Anger at Trump spilling Over at GOP Townhalls

The left has decided that they are going to impeach him. They are in the process of building a case against him using the media as a tool. That's all this is about. They hope they can get him angry enough to make a mistake and fall into their trap. If he doesn't, they'll just make up shit and claim it's impeachable. They intend on criminalizing everything he does.
I'm confused, are you talking about Trump or Obama?

I guess its moot? It's true in both cases.
Trump's election IS the resistance. It's the message America sent to the coastal wannabe overlords, "not so fast".

It's the message a "minority" of Americans sent. The vast majority (by 3,000,000) wanted somebody better.

Cute try. Your desperation is duly noted. Eliminate the unicorn and butterfly state and President Donald Trump wins the popular vote too. When too did 3 million become a vast majority of 128 million? I know, you still can't accept that you were crushed and have been for years now.
It's well documented that the Tea Bagger movement was funded by the Koch Bros.
The multitude of protests in this country since Trump was elected is a grass roots and spontaneous movement of pissed off and worried citizens of President Man/Child's toxic agenda.
There will be another HUGE protest in two weeks.
The resistance movement in this country is strong wide and motivated. For the Trump humps to try to deny this makes me laugh and brings a wide smile to my face because you haven't seen anything yet.

Please provide us with the source and link supporting your allegation that the Koch Brothers supported the Tea Party movement.

Also, why do you need to use a homosexual slur in your allegation? That simply tells the world you know your statement is weak and ineffectual.
Did you read? Lots more intimidations and protesting. Violating the rights of others in other words.

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Did you read? Lots more intimidations and protesting. Violating the rights of others in other words.

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
..and? Interfering with other people's right to free speech is not protected. Asshole libs think only they have rights. Nor do you have the right to interfere with free travel. Or property rights. You idiots can only learn when it hurts.
Please provide us with the source and link supporting your allegation that the Koch Brothers supported the Tea Party movement.

The Secret Origins of the Tea Party

Charles and David Koch—who, if their individual fortunes were combined in one place, would quite possibly represent the wealthiest person on earth—have almost certainly spent or raised more than a billion dollars to successfully bend one of the two national parties in America to their will. The long rise of the Tea Party movement was orchestrated, well funded, and deliberate. Its aim was to break Washington.

According to publicly available IRS records, the five essential pillars of just such a Tea Party movement network were all funded and in place by that spring of 2009—the Sam Adams Alliance to direct grassroots efforts; the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity to direct propaganda efforts in state capitals across the United States; the State Policy Network to coordinate funding and free-market policies at state-based think tanks; hundreds of grants from the Koch foundations to American universities that were linked in through SPN; and, of course, CSE’s successor, Americans for Prosperity, built to coordinate the effort nationally
Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
yes, sure!

So you are saying that Ann Dunham has a doppelganger?????

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama’s Mother Discovered (Video)
I'm saying I have discussed this BS a long time ago where picutue
Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
yes, sure!

So you are saying that Ann Dunham has a doppelganger?????

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama’s Mother Discovered (Video)

Obama's mom was not a historical figure, Obama is. Let the woman rest in peace and stop besmirching her memory with your vile allegations. Whatever sins Ann Dunham harbored they should not be resurrected to taint her son. Obama had no say in choosing his parents.

Let's keep it civil and compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges. Trump and Melania vs Obama and Michelle. I know it isn't a fair comparison because Obama and Michelle stand heads above the Trumps in terms of morality, intellect and social conservatism. That is hard to swallow so your alternative is to attack the president's deceased mother.
Remind us how you defended Baron when he was attacked?
and? Interfering with other people's right to free speech is not protected. Asshole libs think only they have rights. Nor do you have the right to interfere with free travel. Or property rights. You idiots can only learn when it hurts.

