Angry Donald and his supporters

View attachment 127522
Not surprising, party over country any day! No president has ever lied as much and the Grabby one. Nor was there ever a candidate who derided the press as often or as viciously as the Molester in Chief did as a candidate or as President
No proof though, huh? Just more media fed innuendo. Why not prove some of your accusations for once?

Where is the video of the thousands and thousand of people cheering over in Jersey City when the tower fell? Is it a fake news story when the press reported that Donnie said it? What did President "I can't help myself" say about the reports of what he said?
why is that important today? why don't you post up evidence of collusion between trump and russia? why can't you do that? wtf is wrong? cat got your fingers?
Patients Red State Scumbags.....patients! Before its all said and done the Trump Admin will prove to be worst than WATERGATE!!!!!

and finally that mess obummer is gone we can agree on that.
Personally I think these lying media scum should be severely punished for what they are doing.

Got it. The GOP has always been against the 1st Amendment. Glad you've come out in the open and admitted it. Punish the Press for not parroting the GOP propaganda.
Tramp admires dictators because they've been able to do what his ultimate goal is: completely control the press.

He'll laugh and shake the hands of Russian spies but refuse to shake the hand of the leader of the free world, Angela Merkel.
No that's just another lie. He wants the press to stop attacking him and lying about him, like you are doing.
Why is Tramp infatuated with dictators then?
Dictators first chore is the sublimate and eradicate the free press... just like Tramp is trying to do.
Funny the press quoting the pathological liar verbatim is " attacking him and lying about him"in your empty mind.
infatuated or doing his job? hmmmm maybe you should review the job description of president.
Angry Donald Trump and his angry supporters: You folks seem to hate everyone. It's always someone else's fault that Donald can't get anything done, isn't it? The Media, the Liberals, the RINO'S in the GOP, and of course the Judges. That doesn't leave much, now does it? Has it ever occurred to you folks that many of Trump's problems maybe self inflicted because he doesn't know what he's doing?? Hmmmmm.....

Of course it never occurs to them. To do so would require thought, and Trump supporters are driven by emotion, not thought: thus their denial, and the anger and hate which is the foundation of their posts.
hmmm where exactly?

Denial ^^^

Want proof? Go to your last few posts: "they need to wipe goat's blood on their thresholds.", for one.
yep, it is exactly what the dems should do.
Angry Donald Trump and his angry supporters: You folks seem to hate everyone. It's always someone else's fault that Donald can't get anything done, isn't it? The Media, the Liberals, the RINO'S in the GOP, and of course the Judges. That doesn't leave much, now does it? Has it ever occurred to you folks that many of Trump's problems maybe self inflicted because he doesn't know what he's doing?? Hmmmmm.....

Sure and your head has been buried in the sand for the last 8 years kid.
View attachment 127519
Angry Donald Trump and his angry supporters: You folks seem to hate everyone. It's always someone else's fault that Donald can't get anything done, isn't it? The Media, the Liberals, the RINO'S in the GOP, and of course the Judges. That doesn't leave much, now does it? Has it ever occurred to you folks that many of Trump's problems maybe self inflicted because he doesn't know what he's doing?? Hmmmmm.....
Opinion | Trump administration has unforced errors and self-inflicted wounds galore
yep, and?
Yes.. the president is a dope.
the dope got a SCOTUS confirmed, deregulated quite a lot. yep he's a dope. let me laugh at you.
Deregulated the polluters to dirty our air and water. Hurray!
Deregulated that Americans can shoot bald eagles and hibernating bears. Hurray.
Deregulated Wall Street so we're now prone to another financial meltdown like we had in 2008. Hurray.
And that's the short list.
Russians over lying divisive liberals any day. No president has EVER been treated as trump has by the media.

Not surprising, party over country any day! No president has ever lied as much and the Grabby one. Nor was there ever a candidate who derided the press as often or as viciously as the Molester in Chief did as a candidate or as President
No proof though, huh? Just more media fed innuendo. Why not prove some of your accusations for once?

