Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

First amendment? I thought you guys were selling that Obama was violating the second amendment?

Yeah, but you're not much on thinking.

BUT, you've got repeating the Big Lie down to an art - the fucking liars party must be proud.

Obama is not forcing the Catholic Church to do anything.

Ah, more lies - cool.

Lying is what you do - I mean, it IS the fucking liars party...

They are free to be as backward about birth control as they always have

As long as they provided it to employees and students.

You have the position that a rapist in a back ally has- "you can be against rape, as long as you don't scream, bitch."

Tell me, do you REALLY think the Big Lie will help Obama win his war against the first amendment?
As usual Anne_da_man claims a falsehood. The vitriolic lashing Boss Rush gave Ms. Fluke was hardley deserved criticizism. Her response was in fact the only female response to the all male crew the Republicans had testify about Womens reproductive rights.

Anne is still a puke.

Since the issue was First Amendment rights, her input wasn't required or appropriate.
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Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

More lies. The sudden outrage is because your messiah ( Barack Hussein Obama) wants to force churches to provide it against stated church doctrines. It's called a constitution. Get one and read it sometime.
Whenever a CON$erviNutzi accuses others of lying you can be sure they are about to lie themselves!!! :eusa_liar: See the first 3 quotes in my sig.

Georgetown already provides THREE, that's 3, health insurance plans to their employees that include coverage for birth control pills, so it is just a typical GOP scripted lie that this has anything even remotely to do with church doctrine!!!! :eusa_liar:
Very old pic of Coulter.




Guess who has the largest Adams apple?
I don't agree with the idea of forcing insurance companies to "have to do things" (as that can get dangerous), but it's my opinion that the insurance company is only setting itself up for higher costs down the road if they do not offer this option.

Everyone says "I don't want to pay for her pill"! But guess what, does anyone realize that means you're probably going to pay for her baby?

The pill falls under the category of a "preventative" in my book. Giving birth, having a baby, and all that stuff that comes along with it will make you a much more expensive customer over the next 18 years vs if you were to simply take the pill for the next 18 years.

An emphasis on good preventative care and procedure will reduce health care costs across the entire system.

Unfortunately, the Fluke argument has been politicized into oblivion, and instead of talking about what we should be talking about - what good preventative care can do for our system (and I'm not saying we need a mandate for this either) - we're talking about Rush saying the word "slut" in an offensive manner. We always get sidetracked into pointlessness - it's the American way!

No, we expect people that have babies to pay for and take care those children on their own. Why is that concept soooo foreign to you libs?

By your idiotic logic, no one should have babies because "they cost money".

they should only cost their parents money.
First amendment? I thought you guys were selling that Obama was violating the second amendment?

Yeah, but you're not much on thinking.

BUT, you've got repeating the Big Lie down to an art - the fucking liars party must be proud.

Obama is not forcing the Catholic Church to do anything.

Ah, more lies - cool.

Lying is what you do - I mean, it IS the fucking liars party...

They are free to be as backward about birth control as they always have

As long as they provided it to employees and students.

You have the position that a rapist in a back ally has- "you can be against rape, as long as you don't scream, bitch."

Tell me, do you REALLY think the Big Lie will help Obama win his war against the first amendment?

No, we expect people that have babies to pay for and take care those children on their own. Why is that concept soooo foreign to you libs?

By your idiotic logic, no one should have babies because "they cost money".

Hawk – Not sure if you are aware, but when someone has a baby there are many, many medical procedures that accompany that process that includes (but not limited to) ultrasounds, checkups, coverage for gestational diabetes, and of course the final hospital visit/stay where the woman gives birth. After giving birth, now there are two people who each require additional checkups, ect, ect, ect.

People - whether rich or poor - generally don’t pay out of pocket in full for the costs of the things I mention above.

Who pays? Uh…. wait for it…….. wait…… THE INSURANCE COMPANY!

You, like an idiot, are are assuming that I’m making the argument that “well the person will have to go on welfare, and…”.

That’s not the case.

The argument I’m making is that it’s much cheaper for the insurance company to cover a non-pregnant person (who doesn’t want to get pregnant) vs covering a person who is pregnant and all the medical costs that follow. The more pregnant people you have in your pool of customers, the more money money you will have to dish out.

Pregnant people will cost the insurance company more money.

Try using your head, doof.

Holy crap, do you not even understand what an insurance company is?

All the members of the insurance company pay for it. Everyone who has insurance will someday "cost the company more money", whether it be a woman giving birth, or someone getting their broken leg fixed, or a disease treated.

The idea is you'll probably be paying into insurance your whole life, and when the time comes you need lost of money up front to pay for medical bills, the insurance company pays for it. But you've already paid for it, or will in the future.
As usual Anne_da_man claims a falsehood. The vitriolic lashing Boss Rush gave Ms. Fluke was hardley deserved criticizism. Her response was in fact the only female response to the all male crew the Republicans had testify about Womens reproductive rights.

Anne is still a puke.

The Committee meeting and the people appearing before it were to speak to the issue of the constitutional overreach of the mandate and the First Amendment to the Constitution; "The committee heard from a Catholic, a Lutheran, a Baptist, a rabbi and university administrators united in their opposition to the administration’s mandate. These men and women spoke eloquently about their concerns, not because they share the same views about contraception or even abortion (they do not) but because they value their religious freedom, guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution"

As per the usual rules for the operation of committees hearing testimony in the House (or Senate) the Democratss were given the right to have their own witness appear. They asked the committee to invite Rev. Barry Lynn [head of Americans United for Separation of Church and State], to speak to the issue before the committtee. They cancelled him at the last minute and tried to impose Ms. Fluke without time for proper vetting of a witness to speak before a house committee. She did not have the expertise of the witnesses solicited and she was denied an appearance.
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She's talking about it being covered under insurance, not tax-payer funded.

