Angelina Jolie's New Movie 'Unbroken' Provokes Jap Outrage

The Japs can go pound sand. They committed some of the worst war time atrocities imaginable. Their decendents need to be aware of what their ancestors did.
That's the same reason we need to insist that it be taught that the Civil War was about slavery. The revisionists want to pretend it was about something noble, rather than the dehumanizing system it was and that it resounds down to the present day.
Why do you want to teach people incorrect information about the Civil War? Next thing you'll tell us is Lincoln freed the slaves.
If you have something to say, say it. Don't tell me what I want to say. 9 times out of 10 you'll just end up looking foolish.
The Japs can go pound sand. They committed some of the worst war time atrocities imaginable. Their decendents need to be aware of what their ancestors did.
That's the same reason we need to insist that it be taught that the Civil War was about slavery. The revisionists want to pretend it was about something noble, rather than the dehumanizing system it was and that it resounds down to the present day.
It also needs to be taught that Democrats where the ones who fault to retain the right to own others.
Some did. Some didn't. Those that say that want everyone to think Democrats of the time are the same as Democrats now. Why aren't you insisting that that be taught?

The Koreans and Chinese are still pissed at them for their atrocities and failure to admit wrongdoing.

The CCP is culpable of creating a toxic environment which induced mass anti-Japanese demonstrations in recent years. The media is also playing a major role in instigating anti-Japanese sentiments in China and it's mandatory in China to broadcast this type of war movies on the special day to commemorate a Chinese victory over Japanese imperialism. More than 200 anti-Japanese movies were made in one year, which is why the majority of the Chinese hate Japan.

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Keep the book ... forget the movie. The book was a page turner ... the movie came nowhere close to covering the scope or depth of the book.
Movies never do. It's hard to compress 12 hours of reading into a two hour movie. At best, movies are the Reader's Digest version of a book
Keep the book ... forget the movie. The book was a page turner ... the movie came nowhere close to covering the scope or depth of the book.
Movies never do. It's hard to compress 12 hours of reading into a two hour movie. At best, movies are the Reader's Digest version of a book

I would agree with you on that. One possible exception might be "The Book Thief." Beautiful book and the movie followed it very closely ... it brought the characters in the book to life. I was particularly interested in seeing how the movie would present the narrator in the book - the narrator being "Death." Well done.

The Koreans and Chinese are still pissed at them for their atrocities and failure to admit wrongdoing.

The CCP is culpable of creating a toxic environment which induced mass anti-Japanese demonstrations in recent years. The media is also playing a major role in instigating anti-Japanese sentiments in China and it's mandatory in China to broadcast this type of war movies on the special day to commemorate a Chinese victory over Japanese imperialism. More than 200 anti-Japanese movies were made in one year, which is why the majority of the Chinese hate Japan.


Understandable since the Chinese are still pissed about Nanking and other atrocities. Japan has issued some apologies, but many are lacking in sincerity and remorse. Kinda like saying "I'm sorry you were too stupid to keep your nose from hitting my fist".

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe stops short of new apology in war anniversary speech
In an apparent reference to Japan’s use of tens of thousands of young Asian women as sex slaves – the so-called comfort women – he said: “We must never forget that there were women behind the battlefields whose honour and dignity were severely injured.”

But his failure to acknowledge that Japanese military authorities coerced the women into working in frontline brothels – a claim he has consistently denied – is expected to provoke anger in South Korea, where most of the women were from.

Enough Apologies. We Need More Truth From Japan About WWII.
Almost every Japanese prime minister since 1945 has apologized in some fashion or another. But these apologies seem to have never been deemed sufficient. Why? To be fair, the Japanese people also suffered greatly during the Second World War. Japan was the only nation that suffered the massive devastation of atomic bombs — not one, but two — and most unfortunately almost all of those who perished in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilians. But just because everyone suffered from the war does not and should not eliminate the culpability and responsibility of those who started the war and committed atrocities, or allowed them to be committed.

However, I believe the time has come to call a halt to demands for further apologies from Japan. It is not apologies that the world needs, even if they are fully contrite, sincere, voluntary and heartfelt. After all, it makes no sense for someone to apologize on behalf of his or her grandparents, for what was done more than 70 years ago. Likewise, it also makes very little sense for someone to accept the apologies on behalf of his or her grandparents, who are long gone. Such apologies would not make any difference. What the world needs is a truthful account of what happened, a true history that has not been whitewashed, so that hopefully it would help to prevent a repetition of history in the future.

The German Example

In Germany, after the Second World War, the war-time atrocities committed by the Nazi government against the Jewish people and others were readily acknowledged by the (West) German government. Those responsible were prosecuted, tried, convicted and punished. The victims were compensated to the extent possible. There has been no attempt by the German government to cover up the true history. In fact, in some European countries today, it is even a criminal offense to deny that the Holocaust took place. No one, as far as I know, has called on the German government to apologize, certainly not for the last 50 or 60 years. Why? It is because Germany has dealt with its history forthrightly, truthfully and responsibly.

In Germany, after the Second World War, the war-time atrocities committed by the Nazi government against the Jewish people and others were readily acknowledged by the (West) German government. Those responsible were prosecuted, tried, convicted and punished. The victims were compensated to the extent possible. There has been no attempt by the German government to cover up the true history. In fact, in some European countries today, it is even a criminal offense to deny that the Holocaust took place. No one, as far as I know, has called on the German government to apologize, certainly not for the last 50 or 60 years. Why? It is because Germany has dealt with its history forthrightly, truthfully and responsibly.

The author is a Chinese American and this narrative to compare Imperial Japan with Nazi Germany may have originated in the Chinese community in the US, where anti-Japanese activism is rife. I personally think that apologies are meaningless and you can never change what happened in the past. Vladimir Putin became the first Russian prime minister to apologise for the 1940 Katyn massacre but Putin is not personally responsible for what Stalin did.

At a ceremony Wednesday to mark the 1940 Katyn massacre, Vladimir Putin became the first Russian prime minister to pay tribute to the Polish dead. The gesture could mark a thaw in Russian-Polish relations, which have been tense in recent years. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin bowed his head in honor of the thousands of Polish officers who were murdered in Katyn. Then he dropped to the ground for a moment and knelt over the graves of the dead.
Remembering the Katyn Massacre: Putin Gesture Heralds New Era in Russian-Polish Relations - SPIEGEL ONLINE

The comfort women issue was settled last year between Japan and South Korea and a $10 million fund was established to compensate for the victims. Comfort women were usually paid the monthly salary in advance (around $150), which equals $2,534.20 in 2016. Comfort girls could further borrow up to $1,500 from their masters. But they were held in captivity until they paid off their debts to their masters who owned comfort stations.

In his statement regarding the comfort women agreement—one of two released simultaneously by the foreign ministers on both sides—Japanese Foreign Minister Kishida Fumio said that Abe, as the “cabinet prime minister of Japan,” extended his “heartfelt apologies and remorse to all those who suffered immeasurable pain and incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women.” He acknowledged that “the honor and dignity of many women were severely injured with the involvement of the Japanese military” and that, “[f]rom this perspective, the Japanese government fully realizes responsibility.” Japan will provide 1 billion yen (approximately $8.3 million) from the government budget to fully finance a foundation, run by the Korean government, to support the comfort women.
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The comfort women issue was settled last year between Japan and South Korea and a $10 million fund was established to compensate for the victims. Comfort women were usually paid the monthly salary in advance (around $150), which equals $2,534.20 in 2016. Comfort girls could further borrow up to $1,500 from their masters.
Wow! $10M for sexual slavery and rape. What a bargain!

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