Anger at Trump spilling Over at GOP Townhalls

Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.

IM threatening people? By stating what is happening in this country?
So I'll learn the hard way is not a threat, cocksucker? ?
I know supporting President Man/ Child means you're not big on democracy but free speech and free assembly is paramount to a true democracy as is the freedom of the press that Trump keeps trying to erode.
" Evil prospers when good men do nothing" has never had more meaning than in the age of Trump.
That's why the resistence movement is picking up more and more people every day.
You clearly stated the tyranny was going to increase, so yes, cumgulper, that's a threat. And yes, stupid fucks like you can ONLY learn by way of pain. You will learn to associate certain actions with a pain response. It's the only way you can learn.

We had an election, you call it evil. Which is consistent with your rule by mob force mentality. I say bring it. I'll enjoy the show.
The tyranny is directly coming from the White House with their inability to tell the truth, conflicts of interest, shutting out the press, calling the press out when they correct the Pathological Liar in Chief etc
Have you ever seen so many protests in this country and all over the world this soon after a prez takes the oath of office?
Me neither.
That you are still in the dark why this is happening says so much about you, none of it positive.
None of the above is true. You live in an altered state. Drugs perhaps. I have longed for this kind of reaction from the left. I have long said that foaming leftists are how we know something good has happened. You think America is behind you but we are right here, in front of you laughing at your childish behavior.
and? Interfering with other people's right to free speech is not protected. Asshole libs think only they have rights. Nor do you have the right to interfere with free travel. Or property rights. You idiots can only learn when it hurts.

Your right to swing your fist, ends at my nose. Free speech is not violated by louder voices.
Sure it is. That's why assholes get escorted out of events. If you had the right to drown people out they couldn't remove you. See, that what I mean. Your type can't think. You hate and can only learn the hard way.
I know it is useless to tell you this but when black Trump supporters are escorted out of Trump rallies for no reason, I wonder if you freaks really are out of touch with reality.
No reason? You're full of it. The guy was making an ass of himself. His race had zip to do with it.
I don't have to back anything up. Who are you to demand I do anything? You don't make the rules here so STFU!
This dumb asshole makes statements he can't back up, then tells people to shut up if they question him. That's a special kind of stupid even for this place.

Look DODO bird, you aren't anything more than a shit stain around here. You sunshine patriots follow Trump's lead in attacking the CIA and all the other US intelligence agencies that said Russian agents were behind the hacking of Clinton's e-mails. Further, that hack job was intended to help Trump win. Wait. Before you come roaring in like drizzle down the leg of a Russian bear. Communism is NOT dead in Russia and Putin has endorsed Communist ideology as fervently as he did when he was in the KGB. If you think Putin is not still a Communist, the foul odor emanating from the orifices in your pointed head validates the putrefaction of your rotting brain.

i've already commented on Trump's Russian ties and the Russia hack job that could have helped to get him elected. Whether it did or not is immaterial, That gesture favored Trump and thus supported him. if you doubt Putin was behind all of that, you are a naive putz
And before I let you go, byatch, take this with you. Again,Putin is a former KGB agent and is on record saying he has always liked communist and socialist ideas. DO I need to put a foot in your arse to get your last fetid brain cell started. ThinKKK!

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Once a commie always a commie and Trump has found a friend in that milieu. You delusional bahs-turd!
Sorry Sheila. Your chest pounding is amusing, nothing more. You commented but backed up nothing. You have no game.
My commentary wasn't meant for you. It was meant for the majority of Americans who did not vote for Trump. You are just the vessel I used to help me convey the message.
You're a know nothing. A little more than half the voting age actually voted. Hillary got 48% of those. How the fuck does that translate to a majority?

LOL, you can't think!
Are you serious? No one could be THAT stupid..tell me you are joking. Tell me you didn't hear about Trump's lack of a you know what that means. Either you are lying or all the major news media sources are. And you don't have a halo over your head so I'm betting on the news teams.
Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.

