Angela Corey should be fired

I think that first sentence says it all. You were selected because you could be counted on to produce the expected result.

Perhaps. But which side selects me?
I'm not really sure how jury selection is accomplished where you are, but here it's all lottery until voir dire. Then, each side is only permitted to dismiss a limited number of jury candidates until a jury is seated. There are usually some people who will do or say anything to get dismissed, rather than do their civic know, be a responsible citizen...

I got called back in the early 90's, but never since. But I live in Dupage County which is a low crime area.

I go back to my point, though, that we have Jury Selection, which means neither side wants people smart enough to bring an opinion to the table.

The one time I was called and we got to selection, it was a hispanic gangbanger who shot a black kid and crippled him. The Prosecution got rid of anyone who showed too much compassion, (such as the lady who volunteered at an animal shelter) and the Defense got rid of anyone who had a family member who was the victim of a crime.

And again, only 2% of criminal trials ever see a jury. It's a nice show to convince you the system works.

The last jury I sat on, I was selected by the defense because I am a veteran.
George Zimmerman deserves a fair trial. Either you stand for the rights of all or you stand for the rights of none.

I was one who demanded that Zimmerman be arrested. He needed to face a judge. That's our process.

The greater good argument is bullshit. Theres no greater good to be served by sending someone to prison without a fair trial. Convicting someone based on fear of what others might do if he's found not guilty is the one of the WORST reasons to convict.

And IF he is indeed found innocent, then he walk free. THAT'S how it works in a free society.

Ummm.. nope.

Trials are a public show. Always have been. Being found innocent by a jury didn't mean OJ didn't kill those people, and being found guilty didn't make Rolando Cruz guilty of the Nicarraco murders.

Trials are nice shows to make us all sleep better in our beds at night with the illusion justice has been done. The notion that guilt or innocence can be determined by twelve knobs who couldn't get out of jury duty is laughable. (Incidently, only about 2% of criminal cases are put in front of juries. The rest of the time, they are either pled out in front of a judge.)

ZImmerman killed a kid. The rest is a lot of rhetorical bullshit. He should be held accountable, and because of the way this has been mishandled by everyone, if he isn't, there's going to be hell to pay.

Please don't call yourself a liberal. You tarnish the label with nonsense like that.

If youre willing to send an innocent man to prison "as an example" then you are not a liberal. Period.

And Zimmerman may be guilty. But that's for a court to decide. And it Gould do so based on the facts presented, not based of fear of a mob.

Maybe you're ready to give it all over to an angry mob, but some of us still believe in the rule of law.

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Olivia Snow and a number of other's have tarnished the liberal name. It's too late now you have the new crop of liberals such as joey and jake

However Joey sounds like a liberal when he says shit like that.
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Please don't call yourself a liberal. You tarnish the label with nonsense like that.

If youre willing to send an innocent man to prison "as an example" then you are not a liberal. Period.

And Zimmerman may be guilty. But that's for a court to decide. And it Gould do so based on the facts presented, not based of fear of a mob.

Maybe you're ready to give it all over to an angry mob, but some of us still believe in the rule of law.

I'd never call myself a liberal. Liberals are pussies, which is why the Conservatives keep walking over you. I'm a cold-hearted pragmatist. I go with what works and I usually don't get all weepy about it. Zimmerman going to jail for a few years is a better result than dozens of people who didn't kill anyone being killed in race riots.

Oh, I'm sorry, am I putting out more reality that you can deal with?.

Zimmerman's already been turned over to the mob. There's simply no way he walks on this one, and you know it. Sharpton and Jackson screamed and threatened, and the Republicans rolled over and played dead. If you have any doubts, look at that bail hearing where he tried to apologize to Trayvon's family, and the prosecution lit into him for inconsistencies in his story. At a freaking BAIL hearing.

Now, if you want to give it the nice show of a trial, to make yourself feel better about it. Fine. And your Mom and Dad really took Spot to live with that nice farm family when you were nine. I know you just need to believe it!

Me? I don't give a flip about Zimmerman. He's expendable.
Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Olivia Snow and a number of other's have tarnished the liberal name. It's too late now you have the new crop of liberals such as joey and jake

However Joey sounds like a liberal when he says shit like that.

Funny, I don't recall you showing up at Rolando Cruz's third trial because Republicans couldn't admit they got the wrong guy.
Please don't call yourself a liberal. You tarnish the label with nonsense like that.

If youre willing to send an innocent man to prison "as an example" then you are not a liberal. Period.

And Zimmerman may be guilty. But that's for a court to decide. And it Gould do so based on the facts presented, not based of fear of a mob.

Maybe you're ready to give it all over to an angry mob, but some of us still believe in the rule of law.

