Animals Loose in Ferguson

I'd like to know why we haven't seen the Media swarming over this girl and her slaughter? Where are the KKK marching (Like Al Sharpton and Jessuh Jackson, race pimps) over her death demanding the DOJ get involved? Where are looters and law breakers in this situation? Where is anyone demanding justice?

Her killers were arrested, either tried or awaiting trial, posted weeks or months previously, the OP doesn't even giver her a name, because there is no comparison; this is the voice of .........something....will not call it conservative or American:

The sub human Neanderthal mobs were once again looting, stealing and rampaging their way to "justice"...
Genetically Defective Scum
Her killers were arrested, either tried or awaiting trial, posted weeks or months previously, the OP doesn't even giver her a name, because there is no comparison; this is the voice of .........something....will not call it conservative or American:

The sub human Neanderthal mobs were once again looting, stealing and rampaging their way to "justice"...
Genetically Defective Scum
You missed the point entirely. Unlike the victim class of liberals you progtards have created, Conservatives don't see a racial boogeyman behind every corner and use it to exploit, loot, break laws, blackmail, get the Justice Dept in order to push a LYING narrative.. God knows there are countless white victims of murder committed by blacks.. What would happen if each time Conservatives created a fucking SHIT STORM out of it, trashed towns, threatened people- looted stores????? WHAT then???? IT HAS TO STOP.. The race whores and pimps have done NOTHING but disgraced this nation and the African Community they use to make millions.. WAKE THE FUCK UP.
You missed the point entirely. Unlike the victim class of liberals you progtards have created, Conservatives don't see a racial boogeyman behind every corner and use it to exploit, loot, break laws, blackmail, get the Justice Dept in order to push a LYING narrative.. God knows there are countless white victims of murder committed by blacks.. What would happen if each time Conservatives created a fucking SHIT STORM out of it, trashed towns, threatened people- looted stores????? WHAT then???? IT HAS TO STOP.. The race whores and pimps have done NOTHING but disgraced this nation and the African Community they use to make millions.. WAKE THE FUCK UP.

Most murders of blacks are black on black, and my point remains, terming some Americans "sub human" speaks for the OP.
Most murders of blacks are black on black, and my point remains, terming some Americans "sub human" speaks for the OP.

Let's take the "Knockout game" just for shits and giggles- What do you call anyone who walks up to an elderly lady and punches her so hard, she lies prone on the sidewalk for no other reason than her race and for fun??? I CALL THOSE thugs sub-human.. they fucking earned the title..You want to act like wild unruly animals then guess what?? You deserve the fucking label.

PS- I don't give a fuck what color thug does this kind of crap.. white , black, brown.. doesn't matter.. act like an animal and you earn the title.
Most murders of blacks are black on black, and my point remains, terming some Americans "sub human" speaks for the OP.

I think most murderers are subhuman...So what?

It takes a "special" kind of person to commit murder.
You missed the point entirely. Unlike the victim class of liberals you progtards have created, Conservatives don't see a racial boogeyman behind every corner and use it to exploit, loot, break laws, blackmail, get the Justice Dept in order to push a LYING narrative.. God knows there are countless white victims of murder committed by blacks.. What would happen if each time Conservatives created a fucking SHIT STORM out of it, trashed towns, threatened people- looted stores????? WHAT then???? IT HAS TO STOP.. The race whores and pimps have done NOTHING but disgraced this nation and the African Community they use to make millions.. WAKE THE FUCK UP.

No, the difference between that girl and the kid in Ferguson is that the girl was killed by criminals. The guy in Ferguson was killed by someone tasked with UPHOLDING the law. Yes, they SHOULD be held to a higher standard.
I'd like to know why we haven't seen the Media swarming over this girl and her slaughter? Where are the KKK marching (Like Al Sharpton and Jessuh Jackson, race pimps) over her death demanding the DOJ get involved? Where are looters and law breakers in this situation? Where is anyone demanding justice?

You won't either. The death of a young white girl at the hands of blacks is nothing to the AA community. You won't see any protests, looting or demands from the whites either.

The death of a black man at the hands of the cops is a signal to loot, destroy and demand justice.

Hypocrisy abounds in the AA community.
I'd like to know why we haven't seen the Media swarming over this girl and her slaughter? Where are the KKK marching (Like Al Sharpton and Jessuh Jackson, race pimps) over her death demanding the DOJ get involved? Where are looters and law breakers in this situation? Where is anyone demanding justice?

What about Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - has anyone ever heard of them ? The killings occurred in 2007 - the media refused to give it much coverage - because they were white.

They were carjacked, tortured, raped, and murdered by a group of black thugs. Christopher Newsom [The guy] was gang-raped, shot, castrated and set on fire while his girlfriend was forced to watch. She was then gang raped tortured and eventually murdered.

National Media's Refusal to Cover White Couple's Murder Suggests PC at Work | NewsBusters

But hey - ya know bro - itz all good -cuz da mudder fuckin man- he been holdin down the black man so weez all got da right bro !
No, the difference between that girl and the kid in Ferguson is that the girl was killed by criminals. The guy in Ferguson was killed by someone tasked with UPHOLDING the law. Yes, they SHOULD be held to a higher standard.

You mean like James Boyd [ A white Guy ] or Christopher Torres [ A white Guy ]
Video shows Albuquerque police killing homeless man -

or Kelly Thomas [ A white Guy ] or Kevin Wicks [ A white Guy ]

All killed by cowboy cops - all of them white ever hear about any of these guys ?

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