Anger at Trump spilling Over at GOP Townhalls

The point is he didn't just waltz in there and eradicate Obamacare like he thought he could. He had to back off . And they still don't have a plan for replacing it, although he suggested he did
during his campaign.
He said no such thing. All you have is lies. BTW, thanks for proving you're a lying fool by not backing your your claim about the Russian commies backing Trump..
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.
If lying was a bad thing to Democrats they wouldn't keep electing Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama....and they never would have nominated Hillary.
It just seems you are offended when it appears that a Republican is lying.

Lying is like sex. A little is great, but when done to excess it's an obsession that takes over from any other concern.

Trump is a lie-a-holic, a fib-addict and an "alternate facter"
As a two time loser once said........"What difference does it make?" :boohoo:
You really don't know????????
It appears that the story title is misleading.
Paid radicals are showing up at GOP townhalls and trying to disrupt them.
ha ha ha ha
Yeah and the millions who marched in all 50 states and in 32 countries the Saturday after the poorly attended inauguration were all paid too. Lmao

Who gives a rat's ass about butthurt protests?

The more the OFA-BLM-SEIU Astroturf and Black Bloc loons continue to riot, the more they ensure Trump 2020/Pence 2024/Pence 2028.
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
yes, sure!

So you are saying that Ann Dunham has a doppelganger?????

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama’s Mother Discovered (Video)
I'm saying I have discussed this BS a long time ago where picutue
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
yes, sure!

So you are saying that Ann Dunham has a doppelganger?????

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama’s Mother Discovered (Video)

Obama's mom was not a historical figure, Obama is. Let the woman rest in peace and stop besmirching her memory with your vile allegations. Whatever sins Ann Dunham harbored they should not be resurrected to taint her son. Obama had no say in choosing his parents.

Let's keep it civil and compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges. Trump and Melania vs Obama and Michelle. I know it isn't a fair comparison because Obama and Michelle stand heads above the Trumps in terms of morality, intellect and social conservatism. That is hard to swallow so your alternative is to attack the president's deceased mother.
Remind us how you defended Baron when he was attacked?
I wasn't privy to an exchange where Byron was attacked. Attacked for what? Give me a clue as to what you are talking about so that I might opine with some degree of hindsight.
Alright. Why should we believe that?
Just past History...
Wrong the republicans won easily in those districts this is nothing more then Soros paying people to agitate.
Soros Again, don't see how this guy has time to eat lunch. he is every where doing every thing, every time there is any protest. funny huh?
Soros is the money and the brain behind this. They've been planning this shadow government for a long time. Soros doesn't do everything on his own.

Soros funds so many different organizations, all with innocent sounding names, and they are the ones coordinating these protests. From the BLM to the election whiners, Soros has a hand in the organization of protests and hiring thugs to take the protests to the level of riots. Libs think people didn't notice the pre-printed protest signs that were identical across the country. They are trying to make it appear that all these riots are spontaneous but they were planned and materials were created in advance and shipped to various locations. The thugs always arrive by bus to encourage looting, burning and violence.

Most people are onto the scam but libs still won't admit the truth.

The radicals are having a great time and are calling for a bloody revolution. They say it's the only way. The endgame is taking down America and turning us into a global, socialist/communist wasteland. That is why I am so relieved that Hillary lost because she was willing to go that route. She said as much for those who listened. She stated that she didn't believe the 2nd amendment allowed people to own guns and she told Wall Street and others during her high paid speaking engagements that she dreamed of a one world government and no borders. Not difficult to see that what she had planned. If she and Dems had been elected, we would have been doomed. Now, they are just trying to pretend that we are doomed because their radical plans were derailed.
right patriot ,remain silent as dump reduces sanctions against Russia in payment for their not leaking what trump is so ashamed of .....patriots ? traitors are more like it
Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.

IM threatening people? By stating what is happening in this country?
So I'll learn the hard way is not a threat, cocksucker? ?
I know supporting President Man/ Child means you're not big on democracy but free speech and free assembly is paramount to a true democracy as is the freedom of the press that Trump keeps trying to erode.
" Evil prospers when good men do nothing" has never had more meaning than in the age of Trump.
That's why the resistence movement is picking up more and more people every day.
Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.
I forgot one thing you little weasel. GO FUCK YOURSELF.
Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.