IM threatening people? By stating what is happening in this country?
So I'll learn the hard way is not a threat, cocksucker? ?
I know supporting President Man/ Child means you're not big on democracy but free speech and free assembly is paramount to a true democracy as is the freedom of the press that Trump keeps trying to erode.
" Evil prospers when good men do nothing" has never had more meaning than in the age of Trump.
That's why the resistence movement is picking up more and more people every day.
You clearly stated the tyranny was going to increase, so yes, cumgulper, that's a threat. And yes, stupid fucks like you can ONLY learn by way of pain. You will learn to associate certain actions with a pain response. It's the only way you can learn.

We had an election, you call it evil. Which is consistent with your rule by mob force mentality. I say bring it. I'll enjoy the show.
The tyranny is directly coming from the White House with their inability to tell the truth, conflicts of interest, shutting out the press, calling the press out when they correct the Pathological Liar in Chief etc
Have you ever seen so many protests in this country and all over the world this soon after a prez takes the oath of office?
Me neither.
That you are still in the dark why this is happening says so much about you, none of it positive.
None of the above is true. You live in an altered state. Drugs perhaps. I have longed for this kind of reaction from the left. I have long said that foaming leftists are how we know something good has happened. You think America is behind you but we are right here, in front of you laughing at your childish behavior.
WTF??? Who the fuck do you identify as Americans? Just RW White demagogues with Archie Bunker haircuts??? The so-called leftists are as American as you THINK you are and have fought in every major war to prove it.
Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
yes, sure!

So you are saying that Ann Dunham has a doppelganger?????

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama’s Mother Discovered (Video)
Oh Dale Dale are wired GULLIBLE.

The pictures are NOT Obama's mom...those racy pictures were taken in Hawaii....his mom had not moved to Hawaii yet AND SHE WAS 15 years old in 1958....



This picture appeared in Exotique #23, on page 22. In 1958. When Ann Dunham was only 15 years old. Two years before Ann Dunham even moved to Hawaii.

It can also be found reprinted in volume 2 of the 3-volume Exotique hardcover collection.

We may never know who the mystery model is. But the Dunham family didn't move to Hawaii until the summer of 1960. Unless Ann Dunham had access to a time machine in the 1960s, it simply cannot be her.

Moreover, Joel Gilbert knows this. He found that opera glove photo; it was not circulating the web as an 'Ann' photo prior to his videos. He knows it came from Exotique, a magazine that ceased publication in 1959. From WND: "Gilbert found that several of the photos in the collection appeared in a magazine called Exotique, published by pin-up photographer Leonard Burtman, who worked in New York City."

Thus he knows this picture was published two years before Ann first stepped foot in Hawaii, years before she could have met Frank Marshall Davis. And yet he explicitly claims, multiple times, that the photo was TAKEN at Christmastime 1960. This is not a lie of ignorance or mistake; it is a lie of pure, fully-informed malice.

And that's the BEST-case scenario for Gilbert. Gilbert knows that Ann was born in 1942, and he knows he found these pictures in 1958 magazines. If Gilbert truly believes that these ARE somehow pictures of a 15-year-old Ann, then he's been distributing hundreds of thousands of DVDs featuring nude and erotic pictures of someone he believes to be an underage girl.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Gilbert has thus far refused to disclose the actual sources of the erotic photos he put in his videos. He identified six issues, none of which checked out, and five of which contradict his 1960 date anyway. As shown above, to disclose the true issues would be to destroy his own claim that the photos are of Ann, and to let his audience know that he's lying to them. And so he refuses to cite his sources, even when they're just magazine issue numbers.

So there you have it. The people who've said 'Frank Davis took naked pictures of Stanley Ann Dunham in December of 1960' are provably wrong. The woman they claim is Ann was having her photographs from this very shoot published at least as early as 1958. When Ann was a 15-year-old in Washington, years before she ever stepped foot on Hawaii or could have conceivably even met Frank Marshall Davis. Joel Gilbert has unnecessarily obscured the actual publication dates of the pictures he found, because he knows those simple facts will prove to everyone that he's lying about them being taken in 1960, and lying about Frank Marshall Davis taking them of Ann, and lying about them being evidence of an intimate relationship between Frank and Ann.

Barackryphal: Fever Dreams From My Real Father #1: The Nude Photos Debunked

This isn't Ann Dunham????? Are you sure you want to go with that????

Quoting the Washington Post?

Might as well quote the NYTimes.
Yes, worldly respected newspapers. Go away and think for a while.

