Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.


this is why we need single payer welfare care, where every want and need is paid for from the communal piss pot................

full services at lower costs !!!! its like a dream !

and we get postal service/amtrack/fannie mae effeciency and cost controls monitored by the same bureaucratic hacks that regulated the banks................

its all very excitingly "progressive"

Try actually addressing the post

Would you rather the mother get an abortion or have the taxpayer provide twenty years of child support?

The expenses of birth control are a pittance

i would like the mother to purchase her own condoms/b contol pills or not spread her legs
if she does get pregnant she can pay for her own abortion or have the bill paid for by some bleeding heart womens foundation.............certainly liberals wouldnt forget the needy they sooooooooo care for.

this is why we need single payer welfare care, where every want and need is paid for from the communal piss pot................

full services at lower costs !!!! its like a dream !

and we get postal service/amtrack/fannie mae effeciency and cost controls monitored by the same bureaucratic hacks that regulated the banks................

its all very excitingly "progressive"

Try actually addressing the post

Would you rather the mother get an abortion or have the taxpayer provide twenty years of child support?

The expenses of birth control are a pittance
If the poster had any smarts at all maybe he would be worth responding to.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

It is the attitude hat some rich bitch has the right to reach into the pockets of the rest of us to pay for it.

She was speaking about ALL women having access to birth control, not just her
All women do have access, they just need to pay for it themselves.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

Birth control has been around a lot longer than that. And weak straw man. This argument was NEVER about birth control. It was about forcing an employer namely a Church to pay for it.

I personally think the argument is stupid, because every employers health plans have things they don't want to include

Talking about the pill

And yes, the argument has moved from whether a church employer should have to provide birth control to whether all employers should provide insurer birth control

Sandra Flake thought they should.....the right called her a slut and a prostitute for asking that it be covered
In an article appropriately entitled The Vagina Diatribes written on 03/14/2012, Ann Coulter pulls the mask of Sandra Fluke. Here are highlights of that article:

“What with liberal women constantly talking about their vaginas suddenly pretending to be offended by the word "s l u t," and conservatives pretending to be as pussified as liberals about the nasty names they've been called, I never got an answer to the most pressing question about Sandra Fluke: Who are you again?

“Was Fluke dragged out of obscurity after the women of America took a vote and chose her as our spokeswoman? Please, Sandra, we know how deeply private, publicity-shy and terribly busy with law school you are, but we need you to speak for us!

“I don't think that happened. Rather, Fluke is the latest in a long line of my absolute favorite liberal typology: hysterical drama queens. ….These fantasists inject themselves into a boiling-hot public debate and then claim victim status when anyone criticizes them......In full indignation, Fluke said her critics were trying "to silence women's voices." She said this on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR and a number of other national media outlets.”

The full text of the article written by the incomparable Ann Coulter, the woman liberals love to hate, can be read at the following link

Who is Sandra Fluke? - HUMAN EVENTS

OK. Now let's see how long it takes all the resident liberals to attack Ann Coulter personally. The typical liberal response is to claim she is either (1) ugly or (2) really a man. Ann gets teary eyed from all the snide remarks. I heard she cries all the way to the bank.

Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

How is that possible? Liberals don't listen to ann coulter, she can't give us anything.

LOL explain that logic. Maybe you can use you jedia mind tricks on robbers, "Look Mr. Robber, it's cheaper to pay for the TV then steal it!" Problem solved no more crime!
Yes and that's fine if the employer has a choice over whether or not they provide insurance in the first place.

When you require that they offer it, and require that the insurance covers certain thing..that's where it gets sticky. Because you ARE telling them they must provide that service, and fund it, and if they don't want to, they can't opt out.

This is the problem with the employer based system. The way the system is created, if a person wants affordable insurance he/she must go through their employer. The employer picks the agent, vender, plans, plan options, treatments, deductibles etc. I mean I hate United Healthcare, but I am forced to use them because that is who my employer picked. My son needed speech therapy, but they denied it because he was autistic. I had to pay $500 a month out of pocket for it!

