Ann Coulter calls Trump "abjectly stupid"

Well, guess that honeymoon is over. :)

Ann Coulter called Trump "abjectly stupid" and accused him of "betraying" his base in a recent interview on The Dishcast with Andrew Sullivan.​
In a conversation about the former president on November 6, Coulter and Sullivan took turns bashing Trump — claiming he failed to deliver on campaign promises made to his right-wing base.​
"I had no idea how abjectly stupid the man is," Coulter said. "I didn't think he was a genius, but I didn't think he was that stupid."​
She characterized voters in his base as "these poor, left-behind Americans who were waiting their whole lives for someone to care about them. And he says he cares about them and he not only betrays them, but he lies to them."​

Don't hang your hat on that particular erection. In the primaries Coulter had nothing good to say about Trump she was in with Mitt Romney (who never did run in that primary anyway) and Chris Christie. When it became apparent that Trump was going to be the nominee she flipped and immediately became his supporter. Her support always comes with a list of non-negotiable demands. Trump made every effort to complete the wall on the southern border but of course as we remember he was opposed tooth and nail every step of the way by the legislative roadblock and not just by democrats. Coulter actually expected Trump to physically impose his will using the military which would have been in completely insane and maybe even illegal. When he didn't do that she immediately turned on him less than 18 months after his inauguration. But not before she made a couple million dollars selling a book that she wrote in support of him. If you choose to accept her opinion as valid you do so at the rest of your own credibility.

Don't hang your hat on that particular erection. In the primaries Coulter had nothing good to say about Trump she was in with Mitt Romney (who never did run in that primary anyway) and Chris Christie. When it became apparent that Trump was going to be the nominee she flipped and immediately became his supporter. Her support always comes with a list of non-negotiable demands. Trump made every effort to complete the wall on the southern border but of course as we remember he was opposed tooth and nail every step of the way by the legislative roadblock and not just by democrats. Coulter actually expected Trump to physically impose his will using the military which would have been in completely insane and maybe even illegal. When he didn't do that she immediately turned on him less than 18 months after his inauguration. But not before she made a couple million dollars selling a book that she wrote in support of him. If you choose to accept her opinion as valid you do so at the rest of your own credibility.

Donnie completed 80 miles of new wall. Only 1900 miles to go. But I beg your pardon and make no mistake, mAnnie was SOOO all in that she wrote a book about her love for the Dotard.
Donnie completed 80 miles of new wall. Only 1900 miles to go. But I beg your pardon and make no mistake, mAnnie was SOOO all in that she wrote a book about her love for the Dotard.
You could have saved yourself all this wasted syllabic dross simply by reading my post which only States the obvious. There are a lot of far more sane Anti-Trump right wing opinions that you could get behind so that you don't appear to be 100% malleable and clueless. How much you want to bet that Anne will now sell a couple million dollars of books to Lefties just for that one comment? Remember every time she opens her mouth she's angling to sell a book. Recently her book sales have dropped off basically to nothing.... It doesn't take a brain surgeon to put this together.

You could have saved yourself all this wasted syllabic dross simply by reading my post which only States the obvious. There are a lot of far more sane Anti-Trump right wing opinions that you could get behind so that you don't appear to be 100% malleable and clueless. How much you want to bet that Anne will now sell a couple million dollars of books to Lefties just for that one comment? Remember every time she opens her mouth she's angling to sell a book. Recently her book sales have dropped off basically to nothing.... It doesn't take a brain surgeon to put this together.

I don’t question the fact that she’s an attention and book whore. My point stands.
But liberals buy one of her books? :lol:

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