and what would this be?

Steam from a cup of water you have boiled for tea or coffee??
It looks like bubbles for sure, but the blue color is throwing me off.....I keep wanting to think pool.....or maybe a kitchen sink full of hot bubbly water, the blue is too pretty to be a pond always looks green ~LoL~
Maybe it is steam from hot boiling water, and it is floating or has landed, on something in your home that is the pretty blue~
It is a close up of hot water coming out of an aeriated kitchen tap. The color fooled me too because I wouldn't think it would show up so blue.

But Dabs got the closest with 'boiling water' so I think she should pick the next photo to guess.
It is a close up of hot water coming out of an aeriated kitchen tap. The color fooled me too because I wouldn't think it would show up so blue.

But Dabs got the closest with 'boiling water' so I think she should pick the next photo to guess.

Oh wow....Thanks Foxy! And I would never have guessed that :lol:
My camera is not as awesome as the ones some of y'all obviously have, I try and get good pics, but don't do so good. But I'm going to use a photo I already have on my files here,'s part of a may be fairly easy to guess.
But...maybe it'll take a couple tries ~LoL~


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Well, I'm going to stick with guessing, because I totally suck ass at trying to post a good pic :lol:
Yeppers Amelia, it's a VERY close up, of the top of a tortoise go girl!
WTG Amelia. Your turn to post a pic.

Huh? What? :eek: I didn't think of the ramifications when I made my guess ... :doubt:

I only have an old borrowed camera that I don't know how to set! :redface:

But hmmmm .... here's a snip from a photo someone else took. And if you can guess what it is, you'll know something I collect:

Well I don't think we have any rules. This has been sort of an impromptu game bones inadvertently started. :) But I didn't take my photo either though I may have some later on. I think ANY photo, as long as it is really a photo, is fair game.

Okay, for Amelia's photo: You don't collect Picassos do you? I love the fantasy abstract though. Pottery of some kind?

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