Anita Dunn...

The fact that she put out a press rtelease saying that she was trying to be humorous when she said it and her humor fell flat was ANOTHER example of how this administration has absolutely no respect for the intelligence of the American People.

Personally... I think "they" have way too much respect for it.
Dude. You can't compartmentalize Mao's words away from his actions.
Nothing redeeming is borne of evil.

Yes. You can. People do it all the time. Including a good many political figures and military stratigists (as was quoted by others).

.... In Crazytown. Where, apparently, you're Mayor McCheese. :cuckoo:

Well then, I guess I'm in good company...Rove, Bush....

on second thought.....:eek:
The fact that she put out a press rtelease saying that she was trying to be humorous when she said it and her humor fell flat was ANOTHER example of how this administration has absolutely no respect for the intelligence of the American People.

Personally... I think "they" have way too much respect for it.

Since when can an employee have way too much respect for his employer?

Your statement makes no sense...or are you one that believes that we should look UP to our presidential administration????????

If are in the wrong country my friend.
Or quoting Mao on the campaign trail .....
or expressing any type of admiration for anything Mao said or did .....

My personal opinion is that being able to find something of merit in otherwise dispicable persons is not necessarily a bad thing. In this particular case I find using Mao to illustrate an example of someone who stayed true to his convictions in spite of those who attempted to sidetrack him with THEIR convictions is not a bad thing. I understand her comments to be a endorsement of staying true to your own principles and I don't have a problem with that.

It is all to easy to nitpick a line or two out of context, twist the purpose and the meaning and come up with something sinister. I think that's a common M.O. of a particular commentator who uses this tactic often.

It's still a molehill imho.

I think if you read up on Mao you might think differently.

Word has it he refused to have sex with the same woman twice.....that he ordered the killing of various species of birds because he was afraid of them spreading decease. That from 1949- 53 he had over 700,000 people executed and possibly as many as 2 to 5 million.
In Shanghai, people jumping to their deaths from skyscrapers became so commonplace that they acquired the nickname 'parachutes'. Some biographers have pointed out that driving those perceived as enemies to suicide was a common tactic during the Mao-era. For example, in his biography of Mao, Philip Short notes that in the Yan'an Rectification Movement, Mao gave explicit instructions that "no cadre is to be killed," but in practice allowed security chief Kang Sheng to drive opponents to suicide and that "this pattern was repeated throughout his leadership of the People's Republic".

Mao Zedong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This was one perverted dude...and these people seem to want to overlook all of that and still quote him.....repeat his beliefs and quotes.

But let's all overlook this because to many in the Obama Administration they're just looking at his good qualities, not all of that evil stuff...

....horseshit. You must take the man as a whole and judge him from an overall perspective....not cherry-pick what you like about this oxygen thief and waste of humanity and throw out all of the bad that he was.

"word has it?" ........

and btw - it is not "many in the Obama administration" at least I'm not aware that John McCain, Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich, or George W. Bush hold positions in the Obama administration.

Maybe if you would stop making wise-assed remarks and read about this guy you wouldn't feel the need to defend him.

God Damn......some people will defend anything and everything.
I found your poll numbers were exactly the same as a May 2008 NBC poll. Interesting as another poll put it this way:

Americans see:

-- Growing media attempts to influence public opinion and policies

-- Poor quality

-- A strong liberal bent in most media

-- Fox News, CNN and NBC as the most accurate

Americans Slam News Media on Believability | Reuters

Fox does poorly in believability - ranking in the bottom third according to The State of the News Media 2009 which is the site what Nodog was referencing.
They ALL do poorly, according to the study, FOX would be 23% and many of the others are just 24%.

Trying to play this up is rediculous, the study also showed tremendous bias in favor of Obama.

Hardly a study to bring up to condemn FOX with.

The top is 27-30%
The bottom is 21%-23%

A significant enough gap. What is more interesting is the trends though - only one source shows a continious upward trend over the years and that is NPR. Only one. I wonder why? (I'm not being sarcastic - I really do wonder because every other one declined).
Yes. You can. People do it all the time. Including a good many political figures and military stratigists (as was quoted by others).

