Andrew Sullivan: 'With Any Luck' America Won''t Be A Superpower In 20 Years.

There were once many super powers, but they all fell to Marxism. The reason the Marxists (Libtards) want to demote America, is because is embarrasses and refutes their Marxist ideology by simply existing as a non-Marxist state, and furthermore, being superior to the other nations.

Thus, it is the desire of the globalists to reduce America to the condition of the other Marxist nations, because then no one can point to a prosperous nation that is divorced from their poisonous philosophies.
Now this is just uncalled for. Why do these people want to see the downfall of America?

Don't get excited. Everyone has political free speech, and such will not threaten a nation's standing that has thousands of nukes.

Jake is helping the downfall. His handler promised he'd get a lakeside cottage and a pension for his efforts.

Right, Jake
Liberals Hate America

It isn't the liberals that have been talking up Russia and China lately. Sometimes it seems like the CONS are trying to see if they can get a deal on Kim Philby's old room.

That's how far left the "American" Left is, even the real former Communists think you're fucking morons for embracing a 100% Guaranteed Failed System
Now this is just uncalled for. Why do these people want to see the downfall of America? Do any of you agree that the United States should be reduced to a non-Superpower? People like this are anti-American to the fullest. If they don't like this country, they should move out of it.

Andrew Sullivan: ?With Any Luck? America Won?t Be a Superpower in 20 Years | NewsBusters

Why is being a super-power important? What does it do for you?

Frankly, us being a super-power is just the rest of the world getting over.

We go around teh world putting out all the fires, and the rest of the world reaps the benefits.
andrew sullivan is conservative.

what's scary is you people put in a man as President who feels the same as Sullivan..
Pretty hard to be superpower when you're broke and entirely beholden to international BANKSTERS.

The Masters are defanging nations right now and America certainly not an exception.

Those of you who love FREE MARKET international corporatism, and who hate governments support the end of the USA as a superpower, whether or not you even understand it.
Pretty hard to be superpower when you're broke and entirely beholden to international BANKSTERS.

The Masters are defanging nations right now and America certainly not an exception.

Those of you who love FREE MARKET international corporatism, and who hate governments support the end of the USA as a superpower, whether or not you even understand it.

Excellent Point. Corporations are becoming more important than governments.
superpower aka bully. It will be less than 20 years...we still got 3 more years of obama...i am glad to see america crash and burn....its time to get back to the same level as other nations instead of being a damn bully.

edited due to something i did not type, what the fuck goes here any how ???????
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Why do we have to be a "super power"?

Quite frankly I think we'd be better off if we didn't police the entire globe and instead concentrated on what's happening within our own borders.
superpower aka bully. It will be less than 20 years...we still got 3 more years of obama...i am glad to see america crash and burn....its time to get back to the same level as other nations instead of being a damn bully.

traitor !!!

yes, but notice he stays in the bully country collecting it's benefits because he won't or can't make it for his family...

someone so hateful of the "bully" United states should move...won't be missed
Our economic and business interests allied to our military-industrial complex will compel us to remain a super power.

AnCapAtheist comes across as goofy and harmless.
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Some country is going to be the superpower and the world's leader. If America isn't the superpower, that doesn't mean the world's bulls is reduced to the level of everyone else and now we're all equal. It just means that some other nation is the world's superpower. If we were a bully, someone else is going to be the bully. Only, they will be bullying us.

If fairly evaluated, America isn't a superpower now. Up until obama, we were at the very least and air superpower. Wherever we went, we owned the skies. obama, that is to say Papa Doc obama, has been busily slicing and dicing our air defenses to the point where it might not be safe to say that anymore. If we are, how long it will stay that way.

Everyone who says they are happy that America won't be a superpower any more, doesn't think ahead, as to who they think will be next and how they would do. America is collapsing, it is spreading apart into various battling tribes. In 20 years, America as we know it won't exist. It will be a geographical expression, the name of the landmass. The United States will be the "former United States". It won't be a good thing. It might be a necessary thing, but it won't be good for us or for the world. It just has to happen.
Now this is just uncalled for. Why do these people want to see the downfall of America? Do any of you agree that the United States should be reduced to a non-Superpower? People like this are anti-American to the fullest. If they don't like this country, they should move out of it.

Andrew Sullivan: ?With Any Luck? America Won?t Be a Superpower in 20 Years | NewsBusters

If we're powerful enough to defend ourselves, but not enough to bully other countries, like we did Iraq, then why's that a problem? Sounds like a plan. And we'll have resources to spend on healthcare and education for the poor, instead of on stupid things, like sniper training for murderous gun nuts like Chris Kyle.

Keeping the GOP out of the White House is key, of course.

If Mitt won, we'd be bogged down in Syria and at war with Iran now.

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