The New York Times? The mouthpiece for the CFR? One of the papers that is owned by the six conglomerates that control 90 percent of our media? You really are fucking clueless.......
No, you are, it is one of the most respected papers in the world.

No, it's not respected at all by those that are awake and the NYT is nothing but a shill for the global elites and their agenda.

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller
Quoting the Washington Post?

Might as well quote the NYTimes.
Yes, worldly respected newspapers. Go away and think for a while.

Sales of both are down because they have found that if you line a bird's cage with them, the birds won't shit because they think it would be redundant.
Sales are down for all newspapers because of the internet. Informed, intelligent people are aware of this.

Sales are also down because they suck!
Trump's election IS the resistance. It's the message America sent to the coastal wannabe overlords, "not so fast".

It's the message a "minority" of Americans sent. The vast majority (by 3,000,000) wanted somebody better.

Too bad we don't elect the President based on the majority of people in California and New York.
and? Interfering with other people's right to free speech is not protected. Asshole libs think only they have rights. Nor do you have the right to interfere with free travel. Or property rights. You idiots can only learn when it hurts.

Your right to swing your fist, ends at my nose. Free speech is not violated by louder voices.
Sure it is. That's why assholes get escorted out of events. If you had the right to drown people out they couldn't remove you. See, that what I mean. Your type can't think. You hate and can only learn the hard way.
I know it is useless to tell you this but when black Trump supporters are escorted out of Trump rallies for no reason, I wonder if you freaks really are out of touch with reality.

Link, or admit you made it up!
Trump's election IS the resistance. It's the message America sent to the coastal wannabe overlords, "not so fast".

It's the message a "minority" of Americans sent. The vast majority (by 3,000,000) wanted somebody better.

Too bad we don't elect the President based on the majority of people in California and New York.
You mean the more highly educated states. I understand your predictament. We need to keep the electorate dumbed down. That's how Trump became president.

Keep pretending this is all a mirage. That's what the right did during the Vietnam War demonstrations.
and? Interfering with other people's right to free speech is not protected. Asshole libs think only they have rights. Nor do you have the right to interfere with free travel. Or property rights. You idiots can only learn when it hurts.

Your right to swing your fist, ends at my nose. Free speech is not violated by louder voices.
Sure it is. That's why assholes get escorted out of events. If you had the right to drown people out they couldn't remove you. See, that what I mean. Your type can't think. You hate and can only learn the hard way.
I know it is useless to tell you this but when black Trump supporters are escorted out of Trump rallies for no reason, I wonder if you freaks really are out of touch with reality.

Link, or admit you made it up!

Trump booted a black man from his rally and called him a ‘thug.’ Turns out he is a supporter.
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

Yeah what you send around in life, usually comes back around to bite hard. This is just the start of it.

Quoting the Washington Post?

Might as well quote the NYTimes.
Yes, worldly respected newspapers. Go away and think for a while.

Sales of both are down because they have found that if you line a bird's cage with them, the birds won't shit because they think it would be redundant.
Sales are down for all newspapers because of the internet. Informed, intelligent people are aware of this.

Sales are also down because they suck!
You have nothing to add to this discussion.
Quoting the Washington Post?

Might as well quote the NYTimes.
Yes, worldly respected newspapers. Go away and think for a while.

The New York Times? The mouthpiece for the CFR? One of the papers that is owned by the six conglomerates that control 90 percent of our media? You really are fucking clueless.......
No, you are, it is one of the most respected papers in the world.

No, it's not respected at all by those that are awake and the NYT is nothing but a shill for the global elites and their agenda.

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller
Those who are awake do not make such ridiculous statements. Your hatred blinds you.
It's well documented that the Tea Bagger movement was funded by the Koch Bros.
The multitude of protests in this country since Trump was elected is a grass roots and spontaneous movement of pissed off and worried citizens of President Man/Child's toxic agenda.
There will be another HUGE protest in two weeks.
The resistance movement in this country is strong wide and motivated. For the Trump humps to try to deny this makes me laugh and brings a wide smile to my face because you haven't seen anything yet.
Show us the funding that came from the Koch's. There's nothing grass roots about the shortly after the news hits the media at the same place at the same time, with signs, some with masks and for the same purpose. Duh.