.... In Crazytown. Where, apparently, you're Mayor McCheese. :cuckoo:

Well then, I guess I'm in good company...Rove, Bush....

on second thought.....:eek:

Oldandtired had the salient point. Dunn didn't make any distinctions in her commentary. She bold-faced compared Chairman Mao with Mother Theresa for God's sake... and in front of a bunch of high schoolers too. C'mon.
The fact that she put out a press rtelease saying that she was trying to be humorous when she said it and her humor fell flat was ANOTHER example of how this administration has absolutely no respect for the intelligence of the American People.

Personally... I think "they" have way too much respect for it.

Since when can an employee have way too much respect for his employer?

Your statement makes no sense...or are you one that believes that we should look UP to our presidential administration????????

If are in the wrong country my friend.

No. Just believe that the vast majority of the American populous is educated solely by the mainstream media on political matters, thus making them politically braindead. MSM includes FOX, MSNBC, and all the others. Assuming that most people in this nation can understand things besides soundbites and "clips" without someone yelling at them to tell them what the person in the "clip" actually said... is irrational. Thus give them soundbites and clips:

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck Hates 9/11 Victims Families and Calls Katrina Victims, SCUMBAGS![/ame]
.... In Crazytown. Where, apparently, you're Mayor McCheese. :cuckoo:

Well then, I guess I'm in good company...Rove, Bush....

on second thought.....:eek:

Oldandtired had the salient point. Dunn didn't make any distinctions in her commentary. She bold-faced compared Chairman Mao with Mother Theresa for God's sake... and in front of a bunch of high schoolers too. C'mon.

She compared portions of their philosophies by bringing out specific quotes and applying them to current situations. C'mon!
I think if you read up on Mao you might think differently.

Word has it he refused to have sex with the same woman twice.....that he ordered the killing of various species of birds because he was afraid of them spreading decease. That from 1949- 53 he had over 700,000 people executed and possibly as many as 2 to 5 million.

This was one perverted dude...and these people seem to want to overlook all of that and still quote him.....repeat his beliefs and quotes.

But let's all overlook this because to many in the Obama Administration they're just looking at his good qualities, not all of that evil stuff...

....horseshit. You must take the man as a whole and judge him from an overall perspective....not cherry-pick what you like about this oxygen thief and waste of humanity and throw out all of the bad that he was.

"word has it?" ........

and btw - it is not "many in the Obama administration" at least I'm not aware that John McCain, Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich, or George W. Bush hold positions in the Obama administration.

Maybe if you would stop making wise-assed remarks and read about this guy you wouldn't feel the need to defend him.

God Damn......some people will defend anything and everything.

if you could refrain from dumb-ass remarks long enough, you may realize I never defended Mao. And I personally don't think taking the Lord's name in vain helps your cause at all.
God Damn......some people will defend anything and everything.

It's argument for argument's sake.... I hope. {gulp!} Otherwise, we could only conclude that we're surrounded by loony-toons and there'd be nothing left to do but break out the butterfly nets. :lol:

Chairman Mao and Mother Theresa... and the libbies don't bat an eyelash?
Now, THAT's either seriously dedicated partisanship, or... the zombie apocalypse is nigh. :eek:
God Damn......some people will defend anything and everything.

It's argument for argument's sake.... I hope. {gulp!} Otherwise, we could only conclude that we're surrounded by loony-toons and there'd be nothing left to do but break out the butterfly nets. :lol:

Chairman Mao and Mother Theresa... and the libbies don't bat an eyelash?
Now, THAT's either seriously dedicated partisanship, or... the zombie apocalypse is nigh. :eek:

Because the only one's trying to make a comparison between the people are yourselves.
The top is 27-30%
The bottom is 21%-23%

A significant enough gap. What is more interesting is the trends though - only one source shows a continious upward trend over the years and that is NPR. Only one. I wonder why? (I'm not being sarcastic - I really do wonder because every other one declined).