IM threatening people? By stating what is happening in this country?
So I'll learn the hard way is not a threat, cocksucker? ?
I know supporting President Man/ Child means you're not big on democracy but free speech and free assembly is paramount to a true democracy as is the freedom of the press that Trump keeps trying to erode.
" Evil prospers when good men do nothing" has never had more meaning than in the age of Trump.
That's why the resistence movement is picking up more and more people every day.

Good men? You mean the ones who are destroying neighborhood and saying that blood must be shed for their revolution? They are the evil that must be stopped. They are the ones who hate America and want us to dissolve into the one world government hellhole.
It's well documented that the Tea Bagger movement was funded by the Koch Bros.
The multitude of protests in this country since Trump was elected is a grass roots and spontaneous movement of pissed off and worried citizens of President Man/Child's toxic agenda.
There will be another HUGE protest in two weeks.
The resistance movement in this country is strong wide and motivated. For the Trump humps to try to deny this makes me laugh and brings a wide smile to my face because you haven't seen anything yet.
Show us the funding that came from the Koch's. There's nothing grass roots about the shortly after the news hits the media at the same place at the same time, with signs, some with masks and for the same purpose. Duh.

Bring your smile, I am going to orgasm when I see it smashed to bits and pieces.

I'll be glad to show you how fucking clueless you are. You can't debate because all YOUR KIND does when proven wrong is yell " FAKE NEWS."

The Secret Origins of the Tea Party

The only question with a weasel like you is if your ignorance is intentional or unintentional. But it doesn't change the fact that it IS ignorance either way.
Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.

IM threatening people? By stating what is happening in this country?
So I'll learn the hard way is not a threat, cocksucker? ?
I know supporting President Man/ Child means you're not big on democracy but free speech and free assembly is paramount to a true democracy as is the freedom of the press that Trump keeps trying to erode.
" Evil prospers when good men do nothing" has never had more meaning than in the age of Trump.
That's why the resistence movement is picking up more and more people every day.

Good men? You mean the ones who are destroying neighborhood and saying that blood must be shed for their revolution? They are the evil that must be stopped. They are the ones who hate America and want us to dissolve into the one world government hellhole.
A large % of the demonstrations against Trump have been peaceful, liar.
A couple of Saturday's ago millions of women ( and men) from all 50 states and 32 countries protested against the serial sex offender and there was not ONE ARREST in this country or the 32 others. Not one.
So take your unamerican jingoistic lies and shove them up your ass.
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Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.

IM threatening people? By stating what is happening in this country?
So I'll learn the hard way is not a threat, cocksucker? ?
I know supporting President Man/ Child means you're not big on democracy but free speech and free assembly is paramount to a true democracy as is the freedom of the press that Trump keeps trying to erode.
" Evil prospers when good men do nothing" has never had more meaning than in the age of Trump.
That's why the resistence movement is picking up more and more people every day.

Good men? You mean the ones who are destroying neighborhood and saying that blood must be shed for their revolution? They are the evil that must be stopped. They are the ones who hate America and want us to dissolve into the one world government hellhole.
Americans fighting against RW tyranny is not HATE. It is their patriotic duty to do so!
Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.

IM threatening people? By stating what is happening in this country?
So I'll learn the hard way is not a threat, cocksucker? ?
I know supporting President Man/ Child means you're not big on democracy but free speech and free assembly is paramount to a true democracy as is the freedom of the press that Trump keeps trying to erode.
" Evil prospers when good men do nothing" has never had more meaning than in the age of Trump.
That's why the resistence movement is picking up more and more people every day.
You clearly stated the tyranny was going to increase, so yes, cumgulper, that's a threat. And yes, stupid fucks like you can ONLY learn by way of pain. You will learn to associate certain actions with a pain response. It's the only way you can learn.

We had an election, you call it evil. Which is consistent with your rule by mob force mentality. I say bring it. I'll enjoy the show.
and? Interfering with other people's right to free speech is not protected. Asshole libs think only they have rights. Nor do you have the right to interfere with free travel. Or property rights. You idiots can only learn when it hurts.