Where is the video of the thousands and thousand of people cheering over in Jersey City when the tower fell? Is it a fake news story when the press reported that Donnie said it? What did President "I can't help myself" say about the reports of what he said?
why is that important today? why don't you post up evidence of collusion between trump and russia? why can't you do that? wtf is wrong? cat got your fingers?
For the 100th time....
Why did 5 members of Tramp's staff make 18 undisclosed trips to Russia before the election?
I keep asking and the DEPLORABLES keep punting and having urine dribble down their legs..
for the umpteenth time, link!!!!! so I know you got jack shit. do you hold it with your fingers?
View attachment 127519
Angry Donald Trump and his angry supporters: You folks seem to hate everyone. It's always someone else's fault that Donald can't get anything done, isn't it? The Media, the Liberals, the RINO'S in the GOP, and of course the Judges. That doesn't leave much, now does it? Has it ever occurred to you folks that many of Trump's problems maybe self inflicted because he doesn't know what he's doing?? Hmmmmm.....
Opinion | Trump administration has unforced errors and self-inflicted wounds galore
yep, and?
Yes.. the president is a dope.
the dope got a SCOTUS confirmed, deregulated quite a lot. yep he's a dope. let me laugh at you.
Deregulated the polluters to dirty our air and water. Hurray!
Deregulated that Americans can shoot bald eagles and hibernating bears. Hurray.
Deregulated Wall Street so we're now prone to another financial meltdown like we had in 2008. Hurray.
And that's the short list.
proof anywhere that happens? please I know you got jack shit and hold it in your nicotine stained fingers.
Russians over lying divisive liberals any day. No president has EVER been treated as trump has by the media.

Not surprising, party over country any day! No president has ever lied as much and the Grabby one. Nor was there ever a candidate who derided the press as often or as viciously as the Molester in Chief did as a candidate or as President
No proof though, huh? Just more media fed innuendo. Why not prove some of your accusations for once?

Where is the video of the thousands and thousand of people cheering over in Jersey City when the tower fell? Is it a fake news story when the press reported that Donnie said it? What did President "I can't help myself" say about the reports of what he said?
why is that important today? why don't you post up evidence of collusion between trump and russia? why can't you do that? wtf is wrong? cat got your fingers?
On going investigation.. it is on its way and when it rains it pours.
LOL, dude it's been going on for eleven fking months. how many do you need to show me one piece of evidence? You don't see this, but this new investigation is going to round up the team of dems of the deep state. dude, I can't fking wait. Cause you see, after eleven months, if there were actually anything there, it would be available for review by now. And I did take James Clapper at his word and Comey.
View attachment 127519
Angry Donald Trump and his angry supporters: You folks seem to hate everyone. It's always someone else's fault that Donald can't get anything done, isn't it? The Media, the Liberals, the RINO'S in the GOP, and of course the Judges. That doesn't leave much, now does it? Has it ever occurred to you folks that many of Trump's problems maybe self inflicted because he doesn't know what he's doing?? Hmmmmm.....
Opinion | Trump administration has unforced errors and self-inflicted wounds galore
yep, and?
Yes.. the president is a dope.
the dope got a SCOTUS confirmed, deregulated quite a lot. yep he's a dope. let me laugh at you.
Yeah.. the Tramp has been an amazing success.
No proof though, huh? Just more media fed innuendo. Why not prove some of your accusations for once?

Where is the video of the thousands and thousand of people cheering over in Jersey City when the tower fell? Is it a fake news story when the press reported that Donnie said it? What did President "I can't help myself" say about the reports of what he said?
why is that important today? why don't you post up evidence of collusion between trump and russia? why can't you do that? wtf is wrong? cat got your fingers?
For the 100th time....
Why did 5 members of Tramp's staff make 18 undisclosed trips to Russia before the election?
I keep asking and the DEPLORABLES keep punting and having urine dribble down their legs..
What's your source? When you are done beating off that is.
I always have to laugh how little you DEPLORABLES know because you prove it here every single day. No wonder you continue to support the Comrade. You don't have a clue what's going on.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

What a weasel you are!
dude, you know, sometimes when facts are in the link of the one thinking they got a gotcha moment, just makes me laugh more. Here from your fking link.

"The people who described the contacts to Reuters said they had seen no evidence of wrongdoing or collusion between the campaign and Russia in the communications reviewed so far."

