Angry, confused Joe Biden lashes out at reporters for asking questions he doesn't like


What Balloon who said that come on man.....
The SOB acts like he is a king....
He is king, so long as and until someone reigns in this out of control SOB and slaps him down hard. I mean, it doesn't sound like the guy has a single friend in the room! No wonder he rarely appears before the press. They are showing no respect for the guy all angrily shouting over each other tired of never being able to get any question in edgewise much less a cogent, clear answer!

And Biden has an AWFUL LOT to answer for.

Worse, the guy is angry and lost because standing there alone on stage, he has no one to explain the questions to him much less tell him what he is supposed to say!
Compare the two.... Biden gets really pissed.... Trump got indignant... there is a difference....
Uhhh no there isn’t. Both lashed out at reports. The fact that you thought was was funny doesn’t mean squat. Do you think the effect of trumps lash outs were taken as funny indignant public reaction to the media or hateful distain and threats?
Biden is correctomundo here, in my view.

Especially when it was a reporter for the Mainstream Media that Sleepy Joe gave credibility to.

If it wasn't for Biden, NBC reporters wouldn't have a job.

Biden is ready to help them out with the correspondents dinner in April where they can skewer the Republicans together, but they really should be working with their President.

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