I'd never call myself a liberal. Liberals are pussies, which is why the Conservatives keep walking over you. I'm a cold-hearted pragmatist. I go with what works and I usually don't get all weepy about it. Zimmerman going to jail for a few years is a better result than dozens of people who didn't kill anyone being killed in race riots.

Oh, I'm sorry, am I putting out more reality that you can deal with?.

Zimmerman's already been turned over to the mob. There's simply no way he walks on this one, and you know it. Sharpton and Jackson screamed and threatened, and the Republicans rolled over and played dead. If you have any doubts, look at that bail hearing where he tried to apologize to Trayvon's family, and the prosecution lit into him for inconsistencies in his story. At a freaking BAIL hearing.

Now, if you want to give it the nice show of a trial, to make yourself feel better about it. Fine. And your Mom and Dad really took Spot to live with that nice farm family when you were nine. I know you just need to believe it!

Me? I don't give a flip about Zimmerman. He's expendable.

You're a fucking liberal dude. that's all you are.
Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Olivia Snow and a number of other's have tarnished the liberal name. It's too late now you have the new crop of liberals such as joey and jake

However Joey sounds like a liberal when he says shit like that.

Funny, I don't recall you showing up at Rolando Cruz's third trial because Republicans couldn't admit they got the wrong guy.

Who? and what in the hell are you talking about?
One more time, the whole Prison-Industrial Complex is a conservative idea, man.

You're just upset because someone you empathize with is going to be stuck into it.... you never gave a crap about all the brown kids shoved into this collective stupidity for a little weed or stealing a hubcap. You keep voting for the "Three Strikes" rules and mandetory sentencing rules and other stuff...

But they are going to railroad a gunowner for political reasons, and now you are weeping like an ACLU sissy because he is indeed being railroaded.... Booo, hooo, hooo, poor Bat-George.

He killed a kid. And there will be blood if he isn't convicted. So let's convict him and get it over with.
Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Olivia Snow and a number of other's have tarnished the liberal name. It's too late now you have the new crop of liberals such as joey and jake

However Joey sounds like a liberal when he says shit like that.

Funny, I don't recall you showing up at Rolando Cruz's third trial because Republicans couldn't admit they got the wrong guy.

Who? and what in the hell are you talking about?

You know, with your new found love of the criminal justice system, you never showed up when Republicans were railroading a poor brown kid for a murder someone else copped to because they couldnt' admit they made a mistake.

I'm just wondering where your outrage was then. The Cruz case was such a complete clusterfuck that IL banned the Death Penalty as a result. (Of course, when you send a guy to death row TWICE for a crime someone else confessed to, you really can't say boo about it.)
If the animals want to riot, kill, maim, burn, and loot, let them. They just prove some interesting points if they do.

What "interesting points" are those?

Guy, we are all animals, and all of us will do irrational things after we've been pushed far enough. But thanks for showing your underlying racism.

Personally, I don't like the way that the race-baiters have worked up the mob on this one, but it is what it is. I'd rather defuse the bomb by convicting Zimmerman than have it go off to prove "interesting points".

It never would have gotten to this point if the authorities had done their job and arrested Zimmerman that night.
Zimmerman didn't need to be a arrested that night, as the authorities didn't think that he had committed a crime. The only reason that the guy has been arrested at this point is political. I bet the word came down from Obama through Holder to the state of Florida that Zimmerman would be arrested. At least the guy has been fortunate enough that so many people see the injustice of his arrest that they have donated a good sum of money to aid him with his defense. Let's hope that the charges are dropped and that life goes on. The natives will likely riot, burn and loot but that's pretty normal for that crowd.
I just came across another case Corey handled as a prosecutor, and it more than proves that she doesn't care about the victims of violence. In fact, she sent a woman who had a restraining order against her husband to prison for 20 years despite Florida's stand your ground law.

If the woman had a restraining order, why in the hell would she be in contact or living with her abuser?
Funny, I don't recall you showing up at Rolando Cruz's third trial because Republicans couldn't admit they got the wrong guy.

Who? and what in the hell are you talking about?

You know, with your new found love of the criminal justice system, you never showed up when Republicans were railroading a poor brown kid for a murder someone else copped to because they couldnt' admit they made a mistake.

I'm just wondering where your outrage was then. The Cruz case was such a complete clusterfuck that IL banned the Death Penalty as a result. (Of course, when you send a guy to death row TWICE for a crime someone else confessed to, you really can't say boo about it.)

Again who in the hell are you talking about?
Zimmerman didn't need to be a arrested that night, as the authorities didn't think that he had committed a crime. The only reason that the guy has been arrested at this point is political. I bet the word came down from Obama through Holder to the state of Florida that Zimmerman would be arrested. At least the guy has been fortunate enough that so many people see the injustice of his arrest that they have donated a good sum of money to aid him with his defense. Let's hope that the charges are dropped and that life goes on. The natives will likely riot, burn and loot but that's pretty normal for that crowd.