Employer based systems are a HUGE cost that disadvantages our corporation in the global market!
As usual Anne_da_man claims a falsehood. The vitriolic lashing Boss Rush gave Ms. Fluke was hardley deserved criticizism. Her response was in fact the only female response to the all male crew the Republicans had testify about Womens reproductive rights.

Anne is still a puke.

Anne has a point.

One you'd love to silence.
Judging by the polls folks are getting wise to these John Kerry, Anita Hill, and Sandra Flucke types.
As usual Anne_da_man claims a falsehood. The vitriolic lashing Boss Rush gave Ms. Fluke was hardley deserved criticizism. Her response was in fact the only female response to the all male crew the Republicans had testify about Womens reproductive rights.

Anne is still a puke.

Anne has a point.

One you'd love to silence.

Bullshit on both counts.

Her only point is a lie.

I want people to hear her lies.
Why is it so difficult for you actually address the real issue instead of creating bogus straw men? Why do you have to lie if your position and side is so correct?

That's all they've got. They can't argue the fact that it is PAYING FOR LAW SCHOOL STUDENTS BIRTH CONTROL...

Let me repeat that for effect.




If Fluke wants birth control IT'S HER RESPONSIBILITY TO PAY FOR IT.

No one opposes that.

She's talking about it being covered under insurance, not tax-payer funded.

Either way, someone else is paying for it.
As usual Anne_da_man claims a falsehood. The vitriolic lashing Boss Rush gave Ms. Fluke was hardley deserved criticizism. Her response was in fact the only female response to the all male crew the Republicans had testify about Womens reproductive rights.

Anne is still a puke.

You may want to get your facts striaght. Might want to look elsewhere than the MSM.

The Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a meeting called "Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State. Has the Obama Administration Trampled on Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Conscience?", not "woman's health" or anything to do with "reproductive rights".

Republicans called on several people to speak, both men and women.
Democrats were offered 4 speaker slots, but only invited Barry W. Lynn, a prominent UCC minister and leader of the American religious left.

So you see, it was the Dems that only invited a man. They tried to squeeze in the Gorgetown slut, but they didn't submit her name in time as per House rules. Congress does need to vet folks that are supposed to testify to them, not just let anyone come in off the streets and be considered a reliable source.

Of course the Dems lied and accused Republicans for not inviting women "to testify about the negative impact that restrictive insurance coverage has on them" --(Rep.Cummings D-Maryland). Why would it be on Republicans to have to invite someone like that? Dems could of invited 3 more people and didn't. But yet we're supposed to believe its the Republicans' fault. :cuckoo:

So, to put on a show the Dems put on a fake committee hearing(ran by all Dems) and brought out the mother of the slutter movement - Sanda Fluke.

It would had been ignored but Rush keeps up on what the idiot Dems are doing and called the Dems out, pointing out that she claimed it costs $3000 for contraception, and that insurance should pay for it. And thats when he jokingly compared her to a prostitute for wanting to get paid to have sex, igniting all the phoney outrage from the left.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

If you honestly think that's what this is about, then you either haven't been paying attention or you have comprehension problems.

You're new here. It's what rightwinger does. He keeps us amused.
That's all they've got. They can't argue the fact that it is PAYING FOR LAW SCHOOL STUDENTS BIRTH CONTROL...

Let me repeat that for effect.




If Fluke wants birth control IT'S HER RESPONSIBILITY TO PAY FOR IT.

No one opposes that.

She's talking about it being covered under insurance, not tax-payer funded.

Either way, someone else is paying for it.

Not quite.

If insurance companies want to cover contraception, and their customers are willing to pay for it, then I don't see a problem with that, because its the customers that ultimately pay for it.

In Fluke the Slut's case, she joined a Catholic institution that is unwilling to have their insurance cover contraception. And she wants the government to violate the separation of church and state and force the Catholic instutition to do something that is against their religious beliefs.

She knew this when she enrolled at Georgetown, she merely went there as a plant with plans to protest their practices and beleifs.
I don't agree with the idea of forcing insurance companies to "have to do things" (as that can get dangerous), but it's my opinion that the insurance company is only setting itself up for higher costs down the road if they do not offer this option.

