Angelina Jolie's New Movie 'Unbroken' Provokes Jap Outrage

The Japs can go pound sand. They committed some of the worst war time atrocities imaginable. Their decendents need to be aware of what their ancestors did.


Angelina Jolie s new movie Unbroken provokes Japanese outrage Las Vegas Review-Journal

Looks like she directed the movie not starred in it.

Darn !!

Was it a B movie? .
Apparently not and it did quite well profit wise at the box office.

Unbroken (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Unborken" was not a critical success, but did well enough for the costs.

Part of the problems, imo, was PC defense of Japan (the Japanese prison and police personnel killed a million or more captives) and a seeming resistance in Hollywood to AJ's first effort at directing.

I think she did well.
I read the book. Nothing Hollywood could dream up IMO would be worse than the unspeakable physical and mental torture the Japs inflicted on that poor man and many other POWs.

If any Japanese people are upset with the movie's depictions, good. Such truth my hurt but it's not going to kill anyone. Your people did it; you own it. Deal with it.
Agreed. The Japanese are slow to repent for their abuses during the war. The Koreans and Chinese are still pissed at them for their atrocities and failure to admit wrongdoing.
The movie follows the real-life story of Louis Zamperini as told in a 2010 book by Laura Hillenbrand. The book has not been translated into Japanese, but online trailers have provoked outrage. Zamperini, played by Jack O’Connell, survived in a raft for 47 days with two other crewmen after their B-24 bomber crashed into the Pacific Ocean, only to be captured by the Japanese and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp. Especially provocative is a passage in the book that accuses the Japanese of engaging in cannibalism of POWs. It is not clear how much of that will be in the movie, but in Japan that is too much for some.

I read the book twice but I haven't come across a relevant passage on cannibalism of POWs. Some Japanese soldiers in Papua New Guinea resorted to cannibalism during the war because they were on the brink of death from starvation. The 2010 book was written like a novel rather than a history book and there may be some factual inaccuracies to produce dramatic effects. Laura Hillenbrand previously wrote "Seabiscuit: An American Legend" (2001), a nonfiction account of the career of the great racehorse Seabiscuit. The author is not a military historian, which may be why she mixed up what happened in Papua New Guinea with the abuse of the POWs.

The Persians under Cambyses while they were marching through the Egyptian desert ran out of food and had to cannibalize each other. When Cambyses heard about it he was unnerved, and they immediately turned around and marched back to where they came from. Herodotus tells us.

The Donner Party were a well known cannibalistic group in the 1840's.

Anytime you get into a food crunch and there is not any food, you need to think seriously about cannibalism.

You can play the game of waiting for someone to die, and eat them.

Or you can take the initiative like the soldiers of Cambyses did and also like the Donner Party did.

The point is that if you all die it won't do anybody any good.

In the meantime you can always eat bugs. Bugs taste better cooked -- like French fries.

Worms too -- they also taste better cooked. Try a little taste first, like when you were eating buggers as a kid. Then eat more. Finally you will get used to bugs and worms.
Don't forget the 1972 Andes crash where a rugby team ate their dead.

Plane crash survivor describes the moment he resorted to cannibalism
I read the book. Nothing Hollywood could dream up IMO would be worse than the unspeakable physical and mental torture the Japs inflicted on that poor man and many other POWs.

If any Japanese people are upset with the movie's depictions, good. Such truth my hurt but it's not going to kill anyone. Your people did it; you own it. Deal with it.
.......failure to admit wrongdoing.

I just finished the book, but have not seen the movie yet.

Amazing what Zamperini endured. I doubt many could have survived what he went through..from 40 some days on the open ocean in small rift, to the terrible abuse by the Japanese. Amazingly the guy lived to 97 years of age. Dying just last year. He even forgave the Japanese for the horrible punishment they inflicted on him, after finding Christ.

I doubt FDR considered for one second the terrible suffering he inflicted on Americans like Zamperini, when he instigated war with Japan.

