Angry Woman In Walmart Throws A Fit Over Man Using Food Stamp

I have noticed that there are a lot of people at Walmart looking for someone to feel superior to....
How in the fuck is a man lazy because his income qualifies him for food stamps? If your making 12 bucks an hour in this fuckin country, you are below the poverty line, especially if you have a family.

If that's your situation as an adult man or woman then you're a fucking loser who clearly took several wrong turns in life.
She's right. It's disgusting how people abuse the system.

I'm 100% in favor of a social safety net for when people fall.

But these lazy bastards treat the safety net like a hammock and never want to get up
Do you have any sort of evidence that the dude is lazy?

If I had to place a bet, I'd bet that the obese woman is the lazier of the two.
If people were to take the time to find out real facts, they'd realize that half the people on food stamps are the elderly and working class poor.....very few people today, with conservative governors cutting everything find the resources to fund a family with housing, food and utility most people work, they really really really do....they just don't make enough. And with so many living from paycheck to paycheck, one expensive car repair, or medical mishap, you get sick or cut in salary or hours and your done. Thats how easy it is to fall behind. Shame on that fat bitch, she could easily be next.
Most people work? Not the 80-90 million or so the government routinely reports aren't looking for work when they release their latest phony unemployment report. People not working who nonetheless need food, clothing, and shelter...and the money to pay for all three, not to mention cell phones, tattoos, TVs, etc., etc, etc. too.
How in the fuck is a man lazy because his income qualifies him for food stamps? If your making 12 bucks an hour in this fuckin country, you are below the poverty line, especially if you have a family.

If that's your situation as an adult man or woman then you're a fucking loser who clearly took several wrong turns in life.

Correct, on the other hand there is absolutely no reason to confront someone like that.

Plus , how was she even aware that he was using SNAP?
I think the Op has something against white people. This video is a joke, very little evidence to make a rational decision for either parties defense. Keep trying Op because the only thing this video proves is what most of us know, most women need to know their role n shut the fuck up.
Bravo to the woman. We need more like her that are willing to point fingers at free loaders.

We need to lift people up and be kind. In no way do those two things negate an opinion, or the right to voice your opinion. But a better approach may have been, "I see your having a hard time of it. Let me help pay for that order"

You are only responsible for your behavior, not his.
How in the fuck is a man lazy because his income qualifies him for food stamps? If your making 12 bucks an hour in this fuckin country, you are below the poverty line, especially if you have a family.

If that's your situation as an adult man or woman then you're a fucking loser who clearly took several wrong turns in life.

Correct, on the other hand there is absolutely no reason to confront someone like that.

Plus , how was she even aware that he was using SNAP?
My point exactly we know very little, this thread is a wrap.
Angry Woman In Walmart Throws A Fit Over Man Using Food Stamp...

Before you get your hard on, note the food stamp user and the food stamp accuser.....ALL WHITE!! Not that it makes a difference, but here's the deal...the guy works and still qualifies for aid. Does that fat bitch thats hatin on him get angry at corporate america? No. Does that fat white bitch see the reason she herself has to shop at WalMart because her check too needs a boost in having to buy cheap shit? No. Does the fat white bitch know that her taxes also pay for good paying jobs to be shipped overseas, so guys like this have to have food stamps, or that Billionaires don't pay taxes, that corporations don't pay taxes, that oil companies get some of her tax dollars, that we have a congres getting a six figure paycheck each year to do absolutely nothing, of course she doesn't....No, what this fat bitch is doing, what all these sorry conservative Trump loving fucks are doing is blaming the working class poor for being shit on and not putting the blame were it belongs....typical white fuck head!! She picked the right person, because if that bitch sent for me like that, Youtube would have a field day of hits.....

American poverty means you only have an iPhone 4 and your DVD player doesn't play blu Ray. Americans are ignorant as to what poverty really means.


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