Either way, someone else is paying for it.

No they're not, genius.

Insurance companies charge premiums. Then they pay out claims out of the premiums collected.

It is truly astounding how many conservatives on this board have proven in the last week or two that they do not comprehend that simplest of concepts.

How can you not know that? Seriously, could you answer that question?

Are you under the impression insurance companies keep SEPARATE records deducting the cost of medical care from the individual's premiums -as if they stop coverage once the amount reaches what you paid in your premiums or something? Sorry, premiums go into the company's general revenues and they only stop paying if you hit your lifetime maximum in benefits which is many times more than all premiums you will ever pay.

There is no such thing as "free" -someone ends up footing the bill. This entire exercise is about who foots that bill -those who want birth control pills. Or those who don't. That is what this is ALL ABOUT -because there is NO SUCH THING AS "FREE". Obama says those who don't want birth control pills should be forced to pay for them so those who do want them don't have to. That is it in a nutshell. It is forcing those who don't want birth control pills to pay for them. It means their own premiums go up in order to pay for the "free" birth control pills someone else wants. So YES, it is actually being paid for by other people, most of whom don't want birth control pills. That cost is going to be in the MILLIONS. Which is definitely NOT free.

Seriously I'm amazed at how little liberals understand about how insurance works. On top of which I wonder about their ability to spot a contrived, phony, manufactured issue for what it really is. Because THIS is a totally manufactured phony ass issue. If liberals believe it is so important to ORDER employers and insurance companies to provide "free" ANYTHING -why birth control pills of all possible things? Why not "free" HEART MEDICATION instead? Or "free" insulin? Or "free" high blood pressure medications? Or "free" LIFE SAVING TREATMENT OF ANY KIND? Instead it is once again the left's agenda of forcing Americans to subsidize social immorality by insisting women have a "right" to fuck carefree on the dime of someone else. Obama's choice in what he ORDERED to be "free" and even went so far as to order that NO co-pay may be charged so that the people who want them are at least paying more for them than I am -speaks VOLUMES here. Same old shit it always is with liberals.

Of ALL the very real, very serious and even dangerous issues confronting this country at this time-a liberal needs to explain why they SUDDENLY fell in line with an issue that was totally nonexistent just a few weeks ago and now want to pretend birth control pills is a national issue that supersedes all others? Hmm? This is the kind of thing that only reinforces my already very low opinion about the intelligence and critical thinking skills of liberals anyway. If this is what Obama thinks is going to motivate his extremist base and get them out by the millions on election day -he badly miscalculated and in fact took a major hit in the polls from women themselves because of this bullshit manufactured issue. Normal people know in the grand scheme of things, THIS is not what the election will turn on whatsoever. But in the world of liberal extremists who believe people are in general stupid and easily led around by the nose, it once again highlights what a disgustingly low opinion the left has of people and in particular women -as to believe their vote could be bought for a lousy $9 a month. Oh sure, offer women the opportunity to fuck more carefree at the expense of someone else - and they will overlook our unsustainable debt, the impending collapse of scores of unaffordable entitlement programs and Congress' nonstop out of control spending spree that has put this country on the fast track to end up exactly like Greece. Just a bunch of dumb bitches in the world of liberals -just cows who will MOOO on command, right? Except they didn't and they won't.
Since Ann Coulter doesn't have any children, I have to wonder what she uses for birth control...

I'm thinking her personality.
Since Ann Coulter doesn't have any children, I have to wonder what she uses for birth control...

I'm thinking her personality.

I don't know.

A lot of guys would pay for sex from a woman with an attitude.
When did Anne Coulter have her transgendering operations, anyway?

She ought to get a refund because her adams apple is a dead giveaway.

I don't know what she was like back when she was a man, but I can't say I much approve of her act as a woman.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

The right seems to believe that all decisions regarding procreation and women's health should be determined by middle-aged, white males.
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These fantasists inject themselves into a boiling-hot public debate and then claim victim status when anyone criticizes them......In full indignation, Fluke said her critics were trying "to silence women's voices." She said this on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR and a number of other national media outlets.”

The absolute truth with a large side helping of delicious irony. Progressives are fools.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

The right seems to believe that all decisions regarding procreation and women's health should be determined by middle-aged, white males.

Incorrect. As usual. It's more about mandates that force others to pay for it. You try to make it sound as though middle-aged white males are keeping contrceptives from women. Which is simply not true adn worse, trying to move the subject to something it is not.

Typical progressive.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

The right seems to believe that all decisions regarding procreation and women's health should be determined by middle-aged, white males.

Incorrect. As usual. It's more about mandates that force others to pay for it. You try to make it sound as though middle-aged white males are keeping contrceptives from women. Which is simply not true adn worse, trying to move the subject to something it is not.

Typical progressive.

The advisory panel, for the Blunt amendment, was certainly all middle-aged white males. As for mandates to the healthcare insurance industry, this is nothing new. Telling that industry what baseline services they must provide is a necessary and just function of government.

But your logic is lacking. Should interstate providers of healthcare insurance not be forced to provide prostate screening, because women have no need of it? That's your essential argument. The bottom line remains. The only prescription drugs that the right wingers want excluded from the health insurance baseline is female contraceptives.

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