Let's look at the chart:


We see that MSNBC, NBC, ABC and FOX are all at the same level credibility wise.

Are you trying to argue one percentage point is a huge seperation?

Even 30% is a really low figure and it was the highest given.

What the study shows me is most people don't believe the news, period.
The top is 27-30%
The bottom is 21%-23%

A significant enough gap. What is more interesting is the trends though - only one source shows a continious upward trend over the years and that is NPR. Only one. I wonder why? (I'm not being sarcastic - I really do wonder because every other one declined).

Let's look at the chart:


We see that MSNBC, NBC, ABC and FOX are all at the same level credibility wise.

Are you trying to argue one percentage point is a huge seperation?

Even 30% is a really low figure and it was the highest given.

What the study shows me is most people don't believe the news, period.

Agree, but keep in mind there are those trying to make Fox out to be more believable than most other sources.
God Damn......some people will defend anything and everything.

It's argument for argument's sake.... I hope. {gulp!} Otherwise, we could only conclude that we're surrounded by loony-toons and there'd be nothing left to do but break out the butterfly nets. :lol:

Chairman Mao and Mother Theresa... and the libbies don't bat an eyelash?
Now, THAT's either seriously dedicated partisanship, or... the zombie apocalypse is nigh. :eek:

Because the only one's trying to make a comparison between the people are yourselves.

I will again suggest you listen to her speech. You are making an ass of yourself...and I would thasnk YOUR media for it.

Dunn is the one who used them in the same sentences as ones that she MOST admired.

But her accolades for Moa continued...she never brought up Mother Teresa after was not her first line that was was her obvilous adoration for Mao AND HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS that she discussed.

Stop commenting on something you did not watch is not in the best interest of your credibility.

And is quite obvious you just listened to a snippet...if you listened to the entire thing, my guess is you would not even post in this thread,

THERE IS NO WAY ONE CAN SPIN WHAT SHE SAID.....liten to its will see my point.
The top is 27-30%
The bottom is 21%-23%

A significant enough gap. What is more interesting is the trends though - only one source shows a continious upward trend over the years and that is NPR. Only one. I wonder why? (I'm not being sarcastic - I really do wonder because every other one declined).

Let's look at the chart:


We see that MSNBC, NBC, ABC and FOX are all at the same level credibility wise.

Are you trying to argue one percentage point is a huge seperation?

Even 30% is a really low figure and it was the highest given.

What the study shows me is most people don't believe the news, period.

So... your admiting that FOX News is only believeable some 30% of the time. Nice.
We see that MSNBC, NBC, ABC and FOX are all at the same level credibility wise.

Nope - Fox is a point behind ABC, NBC, and MSNBC. And unless EVERYONE in this league gets a trophy for showing up - Fox goes home empty handed -:redface:
The top is 27-30%
The bottom is 21%-23%

A significant enough gap. What is more interesting is the trends though - only one source shows a continious upward trend over the years and that is NPR. Only one. I wonder why? (I'm not being sarcastic - I really do wonder because every other one declined).

Let's look at the chart:


We see that MSNBC, NBC, ABC and FOX are all at the same level credibility wise.

Are you trying to argue one percentage point is a huge seperation?

Even 30% is a really low figure and it was the highest given.

What the study shows me is most people don't believe the news, period.

So... your admiting that FOX News is only believeable some 30% of the time. Nice.

And your admitting to lacking the basic comprehension of reading a poll.

Agree, but keep in mind there are those trying to make Fox out to be more believable than most other sources.

The chart also tells me that many of the other news outlets have had huge drop offs in the last 10 years credibility wise.

FOX dropped 3 points from the furest tacking point they had, CNN dropped a whopping 12 points.

Only National Public Radio went up.

I believe the internet has a lot to do with all this, people can now find alternatives to what networks put out, and as we often see, within hours of reporting a bogus claim it is refuted on the net.

An example would be the famous ANG memo about Bush that CBS claimed was authentic was proven to be a fraud by bloggers shortly after it was broadcast, destroying dan Rather's career, a career he had built over 30 years.

We didn't have that 10 years ago.

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