Andrew Yang....keep an eye on him....I have a feeling about this guy

I would argue that these people get re-elected is that the represent the districts. Water's district was poor when she got there and it'll still be poor long after she leaves.

Taking the Lipinskis as an example, for 38 years, father and son represented a district that was largely white, catholic, working class people, mostly Polish from Chicago's South West Side. Socially conservative and fiscally liberal. Old Man Lipinski was praised as the mythical "Reagan Democrat".

Then as demographics shifted, the third district became more and more a suburban district. (That little section on the Northwest was what was left of the Chicago part of the district.

View attachment 548075

Yes, the Chicago Machine helped Danny out through most of his career, but at the end of the day, he really didn't represent the district. Especially with his views on Abortion. (He was one of the last anti-Abortion Democrats).

But looking at his list, most of the things on his list are geared towards changing elections. Not really a policy.

The biggest problem with politicians is they give us exactly what we want. We want government to do all this stuff and we don't want to pay for it.
I'm not going to argue Above and beyond all other things there is usually a reason why a person is back again and again.... Often we will find that they work extremely hard at getting reelected... If it showcases nothing else it showcases the fact that hard work usually bears some type of good result. As object lessons go you could certainly do worse.

"This is a systemic problem".


Entrenched politicos have the ability to sieze the election process and resist removal even against the majority. They dig down deep and form local alliances that enable them to stay in office despite failing to adequately represent their constituents.

It will be very interesting to hear what he has to say now that he is not shackled by tyrannical potty leadership on either side. This is the time for people who are interested in reality to clean the wax out of there is and give a good listen.

"Andrew Yang says he officially left the Democratic Party" Andrew Yang says he officially left the Democratic Party
Wasn't that the moron promoting UNIVERSAL INCOME?

Yeah, naw.....Fuck Yang.

You wanna totally destroy our economy? Elect people with ideas as stupid as that.

INSTANT & MASSIVE devaluation of the dollar.
Wasn't that the moron promoting UNIVERSAL INCOME?

Yeah, naw.....Fuck Yang.

You wanna totally destroy our economy? Elect people with ideas as stupid as that.

INSTANT & MASSIVE devaluation of the dollar.
I didn't realize that....
I was more focused on his election stance.... But I agree with your assessment.
Yang is the only candidate I've seen who seems to have a good grasp of how our economy will be changing in the future.
Economy is the way the adversary thinks. Jesus thinks economy as in money? You should know the answer to that. What will money do for us, when the things we buy, are no more?
Shall we look up the vast examples of lefties in here attacking sources?
Yes, do so.
When that source is quoting 'lefties'.

Not claiming they said or heard someone say.
Or an opinion of someone claiming something.
'Former President Donald Trump's chief of staff Gen. John Kelly once complained that Trump "doesn't know any history at all, even some of the basics on the US."

Sen. Lindsey Graham “was using Trump to mop up the freebies like there was no tomorrow,” according to former Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham.

Fiona Hill writes that while Merkel was explaining Europe's interest in US-Russia relations, John Kelly remarked on how little Trump knew about geopolitics.

"He leaned over to me and whispered, 'The problem is the president doesn't know any of this,'" Kelly said, according to Hill's book. "He doesn't know any history at all, even some of the basics on the US."

Even I take that with a grain of salt.

The only thing that makes me believe it is because Trump is a very litigious and hasn't taken anyone to court for libel, very surprising given his over 1600 lawsuits.
So, what you're saying is that you'll only accept leftist sourcing....Got it.
I don't think you do.
When FOX can use actual quotes from a 'lefty' that gives it credibility.

“Since January 20, we’re talking now about 15 months ago, the average daily cases are down from 184,000 to 19,000,” Biden said.
It was 5, not 15.

“I’ll bet everyone in this room can tell me what the most dangerous intersection in this town or any town they live in — and where it is — that you hold your breath when you’re driving over or trying to cross the street. Not a joke,” Biden said.
It was an outdoor speech.

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