Everyone says "I don't want to pay for her pill"! But guess what, does anyone realize that means you're probably going to pay for her baby?

The pill falls under the category of a "preventative" in my book. Giving birth, having a baby, and all that stuff that comes along with it will make you a much more expensive customer over the next 18 years vs if you were to simply take the pill for the next 18 years.

An emphasis on good preventative care and procedure will reduce health care costs across the entire system.

Unfortunately, the Fluke argument has been politicized into oblivion, and instead of talking about what we should be talking about - what good preventative care can do for our system (and I'm not saying we need a mandate for this either) - we're talking about Rush saying the word "slut" in an offensive manner. We always get sidetracked into pointlessness - it's the American way!
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As usual Anne_da_man claims a falsehood. The vitriolic lashing Boss Rush gave Ms. Fluke was hardley deserved criticizism. Her response was in fact the only female response to the all male crew the Republicans had testify about Womens reproductive rights.

Anne is still a puke.
Fluke is the puke, along with dimwits.

:lol: you know nothing about the woman.

and we all know Ann C, is irrelevant. Her next act will be blowing a dead dog on Bill MAher's show

Speaking of irrelevant.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

Birth control has been around a lot longer than that. And weak straw man. This argument was NEVER about birth control. It was about forcing an employer namely a Church to pay for it.

I personally think the argument is stupid, because every employers health plans have things they don't want to include

Talking about the pill

And yes, the argument has moved from whether a church employer should have to provide birth control to whether all employers should provide insurer birth control

Sandra Flake thought they should.....the right called her a slut and a prostitute for asking that it be covered

Now you're lying again. Stop it!
In an article appropriately entitled The Vagina Diatribes written on 03/14/2012, Ann Coulter pulls the mask of Sandra Fluke. Here are highlights of that article:

“What with liberal women constantly talking about their vaginas suddenly pretending to be offended by the word "s l u t," and conservatives pretending to be as pussified as liberals about the nasty names they've been called, I never got an answer to the most pressing question about Sandra Fluke: Who are you again?

“Was Fluke dragged out of obscurity after the women of America took a vote and chose her as our spokeswoman? Please, Sandra, we know how deeply private, publicity-shy and terribly busy with law school you are, but we need you to speak for us!

“I don't think that happened. Rather, Fluke is the latest in a long line of my absolute favorite liberal typology: hysterical drama queens. ….These fantasists inject themselves into a boiling-hot public debate and then claim victim status when anyone criticizes them......In full indignation, Fluke said her critics were trying "to silence women's voices." She said this on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR and a number of other national media outlets.”

The full text of the article written by the incomparable Ann Coulter, the woman liberals love to hate, can be read at the following link

Who is Sandra Fluke? - HUMAN EVENTS

OK. Now let's see how long it takes all the resident liberals to attack Ann Coulter personally. The typical liberal response is to claim she is either (1) ugly or (2) really a man. Ann gets teary eyed from all the snide remarks. I heard she cries all the way to the bank.

Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

How is that possible? Liberals don't listen to ann coulter, she can't give us anything.

Only to a liberal is a closed mind a good thing. :eusa_whistle:
I don't agree with the idea of forcing insurance companies to "have to do things" (as that can get dangerous), but it's my opinion that the insurance company is only setting itself up for higher costs down the road if they do not offer this option.

Everyone says "I don't want to pay for her pill"! But guess what, does anyone realize that means you're probably going to pay for her baby?

The pill falls under the category of a "preventative" in my book. Giving birth, having a baby, and all that stuff that comes along with it will make you a much more expensive customer over the next 18 years vs if you were to simply take the pill for the next 18 years.

An emphasis on good preventative care and procedure will reduce health care costs across the entire system.

Unfortunately, the Fluke argument has been politicized into oblivion, and instead of talking about what we should be talking about - what good preventative care can do for our system (and I'm not saying we need a mandate for this either) - we're talking about Rush saying the word "slut" in an offensive manner. We always get sidetracked into pointlessness - it's the American way!

No, we expect people that have babies to pay for and take care those children on their own. Why is that concept soooo foreign to you libs?

By your idiotic logic, no one should have babies because "they cost money".

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