Your right to swing your fist, ends at my nose. Free speech is not violated by louder voices.
Sure it is. That's why assholes get escorted out of events. If you had the right to drown people out they couldn't remove you. See, that what I mean. Your type can't think. You hate and can only learn the hard way.
He said no such thing. All you have is lies. BTW, thanks for proving you're a lying fool by not backing your your claim about the Russian commies backing Trump..
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.
LOL, you can't back that up either.
I don't have to back anything up. Who are you to demand I do anything? You don't make the rules here so STFU!
This dumb asshole makes statements he can't back up, then tells people to shut up if they question him. That's a special kind of stupid even for this place.

Look DODO bird, you aren't anything more than a shit stain around here. You sunshine patriots follow Trump's lead in attacking the CIA and all the other US intelligence agencies that said Russian agents were behind the hacking of Clinton's e-mails. Further, that hack job was intended to help Trump win. Wait. Before you come roaring in like drizzle down the leg of a Russian bear. Communism is NOT dead in Russia and Putin has endorsed Communist ideology as fervently as he did when he was in the KGB. If you think Putin is not still a Communist, the foul odor emanating from the orifices in your pointed head validates the putrefaction of your rotting brain.

i've already commented on Trump's Russian ties and the Russia hack job that could have helped to get him elected. Whether it did or not is immaterial, That gesture favored Trump and thus supported him. if you doubt Putin was behind all of that, you are a naive putz
And before I let you go, byatch, take this with you. Again,Putin is a former KGB agent and is on record saying he has always liked communist and socialist ideas. DO I need to put a foot in your arse to get your last fetid brain cell started. ThinKKK!

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Once a commie always a commie and Trump has found a friend in that milieu. You delusional bahs-turd!
Sorry Sheila. Your chest pounding is amusing, nothing more. You commented but backed up nothing. You have no game.
Yes he did say it. He lies a lot and you don't seem to hear any of them! Guess what, Everyone else does.
LOL, you can't back that up either.
I don't have to back anything up. Who are you to demand I do anything? You don't make the rules here so STFU!
This dumb asshole makes statements he can't back up, then tells people to shut up if they question him. That's a special kind of stupid even for this place.

Look DODO bird, you aren't anything more than a shit stain around here. You sunshine patriots follow Trump's lead in attacking the CIA and all the other US intelligence agencies that said Russian agents were behind the hacking of Clinton's e-mails. Further, that hack job was intended to help Trump win. Wait. Before you come roaring in like drizzle down the leg of a Russian bear. Communism is NOT dead in Russia and Putin has endorsed Communist ideology as fervently as he did when he was in the KGB. If you think Putin is not still a Communist, the foul odor emanating from the orifices in your pointed head validates the putrefaction of your rotting brain.

i've already commented on Trump's Russian ties and the Russia hack job that could have helped to get him elected. Whether it did or not is immaterial, That gesture favored Trump and thus supported him. if you doubt Putin was behind all of that, you are a naive putz
And before I let you go, byatch, take this with you. Again,Putin is a former KGB agent and is on record saying he has always liked communist and socialist ideas. DO I need to put a foot in your arse to get your last fetid brain cell started. ThinKKK!

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Once a commie always a commie and Trump has found a friend in that milieu. You delusional bahs-turd!
Sorry Sheila. Your chest pounding is amusing, nothing more. You commented but backed up nothing. You have no game.
My commentary wasn't meant for you. It was meant for the majority of Americans who did not vote for Trump. You are just the vessel I used to help me convey the message.
Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.

IM threatening people? By stating what is happening in this country?
So I'll learn the hard way is not a threat, cocksucker? ?
I know supporting President Man/ Child means you're not big on democracy but free speech and free assembly is paramount to a true democracy as is the freedom of the press that Trump keeps trying to erode.
" Evil prospers when good men do nothing" has never had more meaning than in the age of Trump.
That's why the resistence movement is picking up more and more people every day.
You clearly stated the tyranny was going to increase, so yes, cumgulper, that's a threat. And yes, stupid fucks like you can ONLY learn by way of pain. You will learn to associate certain actions with a pain response. It's the only way you can learn.

