That translates to 900,000 jobs lost.

They pissed you off, that's gotta count for something.

The thread asks a reasonable question. Another way to look at it is, what has the Tea Party accomplished, what has it damaged, and what is the net result of its existence since 2010?

Seems to me that it has probably focused more national attention on spending and the size of government, but it also offered up some characters who are very, very easy targets for the Dems.

Not so sure that's a net positive.


I guess it depends on your grading scale and what you think significant.
What does it matter what the Tea Party accomplished? The fact that the radical left hates and fears the Tea Party is enough to make you want to join up.
The dismal failure of a fool's errand gives all in the mainstream future hope.
Blaming republicans for obamacare has become exceedingly difficult. Democrats have said that obamacare passed with bipartisan support. Without a single republican vote. The dimwits said republicans allowed it to pass without putting up a big fight. How did you like that fight?
I love this argument. What the hell is wrong with trying to make your party more responsive to your agenda? The Tea Party never obstructed traffic or occupied public property or was accused of rape or drug abuse but the radical left thinks that the OWS is the future of confrontational political strategy but they hate and fear the grey haired old ladies and grizzled old Vets who carry around a copy of the Constitution in their back pockets. What does that tell you about the skewed social values Americans have endured in the last couple of decades?
'Tea Party II...The Return of Cruznado'


Coming to a Capitol building near you in 2014
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And What Has the Tea Party Accomplished?


Are you retarded?

Has a Tea Partyer ever been elected?

Is there anything in the Tea Party's platform that appeals to the PARASITIC FACTION??

Is there anything in the Tea Party platform that appeals to Wall Street? Do any Tea Partyer supports bailouts?

So the Tea Partyers don't have a chance .

We are fucking doomed.

Democrats are thrilled that Obama had the FBI illegally screwed over The Tea Party and conservatives groups in the last election.

I suspect it's the only reason Obama won...he won by corruption

The thread asks a reasonable question. Another way to look at it is, what has the Tea Party accomplished, what has it damaged, and what is the net result of its existence since 2010?

Seems to me that it has probably focused more national attention on spending and the size of government, but it also offered up some characters who are very, very easy targets for the Dems.

Not so sure that's a net positive.


It focused National attention on the fact that the TPM’s position on spending and the size of government is naïve, reactionary, and untenable.
Standard & Poor’s is estimating that the shutdown will cut about 0.6 percent off inflation-adjusted gross domestic product, equivalent to $24 billion. Most analysts are predicting that growth will remain subpar, at an annual pace of 2 percent or less.

A new report from Macroeconomic Advisers, prepared for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, estimates the costs of the fiscal uncertainty of the last few years. Its model suggests that uncertainty since late 2009 has increased certain corporate borrowing costs by 0.38 percentage point; lowered economic growth over that period by 0.3 percent a year, costing at least $150 billion in lost output; and left this year’s unemployment rate higher by 0.6 percentage point. That translates to 900,000 jobs lost.

They pissed you off, that's gotta count for something.
I think they pissed a lot of people off, including their constituents. They were sent to Washington to reduce the cost of government not to increase it.
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I love this argument. What the hell is wrong with trying to make your party more responsive to your agenda? The Tea Party never obstructed traffic or occupied public property or was accused of rape or drug abuse but the radical left thinks that the OWS is the future of confrontational political strategy but they hate and fear the grey haired old ladies and grizzled old Vets who carry around a copy of the Constitution in their back pockets. What does that tell you about the skewed social values Americans have endured in the last couple of decades?

Yet you refuse to address it, and instead engage in a failed attempt to deflect using OWS.

What exactly has the TPM accomplished other than a credit rating downgrade, pointless partisan obstructionism, the sequester, a government shutdown, and a near default?
They fulfilled their campaign promises to attempt to defund and/or delay Obamacare.

This was a pledge to their voters. Now you may not like it, other Republicans may not like it but it truly doesn't matter what you or any one else thinks.

These good men and women actually lived up to their constituents expectations of them.

It's called being a "public servant" instead of an inside the beltway politician. A rare breed. Almost extinct in America.

Yes, and it only cost 24 billion tax-payer dollars to fulfill their campaign promises to attempt to defund and/or delay Obamacare.

Just a fraction of what maobamacare is costing. It's worth the trade if it had worked.
Standard & Poor’s is estimating that the shutdown will cut about 0.6 percent off inflation-adjusted gross domestic product, equivalent to $24 billion. Most analysts are predicting that growth will remain subpar, at an annual pace of 2 percent or less.

A new report from Macroeconomic Advisers, prepared for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, estimates the costs of the fiscal uncertainty of the last few years. Its model suggests that uncertainty since late 2009 has increased certain corporate borrowing costs by 0.38 percentage point; lowered economic growth over that period by 0.3 percent a year, costing at least $150 billion in lost output; and left this year’s unemployment rate higher by 0.6 percentage point. That translates to 900,000 jobs lost.

They pissed you off, that's gotta count for something.
I think they pissed a lot of people off, including their constituents. They were sent to Washington to reduce the cost of government not to increase it.

And certainly not to shut it down.

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