Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

The right seems to believe that all decisions regarding procreation and women's health should be determined by middle-aged, white males.

Incorrect. As usual. It's more about mandates that force others to pay for it. You try to make it sound as though middle-aged white males are keeping contrceptives from women. Which is simply not true adn worse, trying to move the subject to something it is not.

Typical progressive.

But I think what's lost in this whole debate is - would you rather pay for the woman's pill, or the woman's pregnancy? Both are covered by insurance, and one of them costs a whole lot more than the other.

This concept seems to be lost by the "typical right winger".
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When did Anne Coulter have her transgendering operations, anyway?

She ought to get a refund because her adams apple is a dead giveaway.

I don't know what she was like back when she was a man, but I can't say I much approve of her act as a woman.
If you were a Repug I think someone would try to get you banned

Since you're an Independent (Liberal too embarrassed to admit it) you'll probably get a visit or a call from Obama or Michelle congratulating you for standing up for your strong morals and admirable liberal principles.

Btw, you gotta problem with transsexuals?
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What does this have to do with federally mandating contraceptive coverage which will raise rates on everyone?

Will it? Or will it reduce rates, since an ounce of prevention as they say. But since you're making this argument, perhaps you can point to some cost/benefit analysis, since your knee jerk version is counter intuitive.
When did Anne Coulter have her transgendering operations, anyway?

She ought to get a refund because her adams apple is a dead giveaway.

I don't know what she was like back when she was a man, but I can't say I much approve of her act as a woman.

When I hear precisely that same nonsense from my Liberal friends I instanly lose respect for them, that they are so cliched and can't get beyond groupthink.
Guess who has the largest Adams apple?

Sandra Bullock


Stupid fuck.
Yea, it did kind of start out like that didn't it?

It's just Obama's attack on the first amendment.

While the first exists, Obama won't rest!

Yep, Big Lie 101 - if the Catholic Church isn't force to provide contraception and abortificants, then Birth Control is prohibited.

No woman can avoid pregnancy if priests don't hand out Condoms with the Eucharist...

The Big Lie isn't about birth control, it's about crushing the first amendment.

it is about responsible parenthood......

Yeah, where could anyone turn for contraception if the church isn't forced to provide it?

Let me google that for you

First amendment? I thought you guys were selling that Obama was violating the second amendment?

Obama is not forcing the Catholic Church to do anything. They are free to be as backward about birth control as they always have

Dear Ruler is a busy, busy man.

View attachment 17843
The Committee meeting and the people appearing before it were to speak to the issue of the constitutional overreach of the mandate and the First Amendment to the Constitution; "The committee heard from a Catholic, a Lutheran, a Baptist, a rabbi and university administrators united in their opposition to the administration’s mandate. These men and women spoke eloquently about their concerns, not because they share the same views about contraception or even abortion (they do not) but because they value their religious freedom, guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution"

As per the usual rules for the operation of committees hearing testimony in the House (or Senate) the Democratss were given the right to have their own witness appear. They asked the committee to invite Rev. Barry Lynn [head of Americans United for Separation of Church and State], to speak to the issue before the committtee. They cancelled him at the last minute and tried to impose Ms. Fluke without time for proper vetting of a witness to speak before a house committee. She did not have the expertise of the witnesses solicited and she was denied an appearance.

In all fairness, given that Obama is the little tin god that Boo and the other moron fascists worship, it's only fair that a representative of that religion be included - ergo Fluke.
I don't know.

A lot of guys would pay for sex from a woman with an attitude.

Coulter is legendary for the number of men she has bedded.

I suppose when you look like that, you can have anyone you want.

JoeB cornered a sheep once....
When did Anne Coulter have her transgendering operations, anyway?

She ought to get a refund because her adams apple is a dead giveaway.


Aren't you a clever little fuck...

Wow, where'd you come up with such a witty line? So fucking original - I mean, no other retard drooling at Think Progress EVER thought that up...

Hey retard;


I don't know what she was like back when she was a man, but I can't say I much approve of her act as a woman.

So you were born a fucking moron, huh?
But I think what's lost in this whole debate is - would you rather pay for the woman's pill, or the woman's pregnancy?

The Catholic Church would rather pay for the pregnancy.

But that isn't the issue. The question is, does Obama have the power to revoke the First Amendment and dictate ecumenical law to the Catholics? Can he decide whether they provide contraception?

{Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. }

Obama and his disciples are fighting a war to end the above. Obama demands that HE will decide religious questions. If HE dictates the Catholic Church provide birth control or abortion, then they will do so.

Both are covered by insurance, and one of them costs a whole lot more than the other.

This concept seems to be lost by the "typical right winger".

The Big Lie is that this is about birth control.

Birth Control is legal and available everywhere. So what is Obama and his brownshirts fighting?

Well, they're fighting to end the First Amendment, simple as that. This is a direct attack on the constitution, with the Big Lie as the primary weapon of the fascist left.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

This has pretty much nothing to do with birth control/contraception and everything to do with a bitch who believes government has the authority to force a business to provide a product - even more so - force a religious institution to pay for a product that goes against their faith.

One would have to be an authoritarian lunatic to believe the government has those powers.

Flukes opinion is ignorant at best and tyrannical at worst.

Not to mention she is a slut - she claimed she spends $1,000 a year on contraceptives, when birth control is only 9 bucks a month - so you do the math. That's $892.00 in condoms a year. That's a lot of condoms.

Fluke is either an overcautious nymphomaniac in a monogamous relationship, a whore or a liar.

Given the facts - calling her a slut isn't far-fetched.
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This has pretty much nothing to do with birth control/contraception and everything to do with a bitch who believes government has the authority to force a business to provide a product - even more so - force a religious institution to pay for a product that goes against their faith.

The left is using the Big Lie as their primary weapon in their war on the First Amendment.

Of course RW is lying, the more outrageous the lie and more often it's told, the more effective it is.

One would have to be an authoritarian lunatic to believe the government has those powers.

Can I introduce you to Obama, and his minions like RW?

Flukes opinion is ignorant at best and tyrannical at worst.

Fluke launched a kamikaze attack on the Catholic Church, she was intended to be casualty; it's the whole point.

Not to mention she is a slut - she claimed she spends $1,000 a year on contraceptives, when birth control is only 9 bucks a month - so you do the math. That's $892.00 in condoms a year. That's a lot of condoms.

When I was single, I really loved and appreciated sluts. Fluke is a partisan thug seeking to end the First Amendment.
President Obama called Fluke and told her that her parents should be proud of her and to make sure she was OK. Hillary Clinton said conservatives were trying to control women. Bill Clinton called her to see if she had any plans for the weekend


I wonder if Bill sent her a cigar with a postage paid return envelope....
The right seems to believe that all decisions regarding procreation and women's health should be determined by middle-aged, white males.

Incorrect. As usual. It's more about mandates that force others to pay for it. You try to make it sound as though middle-aged white males are keeping contrceptives from women. Which is simply not true adn worse, trying to move the subject to something it is not.

Typical progressive.

But I think what's lost in this whole debate is - would you rather pay for the woman's pill, or the woman's pregnancy? Both are covered by insurance, and one of them costs a whole lot more than the other.

This concept seems to be lost by the "typical right winger".

Then insurance companies should offer plans that only cover pregnancy if the woman was married before getting pregnant.

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