Ann Coulter's New Book: Godless: The religion of Liberals

jillian said:
lol...I'm not quite sure how to answer that question. I'm ok :)

And I have the big 4-0 in a couple of weeks. I love Debra Messing's hair. Once tried to get my hair that was NOT a good experiment.

Women can just be bitches. Nature of the beast.

Well post a pic silly----we'll give you a fair assessment !:thup:
dilloduck said:
and your pic nt ??:teeth:
I admit I am a coward.

Wanna see my kitchen?

jillian said:
Actually, what Sitarro posted was someone's consternation that factcheck didn't jump on the swiftie bandwagon, near as I can tell.

No - what sitarro posted was someone's consternation that FactCheck couldn't very well have jumped much of ANYPLACE, laden - as it was - with such glaring conflicts of interest. I consider them completely discredited on the matter of the Swiftboat Vets.
MissileMan said:
If they are truly abominations in the eyes of god, why hasn't He uncreated them?

Because he didn't "create" them in the first place? He endowed them with the right to choose, and they made the choice.
Adam's Apple said:
Because he didn't "create" them in the first place? He endowed them with the right to choose, and they made the choice.

So there's no precedent for your god being so upset with the sexual exploits of a group of people that he wipes them from the face of the earth?
Are you referring to Sodom and Gomorrah? I didn't say that God couldn't destroy the perverts if he wanted to. I merely said that He did not create them that way. He gave them freedom of choice, and they made a choice. If that were not true, homosexuals could not be cured of their addiction. And there are homosexuals who have forsaken their choice and turned their lives around.
Adam's Apple said:
Are you referring to Sodom and Gomorrah? I didn't say that God couldn't destroy the perverts if he wanted to. I merely said that He did not create them that way. He gave them freedom of choice, and they made a choice. If that were not true, homosexuals could not be cured of their addiction. And there are homosexuals who have forsaken their choice and turned their lives around.

Of the tens of millions of homosexuals just here in the U.S., how many have been "cured"? The percentage is so small it's not even a factor. Given the "proper" therapy, you could be turned from heterosexual to asexual, it would prove nothing.
MissileMan said:
Of the tens of millions of homosexuals just here in the U.S., how many have been "cured"? The percentage is so small it's not even a factor. Given the "proper" therapy, you could be turned from heterosexual to asexual, it would prove nothing.

Care to cite your sources which support your assertion that there are "tens of millions of homosexuals in the U.S.?"

BTW, the estimated US Census 2006 is that our total population is just under 300 million people in the USA. Considering most modern studies indiicate homosexuals comprise at most 3% of the population of Western countries, you'd be looking at a figure closer to 9 million homosexuals in the USA.
CockySOB said:
Care to cite your sources which support your assertion that there are "tens of millions of homosexuals in the U.S.?"

BTW, the estimated US Census 2006 is that our total population is just under 300 million people in the USA. Considering most modern studies indiicate homosexuals comprise at most 3% of the population of Western countries, you'd be looking at a figure closer to 9 million homosexuals in the USA.

And other studies estimate it at as much as 10% which would make the number 30 million. I personally doubt it's that high, but I also believe it's higher than 3%. For the sake of argument though, let's say your figure of 9 million is accurate. Out of 9 million, how many have been "cured"?
Part of the problem with Ms. Coulter's premise is that she assumes too much. She assumes that all liberals don't believe in God, ergo they have no morals. Let me point out that even if all liberals don't believe in God, which is patently untrue, morality does not require the existence of a supreme being. She leaps from one false premise to the next, which seems to be a hallmark of both the Bush Administration in particular and the right-wing of the GOP in general.
Bullypulpit said:
Part of the problem with Ms. Coulter's premise is that she assumes too much. She assumes that all liberals don't believe in God, ergo they have no morals. Let me point out that even if all liberals don't believe in God, which is patently untrue, morality does not require the existence of a supreme being. She leaps from one false premise to the next, which seems to be a hallmark of both the Bush Administration in particular and the right-wing of the GOP in general.

It is YOU who are leaping from one false premise to another by assuming Man has an inherent set of morals. Morality is based on religion. That is fact.

Since most libs stand for destroying whatever moral parameters there are, or replacing them with a lesser value, I'd say in regard to morality, Coulter has y'all pegged pretty-damned good.
MissileMan said:
Of the tens of millions of homosexuals just here in the U.S., how many have been "cured"?

Typical lib argument. The point was that they can be--and some have been
--cured of their addiction, so they were not "made" that way as libs are so found of spouting. I think the answer to your question as to how many have been "cured" rests with whether they really want to be turned around or not.
Bullypulpit said:
Part of the problem with Ms. Coulter's premise is that she assumes too much. She assumes that all liberals don't believe in God, ergo they have no morals. Let me point out that even if all liberals don't believe in God, which is patently untrue, morality does not require the existence of a supreme being. She leaps from one false premise to the next, which seems to be a hallmark of both the Bush Administration in particular and the right-wing of the GOP in general.

One thing I've noticed Ann doing in all her appearances promoting the book is to point out how ironic she finds it that no one from the left has attacked her for calling them all Godless. She seems genuinely surprised that she hasn't been attacked for that.

Of course, as an athiest, I have no idea why anyone would consider being called Godless an insult. But she clearly meant it as one and seems disappointed that nobody seems too insulted by it.

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