And What Has the Tea Party Accomplished?

Democrats voting in lockstep .... nothing to be proud of there

Do not think, you must conform to Fearless Leader...:whip:

Actually, it was the GOP that voted in lockstep, but only because their corporate masters said they should.

Conforming to the "fearless leader" (of which I think you mean the President) is much better than voting in conformity to the corporations and the Koch brothers.

Dems want the nation to survive, Reps only want the rich to make it. Look at the vulture charts, and look at who is giving the most money (i.e. lobbyists) to keep their interests alive.
Standard & Poor’s is estimating that the shutdown will cut about 0.6 percent off inflation-adjusted gross domestic product, equivalent to $24 billion. Most analysts are predicting that growth will remain subpar, at an annual pace of 2 percent or less.

A new report from Macroeconomic Advisers, prepared for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, estimates the costs of the fiscal uncertainty of the last few years. Its model suggests that uncertainty since late 2009 has increased certain corporate borrowing costs by 0.38 percentage point; lowered economic growth over that period by 0.3 percent a year, costing at least $150 billion in lost output; and left this year’s unemployment rate higher by 0.6 percentage point. That translates to 900,000 jobs lost.

Well, looks like this might not bode well for President Obama's reelection, so there's that, I guess.

:eusa_angel: sucks when you can't run for a 3rd term because of term limitations imposed on the Presidency.

I wish that representatives and senators had the same limitation. Let them serve for 18 years, and then require a mandatory retirement.
Until they actually are a party it means nothing.

That will hopefully be remedied in the near future. The GOP is a dead wasteland.

If the GOP is truly a dead wasteland, it's only because the tea baggers made it so.

I really hate it when some fringe idiots think they can hold my country hostage, just because they don't like who the President is.

And's MY country, because I spent over 20 years of my life defending it.

I hope Cruz and all his other idiot followers are drummed out of office at the earliest convenience (like the next election), or driven out of office because they have some scandal in their past that puts them on the fast track for resignation.

If that doesn't work, I'd settle for them being hit by a Mack truck and being incapacitated.

For being "The Winners" y'all don't seem soooo happy..:lol:

I'm happy... :lol:
That will hopefully be remedied in the near future. The GOP is a dead wasteland.

If the GOP is truly a dead wasteland, it's only because the tea baggers made it so.

I really hate it when some fringe idiots think they can hold my country hostage, just because they don't like who the President is.

And's MY country, because I spent over 20 years of my life defending it.

I hope Cruz and all his other idiot followers are drummed out of office at the earliest convenience (like the next election), or driven out of office because they have some scandal in their past that puts them on the fast track for resignation.

If that doesn't work, I'd settle for them being hit by a Mack truck and being incapacitated.

For being "The Winners" y'all don't seem soooo happy..:lol:

I'm happy... :lol:

You're right.....................I'm not very happy, because instead of solving the problem like I know they could have, they decided to kick the can down the road for around 3 months so they could start this same bullshit up again.

I'd have been "happy" if they could have passed it for a full year, thereby giving stability to the markets rather than making it a target for them to shoot at in another 3 months.

And..........................who are the "winners"? Those in the GOP who claim they've won, or those who managed to get the government working again and let those who are employed get back to work?

Me? I think the "winners" are the ones who let people go back to work, I'm just upset that the losers made it for a finite amount of time. Sorry................but I'm tired of the GOP lurching from crisis to crisis that THEY create.

A pox on every teabagger, and a pox on every Republican who decided to shut down the government.

I hope Boehner, McConnell and Cantor end up taking a long walk over a very short cliff in the next month and have to resign.
Democrats voting in lockstep .... nothing to be proud of there

Do not think, you must conform to Fearless Leader...:whip:

Actually, it was the GOP that voted in lockstep, but only because their corporate masters said they should.

Conforming to the "fearless leader" (of which I think you mean the President) is much better than voting in conformity to the corporations and the Koch brothers.

Dems want the nation to survive, Reps only want the rich to make it. Look at the vulture charts, and look at who is giving the most money (i.e. lobbyists) to keep their interests alive.

The rich/corporations are getting richer under Obama, the poor have a lot more company and the middle class is being screwed by the New Democrat Social Order.
Democrats voting in lockstep .... nothing to be proud of there

Do not think, you must conform to Fearless Leader...:whip:

Actually, it was the GOP that voted in lockstep, but only because their corporate masters said they should.

Conforming to the "fearless leader" (of which I think you mean the President) is much better than voting in conformity to the corporations and the Koch brothers.

Dems want the nation to survive, Reps only want the rich to make it. Look at the vulture charts, and look at who is giving the most money (i.e. lobbyists) to keep their interests alive.

The rich/corporations are getting richer under Obama, the poor have a lot more company and the middle class is being screwed by the New Democrat Social Order.

Of course the rich are getting richer. It's not because of Obama, it's because of the tea baggers leading McConnell and Boehner around by the nose with their contributions.