Keep the book ... forget the movie. The book was a page turner ... the movie came nowhere close to covering the scope or depth of the book.
I just finished the book, but have not seen the movie yet.

Amazing what Zamperini endured. I doubt many could have survived what he went through..from 40 some days on the open ocean in small rift, to the terrible abuse by the Japanese. Amazingly the guy lived to 97 years of age. Dying just last year. He even forgave the Japanese for the horrible punishment they inflicted on him, after finding Christ.

I doubt FDR considered for one second the terrible suffering he inflicted on Americans like Zamperini, when he instigated war with Japan.

Keep the book ... forget the movie. The book was a page turner ... the movie came nowhere close to covering the scope or depth of the book.
Agreed. I did see the movie after reading the book. I thought the movie was good, but the book was great.
Why do people keep insisting that the Japanese never apologized for their atrocities during the war? They have done so on numerous occasions since the conclusion of WWII. I thought this was common knowledge, but apparently not.
Why do people keep insisting that the Japanese never apologized for their atrocities during the war? They have done so on numerous occasions since the conclusion of WWII. I thought this was common knowledge, but apparently not.
Americans are fed so much BS about WWII, that most cannot over come it. I am willing to bet a vast majority of Americans do not know Japan's leaders have apologized, for their actions during war, multiple times.

Most Americans have no idea of the underhanded and deceitful actions taken by FDR prior to the war, to get Japan to attack. He knew the attack was coming and warned no one. Then he put in place his unconditional surrender conditions prolonging the war causing 100s of thousands of needless deaths and terrible suffering. Add to this their lack of understanding of the horrific war crime committed by Dirty Harry Truman, in the shameful a-bombings of women, children, and old men...for which, our lying corrupt leaders should apologize. Most Americans believe the Big Lie that the a-bombings were necessary, to get Japan's leaders to surrender and prevent 500k to 1 million US military deaths.

Statists and statism rule the day.
The Japs can go pound sand. They committed some of the worst war time atrocities imaginable. Their decendents need to be aware of what their ancestors did.
That's the same reason we need to insist that it be taught that the Civil War was about slavery. The revisionists want to pretend it was about something noble, rather than the dehumanizing system it was and that it resounds down to the present day.
The Japs can go pound sand. They committed some of the worst war time atrocities imaginable. Their decendents need to be aware of what their ancestors did.
That's the same reason we need to insist that it be taught that the Civil War was about slavery. The revisionists want to pretend it was about something noble, rather than the dehumanizing system it was and that it resounds down to the present day.
It also needs to be taught that Democrats where the ones who fault to retain the right to own others.
The Japs can go pound sand. They committed some of the worst war time atrocities imaginable. Their decendents need to be aware of what their ancestors did.
That's the same reason we need to insist that it be taught that the Civil War was about slavery. The revisionists want to pretend it was about something noble, rather than the dehumanizing system it was and that it resounds down to the present day.
It also needs to be taught that Democrats were the ones who faught to retain the right to own others.
You mean southern whites....
The Japs can go pound sand. They committed some of the worst war time atrocities imaginable. Their decendents need to be aware of what their ancestors did.
That's the same reason we need to insist that it be taught that the Civil War was about slavery. The revisionists want to pretend it was about something noble, rather than the dehumanizing system it was and that it resounds down to the present day.

Why do you want to teach people incorrect information about the Civil War? Next thing you'll tell us is Lincoln freed the slaves.
Cannibalism aside, it does seem that the Japanese youth are unaware of all the morbid atrocities their nation committed back in WW2. Look up Unit 731 and see for yourself. They should teach their kids about that in school
It amazes me the people on this Board who consider themselves to be authorities on all things Southern ... Southern whites, Southern ignorance, slavery, the Civil War...and they don't know jack about any of it.
The Japs can go pound sand. They committed some of the worst war time atrocities imaginable. Their decendents need to be aware of what their ancestors did.

Ironic how a blatantly bigoted racist fuck who wrote my sigline can post something like this while simultaneously being head-up-the-ass clueless about "what his own ancestors did".

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