Andrew Cuomo is front-runner to replace Eric Adams in ranked choice runoff

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
You can't make this stuff up. I frequently respond to topics about politicians and governments acting against the interest of their people by saying, "The people voted for this. I don't see the problem." Well, here ya go.

Despite the fact this man had to resign from the governor's office over sexual assault accusations, not to mention his poor handling of COVID (the nursing home scandal) the people of New York City would be more than please to now make him their mayor. Granted, I do believe he would probably restore some law and order to the city and be a better friend to the NYPD, but overall, this man is a sleaze bag. The American people really need to raise the bar.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the leading candidate to replace embattled New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D-NY), according to a poll released Saturday.

The disgraced Democratic ex-governor would come on top in a ranked choice voting runoff special election for the Big Apple, according to a Slingshot Strategies poll released Saturday.
You can't make this stuff up. I frequently respond to topics about politicians and governments acting against the interest of their people by saying, "The people voted for this. I don't see the problem." Well, here ya go.

Despite the fact this man had to resign from the governor's office over sexual assault accusations, not to mention his poor handling of COVID (the nursing home scandal) the people of New York City would be more than please to now make him their mayor. Granted, I do believe he would probably restore some law and order to the city and be a better friend to the NYPD, but overall, this man is a sleaze bag. The American people really need to raise the bar.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the leading candidate to replace embattled New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D-NY), according to a poll released Saturday.

The disgraced Democratic ex-governor would come on top in a ranked choice voting runoff special election for the Big Apple, according to a Slingshot Strategies poll released Saturday.
Maybe his brother could get a gig on NYC’s 3rd rate TV network (WPIX) anchoring their Sunday morning (3 am) public service community discussion show!
You can't make this stuff up. I frequently respond to topics about politicians and governments acting against the interest of their people by saying, "The people voted for this. I don't see the problem." Well, here ya go.

Despite the fact this man had to resign from the governor's office over sexual assault accusations, not to mention his poor handling of COVID (the nursing home scandal) the people of New York City would be more than please to now make him their mayor. Granted, I do believe he would probably restore some law and order to the city and be a better friend to the NYPD, but overall, this man is a sleaze bag. The American people really need to raise the bar.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the leading candidate to replace embattled New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D-NY), according to a poll released Saturday.

The disgraced Democratic ex-governor would come on top in a ranked choice voting runoff special election for the Big Apple, according to a Slingshot Strategies poll released Saturday.
democrats dont have much of a choice when it comes to good candidates .. theyre all sick and insane .
Has Adams been soft on crime? It seems to me he’s been tough on crime
You can't make this stuff up. I frequently respond to topics about politicians and governments acting against the interest of their people by saying, "The people voted for this. I don't see the problem." Well, here ya go.

Despite the fact this man had to resign from the governor's office over sexual assault accusations, not to mention his poor handling of COVID (the nursing home scandal) the people of New York City would be more than please to now make him their mayor. Granted, I do believe he would probably restore some law and order to the city and be a better friend to the NYPD, but overall, this man is a sleaze bag. The American people really need to raise the bar.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the leading candidate to replace embattled New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D-NY), according to a poll released Saturday.

The disgraced Democratic ex-governor would come on top in a ranked choice voting runoff special election for the Big Apple, according to a Slingshot Strategies poll released Saturday.

Yep, they'll deserve what they get. Has anyone explained to those folks what the definition of insanity is?

You can't make this stuff up. I frequently respond to topics about politicians and governments acting against the interest of their people by saying, "The people voted for this. I don't see the problem." Well, here ya go.

Despite the fact this man had to resign from the governor's office over sexual assault accusations, not to mention his poor handling of COVID (the nursing home scandal) the people of New York City would be more than please to now make him their mayor. Granted, I do believe he would probably restore some law and order to the city and be a better friend to the NYPD, but overall, this man is a sleaze bag. The American people really need to raise the bar.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the leading candidate to replace embattled New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D-NY), according to a poll released Saturday.

The disgraced Democratic ex-governor would come on top in a ranked choice voting runoff special election for the Big Apple, according to a Slingshot Strategies poll released Saturday.
Ya think he has a chance post Fauci?
You can't make this stuff up. I frequently respond to topics about politicians and governments acting against the interest of their people by saying, "The people voted for this. I don't see the problem." Well, here ya go.

