Andrew Gillum's Intern Just Arrested

Well...yes Q said it many month ago


They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

that's what Q said many months ago

GOD Bless all Patriots

God Bless Donald Trump
Whom G-d chooses to destroy, he first drives mad.
Well...yes Q said it many month ago


They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

that's what Q said many months ago

GOD Bless all Patriots

God Bless Donald Trump
Whom G-d chooses to destroy, he first drives mad.

no shit
Well...yes Q said it many month ago


They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

that's what Q said many months ago

GOD Bless all Patriots

God Bless Donald Trump
Whom G-d chooses to destroy, he first drives mad.

no shit


They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

The Rat Face Commie bitch is SCREAMING at NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS about shootings while at the SAME TIME wearing the Communist Symbol, so she is SCREAMING about shootings yet OPENLY displaying that SHE SUPPORTS MORE of THIS:


^^^^ The above Death Toll of Communism is NOT enough to the Satanic Devils, they want ANOTHER few HUNDRED MILLION MURDERED now.
They've lost it all. All. Kennedy overturned AA & the Union Mandate before retiring.

They know it.
They've lost it all. All.

They know it.


They are getting increasingly deranged each day, they need rounding up and putting in Secure Padded Cells in Special Camps, like this:


This is their insane scorched Earth policy.

Postmodernism is dead.

A Canadian (Jordan Peterson) stuck in the last knife.

why even waste space and time ^^^

in that scum
Well...yes Q said it many month ago


They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

that's what Q said many months ago

GOD Bless all Patriots

God Bless Donald Trump
Whom G-d chooses to destroy, he first drives mad.

^^^^ Yes, this:





while the GOP are trying to distract with all this shit, they're robbing you blind.

they will take your health care away while you're not looking.
Well...yes Q said it many month ago


They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

Typical ugly Rat Faced Commie bitch.
Their love of symbols will be their undoing...imo.

that's what Q said many months ago

GOD Bless all Patriots

God Bless Donald Trump
Whom G-d chooses to destroy, he first drives mad.

^^^^ Yes, this:






what idiots...what sick humanoids .....what scum really.

They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

She is also wearing a swastika.

They’ve been surging back under the guises of SJW’s. Be aware of their intentions and don't be fooled. People need to wake up to the very real threat they pose. They want to destroy America & everything it stands for.

She is also wearing a swastika.

Typical psychologically fucked up Leftist then, a Commie AND a Nazi at the SAME time :uhoh3:
Got Milk? Andrew Gillum's Communist Intern Arrested for Dairy Dealing Temper Tantrum

Story includes a video of a Gillum intern having a temper tantrum and throwing chocolate milk on Republican students. Yes, she is justifiably angry because 11 of her people were killed, but the misdirection by the democrats that Trump is the "Nazi" behind the movement is a lie - the shooter hates Trump because he just helped to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem, its historic home since Biblical days, for the first time since Biblical days.

Trump is one of the most Pro-Israeli presidents we have had in decades, much more than the Iranian-loving Obama who gave the Israel-hating Iranians money and nuclear power.

My question is this - why do American-Jewish people seem to hate Israel? If they were as informed as this woman claims to be, they would know the truth about Trump and his support for Israel, so either they are uninformed, or they actually hate Israel?

I have NEVER understood that. I guess that is a topic that is just above my pay grade.
Her background indicates that she is pro Palestine and they hate Jews or am I wrong again.

That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.

T So in other words, liberal American Jews vote for people who support other people who would like to wipe all of the Jews off the face of the earth.

Got it.
Almost as bad as white people who vote for Democrats.
Story about arrested commie shithead is useless without mugshot picture. What the hell is up with her eyebrows?


My response to Rat Face Shelby Shoup up your filthy buttocks you Rat Face Child of Satan.



How very Christian of you.

Jesus would be so proud...bless your heart

Secular leftists always run to Jesus when they're trying to win an argument. That's your religious "race card."
The terrorists are already here.

We call them Republicans.

They spend a lot of time attacking this country.


Right-Wing Extremists are NOT Republicans, the Pittsburgh shooter for example was NOT a Republican he HATED Trump and the Republicans.

The ADL is a Left-Wing Organisation just like the SPLC are a Left-Wing Organisation and the ADL and the SPLC HATE White Christians and to them ALL White Christians are Right-Wing Extremists, and the ADL and the SPLC are also both Pro-Islam, actually they are Pro-ANYTHING as long as it's NOT White and Christian.

It was reported that the Pittsburgh shooter is a registered Republican.

Amazing isn't it? You can't walk down the street with a MAGA hat without risking assault, but this van covered with Trump stickers never bears a scratch? lol. Next bullshit story.

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