View attachment 127527
View attachment 127519
Angry Donald Trump and his angry supporters: You folks seem to hate everyone. It's always someone else's fault that Donald can't get anything done, isn't it? The Media, the Liberals, the RINO'S in the GOP, and of course the Judges. That doesn't leave much, now does it? Has it ever occurred to you folks that many of Trump's problems maybe self inflicted because he doesn't know what he's doing?? Hmmmmm.....
Opinion | Trump administration has unforced errors and self-inflicted wounds galore
yep, and?
Yes.. the president is a dope.
the dope got a SCOTUS confirmed, deregulated quite a lot. yep he's a dope. let me laugh at you.
Yeah.. the Tramp has been an amazing success.
Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

4) Killing The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal: As Jeff Sessions has noted, the TPP was a bad agreement that dangerously eroded America sovereignty,

"The TPP is about a goal of creating a new global regulatory structure, what I have called a Pacific union, transferring power from individual Americans and power from Congress once more. Eroding Congress to an unaccountable, unelected international bureaucratic committee. In other words, we are empowering the Trans-Pacific Partnership countries to create really a new Congress of sorts, a group with delegates that goes and meets and decides important issues that can impact everyday life of Americans. So the American representative in this commission, which will operate in many ways like the UN, will not be answerable to voters anywhere."

For liberals, transferring American sovereignty to an unelected international group is a feature. It’s great that Trump sees it as a bug.
"3) Undermining Obamacare: While there’s still lots of talk about how the GOP should repeal and replace Obamacare, Trump has already stuck a shiv in the heart of the program by ordering the government to “exercise all authority and discretion available to them” to delay the law and grant exemptions. There are still legal questions to be answered about the long term impact of this executive order, but as a practical matter, it appears to have already done away with the IRS enforcing a penalty on people who don’t have healthcare. Technically, the law is still on the books, but if you no longer have to report to the IRS whether you have health insurance or not, that makes it nearly impossible for it to be enforced. Obamacare is already in a death spiral and this executive order will speed things along.

2) Ordering The Construction Of The Border Wall: If you had to pick a central promise of Trump’s campaign, it was building a border wall. He’s already ordered construction to begin and as an extra added bonus, he signed an executive order increasing the number of border patrol agents and staffers for deportations. Of course ultimately, Trump will be judged on getting the wall finished, but you have to start somewhere and it’s good to see him taking that big first step right out of the gate.

1) Selecting Neil Gorsuch For The Supreme Court: Gorsuch is an eminently qualified 49 year old originalist and if conservatives were fantasy league picking their top five selections for the court, he’d be on it. Trump did his job; now it’s up to Mitch McConnell to get Gorsuch confirmed via hook, crook or nuclear option." etc.

funny, here you go.
the dope got a SCOTUS confirmed, deregulated quite a lot. yep he's a dope. let me laugh at you.
Deregulated the polluters to dirty our air and water. Hurray!
Deregulated that Americans can shoot bald eagles and hibernating bears. Hurray.
Deregulated Wall Street so we're now prone to another financial meltdown like we had in 2008. Hurray.
And that's the short list.
proof anywhere that happens? please I know you got jack shit and hold it in your nicotine stained fingers.
Yet another example that the liberals always have to educate the dumbass deplorables because their RW media keeps them in the dark.
I've posted links on all of the above. All u nitwits can do is cry fake news.

Here's one because I'm feeling charitable to you speds.

Polluters Could ‘More Easily’ Commit Crimes Under Cuts
View attachment 127519
yep, and?
Yes.. the president is a dope.
the dope got a SCOTUS confirmed, deregulated quite a lot. yep he's a dope. let me laugh at you.
Deregulated the polluters to dirty our air and water. Hurray!
Deregulated that Americans can shoot bald eagles and hibernating bears. Hurray.
Deregulated Wall Street so we're now prone to another financial meltdown like we had in 2008. Hurray.
And that's the short list.
proof anywhere that happens? please I know you got jack shit and hold it in your nicotine stained fingers.
Yet another example that the liberals always have to educate the dumbass deplorables because their RW media keeps them in the dark.
I've posted links on all of the above. All u nitwits can do is cry fake news.

