Ann Coulter and Berkeley

She is rich. Therefore she can afford to skip it. I feel no support for her considering her wealth.
Ann Coulter built her entire career insulting people like those that live in Berkeley. An entire career spouting propaganda about how they are evil and harm should be inflicted upon them. And then she booked a speech there for no other reason than to piss them off. She made a smart choice in deciding to cancel.

SHE booked a speech?

I was under the impression she was invited to speak
She's invited to lots of places. Berkeley would piss off the most people and get her the most coverage at the expense of our nation. Total win-win for her.

still a win for her, even by not showing.

Got her name all over the news, and didn't even have to leave the house.
Yes and that was the whole point. Fleecing money from you rubes is the easiest job on the planet. Sometimes I wonder why I work instead of writing a book about Obama being a secret Muslim overlord. I'd make millions off of you people.

I think the ability to read and comprehend, abilities you seem to lack, are required to write a best selling book.
It's amusing to watch the political partisans parry over who hurts our Constitution more.

At the moment, it appears the Lefties are doing the most damage.

says a lot about you for not caring....

Obviously, it says I'm not a mewling wimp, and that I am a normal person with a functioning spine and gonads.

Normal people, when they see a couple college kids behave badly, as college kids have always done, they don't have screaming meltdowns for weeks on end.

You do. Your whole party does. Your leaders have ordered you to wet yourselves uncontrollably over nothing, and you're all proudly obeying them. In the modern GOP, any person with dry trousers is regarded with suspicion, being that only some dirty liberal wouldn't constantly wet themselves in terror.

You all look like squealing pansies to normal people. I don't think that's a successful electoral strategy, being that the squealing wuss demographic is already 100% Republican. You're not attracting new votes, and you're driving away the normal people.

Oh, this will pass. Your party will find something new for your to wet yourselves over tomorrow. They always do.
what is my party?....
Berkeley is a non issue to anyone with a working brain. Don't go where you aren't wanted. This is pure drama created by the human pool cue Coulter. Nobody really cares. Nobody normal that is.

So why isn't that view explained to the gimps who spend their time going to bakeries or whatever and trying to find ones who won't bake a cake for obnoxious mentally ill sex fetishists?
Lost in all the Trump news is the growing violence at Berkeley over Ann Coulter's desire to speak at there. I very much disagree with Ms. Coulter's views, but the folks at Berkeley are doing an very stupid thing. Riots, looting, and property destruction is not going to help the cause of those on the left wing, it's only going to make them look like cry babies, who are still angry at the results of the last election. These people would do well to demonstrate the same respect that they wish from others, and stop to consider the 1st amendment applies to all Americans.

Oh, the faux 'left' and 'progressives' are just being themselves: sociopaths and vermin. You can't expect them to change their nature. The kindest thing to do is deport them to somewhere they will thrive and be happy, like Pakistan or North Korea.

They would never be allowed into Korea, North. The Rotund One may be troublesome but he is not suicidal, yet. Pakistan, hard to say.

Well, who said that would be our problem? We can dump them there and be done with them. I'm sure their common bonds will smooth their way, and if not then they should just not whine about it and embrace the Diversity they're going to experience with their fellow American haters.

You have a solid point in that statement. Cheers!
It's VERY simple.

Ann Coulter should be allowed to speak and Berkeley PD should enforce the law on those breaking it.

That's how America works.

Californiastan should draw up their own Constitution and stipulate that free speech is not allowed. You must parrot the Lib mantra or be personally and physically attacked.

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