Angry, confused Joe Biden lashes out at reporters for asking questions he doesn't like

Isn’t lashing out at reporters and the fake news media a good thing? I recall it largely being celebrated over the past 7 years. Right?
Trump took abuse the night of the 2016 election, and it did not stop. He even took it before the election. Joe was treated with kids gloves. He did no wrong. They gave him a lot of time. They applauded his administration of pure equity and the same are a bunch of clusterphuks who are not very good or following orders from somewhere else. They would still get criticism from the other side however the near whole media/entertainment propaganda complex kept telling us Progs knew better and would hit the ground running with unity and utopia. Lie after lie after lie. Except for the green deal which China is going to benefit from mightily as we pay for the research.
Trump did it in a joking way not with such fierce anger like Joe....
You call "give me a break" fierce anger?
watch out, some lib is going to post some real winners.
POLITICAL PARTY not the point,
The need for Honest people working for us is.
Trump took abuse the night of the 2016 election, and it did not stop. He even took it before the election. Joe was treated with kids gloves. He did no wrong. They gave him a lot of time. They applauded his administration of pure equity and the same are a bunch of clusterphuks who are not very good or following orders from somewhere else. They would still get criticism from the other side however the near whole media/entertainment propaganda complex kept telling us Progs knew better and would hit the ground running with unity and utopia. Lie after lie after lie. Except for the green deal which China is going to benefit from mightily as we pay for the research.
He didn’t take it very well as he obsessed over “punching back” and picking fights. If he put half the energy into running the country as he did into trying to get revenge on his critics he may have been able to do a decent job
If you're going to act stupid Joe reserves the right to point it out.

Maybe try a little less stupid.

Asking a legitimate question in a poorly-phrased manner is 'stupid', but stacking up stolen TS/SCI classified documents in the garage next to the Corvette your crackhead criminal son drives and claiming as long as the garage is locked it means its secure is 'smart'.

Asking a legitimate question in a poorly-phrased manner is 'stupid', but stacking up stolen TS/SCI classified documents in the garage next to the Corvette your crackhead criminal son drives and claiming as long as the garage is locked it means its secure is 'smart'.

Good point..
From a Canadian POV, he's still full of confidence from his Sotu speech, but he needs to drop the 'man' thing because he can't come off as a tough guy anymore. He needs to stick to what is being written for him because questions will cause him to wander off topic every time.

All presidents' personal conduct and appearance is very important but a president's accomplishments are rising up to challenge that as first place.

Biden needs to take the flag and the military back and own them too.
He didn’t take it very well as he obsessed over “punching back” and picking fights. If he put half the energy into running the country as he did into trying to get revenge on his critics he may have been able to do a decent job
He did put the effort in. It was resisted. Resisted by the RINOS/NEO CONS in his party. Except for the Defense increase. they gave him some tax changes. The Wall and Obamacare issues was sabotaged. The moves to be self-sufficient in energy and to bring manufacturing home were brilliant. These moves were good for all of us. Even if some did not like it. Klaus and the gang are shipping what was the United States of America's wealth to other nations.
He was silent for two weeks while China invaded the U.S. airspace and then he turns his back on reporters when he doesn't want to answer a question. The most transparent administration? Sometimes you just gotta laugh.
He did put the effort in. It was resisted. Resisted by the RINOS/NEO CONS in his party. Except for the Defense increase. they gave him some tax changes. The Wall and Obamacare issues was sabotaged. The moves to be self-sufficient in energy and to bring manufacturing home were brilliant. These moves were good for all of us. Even if some did not like it. Klaus and the gang are shipping what was the United States of America's wealth to other nations.
What you call sabotage is simple poor management and lack of ability to draw consensus and formulate a good plan. Trump is a “my way or the highway” guy and if he doesn’t get his way he tries and bully it out of people. That doesn’t fly in a democracy and is part of the reason why he was a shitty president.
He was silent for two weeks while China invaded the U.S. airspace and then he turns his back on reporters when he doesn't want to answer a question. The most transparent administration? Sometimes you just gotta laugh.
Hadn’t he just finished making a statement and answering questions? Did you listen to the whole thing or just the clip the OP posted?
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Asking a legitimate question in a poorly-phrased manner is 'stupid', but stacking up stolen TS/SCI classified documents in the garage next to the Corvette your crackhead criminal son drives and claiming as long as the garage is locked it means its secure is 'smart'.

Trumpophile says what?


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