Here's one because I'm feeling charitable to you speds.

Polluters Could ‘More Easily’ Commit Crimes Under Cuts
oh no's. a great big "could"
Where is the video of the thousands and thousand of people cheering over in Jersey City when the tower fell? Is it a fake news story when the press reported that Donnie said it? What did President "I can't help myself" say about the reports of what he said?
why is that important today? why don't you post up evidence of collusion between trump and russia? why can't you do that? wtf is wrong? cat got your fingers?
For the 100th time....
Why did 5 members of Tramp's staff make 18 undisclosed trips to Russia before the election?
I keep asking and the DEPLORABLES keep punting and having urine dribble down their legs..
What's your source? When you are done beating off that is.
I always have to laugh how little you DEPLORABLES know because you prove it here every single day. No wonder you continue to support the Comrade. You don't have a clue what's going on.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

What a weasel you are!
dude, you know, sometimes when facts are in the link of the one thinking they got a gotcha moment, just makes me laugh more. Here from your fking link.

"The people who described the contacts to Reuters said they had seen no evidence of wrongdoing or collusion between the campaign and Russia in the communications reviewed so far."

So... once again.. why did 5 members of Trump's staff make 18 undisclosed trips to Russia?
You still can't answer... but the special counsel will.
View attachment 127519 Yes.. the president is a dope.
the dope got a SCOTUS confirmed, deregulated quite a lot. yep he's a dope. let me laugh at you.
Deregulated the polluters to dirty our air and water. Hurray!
Deregulated that Americans can shoot bald eagles and hibernating bears. Hurray.
Deregulated Wall Street so we're now prone to another financial meltdown like we had in 2008. Hurray.
And that's the short list.
proof anywhere that happens? please I know you got jack shit and hold it in your nicotine stained fingers.
Yet another example that the liberals always have to educate the dumbass deplorables because their RW media keeps them in the dark.
I've posted links on all of the above. All u nitwits can do is cry fake news.

Here's one because I'm feeling charitable to you speds.

Polluters Could ‘More Easily’ Commit Crimes Under Cuts
oh no's. a great big "could"
That's because ttramps cuts aren't final yet you dumb mfer. If he gets his way.. it will be a bonanza for polluters.
why is that important today? why don't you post up evidence of collusion between trump and russia? why can't you do that? wtf is wrong? cat got your fingers?
For the 100th time....
Why did 5 members of Tramp's staff make 18 undisclosed trips to Russia before the election?
I keep asking and the DEPLORABLES keep punting and having urine dribble down their legs..
What's your source? When you are done beating off that is.
I always have to laugh how little you DEPLORABLES know because you prove it here every single day. No wonder you continue to support the Comrade. You don't have a clue what's going on.

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

What a weasel you are!
dude, you know, sometimes when facts are in the link of the one thinking they got a gotcha moment, just makes me laugh more. Here from your fking link.

"The people who described the contacts to Reuters said they had seen no evidence of wrongdoing or collusion between the campaign and Russia in the communications reviewed so far."

So... once again.. why did 5 members of Trump's staff make 18 undisclosed trips to Russia?
You still can't answer... but the special counsel will.
why is it important? you never stated that. It isn't illegal to go to russia. show me the law that says that isn't allowed in our country. oh wait, you can't. dude, too special, you still squeezing that jack shit you got?
Although not narcissists like the pathological liar who is president of the United States, many of his supporters have little knowledge of the importance of government and how it works.
Agreed.....just in the last few days they've shown a very poor grasp of the U.S. Constitution.
1st amendment, you should learn it.

2nd amendment, you should learn it.
Personally I think these lying media scum should be severely punished for what they are doing.

Got it. The GOP has always been against the 1st Amendment. Glad you've come out in the open and admitted it. Punish the Press for not parroting the GOP propaganda.
Tramp admires dictators because they've been able to do what his ultimate goal is: completely control the press.

He'll laugh and shake the hands of Russian spies but refuse to shake the hand of the leader of the free world, Angela Merkel.
No that's just another lie. He wants the press to stop attacking him and lying about him, like you are doing.

Lies? What lies does media promulgate?

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