Andrew Tate on The Next Pandemic

lol. Ukraine was hardly a bastion of freedom.

You should support the eastern republics of Ukraine who sought freedom but were attacked and murdered by Ukraine for nearly a decade, until Russia liberated them.
“Liberated them “?

Yea like Hitler “liberated” Poland
“Liberated them “?

Yea like Hitler “liberated” Poland
You’ve accepted the establishment narrative. It’s never right.

When do Russian tanks roll into Paris?
PS Ukraine lost. You can drop the virtue signaling avatar.
You know that Russia's goal was to quickly toppled Ukraine's government and take over the country, right?

It is almost understandable the rubes in the Russian countryside being fed nonstop propaganda to fall for Putin's gaslighting, but you have no such excuse. You're just stupid.
You know that Russia's goal was to quickly toppled Ukraine's government and take over the country, right?

It is almost understandable the rubes in the Russian countryside being fed nonstop propaganda to fall for Putin's gaslighting, but you have no such excuse. You're just stupid.
That was never Russia’s goal. Shut off the Tv. Your IQ will soar.
That was never Russia’s goal.
Yes, we know this is the current spin. Russia decided to land troops at the Kiev airport to get slaughtered and sent a massive invasion force from the north towards Kiev to get stuck and picked apart before being forced to retreat in humiliation, because he didn't actually want to take over Ukraine. Putin challenging Ukraine's right to exist and stating goals of demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine had nothing to do with intentions to topple their government.

I don't know what is funnier, that you believe this or that you think anyone else believes you when you say it.
If we were invaded? WTF do you think is happening at our southern border.

Go spend a month on the front line in Ukraine and then come back and tell me how it compares to our southern border
Yes, we know this is the current spin. Russia decided to land troops at the Kiev airport to get slaughtered and sent a massive invasion force from the north towards Kiev to get stuck and picked apart before being forced to retreat in humiliation, because he didn't actually want to take over Ukraine. Putin challenging Ukraine's right to exist and stating goals of demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine had nothing to do with intentions to topple their government.

I don't know what is funnier, that you believe this or that you think anyone else believes you when you say it.
Ukraine never stood a chance against Russia. The war was all about trying to harm Russia and enriching the MIC. It was never about defeating Russia.

Russia made it clear for decades, they will not accept NATO in Ukraine. Our corrupt leaders refused to listen.

Putin went in lightly hoping for a quick peace agreement. He had it until Boris and Joe shit canned it. Then we found out Minsk was all about deception and not peace. If Russia went in like the US military, Kiev would be a pile of rubble and the death toll enormous.
Ukraine never stood a chance against Russia. The war was all about trying to harm Russia and enriching the MIC. It was never about defeating Russia.

Russia made it clear for decades, they will not accept NATO in Ukraine. Our corrupt leaders refused to listen.

Putin went in lightly hoping for a quick peace agreement. He had it until Boris and Joe shit canned it. Then we found out Minsk was all about deception and not peace. If Russia went in like the US military, Kiev would be a pile of rubble and the death toll enormous.
More gaslighting.

Putin decided to invade Ukraine, including an attempt at a decapitation strike against Kiev. It failed, both at the airport and with the northern invasion. Now you come along claiming he didn't really want to do that, because you're trying to spin the truth because it isn't comfortable for you to admit that Russia failed. You, as a Russian apologist, are pretending he sacrificed all those men, material, and humiliation just for giggles because he didn't actually have any goals of taking over Ukraine. It is hilarious to watch someone trying to convince others of something so obviously false, knowing that they were actually stupid enough to believe it.

Ukraine is an independent country that has the right to self-govern and align with whoever they want politically and militarily.
More gaslighting.

Putin decided to invade Ukraine, including an attempt at a decapitation strike against Kiev. It failed, both at the airport and with the northern invasion. Now you come along claiming he didn't really want to do that, because you're trying to spin the truth because it isn't comfortable for you to admit that Russia failed. You, as a Russian apologist, are pretending he sacrificed all those men, material, and humiliation just for giggles because he didn't actually have any goals of taking over Ukraine. It is hilarious to watch someone trying to convince others of something so obviously false, knowing that they were actually stupid enough to believe it.

Ukraine is an independent country that has the right to self-govern and align with whoever they want politically and militarily.
It’s best to get along with a powerful neighbor rather than pick a fight. An entire generation of Uke men are dead or wounded and for what? Nothing but enriching the US MIC.
It’s best to get along with a powerful neighbor rather than pick a fight. An entire generation of Uke men are dead or wounded and for what? Nothing but enriching the US MIC.
Sure is easy for you to tell the people in another country that they should surrender their sovereignty to the nearest bully.

They didn't pick a fight, Russia did. Just like Russia did with Georgia. Nobody has invaded Russia, they just keep using that manufactured threat to invade others. Uke men are dying for the sovereignty, Putin apologists like you frame that as nothing. Again, Russia invaded Ukraine. Not the other way around.

Russia's goal was to take control of Kiev and topple Ukraine's government, they failed. People like you desperately try to convince themselves and others that this was never their goal, but that takes a healthy dose of denial or reality.
Sure is easy for you to tell the people in another country that they should surrender their sovereignty to the nearest bully.

They didn't pick a fight, Russia did. Just like Russia did with Georgia. Nobody has invaded Russia, they just keep using that manufactured threat to invade others. Uke men are dying for the sovereignty, Putin apologists like you frame that as nothing. Again, Russia invaded Ukraine. Not the other way around.
You’re deluded. No war occurs in Ukraine had they not bombed the Donbas for years mass murdering 14,000 innocents and then planning an invasion to kill more.

No NATO in Ukraine is all Russia demanded. The US would never accept Mexico or Canada joining the Warsaw Pact. It’s just the way big powers operate. Accept it and avoid war.

THINK…don’t emote.

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