Andrew Gillum's Intern Just Arrested

Story about arrested commie shithead is useless without mugshot picture. What the hell is up with her eyebrows?


/---- Eyebrows by Maybelline? Nope, wide tip marker.

Probably going for the groucho look. How old is she. Gillum was probably fucking her.
Got Milk? Andrew Gillum's Communist Intern Arrested for Dairy Dealing Temper Tantrum

Story includes a video of a Gillum intern having a temper tantrum and throwing chocolate milk on Republican students. Yes, she is justifiably angry because 11 of her people were killed, but the misdirection by the democrats that Trump is the "Nazi" behind the movement is a lie - the shooter hates Trump because he just helped to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem, its historic home since Biblical days, for the first time since Biblical days.

Trump is one of the most Pro-Israeli presidents we have had in decades, much more than the Iranian-loving Obama who gave the Israel-hating Iranians money and nuclear power.

My question is this - why do American-Jewish people seem to hate Israel? If they were as informed as this woman claims to be, they would know the truth about Trump and his support for Israel, so either they are uninformed, or they actually hate Israel?

I have NEVER understood that. I guess that is a topic that is just above my pay grade.
Her background indicates that she is pro Palestine and they hate Jews or am I wrong again.

That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.
Got Milk? Andrew Gillum's Communist Intern Arrested for Dairy Dealing Temper Tantrum

Story includes a video of a Gillum intern having a temper tantrum and throwing chocolate milk on Republican students. Yes, she is justifiably angry because 11 of her people were killed, but the misdirection by the democrats that Trump is the "Nazi" behind the movement is a lie - the shooter hates Trump because he just helped to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem, its historic home since Biblical days, for the first time since Biblical days.

Trump is one of the most Pro-Israeli presidents we have had in decades, much more than the Iranian-loving Obama who gave the Israel-hating Iranians money and nuclear power.

My question is this - why do American-Jewish people seem to hate Israel? If they were as informed as this woman claims to be, they would know the truth about Trump and his support for Israel, so either they are uninformed, or they actually hate Israel?

I have NEVER understood that. I guess that is a topic that is just above my pay grade.
Her background indicates that she is pro Palestine and they hate Jews or am I wrong again.

That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.

That's pretty fucked up. So in other words, liberal American Jews vote for people who support other people who would like to wipe all of the Jews off the face of the earth.

Meanwhile American conservatives whom the liberals call "Nazis", support the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Got it.
The City was Roman at one time.

Jerusalem was the original Jewish name. The Romans burned it to the ground in about 300 AD, the Arabs rebuilt it and renamed it Al Qud which it was when Israel became an internationally recognized state again in 1948. The Jews made the capitol Tel Aviv, because the West Bank was too close to Jerusalem and because the Muslims laid claim to the very site that was once the original Temple of David - by building a mosque on top of it, although it was not even a Muslim holy site until the 7th century - long after the Israelites had laid claim to the site.

So - if anybody stole anything it would be the Romans (first) and then the Muslims who took the old site of the temple and built a mosque on top of it which the Jewish people have left unharmed to this day, even though they have every right to go in and tear it down and rebuild their own temple. Instead they only use one wall of the original foundation (aka the "Wailing Wall") for their praying.

In my book that shows a lot of restraint on their part and honor towards the Muslim religion The Israelis never stole any land, they moved in legally and every time they were attacked they WON the wars that were started against them, In fact, the Egyptians and Jordanians lost plenty of territory in the wars THEY started, and Israeli GAVE IT BACK - the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights and the West Bank. They did not have to give any of it back, they were attacked and they won the conflict.

So - really any specious statement that they "stole" anything is really just typical anti-semitic bullshit. Go peddle that crap on people who don't know better, like college students and other liberal zombies.
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the shooter hates Trump because he just helped to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem, its historic home since Biblical days, for the first time since Biblical days.
  1. Israel hasn't even existed for a whole century.
  2. Donald cannot name the capital of a sovereign state.
  3. Neither the Israeli nor Palestinian claims over Jerusalem are widely recognized.
  4. Jerusalem was part of ancient Judah.
Care to say any other stupid things?
Gullim is a Ray Nagin clone.

Can you imagine what would happen to Florida if Gillim were Governor and they had a hurricane of the size of Katrina?

It wouldn't be very pretty.
I wasn't aware that any of Trump's associates violently assaulted someone.

