Anger at our lawmakers - Who's to blame??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As Democrats and Republicans jockey for political advantage over everything from Healthcare to DACA to Infrastructure, achieving nothing but gridlock, and division, over 80% of Americans are very angry and want to clean house in Congress and start over, but do they do it? NO! Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Orrin Hatch, Dianne Feinstein and many others have been in Congress for decades. So, who's to blame for this? The lawmakers, or the voters who keep re electing them?:bye1:
As Democrats and Republicans jockey for political advantage over everything from Healthcare to DACA to Infrastructure, achieving nothing but gridlock, and division, over 80% of Americans are very angry and want to clean house in Congress and start over, but do they do it? NO! Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Orrin Hatch, Dianne Feinstein and many others have been in Congress for decades. So, who's to blame for this? The lawmakers, or the voters who keep re electing them?:bye1:
The voters!
As Democrats and Republicans jockey for political advantage over everything from Healthcare to DACA to Infrastructure, achieving nothing but gridlock, and division, over 80% of Americans are very angry and want to clean house in Congress and start over, but do they do it? NO! Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Orrin Hatch, Dianne Feinstein and many others have been in Congress for decades. So, who's to blame for this? The lawmakers, or the voters who keep re electing them?:bye1:

All Congresses going all the way back to Carter, IMO.

It started with a Republican Congress, but corruption knows no party lines.

Carter did the right thing, but the Congress overrode his veto.

IMO, he was the worst president until Obama. However, Carter was an American and tried his best to do what he thought was right. He just wasn't always correct on what was the right thing to do.
Enlarge this, print it out, hang it on your wall....


and throw a dart
As Democrats and Republicans jockey for political advantage over everything from Healthcare to DACA to Infrastructure, achieving nothing but gridlock, and division, over 80% of Americans are very angry and want to clean house in Congress and start over, but do they do it? NO! Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Orrin Hatch, Dianne Feinstein and many others have been in Congress for decades. So, who's to blame for this? The lawmakers, or the voters who keep re electing them?:bye1:

I would think the political parties that prop them up play a Yuge role.

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