Zone1 Andy Stanley Basically Calls Jesus A Liar

This is the father of all wolves in sheep's clothing. It appears that he's the one who never actually read the Bible.

Andy Stanley who has been disowned by his father who is a very good biblical scholar. I enjoy watching ol' Charles Stanley.

LOL! At first I typed Paul Stanley, who is with KISS. :auiqs.jpg:
Andy Stanley who has been disowned by his father who is a very good biblical scholar. I enjoy watching ol' Charles Stanley.

LOL! At first I typed Paul Stanley, who is with KISS. :auiqs.jpg:
95% of all calling selves Christian have not read the bible beyond a few selected paragraphs, and if they would read the bible, the Roman church would completely implode as their congregants came to realize that the entire religion is predicated upon actual Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Carthaginian, Caananite, and Roman demon worship, including the abject lie that is the Roman mass, communion, purgatory, indulgences, Lent, ect ect ect, all totally heretical and blasphemous out of the gate!

They would learn exactly why the Roman church for nearly 700 years murdered via bonfire any man, women, or child they happened upon whom the suspected actually could read, and had read the bible! They went further, they declared anyone who claimed the bible and its message to be superior to the Roman church and its pope, to be damned, and they burned millions of men, women, and children to death for that very reason!

Its not lost on me that the two largest so-called Abrahamic religions on earth, with some two billion souls adhering to them, are entirely anti-Christ, standing in open rebellion against the messaging within the bible..... :wink:
Well if they're disobedient towards God than yes. I love God and try to follow His Word so I personally don't fear Him.
To each their own...I fear him. Most of my life is behind me and my souls fate is in his hands. Whether we believe in heaven and hell or not, we have a soul. It must exit upon our death...where will it travel to?
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This is the father of all wolves in sheep's clothing. It appears that he's the one who never actually read the Bible.

Never heard of this caulk bucket before, but this jumped out at me immediately, from the article…

With the news that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has become a cesspool filled with LGBTQ+ affirming pastors, leaders, ministries, guest speakers, and conferences, it’s unsurprising that as more stones are overturned, more deviant theology emerges.

So, it appears that what we have here, is a typical example of a minister who preaches the comfortable lies that his congregation wants to hear, affirming them in their sin and degeneracy, rather than daring to tell them the hard truths that they need to hear.

This is exactly what Paul warned of in 2 Timothy 4:2-4
  1. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
  2. Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
  3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
  4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Do you think that's what He wants? His own children to be afraid of Him? What parent wants that? If that's what He wants then what was Jesus and the cross for?
It's not necessarily what he wants it's about humans shedding our own God Complex as we dominate creatures on earte. Be humble and pray we don't succumb to temptation with the knowledge that God is our Father and creator. Our soul is in his hands.
This is the father of all wolves in sheep's clothing. It appears that he's the one who never actually read the Bible.

And then the one that many of us heard growing up,” All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. The point is, I’m not arguing at this point that what the Bible says is true. What I’m arguing is that if you think somewhere in the Bible, there’s a standard by which you live, you’ll go to heaven, you are sadly mistaken. And my hunch is you haven’t actually read the Bible.

- read the c-bible or not, fact is the heavenly religion of antiquity, self determination is nowhere to be found in their 10000 page document is absolutely correct ... no religion at all, just read their book and worship their messiah and live to die with an empty and unfulfilled life.
An excellent one in fact. His son is obviously a sad disappointment, and as always any org that allows faggots near kids will deeply regret it.
"1Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! 2It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

^ That's straight from Jesus. He was not the pacifist some make him out to have been.

He snapped and whipped the money changers in the temple.
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An excellent one in fact. His son is obviously a sad disappointment, and as always any org that allows faggots near kids will deeply regret it.

really, and what was the fate of the christian clergy through the centuries ... glad handing by their congregations - d s.

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