I guess you forgot about Congressman Gianforte who body slammed a reporter for asking an inconvenient question. Trump was celebrating that just a few days ago.

Got Milk? Andrew Gillum's Communist Intern Arrested for Dairy Dealing Temper Tantrum

Story includes a video of a Gillum intern having a temper tantrum and throwing chocolate milk on Republican students. Yes, she is justifiably angry because 11 of her people were killed, but the misdirection by the democrats that Trump is the "Nazi" behind the movement is a lie - the shooter hates Trump because he just helped to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem, its historic home since Biblical days, for the first time since Biblical days.

Trump is one of the most Pro-Israeli presidents we have had in decades, much more than the Iranian-loving Obama who gave the Israel-hating Iranians money and nuclear power.

My question is this - why do American-Jewish people seem to hate Israel? If they were as informed as this woman claims to be, they would know the truth about Trump and his support for Israel, so either they are uninformed, or they actually hate Israel?

I have NEVER understood that. I guess that is a topic that is just above my pay grade.
Her background indicates that she is pro Palestine and they hate Jews or am I wrong again.

That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.

That's pretty fucked up. So in other words, liberal American Jews vote for people who support other people who would like to wipe all of the Jews off the face of the earth.

Meanwhile American conservatives whom the liberals call "Nazis", support the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Got it.
Got Milk? Andrew Gillum's Communist Intern Arrested for Dairy Dealing Temper Tantrum

Story includes a video of a Gillum intern having a temper tantrum and throwing chocolate milk on Republican students. Yes, she is justifiably angry because 11 of her people were killed, but the misdirection by the democrats that Trump is the "Nazi" behind the movement is a lie - the shooter hates Trump because he just helped to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem, its historic home since Biblical days, for the first time since Biblical days.

Trump is one of the most Pro-Israeli presidents we have had in decades, much more than the Iranian-loving Obama who gave the Israel-hating Iranians money and nuclear power.

My question is this - why do American-Jewish people seem to hate Israel? If they were as informed as this woman claims to be, they would know the truth about Trump and his support for Israel, so either they are uninformed, or they actually hate Israel?

I have NEVER understood that. I guess that is a topic that is just above my pay grade.
Her background indicates that she is pro Palestine and they hate Jews or am I wrong again.

That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.

That's pretty fucked up. So in other words, liberal American Jews vote for people who support other people who would like to wipe all of the Jews off the face of the earth.

Meanwhile American conservatives whom the liberals call "Nazis", support the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Got it.

This girl is what is known as a 'Jewish Princess' aka spoiled brat who has romanticized marxism in her mind...knowing little of history.

'Even at the height of summer, Moscow would have been a pretty forbidding place in the early nineteen-fifties. Joseph Stalin’s dictatorship continued to fill the gulag with its political enemies, real and imagined. The economy had yet to recover from its wartime privations, with shortages of basic consumer goods, including housing. The winter of 1953, however, was especially dark and ominous, especially for the city’s Jews. On January 13th, Pravda announced the discovery of the Doctors’ Plot, a supposed conspiracy by high-ranking Jewish physicians to murder important Kremlin officials. The report launched a vicious anti-Semitic media campaign that played on long-standing Russian fears and hatreds. By the end of February, Jews across the country believed in the imminence of a pogrom that would murder thousands of them and exile the survivors to concentration camps in the Soviet Far East'

Imagining Stalin's Plot to Exile the Jews

Stalin killed millions. A Stanford historian answers the question, was it genocide?
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Jerusalem was the original Jewish name.

Actually, the name comes from Sumerian, and means "the city of Shalem" who was a Canaanite god of the evening, dusk, and what we now call the planet Venus. The Aramaic portion of the dead sea scrolls refer to the city as simply 'Salem' which is an alternate form of 'Shalem'.
Got Milk? Andrew Gillum's Communist Intern Arrested for Dairy Dealing Temper Tantrum

Story includes a video of a Gillum intern having a temper tantrum and throwing chocolate milk on Republican students. Yes, she is justifiably angry because 11 of her people were killed, but the misdirection by the democrats that Trump is the "Nazi" behind the movement is a lie - the shooter hates Trump because he just helped to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem, its historic home since Biblical days, for the first time since Biblical days.

