Ann Coulter to Trump: if you don't build a wall & deport illegals we'll be a socialist country in

Coulter is a troll

She makes good money doing it
This seems like a personal problem between Ann and Trump....he and her should just get a room, a rolled up magazine and 250k worth of hush payments and settle this thing...
Sounds like a real difference of opinion although leftists love to allege that Trump supporters are brain washed and Trump can do whatever he wants and people will just roll over for him.

Of course we all know what fact free bullshit the left spews out so who is listening to them anyway? Only butthurt losers.

Are Conservative Titles Using Shady Tricks to Get Onto the Bestseller List?

I can almost guarantee you that you do not own one single Ann Coulter book...if you do, you never read it....just like you won't read the link I posted...either way, conservative donors making bulk purchases of books written by right-wing hacks to get them on the best-seller list is nothing new....

A Right-Wing Group’s $400K Purchase of Mark Levin’s Book Sets Off a Ruckus
Lol, you are beyond delusional......she is a best selling author to idiots like you who don't read....Koch brothers and other billionaire donors buy up her books just to make you idiots feel impressed...

But for people who actually read, these are best selling authors....and Ann will never be mentioned among them...
One could say the same thing about books by the Obamas, Hillary Clinton and other leftist heroes but of course you'll never say that.

You'll just pretend you know personally who buys the best selling books of Ann Coulter which is absolute bullshit straight out of your imagination.
So pathetically lame.
Here is the difference between the Obamas and Ann Coulter....

No one aside from racist knuckle-dragging idiots even like Ann Coulter....

The fact you even try to compare the two is more evidence of your delusions....
Are Conservative Titles Using Shady Tricks to Get Onto the Bestseller List?

I can almost guarantee you that you do not own one single Ann Coulter book...if you do, you never read it....just like you won't read the link I posted...either way, conservative donors making bulk purchases of books written by right-wing hacks to get them on the best-seller list is nothing new....

A Right-Wing Group’s $400K Purchase of Mark Levin’s Book Sets Off a Ruckus
All I'm saying is this is a common political tactic. If you don't think Hillary's or Michelle's books are bought in bulk by big leftist donors then you are even more worthless then I already think you probably are.
This seems like a personal problem between Ann and Trump....he and her should just get a room, a rolled up magazine and 250k worth of hush payments and settle this thing...
Sounds like a real difference of opinion although leftists love to allege that Trump supporters are brain washed and Trump can do whatever he wants and people will just roll over for him.

Of course we all know what fact free bullshit the left spews out so who is listening to them anyway? Only butthurt losers.

Are Conservative Titles Using Shady Tricks to Get Onto the Bestseller List?

I can almost guarantee you that you do not own one single Ann Coulter book...if you do, you never read it....just like you won't read the link I posted...either way, conservative donors making bulk purchases of books written by right-wing hacks to get them on the best-seller list is nothing new....

A Right-Wing Group’s $400K Purchase of Mark Levin’s Book Sets Off a Ruckus

You might not like it, but conservatives are readers. The best selling book of all time from all genres, is the Holy Bible written by noted conservative , Almighty God.

That's why libs have such a problem with the President's goal of increasing biblical literacy. They want to keep young people away from top conservative writers.
Here is the difference between the Obamas and Ann Coulter....

No one aside from racist knuckle-dragging idiots even like Ann Coulter....
And no one but boot licking butt kissing
leftists would dismiss Coulter in such a crude, hateful and stereotypical manner.

The fact you even try to compare the two is more evidence of your delusions....
I don't compare the two.
Coulter is an astute author and political pundit while the Obamas are parasites and products of the leftist media hype machine and between the two of them they've never really ever accomplished anything of real worth. Obama was a historically horrible president and his wife is well....his wife. That's about all you can say about her.
On Tuesday night, Ann Coulter responded to President Donald Trump's claim that "America will never be a socialist country" by saying we've got "about 5 years" if he doesn't "build a wall and deport illegals."
Ann Coulter to Trump: 'If You Don't Build A Wall & Deport Illegals, We'll Be A Socialist Country in About 5 Years'

Well she will tell Trump what is or isn't won't she but at least she isn' ta lunatic leftist Trump hating mental case.