Wanna know why Boehner and McConnell decided to pass the CR and fund the government for the next 3 months? It's because their corporate overlords said that if they didn't, it would cost a lot of people a lot of money, and the GOP doesn't want to piss off the people with the money (especially when their bad policies would cost them quite a bit).

The only reason Boehner showed any sanity is because Wall St. and the corporations recognized that if we passed the debit ceiling, they would lose a lot of money.

Sorry, but the GOP is controlled by the rich.
Do you even know what TEA means.

T.E.A. ?
Yeah, "Trash the Economy of America."

The Tea Bag Brotherhood is a surrogate created and financed by the GOP establishment, whose sole purpose is to destroy the American economy during A Democratic presidency while keeping the establishment GOP's hands clean. They have just done what the GOP establishment created them for, cripple the recovery so establishment Republicans can attack the Democratic Party on the economy in the up coming elections.

Once a Republican is elected president you will never hear from the Tea Bag Brotherhood again.
Do you even know what TEA means.

T.E.A. ?

Yes, we know what it means....

Standard & Poor’s is estimating that the shutdown will cut about 0.6 percent off inflation-adjusted gross domestic product, equivalent to $24 billion. Most analysts are predicting that growth will remain subpar, at an annual pace of 2 percent or less.

A new report from Macroeconomic Advisers, prepared for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, estimates the costs of the fiscal uncertainty of the last few years. Its model suggests that uncertainty since late 2009 has increased certain corporate borrowing costs by 0.38 percentage point; lowered economic growth over that period by 0.3 percent a year, costing at least $150 billion in lost output; and left this year’s unemployment rate higher by 0.6 percentage point. That translates to 900,000 jobs lost.

I know this will come as a shock to you, but economic modeling has little to do with the real world. If it did, the markets would cease to work.

I'm sure there are quite a few sheep out there who will happily graze on the fodder the leftist press is feeding them.

Keynesian flunkies and leftists in general continue their quixotic quest to repeal the law of supply and demand.

Move on. There's nothing to see here.

Translation: " Math hurts my head."

The thread asks a reasonable question. Another way to look at it is, what has the Tea Party accomplished, what has it damaged, and what is the net result of its existence since 2010?

Seems to me that it has probably focused more national attention on spending and the size of government, but it also offered up some characters who are very, very easy targets for the Dems.

Not so sure that's a net positive.

The TPM has redefined what a representative should be...that is to say a real representative of his constituents and acts behests of their best interests, not of his own. I see them as patriots of long ago coming into a new era bringing with them integrity not seen in politics since the time of our founding fathers.

We need more TP members to make a majority vote within the party. Will it happen? Not for a while, but the emergence of Obamacare may just be the catalyst that brings more TP members into the fold.
The TPM has redefined what a representative should be...that is to say a real representative of his constituents and acts behests of their best interests, not of his own. I see them as patriots of long ago coming into a new era bringing with them integrity not seen in politics since the time of our founding fathers.

We need more TP members to make a majority vote within the party. Will it happen? Not for a while, but the emergence of Obamacare may just be the catalyst that brings more TP members into the fold.

I, and most of America, see them as the modern know-nothing party. A party made up of fruitloops and demigogues like Cruz. A party foursquare against science, education, and sanity.
The TPM has redefined what a representative should be...that is to say a real representative of his constituents and acts behests of their best interests, not of his own. I see them as patriots of long ago coming into a new era bringing with them integrity not seen in politics since the time of our founding fathers.

We need more TP members to make a majority vote within the party. Will it happen? Not for a while, but the emergence of Obamacare may just be the catalyst that brings more TP members into the fold.

I, and most of America, see them as the modern know-nothing party. A party made up of fruitloops and demigogues like Cruz. A party foursquare against science, education, and sanity.

That's fine. The Democrat's approval isn't necessary for their success. You don't know what America will be thinking of them after Obamacare has taken hold of the American people and the TPM candidates have had their say.
And What Has the Tea Party Accomplished?

it has exposed the frauds like John Cornyn Eric Cantor Mitch McConnell

for the frauds that they are
Standard & Poor’s is estimating that the shutdown will cut about 0.6 percent off inflation-adjusted gross domestic product, equivalent to $24 billion. Most analysts are predicting that growth will remain subpar, at an annual pace of 2 percent or less.

A new report from Macroeconomic Advisers, prepared for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, estimates the costs of the fiscal uncertainty of the last few years. Its model suggests that uncertainty since late 2009 has increased certain corporate borrowing costs by 0.38 percentage point; lowered economic growth over that period by 0.3 percent a year, costing at least $150 billion in lost output; and left this year’s unemployment rate higher by 0.6 percentage point. That translates to 900,000 jobs lost.

T party woke the American people to the issues. Libtards are trying desperately to put them back to they the the trough.
, you are a moron if you think the TPM lost this thing, as in they did not achieve their realistic goals.

That inanity of logic means the Japanese did not lose in a kamikaze charge.

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