Trump is one of the most Pro-Israeli presidents we have had in decades, much more than the Iranian-loving Obama who gave the Israel-hating Iranians money and nuclear power.

My question is this - why do American-Jewish people seem to hate Israel? If they were as informed as this woman claims to be, they would know the truth about Trump and his support for Israel, so either they are uninformed, or they actually hate Israel?

I have NEVER understood that. I guess that is a topic that is just above my pay grade.
Her background indicates that she is pro Palestine and they hate Jews or am I wrong again.

That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.

That's pretty fucked up. So in other words, liberal American Jews vote for people who support other people who would like to wipe all of the Jews off the face of the earth.

Meanwhile American conservatives whom the liberals call "Nazis", support the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Got it.
Got Milk? Andrew Gillum's Communist Intern Arrested for Dairy Dealing Temper Tantrum

Story includes a video of a Gillum intern having a temper tantrum and throwing chocolate milk on Republican students. Yes, she is justifiably angry because 11 of her people were killed, but the misdirection by the democrats that Trump is the "Nazi" behind the movement is a lie - the shooter hates Trump because he just helped to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem, its historic home since Biblical days, for the first time since Biblical days.

Trump is one of the most Pro-Israeli presidents we have had in decades, much more than the Iranian-loving Obama who gave the Israel-hating Iranians money and nuclear power.

My question is this - why do American-Jewish people seem to hate Israel? If they were as informed as this woman claims to be, they would know the truth about Trump and his support for Israel, so either they are uninformed, or they actually hate Israel?

I have NEVER understood that. I guess that is a topic that is just above my pay grade.
Her background indicates that she is pro Palestine and they hate Jews or am I wrong again.

That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.

That's pretty fucked up. So in other words, liberal American Jews vote for people who support other people who would like to wipe all of the Jews off the face of the earth.

Meanwhile American conservatives whom the liberals call "Nazis", support the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Got it.

This girl is what is known as a 'Jewish Princess' aka spoiled brat who has romanticized marxism in her mind...knowing little of history.

'Even at the height of summer, Moscow would have been a pretty forbidding place in the early nineteen-fifties. Joseph Stalin’s dictatorship continued to fill the gulag with its political enemies, real and imagined. The economy had yet to recover from its wartime privations, with shortages of basic consumer goods, including housing. The winter of 1953, however, was especially dark and ominous, especially for the city’s Jews. On January 13th, Pravda announced the discovery of the Doctors’ Plot, a supposed conspiracy by high-ranking Jewish physicians to murder important Kremlin officials. The report launched a vicious anti-Semitic media campaign that played on long-standing Russian fears and hatreds. By the end of February, Jews across the country believed in the imminence of a pogrom that would murder thousands of them and exile the survivors to concentration camps in the Soviet Far East'

Imagining Stalin's Plot to Exile the Jews

Stalin killed millions. A Stanford historian answers the question, was it genocide?

So in other words, if little Jewish Princess' wish for a Marxist government came to fruition, she'd probably be one of the first of those who ended up in a mass grave with a bullet behind her ear?

Based on the history of Marxism, that makes more sense than anything I've heard today.
Her background indicates that she is pro Palestine and they hate Jews or am I wrong again.

That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.

That's pretty fucked up. So in other words, liberal American Jews vote for people who support other people who would like to wipe all of the Jews off the face of the earth.

Meanwhile American conservatives whom the liberals call "Nazis", support the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Got it.
Her background indicates that she is pro Palestine and they hate Jews or am I wrong again.

That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.

That's pretty fucked up. So in other words, liberal American Jews vote for people who support other people who would like to wipe all of the Jews off the face of the earth.

Meanwhile American conservatives whom the liberals call "Nazis", support the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Got it.

This girl is what is known as a 'Jewish Princess' aka spoiled brat who has romanticized marxism in her mind...knowing little of history.

'Even at the height of summer, Moscow would have been a pretty forbidding place in the early nineteen-fifties. Joseph Stalin’s dictatorship continued to fill the gulag with its political enemies, real and imagined. The economy had yet to recover from its wartime privations, with shortages of basic consumer goods, including housing. The winter of 1953, however, was especially dark and ominous, especially for the city’s Jews. On January 13th, Pravda announced the discovery of the Doctors’ Plot, a supposed conspiracy by high-ranking Jewish physicians to murder important Kremlin officials. The report launched a vicious anti-Semitic media campaign that played on long-standing Russian fears and hatreds. By the end of February, Jews across the country believed in the imminence of a pogrom that would murder thousands of them and exile the survivors to concentration camps in the Soviet Far East'

Imagining Stalin's Plot to Exile the Jews

Stalin killed millions. A Stanford historian answers the question, was it genocide?

