Anger at Trump spilling Over at GOP Townhalls

The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

I like going to these events and telling these folks how absolutely adorable they look. Then laughing my ass off as they realize how absurd they actually look.
He said no such thing. All you have is lies. BTW, thanks for proving you're a lying fool by not backing your your claim about the Russian commies backing Trump..
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.

That seems to be the GOP answer to media scrutiny of what Trump said.

As famously said. If you don't want people to call Trump a liar, tell him to tell the truth for once.
Trump's election IS the resistance. It's the message America sent to the coastal wannabe overlords, "not so fast".

Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

All of the promises Trump made for first day in the White House

Also from your own link....
Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

Congress has already kicked off the process, taking the required procedural steps to open up the process for a full repeal-and-replace measure.
The point is he didn't just waltz in there and eradicate Obamacare like he thought he could. He had to back off . And they still don't have a plan for replacing it, although he suggested he did
during his campaign.
He said no such thing. All you have is lies. BTW, thanks for proving you're a lying fool by not backing your your claim about the Russian commies backing Trump..
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.
If lying was a bad thing to Democrats they wouldn't keep electing Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama....and they never would have nominated Hillary.
It just seems you are offended when it appears that a Republican is lying.

Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

All of the promises Trump made for first day in the White House

Also from your own link....
Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

Congress has already kicked off the process, taking the required procedural steps to open up the process for a full repeal-and-replace measure.
The point is he didn't just waltz in there and eradicate Obamacare like he thought he could. He had to back off . And they still don't have a plan for replacing it, although he suggested he did
during his campaign.
He said no such thing. All you have is lies. BTW, thanks for proving you're a lying fool by not backing your your claim about the Russian commies backing Trump..
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.
If lying was a bad thing to Democrats they wouldn't keep electing Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama....and they never would have nominated Hillary.
It just seems you are offended when it appears that a Republican is lying.

Lying is like sex. A little is great, but when done to excess it's an obsession that takes over from any other concern.

Trump is a lie-a-holic, a fib-addict and an "alternate facter"
Also from your own link....
Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

Congress has already kicked off the process, taking the required procedural steps to open up the process for a full repeal-and-replace measure.
The point is he didn't just waltz in there and eradicate Obamacare like he thought he could. He had to back off . And they still don't have a plan for replacing it, although he suggested he did
during his campaign.
He said no such thing. All you have is lies. BTW, thanks for proving you're a lying fool by not backing your your claim about the Russian commies backing Trump..
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.
If lying was a bad thing to Democrats they wouldn't keep electing Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama....and they never would have nominated Hillary.
It just seems you are offended when it appears that a Republican is lying.

Lying is like sex. A little is great, but when done to excess it's an obsession that takes over from any other concern.

Trump is a lie-a-holic, a fib-addict and an "alternate facter"
As a two time loser once said........"What difference does it make?" :boohoo:
As a two time loser once said........"What difference does it make?" :boohoo:

Can I quote you?

."What difference does it make?" -
signed Two time loser
It's well documented that the Tea Bagger movement was funded by the Koch Bros.
The multitude of protests in this country since Trump was elected is a grass roots and spontaneous movement of pissed off and worried citizens of President Man/Child's toxic agenda.
There will be another HUGE protest in two weeks.
The resistance movement in this country is strong wide and motivated. For the Trump humps to try to deny this makes me laugh and brings a wide smile to my face because you haven't seen anything yet.

THe ACA is on it's way out because it was the UCA.
It was supposed to be gone on day 1 of Trump's takeover. what happened???


Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

All of the promises Trump made for first day in the White House

Also from your own link....
Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

Congress has already kicked off the process, taking the required procedural steps to open up the process for a full repeal-and-replace measure.
The point is he didn't just waltz in there and eradicate Obamacare like he thought he could. He had to back off . And they still don't have a plan for replacing it, although he suggested he did
during his campaign.

Please show us your source and link to the quote where President Donald Trump said he was to "waltz in 'there' and eradicate Obamacare.

There is a plan for replacing you well know.
Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.

Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

All of the promises Trump made for first day in the White House

Also from your own link....
Trump has said he will begin dismantling Obamacare on Day 1 by asking Congress to “immediately deliver a full repeal” on his first day.

Congress has already kicked off the process, taking the required procedural steps to open up the process for a full repeal-and-replace measure.
The point is he didn't just waltz in there and eradicate Obamacare like he thought he could. He had to back off . And they still don't have a plan for replacing it, although he suggested he did
during his campaign.
He said no such thing. All you have is lies. BTW, thanks for proving you're a lying fool by not backing your your claim about the Russian commies backing Trump..
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.

It's well documented that the Tea Bagger movement was funded by the Koch Bros.
The multitude of protests in this country since Trump was elected is a grass roots and spontaneous movement of pissed off and worried citizens of President Man/Child's toxic agenda.
There will be another HUGE protest in two weeks.
The resistance movement in this country is strong wide and motivated. For the Trump humps to try to deny this makes me laugh and brings a wide smile to my face because you haven't seen anything yet.
Show us the funding that came from the Koch's. There's nothing grass roots about the shortly after the news hits the media at the same place at the same time, with signs, some with masks and for the same purpose. Duh.

Bring your smile, I am going to orgasm when I see it smashed to bits and pieces.
Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.

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