Andrew Klavan on why Trump is 100% right about the NFL and the kneelers...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Andrew Klavan is a wise man...not a wise guy, he doesn't belong to an organized crime syndicate, but a wise man...worth reading and watching....

Trump is 100% Right About the NFL

The question is not whether the protesters have the right, the question is whether they are right.

They are not right. Three reasons.

One. They have the right to protest the flag specifically because they are Americans. Way, way better men than myself or Colin Kaepernick have fought and died to protect that right, which is symbolized by the flag. If you are going to exercise your right to protest, it is morally inchoate to disrespect the source and symbol of that right.

Two. The protesters are demanding equal justice under the law. Again, that justice is protected by that flag, and that flag has been protected by the lives and limbs of better men than the protesters.

Three. The reason we care about the protesters and their issues is because they are our fellow Americans. Sure, we should care about all people but being humans living in reality, our concern radiates outward: family, friends, country. If you turn your back on the flag that binds you to me, why shouldn't I turn my back on you?

The difference between staging a protest and disrespecting the flag is this.

A protest demands that America "live out the true meaning of its creed," that an essentially good country move closer to its ideals. To disrespect the flag is to say that America is the enemy, that America is the problem, that America must be "fundamentally transformed" before it is worthy of its citizens' respect.

For sixty years, the news media, Hollywood, and the academy have been selling us that second idea. Because they only speak to themselves and listen to themselves, they must have thought that they had succeeded in changing our minds and draining our love of country until we were as unpatriotic as they are. They must have thought they could get away with stripping our national games of their patriotic core.
Andrew Klavan is a wise man...not a wise guy,

Based on that essay, he's a low-watt bulb.

One. They have the right to protest the flag

They're not protesting the flag. How goddamn stupid to you have to be to think they are?

specifically because they are Americans.

No, anyone in the USA can protest, citizen or not, as can anyone in many other nations. The American flag has no exclusive claim to freedom.

Way, way better men than myself or Colin Kaepernick have fought and died to protect that right, which is symbolized by the flag.

Well then, good thing they're not protesting the flag then, eh?

Now, Klavin is clearly disrespecting freedom, which better men blahblahblah .... hence, he's disrespecting the flag. At least by his standards.

Two. The protesters are demanding equal justice under the law. Again, that justice is protected by that flag,

So, first Klavin says there's no justice, then he says there is. The poor addled man seems to want it both ways.

If you turn your back on the flag that binds you to me, why shouldn't I turn my back on you?

What kind of kook says a flag binds you to me? That's just stupid.

Klavin and pals get less selective in their faux-outrage over supposed flag abuse. They can start by demanding the end of flags on clothing and flags on napkins.

They're not protesting the flag. How goddamn stupid to you have to be to think they are?

The truth behind kneeling...

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

-- Colin Kaepernick,
former San Francisco 49ers quarterback,
Aug. 26, 2016

Straight from the horses mouth...this protest is all about dishonoring the flag and disrespecting the country. Anyone that tells you different is either a liar or completely uninformed.

NFL Cameramen can only find one group of four fans linking arms at GB/CHI
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Klavin is an idiot. The military didn't swear an oath to support and defend the flag, we gave an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

If you are trying to shut down someone else's free speech just because you don't like it, YOU are the one disrespecting the military, because they defended that document which allows peaceful protest.

People are throwing the flag out there because it's an easy way to demagogue people.

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