Actually, he should have been arrested that night. The police wanted to and the prosecutors said no because the politicians were afraid of offending the gun nuts.

Ironically, if they kept him in jail and let the investigation play out, there wouldn't be the uproar that there is now.

Now, honestly, I don't see a clean way out of this, and convicting the guy is teh path of least resistance.
Who? and what in the hell are you talking about?

You know, with your new found love of the criminal justice system, you never showed up when Republicans were railroading a poor brown kid for a murder someone else copped to because they couldnt' admit they made a mistake.

I'm just wondering where your outrage was then. The Cruz case was such a complete clusterfuck that IL banned the Death Penalty as a result. (Of course, when you send a guy to death row TWICE for a crime someone else confessed to, you really can't say boo about it.)

Again who in the hell are you talking about?

Rolando Cruz... look it up.
You know, with your new found love of the criminal justice system, you never showed up when Republicans were railroading a poor brown kid for a murder someone else copped to because they couldnt' admit they made a mistake.

I'm just wondering where your outrage was then. The Cruz case was such a complete clusterfuck that IL banned the Death Penalty as a result. (Of course, when you send a guy to death row TWICE for a crime someone else confessed to, you really can't say boo about it.)

Again who in the hell are you talking about?

Rolando Cruz... look it up.

You're blaming Republicans for something that happened in late 80's and continued through the 90's in democratic controlled Illinois. Tell me you aren't doing this?
Zimmerman didn't need to be a arrested that night, as the authorities didn't think that he had committed a crime. The only reason that the guy has been arrested at this point is political. I bet the word came down from Obama through Holder to the state of Florida that Zimmerman would be arrested. At least the guy has been fortunate enough that so many people see the injustice of his arrest that they have donated a good sum of money to aid him with his defense. Let's hope that the charges are dropped and that life goes on. The natives will likely riot, burn and loot but that's pretty normal for that crowd.

Actually, he should have been arrested that night. The police wanted to and the prosecutors said no because the politicians were afraid of offending the gun nuts.

Ironically, if they kept him in jail and let the investigation play out, there wouldn't be the uproar that there is now.

Now, honestly, I don't see a clean way out of this, and convicting the guy is teh path of least resistance.

Nah, they made the right call by not arresting a guy who only defended himself from great bodily injury. It was the all the hoopla of "Trayvon was hunted down like a rabid dog" and the rest of that bullshit that has the situation in the condition it is currently in. Obama even had to stick his nose into it and put his boy Holder on it, now it's a circus.
So libs think that Zimmerman should be convicted as a matter of social accommodation and political expediency. Guilt or innocence doesn't matter. Why bother with a trial. Here's a great liberal idea, just administer justice on the basis of who can gin up the biggest riot!
Again who in the hell are you talking about?

Rolando Cruz... look it up.

You're blaming Republicans for something that happened in late 80's and continued through the 90's in democratic controlled Illinois. Tell me you aren't doing this?

Ummm, first, Illinois had Republican governors from 1977 to 2003. So argument FAIL. Of course, they weren't crazy ass gun nuts looking for black helicopters, so I can see your confusion.

secondly, I was specifically talking about DuPage county, which has always been run the Republicans, including such offiicals as Joe Burkett, who kept prosecuting Cruz even after it was known by everyone that Dugan did it.

So, yeah, guy, the notion of prosecuting people for political reasons is not limited to one party.

For that matter, your boy Zimmer-man is being prosecuted by Repulicans Scott and Corey to placate the Democrats...
So libs think that Zimmerman should be convicted as a matter of social accommodation and political expediency. Guilt or innocence doesn't matter. Why bother with a trial. Here's a great liberal idea, just administer justice on the basis of who can gin up the biggest riot!

I wouldn't say "liberals" think that. I'm not a liberal, but I know that's exactly what is going to happen, and Republicans will be the ones pulling the trigger.

I almost feel sorry for Zimmer-man. He's being caught in a pissing contest between the race-pimps and the gun nuts. Then I remember, fuck it, he killed a kid, so I don't feel that bad for him.

Wouldn't be the first time, would it? Remember the cops who beat Rodney King? The got acquitted on teh state level, then we had a riot, and they put them on trial federally. (Screw that whole "Double Jeopardy" thing. I'll take Political Expediency for $1000, Alex!) then after the second jury still acquitted two of them, they still lost their jobs as Cops.

I feel more sorry for them than I do Zimmerman, because King was really a bad guy, and they were following established procedures (which were modified when they figured out they wouldn't work on a guy hyped up on PCP whose been pumping iron for three years in prison.)

Oh, yeah, the guys who initated that prosecution? Republicans.

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