Despite the fact this man had to resign from the governor's office over sexual assault accusations, not to mention his poor handling of COVID (the nursing home scandal) the people of New York City would be more than please to now make him their mayor. Granted, I do believe he would probably restore some law and order to the city and be a better friend to the NYPD, but overall, this man is a sleaze bag. The American people really need to raise the bar.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the leading candidate to replace embattled New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D-NY), according to a poll released Saturday.

The disgraced Democratic ex-governor would come on top in a ranked choice voting runoff special election for the Big Apple, according to a Slingshot Strategies poll released Saturday.

Wow! would the citizens of NYC be that gullible.
This guy killed more people in New York than the Mafia wars.
Yep, they'll deserve what they get. Has anyone explained to those folks what the definition of insanity is?


As a former resident of NYC, I have to agree with your statement.
Just look at Adams and his incompetence.
Sure Andy's got the Cuomo name but he dragged that name through the mud and dishonored his father's name.
The American people really need to raise the bar.
And that's the goddamn bottom line.

These people insult us every day, and we forgive them. They know what short attention spans the people have. They know the people are undereducated (or mal-educated) on basic civics and basic economics. They know the people are not paying attention. They even know that the people don't really care if they lie. So they just play the game.

This stuff should be insulting, and we're not insulted. That's on us.
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You can't make this stuff up. I frequently respond to topics about politicians and governments acting against the interest of their people by saying, "The people voted for this. I don't see the problem." Well, here ya go.

Despite the fact this man had to resign from the governor's office over sexual assault accusations, not to mention his poor handling of COVID (the nursing home scandal) the people of New York City would be more than please to now make him their mayor. Granted, I do believe he would probably restore some law and order to the city and be a better friend to the NYPD, but overall, this man is a sleaze bag. The American people really need to raise the bar.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the leading candidate to replace embattled New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D-NY), according to a poll released Saturday.

The disgraced Democratic ex-governor would come on top in a ranked choice voting runoff special election for the Big Apple, according to a Slingshot Strategies poll released Saturday.
Dems / Socialists are their own worst enemy. They will vote party line despite knowing the candidate is a disaster.

One word; Joe Biden.
And that's the goddamn bottom line.

These people insult us every day, and we forgive them. They know what short attention spans the people have. They know the people are undereducated (or mal-educated) on basic civics and basic economics. They know the people are not paying attention. They even know that the people don't really care if they lie. So they just play the game.

This stuff should be insulting, and we're not insulted. That's on us.
Adams made promises and like many Prog leaders did not figure out where the money was going to come from or the real consequence from all of the nice agendas. He is of the Village. Let us simplify it....5 dollar's worth of agendas and 1 dollar to pay for it. A little extreme in numbers, but you should get it. After all, I typed Progelese on this.
Adams made promises and like many Prog leaders did not figure out where the money was going to come from or the real consequence from all of the nice agendas. He is of the Village. Let us simplify it....5 dollar's worth of agendas and 1 dollar to pay for it. A little extreme in numbers, but you should get it. After all, I typed Progelese on this.
I know. Everything is the other tribe's fault. Your tribe is pristine, the other is evil.

The intellectual calcification that afflicts all hardcore partisan ideologues.
The disgraced Democratic ex-governor would come on top in a ranked choice voting runoff special election for the Big Apple, according to a Slingshot Strategies poll released Saturday.
Boy, that sure is a lot of 'If this, then maybe that' to get all excited about. If only the average voter shared half the concern..
I know. Everything is the other tribe's fault. Your tribe is pristine, the other is evil.

The intellectual calcification that afflicts all hardcore partisan ideologues.
You get sardonic. There are Progressive Socialist politicians who actually turn Democrat once in a while. Especially when their tribal area is in trouble. Although if/when they do it makes them hypocrites from which they push. I guarantee you if a city mayor freezes the budget in a not so good time with fair inflation on his government unions for a few years that the city will bloom from it. Most Prog cities are treading water and have for many decades and at times when there was some drowning made huge unpopular decisions. Local government unions and trade unions and transportation unions take a huge portion of taxes. Pension systems in many cities, some states and regional areas are woefully underfunded. They keep pushing off the day of reckoning with band aids. Deficits of these areas are real. California is having a 68-billion-dollar deficit this year as the payoffs from Joe that has helped to cause the fun inflation we have has stopped.

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