And What Has the Tea Party Accomplished?

I love this argument. What the hell is wrong with trying to make your party more responsive to your agenda? The Tea Party never obstructed traffic or occupied public property or was accused of rape or drug abuse but the radical left thinks that the OWS is the future of confrontational political strategy but they hate and fear the grey haired old ladies and grizzled old Vets who carry around a copy of the Constitution in their back pockets. What does that tell you about the skewed social values Americans have endured in the last couple of decades?

Yet you refuse to address it, and instead engage in a failed attempt to deflect using OWS.

What exactly has the TPM accomplished other than a credit rating downgrade, pointless partisan obstructionism, the sequester, a government shutdown, and a near default?

The sequester is one of the primary drivers reducing the deficit, you know the one your dear leader is always bragging about.
The TPM has redefined what a representative should be...that is to say a real representative of his constituents and acts behests of their best interests, not of his own. I see them as patriots of long ago coming into a new era bringing with them integrity not seen in politics since the time of our founding fathers.

We need more TP members to make a majority vote within the party. Will it happen? Not for a while, but the emergence of Obamacare may just be the catalyst that brings more TP members into the fold.

I, and most of America, see them as the modern know-nothing party. A party made up of fruitloops and demigogues like Cruz. A party foursquare against science, education, and sanity.

So now you speak for most Americans, I sure they would be happy to know that. For me, you don't speak.
I love this argument. What the hell is wrong with trying to make your party more responsive to your agenda? The Tea Party never obstructed traffic or occupied public property or was accused of rape or drug abuse but the radical left thinks that the OWS is the future of confrontational political strategy but they hate and fear the grey haired old ladies and grizzled old Vets who carry around a copy of the Constitution in their back pockets. What does that tell you about the skewed social values Americans have endured in the last couple of decades?

Yet you refuse to address it, and instead engage in a failed attempt to deflect using OWS.

What exactly has the TPM accomplished other than a credit rating downgrade, pointless partisan obstructionism, the sequester, a government shutdown, and a near default?

Maybe left wing propaganda has altered the perception of hate mongers on the left. Republicans offered to negotiate but the president seemed more interested in dealing with Vlad Putin than the republican majority. The Tea Party isn't a political threat. It is a focus for left wing hate speech and a propaganda tool to try to split the republican party.
The Tea Party got NOTHING.

They ended up asking for about 18 or 20 different stupid things that have nothing to do with anything that is actually a priority.

Maybe that's they're plan: just hold everything up and hope Obama doesn't get to pass ANYTHING, no matter how innocuous. He's evil, he's the enemy, he's probably not even American, we KNOW he's Muslim, so he must be stopped!

It's the yahoos in America getting center stage all the time, while all the rest of us ended up throwing tomatoes at them the whole time because we all clearly knew that this mess was their doing, no matter how delusional they are to believe that it's other people's fault.

I imagine the country will kick the Tea Party out next November in another wave election. You can feel it out there even from normal Republicans. Not even they can stand the Tea Party anymore.

The Tea Party got our attention, but since being in power the last couple years, their popularity has long since crested and continues to go down.

You know there's something out there, because the Republicans I know are all done with the Tea Party. They seem them as a bunch of yokels who only seem to care about getting the spotlight so they be stupid instead of actually participating and helping to get shit done for the country.

lol, bullshit.

Hume: Tea Party pushed budget stand-off because GOP 'utterly failed' to restrain bloated gov't | Fox News

"Veteran political observers on both the left and right are still trying to figure out what the House Tea Party caucus and its Senate pied piper Ted Cruz were thinking when they insisted on using the threat of a government shutdown to defund ObamaCare.

"It was a hopeless strategy that has not only failed in its stated goal, but helped send the Republican Party to its lowest favorability ratings ever.

"In conventional terms, it seems inexplicable, but Senator Cruz and his adherents do not view things in conventional terms. They look back over the past half-century, including the supposedly golden era of Ronald Reagan, and see the uninterrupted forward march of the American left. Entitlement spending never stopped growing. The regulatory state continued to expand. The national debt grew and grew and finally in the Obama years, exploded. They see an American population becoming unrecognizable from the free and self-reliant people they thought they knew. And they see the Republican Party as having utterly failed to stop the drift toward an unfree nation supervised by an overweening and bloated bureaucracy. They are not interested in Republican policies that merely slow the growth of this leviathan. They want to stop it and reverse it. And they want to show their supporters they'll try anything to bring that about.

"And if some of those things turn out to be reckless and doomed, well so be it."

In other words, they stood on principle, kept their campaign promises, and raised the visibility of the flaws in Obamacare and the outrageous stupid spending we are doing.

I say goals achieved.

The shutdown cost us $24 billion.

So we're actually deeper in the hole now than we were had the Tea Party not shutdown government.

So if wasting money for nothing is "standing on principle", than congratulations to you and your stupid heroes!

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