Your right to swing your fist, ends at my nose. Free speech is not violated by louder voices.
The point is he didn't just waltz in there and eradicate Obamacare like he thought he could. He had to back off . And they still don't have a plan for replacing it, although he suggested he did
during his campaign.
He said no such thing. All you have is lies. BTW, thanks for proving you're a lying fool by not backing your your claim about the Russian commies backing Trump..
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.
LOL, you can't back that up either.
I don't have to back anything up. Who are you to demand I do anything? You don't make the rules here so STFU!
This dumb asshole makes statements he can't back up, then tells people to shut up if they question him. That's a special kind of stupid even for this place.

Look DODO bird, you aren't anything more than a shit stain around here. You sunshine patriots follow Trump's lead in attacking the CIA and all the other US intelligence agencies that said Russian agents were behind the hacking of Clinton's e-mails. Further, that hack job was intended to help Trump win. Wait. Before you come roaring in like drizzle down the leg of a Russian bear. Communism is NOT dead in Russia and Putin has endorsed Communist ideology as fervently as he did when he was in the KGB. If you think Putin is not still a Communist, the foul odor emanating from the orifices in your pointed head validates the putrefaction of your rotting brain.

i've already commented on Trump's Russian ties and the Russia hack job that could have helped to get him elected. Whether it did or not is immaterial, That gesture favored Trump and thus supported him. if you doubt Putin was behind all of that, you are a naive putz
And before I let you go, byatch, take this with you. Again,Putin is a former KGB agent and is on record saying he has always liked communist and socialist ideas. DO I need to put a foot in your arse to get your last fetid brain cell started. ThinKKK!

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Once a commie always a commie and Trump has found a friend in that milieu. You delusional bahs-turd!
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Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

All of the promises Trump made for first day in the White House

Also from your own link....
Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

Congress has already kicked off the process, taking the required procedural steps to open up the process for a full repeal-and-replace measure.
The point is he didn't just waltz in there and eradicate Obamacare like he thought he could. He had to back off . And they still don't have a plan for replacing it, although he suggested he did
during his campaign.
He said no such thing. All you have is lies. BTW, thanks for proving you're a lying fool by not backing your your claim about the Russian commies backing Trump..
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.
If lying was a bad thing to Democrats they wouldn't keep electing Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama....and they never would have nominated Hillary.
It just seems you are offended when it appears that a Republican is lying.
Obviously, a lot of Democrats drank the Kool-Aid and voted for Trump so your remark is fallacious at best. Your remark about Obama, though, is disingenuous in view of his high approval ratings as he exited the White House for the last time.
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

Easy solution

Don't have town halls anymore allowing the liberal protestors a platform to show how UnAmerican they are

Great idea, lets let OUR representatives do what ever they want with no input from us. because not having town halls also takes away voices from the right.
It was supposed to be gone on day 1 of Trump's takeover. what happened???


Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

All of the promises Trump made for first day in the White House

Also from your own link....
Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

Congress has already kicked off the process, taking the required procedural steps to open up the process for a full repeal-and-replace measure.
The point is he didn't just waltz in there and eradicate Obamacare like he thought he could. He had to back off . And they still don't have a plan for replacing it, although he suggested he did
during his campaign.

Please show us your source and link to the quote where President Donald Trump said he was to "waltz in 'there' and eradicate Obamacare.

There is a plan for replacing you well know.
Please show me where I quoted Trump in the paragraph you are referencing.And if you want a it... the Internet is full of references to your question. Ignorance is no longer acceptable...Use some initiative for once in your sorry life.

Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

All of the promises Trump made for first day in the White House

Also from your own link....
Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

Congress has already kicked off the process, taking the required procedural steps to open up the process for a full repeal-and-replace measure.
The point is he didn't just waltz in there and eradicate Obamacare like he thought he could. He had to back off . And they still don't have a plan for replacing it, although he suggested he did
during his campaign.
He said no such thing. All you have is lies. BTW, thanks for proving you're a lying fool by not backing your your claim about the Russian commies backing Trump..
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.


OK, So one liar replaces another... The one pictured is gone so let's deal with the present Liar in chief..Donald J. Trump.


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