We had an election, you call it evil. Which is consistent with your rule by mob force mentality. I say bring it. I'll enjoy the show.
The tyranny is directly coming from the White House with their inability to tell the truth, conflicts of interest, shutting out the press, calling the press out when they correct the Pathological Liar in Chief etc
Have you ever seen so many protests in this country and all over the world this soon after a prez takes the oath of office?
Me neither.
That you are still in the dark why this is happening says so much about you, none of it positive.
Trump is already above a 50% disapproval according to Gallup right out of the gate. President Obama didn't get above 50% until 600 plus days into his administration.

I'm so glad you deplorables aren't worried because you'll find out soon enough and I'll be laughing so hard when it hits you over the head.
You keep threatening people. You will learn the hard way, with your kind it's the only way.
I forgot one thing you little weasel. GO FUCK YOURSELF.
LOL, Hope to see you on TV soon. An ass kicking is what it will take. Now, you may STILL not understand why you can't mess with people, but you'll eventually learn. Like a dog.
It's well documented that the Tea Bagger movement was funded by the Koch Bros.
The multitude of protests in this country since Trump was elected is a grass roots and spontaneous movement of pissed off and worried citizens of President Man/Child's toxic agenda.
There will be another HUGE protest in two weeks.
The resistance movement in this country is strong wide and motivated. For the Trump humps to try to deny this makes me laugh and brings a wide smile to my face because you haven't seen anything yet.
Show us the funding that came from the Koch's. There's nothing grass roots about the shortly after the news hits the media at the same place at the same time, with signs, some with masks and for the same purpose. Duh.

Bring your smile, I am going to orgasm when I see it smashed to bits and pieces.

I'll be glad to show you how fucking clueless you are. You can't debate because all YOUR KIND does when proven wrong is yell " FAKE NEWS."

The Secret Origins of the Tea Party

The only question with a weasel like you is if your ignorance is intentional or unintentional. But it doesn't change the fact that it IS ignorance either way.

Jeebus, You Are An Idiot.
LOL, you can't back that up either.
I don't have to back anything up. Who are you to demand I do anything? You don't make the rules here so STFU!
This dumb asshole makes statements he can't back up, then tells people to shut up if they question him. That's a special kind of stupid even for this place.

Look DODO bird, you aren't anything more than a shit stain around here. You sunshine patriots follow Trump's lead in attacking the CIA and all the other US intelligence agencies that said Russian agents were behind the hacking of Clinton's e-mails. Further, that hack job was intended to help Trump win. Wait. Before you come roaring in like drizzle down the leg of a Russian bear. Communism is NOT dead in Russia and Putin has endorsed Communist ideology as fervently as he did when he was in the KGB. If you think Putin is not still a Communist, the foul odor emanating from the orifices in your pointed head validates the putrefaction of your rotting brain.

i've already commented on Trump's Russian ties and the Russia hack job that could have helped to get him elected. Whether it did or not is immaterial, That gesture favored Trump and thus supported him. if you doubt Putin was behind all of that, you are a naive putz
And before I let you go, byatch, take this with you. Again,Putin is a former KGB agent and is on record saying he has always liked communist and socialist ideas. DO I need to put a foot in your arse to get your last fetid brain cell started. ThinKKK!

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Once a commie always a commie and Trump has found a friend in that milieu. You delusional bahs-turd!
Sorry Sheila. Your chest pounding is amusing, nothing more. You commented but backed up nothing. You have no game.
My commentary wasn't meant for you. It was meant for the majority of Americans who did not vote for Trump. You are just the vessel I used to help me convey the message.
You're a know nothing. A little more than half the voting age actually voted. Hillary got 48% of those. How the fuck does that translate to a majority?

LOL, you can't think!
and? Interfering with other people's right to free speech is not protected. Asshole libs think only they have rights. Nor do you have the right to interfere with free travel. Or property rights. You idiots can only learn when it hurts.

Your right to swing your fist, ends at my nose. Free speech is not violated by louder voices.
Sure it is. That's why assholes get escorted out of events. If you had the right to drown people out they couldn't remove you. See, that what I mean. Your type can't think. You hate and can only learn the hard way.
I know it is useless to tell you this but when black Trump supporters are escorted out of Trump rallies for no reason, I wonder if you freaks really are out of touch with reality.

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