Bring your smile, I am going to orgasm when I see it smashed to bits and pieces.

I'll be glad to show you how fucking clueless you are. You can't debate because all YOUR KIND does when proven wrong is yell " FAKE NEWS."

The Secret Origins of the Tea Party

The only question with a weasel like you is if your ignorance is intentional or unintentional. But it doesn't change the fact that it IS ignorance either way.
You're a lying maggot. I've typed the words fake news a dozen times at most. And a link to a review of a book doesn't make your case. I could flood the page with links. You are too stupid to even know how to support an argument. You can't think so you hate.
This dumb asshole makes statements he can't back up, then tells people to shut up if they question him. That's a special kind of stupid even for this place.

Look DODO bird, you aren't anything more than a shit stain around here. You sunshine patriots follow Trump's lead in attacking the CIA and all the other US intelligence agencies that said Russian agents were behind the hacking of Clinton's e-mails. Further, that hack job was intended to help Trump win. Wait. Before you come roaring in like drizzle down the leg of a Russian bear. Communism is NOT dead in Russia and Putin has endorsed Communist ideology as fervently as he did when he was in the KGB. If you think Putin is not still a Communist, the foul odor emanating from the orifices in your pointed head validates the putrefaction of your rotting brain.

i've already commented on Trump's Russian ties and the Russia hack job that could have helped to get him elected. Whether it did or not is immaterial, That gesture favored Trump and thus supported him. if you doubt Putin was behind all of that, you are a naive putz
And before I let you go, byatch, take this with you. Again,Putin is a former KGB agent and is on record saying he has always liked communist and socialist ideas. DO I need to put a foot in your arse to get your last fetid brain cell started. ThinKKK!

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Once a commie always a commie and Trump has found a friend in that milieu. You delusional bahs-turd!
Sorry Sheila. Your chest pounding is amusing, nothing more. You commented but backed up nothing. You have no game.
My commentary wasn't meant for you. It was meant for the majority of Americans who did not vote for Trump. You are just the vessel I used to help me convey the message.
You're a know nothing. A little more than half the voting age actually voted. Hillary got 48% of those. How the fuck does that translate to a majority?

LOL, you can't think!
Are you serious? No one could be THAT stupid..tell me you are joking. Tell me you didn't hear about Trump's lack of a you know what that means. Either you are lying or all the major news media sources are. And you don't have a halo over your head so I'm betting on the news teams.
Trumps mandate speaks loudly....
Look DODO bird, you aren't anything more than a shit stain around here. You sunshine patriots follow Trump's lead in attacking the CIA and all the other US intelligence agencies that said Russian agents were behind the hacking of Clinton's e-mails. Further, that hack job was intended to help Trump win. Wait. Before you come roaring in like drizzle down the leg of a Russian bear. Communism is NOT dead in Russia and Putin has endorsed Communist ideology as fervently as he did when he was in the KGB. If you think Putin is not still a Communist, the foul odor emanating from the orifices in your pointed head validates the putrefaction of your rotting brain.

i've already commented on Trump's Russian ties and the Russia hack job that could have helped to get him elected. Whether it did or not is immaterial, That gesture favored Trump and thus supported him. if you doubt Putin was behind all of that, you are a naive putz
And before I let you go, byatch, take this with you. Again,Putin is a former KGB agent and is on record saying he has always liked communist and socialist ideas. DO I need to put a foot in your arse to get your last fetid brain cell started. ThinKKK!

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Once a commie always a commie and Trump has found a friend in that milieu. You delusional bahs-turd!
Sorry Sheila. Your chest pounding is amusing, nothing more. You commented but backed up nothing. You have no game.
My commentary wasn't meant for you. It was meant for the majority of Americans who did not vote for Trump. You are just the vessel I used to help me convey the message.
You're a know nothing. A little more than half the voting age actually voted. Hillary got 48% of those. How the fuck does that translate to a majority?

LOL, you can't think!
Are you serious? No one could be THAT stupid..tell me you are joking. Tell me you didn't hear about Trump's lack of a you know what that means. Either you are lying or all the major news media sources are. And you don't have a halo over your head so I'm betting on the news teams.
Trumps mandate speaks loudly....
Oh, brutha, this fool doesn't know what a mandate is......

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