I keep getting the feeling she's a fake conservative

Why do you get that idea, because to me she comes across as a far right wing lunatic.
Course......she's the establishment punching-bag. She's just out there to give you people on the left an excuse to hate conservatives.
I don't think she's out to do anything other than sell books.
This seems like a personal problem between Ann and Trump....he and her should just get a room, a rolled up magazine and 250k worth of hush payments and settle this thing...
Sounds like a real difference of opinion although leftists love to allege that Trump supporters are brain washed and Trump can do whatever he wants and people will just roll over for him.

Of course we all know what fact free bullshit the left spews out so who is listening to them anyway? Only butthurt losers.

Are Conservative Titles Using Shady Tricks to Get Onto the Bestseller List?

I can almost guarantee you that you do not own one single Ann Coulter book...if you do, you never read it....just like you won't read the link I posted...either way, conservative donors making bulk purchases of books written by right-wing hacks to get them on the best-seller list is nothing new....

A Right-Wing Group’s $400K Purchase of Mark Levin’s Book Sets Off a Ruckus

You might not like it, but conservatives are readers. The best selling book of all time from all genres, is the Holy Bible written by noted conservative , Almighty God.

That's why libs have such a problem with the President's goal of increasing biblical literacy. They want to keep young people away from top conservative writers.
No.....the Bible was written by several authors....but God was a Ghost-writer.
On Tuesday night, Ann Coulter responded to President Donald Trump's claim that "America will never be a socialist country" by saying we've got "about 5 years" if he doesn't "build a wall and deport illegals."
Ann Coulter to Trump: 'If You Don't Build A Wall & Deport Illegals, We'll Be A Socialist Country in About 5 Years'

Well she will tell Trump what is or isn't won't she but at least she isn' ta lunatic leftist Trump hating mental case.

I keep getting the feeling she's a fake conservative

Why do you get that idea, because to me she comes across as a far right wing lunatic.
Course......she's the establishment punching-bag. She's just out there to give you people on the left an excuse to hate conservatives.
I don't think she's out to do anything other than sell books.

You think I'm on the left ? LOL
This seems like a personal problem between Ann and Trump....he and her should just get a room, a rolled up magazine and 250k worth of hush payments and settle this thing...
Sounds like a real difference of opinion although leftists love to allege that Trump supporters are brain washed and Trump can do whatever he wants and people will just roll over for him.

Of course we all know what fact free bullshit the left spews out so who is listening to them anyway? Only butthurt losers.

Are Conservative Titles Using Shady Tricks to Get Onto the Bestseller List?

I can almost guarantee you that you do not own one single Ann Coulter book...if you do, you never read it....just like you won't read the link I posted...either way, conservative donors making bulk purchases of books written by right-wing hacks to get them on the best-seller list is nothing new....

A Right-Wing Group’s $400K Purchase of Mark Levin’s Book Sets Off a Ruckus
I do not mind books. I do mind if the books are made as the master of our agendas. She promoted Romney. Trump is ten times the Republican Romney is. And he is not even a Republican!
She’s consistent to a fault. She has the nerve to backtrack on one of her own books in the name of consistency. Like the opposite of democrats who opposed Kavanaugh as they ignore the Fairfax issue out of convenience.
On Tuesday night, Ann Coulter responded to President Donald Trump's claim that "America will never be a socialist country" by saying we've got "about 5 years" if he doesn't "build a wall and deport illegals."
Ann Coulter to Trump: 'If You Don't Build A Wall & Deport Illegals, We'll Be A Socialist Country in About 5 Years'

Well she will tell Trump what is or isn't won't she but at least she isn' ta lunatic leftist Trump hating mental case.

Instead of the fascist country Ann wants it to be.

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