So in other words, if little Jewish Princess' wish for a Marxist government came to fruition, she'd probably be one of the first of those who ended up in a mass grave with a bullet behind her ear?

Based on the history of Marxism, that makes more sense than anything I've heard today.
More likely to happen in a Pittsburgh synagogue
Jerusalem was the original Jewish name.

Actually, the name comes from Sumerian, and means "the city of Shalem" who was a Canaanite god of the evening, dusk, and what we now call the planet Venus. The Aramaic portion of the dead sea scrolls refer to the city as simply 'Salem' which is an alternate form of 'Shalem'.

Jerusalem was the capital of the Kingdom of Judah for some 400 years.

Timeline for the History of Jerusalem (4500 BCE-Present)
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I will no longer vote for Gillum's intern.

If Andrew had 4 other people arrested, he would have as many people arrested whom he hired as the President has (so far)

I wasn't aware that any of Trump's associates violently assaulted someone.

Thanks for setting me straight.

No problem.

His campaign manager was arrested for "simple battery". I forget, was he the one that was before or after the other one who was arrested and found guilty of tax fraud.

I'm not surprised by your ignorance. You're pretty stupid.
That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.

That's pretty fucked up. So in other words, liberal American Jews vote for people who support other people who would like to wipe all of the Jews off the face of the earth.

Meanwhile American conservatives whom the liberals call "Nazis", support the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Got it.
That's pretty much a no-brainer.

Most American Jews are liberals and a lot of them are anti-zionists.

Most of them do not hate fact most of them support Israel....however since most of them are liberals they are critics of Netanyahu a conservative.

Also...a lot them wanting to be popular and cool with the young crowd do support the Palestinians.

Just another example of how fucked in the head most liberals are be they Jewish or whatever.

That's pretty fucked up. So in other words, liberal American Jews vote for people who support other people who would like to wipe all of the Jews off the face of the earth.

Meanwhile American conservatives whom the liberals call "Nazis", support the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Got it.

This girl is what is known as a 'Jewish Princess' aka spoiled brat who has romanticized marxism in her mind...knowing little of history.

'Even at the height of summer, Moscow would have been a pretty forbidding place in the early nineteen-fifties. Joseph Stalin’s dictatorship continued to fill the gulag with its political enemies, real and imagined. The economy had yet to recover from its wartime privations, with shortages of basic consumer goods, including housing. The winter of 1953, however, was especially dark and ominous, especially for the city’s Jews. On January 13th, Pravda announced the discovery of the Doctors’ Plot, a supposed conspiracy by high-ranking Jewish physicians to murder important Kremlin officials. The report launched a vicious anti-Semitic media campaign that played on long-standing Russian fears and hatreds. By the end of February, Jews across the country believed in the imminence of a pogrom that would murder thousands of them and exile the survivors to concentration camps in the Soviet Far East'

Imagining Stalin's Plot to Exile the Jews

Stalin killed millions. A Stanford historian answers the question, was it genocide?

So in other words, if little Jewish Princess' wish for a Marxist government came to fruition, she'd probably be one of the first of those who ended up in a mass grave with a bullet behind her ear?

Based on the history of Marxism, that makes more sense than anything I've heard today.
More likely to happen in a Pittsburgh synagogue

That was a fluke. An unforeseen tragedy.

The truth is that regardless of his political affiliation, the shithead who murdered those people has far more in common with the American left. They both share the same hatred for the Jews, particularly Israel.

It's no secret how the American left has nothing but disgust for the Jews, rather favoring Palestinian terrorists and murders.

That's pretty much common knowledge.
Story about arrested commie shithead is useless without mugshot picture. What the hell is up with her eyebrows?


The eyebrows? She is a Satanist that is how Satanist wimmen have their eyebrows :smoke:

OMG, stupidest post of the week.

No it's the GREATEST post of the week, what it illustrates is that you Leftists are devoid of a sense of humour which is why you posted what you commented you are devoid of a sense of humour, I add this is only doubled when you all do your embarrassing attempts at Memes which you are CRAP at.

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